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It's Time to CONGRATULATE BRANKA BABIC, the Winner of the 173rd POTW!!
1/28/2009 11:17:31 AM

Congratulations to BRANKA BABIC for winning the 173rd POTW Election (This is the first write-in election! It ended with a tie-breaker!)



Dear friends,

This is not a little surprise for me, and I feel very flattered. Thanks to all who nominated me, and who voted at the tie-break poll; it is greatly appreciated! Congrats to these two amazing ladies and my very dear friends, Judy Smith and Myrna Ferguson!

My biography is under a permanent changes; it changes daily, literally. There are a few "static" points in it :

- on October 2nd, 1961 - I was born at a small village 54 km far from capital of former Yugoslavia, by parents Teodor and Ljubica Cuckovic.

My first profession is Professor of Philosophy (and Psychology as a second choice) - but after graduating - I never worked in it. For 24 years I work as a massage therapist (and a healer). This profession was my better choice, and even though it is counted among a very hard physical jobs, I love and enjoy it very much.

In 1990 I gave a birth to one amazing boy, Luka Babic. He is the light of my life ...

We live at Belgrade, capital of Serbia (Balkan, Europe).

Adland helps me in so many ways, and beside others - thanks to writing a biography from time to time, I must slow down a little, and reflect upon my life.

Counting the facts from my birth until now, one could say that life never has spoiled me . Really, seems that all 9 circles of the hell I passed - barefooted. But I cann`t see a better way to always feel my Angel (God`s presence) - walking a hand-by-hand with me.

I am a passionate student at the University, which may be called "24/7" ... where I learn how to gather & share those little joys - hidden at the first glance, and the flakes of wisdom, and an inspiration to go ahead. Life - wonder called life, is my biggest passion.

This word PASSION pointed Bogdan at last BFA Newsletter, after him Alain Deguire at his forum topic, so it flows over Adland last days.

I am also a passionate member of this Community. This is my third Adlander year , and I consider it as a very special and precious kind of experince.

My heart is chirping each time when I log in. Well, there were days when it cried ... but the final results, as always, show that all is for a good sake. In other words, something new could be learned.

Again, I wish to congratulate the creators of these new POTW forum rules - and to Kathleen who takes all this hard job on her head.

Much love and a many blessings to all of you!


Thank you, Branka! Some days it was fun, and some days it was less fun, but it was always within my personal perspective of FUN! Thomas is a great help with his encouragement and support, and his knowledge of Adlandpro and friendliness to everyone! Congrats on your 15,000 banner impressions...keep an eye on the statistics, don't let them roll away to 0 without checking your clicks and sometimes changing your banner or ad. It's a prize you can watch over for a long time!

                      Myrna Ferguson: (10th from last Nominator)



Treasures Exclusive Gift Company: A Royalty Sharing System That Pays Up To 10 Levels!


                       Lajon Thomas: (7th from last Nominator)



The Chocolate Experience: Delight Yourself With True Chocolate!


CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN TO BRANKA and thanks to all who nominated and also came to the tie-breaker vote!!

P.S. Have you visited the FRIENDS OF POTW FORUMS?  Your forum can be linked here if you link to us every week and notify all your forum members:


Thomas Richmond

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Re: It's Time to CONGRATULATE BRANKA BABIC, the Winner of the 173rd POTW!!
1/28/2009 11:45:38 AM
Dear Branka, this is a well deserved award for you, since you have been here and i remember it well lol, you have none stop of encouragements to us all, your beautiful posts and the warm words you bring to us all have made you a stable here to our Adland family. God_bless you. Congratulations again my dear friend :).
To Myrna my encouragement from time to time, you show an excellent gratitude to us all who read your forums and wonderfully made i might add, the spirit you bring is an uplifting gift that lets you shine brightly. Thank you my dear friend. Enjoy!! You deserve it. God_bless you. POTW partner Thomas
 To Lajon Thomas, im loving the last name my friend lol, congratulations to you too. I wish you well in all you do. Chocolate forever! lol. God_bless you :) POTW partner Thomas
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: It's Time to CONGRATULATE BRANKA BABIC, the Winner of the 173rd POTW!!
1/28/2009 11:49:56 AM
Hello Kathleen!

I could not make it to come in to the second round of the election. All three are very good friends of mine and I am glad I was sleeping while you others voted the second round.

Enjoy your Week
You deserve this award.

I would like to congratulate
the nominators too.
Lajon and Myrna
for being active members.


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Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time to CONGRATULATE BRANKA BABIC, the Winner of the 173rd POTW!!
1/28/2009 12:03:43 PM
Hi Kathleen & Thomas,
I just want to say a great job done and a 173rd POTW has been chosen.  It is true that everything has a starting phase and challenges but it has been fun and I want to congratulate both of you on a great job done in being as helpful and understanding people you have been.  Hope to see more great things coming out from you guys!


A well deserved win for an outstanding person.  Branka, you have made a lot of people proud with the way you have mastered English and the endless effort you have put in to ensure you win the hearts of many.  A wonderful loving kind passionate fire burning soul that has extended nothing but love to many.  Your win is truly an honor to the queen you are.

CONGRATULATIONS once again dear Branka and enjoy your week!


Enjoy your week Myrna & Lajon.... the official NOTW for the new POTW nominations.

Judy Smith

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Re: It's Time to CONGRATULATE BRANKA BABIC, the Winner of the 173rd POTW!!
1/28/2009 12:30:25 PM

First, let me congratulate Myrna and LaJon on being our Nominators of the week.  Myrna you are such a stable force here, and always such an inspiration.  LaJon, I am enjoying getting to know you and know you will have fun as one of the Nominators of the week.

Branka,  It it TIME TO GET DOWN AND PARTY!!!!!

Congratulations again - enjoy your REIGN!!!






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