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Rose Enderud

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Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
10/30/2005 10:55:12 PM
I second the nomination for Rose Smith. And agree she has a heart of gold. Rose Enderud
Lisa Lomas

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Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
10/31/2005 3:46:48 AM
The people I would nominate have already been here. One person that comes to mind that cheers up our community and offers some humor is Craftie Linda. her sense of humour and internet savvy is unrivaled and I have never heard a harsh word from her forums. If there was a person that cheered the whole community up the most it would have to be Linda. Kindly lisa Lomas p.s. I nominated Linda as she does this selflessly and puts alot of time into her forum s with no financial rewards.
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Bo Tipton

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Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
10/31/2005 8:04:43 AM
I agree with Lisa. My nomination is Craftie Linda. I know that it takes time to post to forums and she brightens my day and helps me laugh with her post and jokes. Okay some of them are not as funny as others but a smile or a big belly laugh helps brighten the day. So for the laughter and smiles she brings to Adland I nominate Craftie Linda Thanks Bo
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Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
10/31/2005 8:44:16 AM
Hi John, Linda has my vote. She was the first person in Adland to invite me to be friends. Go, Linda!
Jim Coleman

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Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
10/31/2005 11:07:03 AM
Thank you for the forum. I would like to nominate Craftie Linda. I think she keeps everyone in the community laughing with her frequent jokes. I love reading them and gives me a daily funny. Thank you.

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