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Luka Babic

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending February 3rd for 174th POTW:
2/2/2009 1:26:13 PM

Thanks Kathleen for letting me know.

When I was younger, playing video games I used to activate a CHEATING MODE :), and of course it was displayed at the screen. Maybe it won`t be bad, if there are people who don`t understand this Adlander game .... to HAVE EVEN A TRIAL  VERSION, JUST TO GIVE A LITTLE FOOD FOR EGO :) ...

I`ll assist from aside, as my time permit me.

LOL - or you can employ me with this cheating mode :) ... because I have experience :) ....

Kidding, of course.

Waiting for my first nominating :)

Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending February 3rd for 174th POTW:
2/2/2009 1:37:32 PM

Hi Luka!

My son also spends a lot of time looking up cheat-codes for his games. Then when he buys a new game, he wins within 24 hours, (what's the point of spending the money?) and he will stay up all night with a new game until he beats the system or gets too tired...and he screams at the screen!  Do you do that?

His aunt & uncle want to take him across country for the summer to help them move to their new house, and get him a job on a riverboat or at a national park, but he knows they won't let him sit in his room and play video games 12 hours a day, they also have house-work planned for him, so he WAS excited because they will have a swimming pool, but now he's thinking about not going!  The GAMES are his life!

About this election plan, that's also why the list of SEVEN names is a good idea, if it was just 1 name per nomination, then we'd see a pile of people we don't know suddenly making sure 1 name wins.

Luka Babic

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending February 3rd for 174th POTW:
2/2/2009 1:53:50 PM


From my little experience, best way to get rid of the vido games, is to fall in love. But, this cheating mode .... LOL .... is also a big challenge in that game.

Best way to get rid from that trouble, is to lose cell phone, at least one a week ...

I do not play video games more often than ... don`t know .... once a month, but use to lose cell phones more often than is possible to play.

Each game has it`s better and worse side.



Dave Cottrell

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending February 3rd for 174th POTW:
2/2/2009 3:01:31 PM
Hi Kathy and Thomas,

This is fun - still a challenge, but the results and well-oiled success of last week lend great encouragement to the whole process!

OK - as requested, here is my list - let me say, again, it is a real challenge as there are so many great choices, so here goes in order as they come to mind.  Let me say that they are ALL wonderful, and these are only the first 7 of hopefully many more:

1) Sarah Pritchard

2)  Luella May -

3)  Joe Buccheri -

4)  John Partington -

5)  Florence Baribeaux -

6)  Myrna Ferguson -

7)  Roger Macdivitt -

May this be a blessing to the community, to each person nominated, and to all their friends.

God bless,

Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending February 3rd for 174th POTW:
2/2/2009 4:21:21 PM
Hi Kathleen,

Sorry about that, I am just goofing up today. Replace one of those Judys with

Sarah Pritchard -

Hi Luka,

You are sharp, I read them agian and still missed it, I apogolize to all of you.


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