Hi Jim,
Thanks for reminding us of this important commemoration. Thanks also to JoAnn for the great additional information.
I did find it somewhat ironic that BHO chose the Eve of this occassion to announce his new plans for talking with "The Madman Of Iran", someone who happens to be one of the most vehement of deniers that the Holocaust ever even happened...
Obama To Launch Direct Talks With Iran |
Monday, January 26, 2009 1:29 PM
By: Stewart Stogel |
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UNITED NATIONS – The United States is set to launch direct talks with Iran without any apparent preconditions, according to President Barack Obama’s new United Nations ambassador. (MORE)
Now that he has made it easier to kill more babies in foreign countries at Taxpayer expense and made arrangements to turn more Terroists loose so that they can take another shot at us, I guess it's payback time for Iran.
Please Pray for Israel and please Pray for our beloved Country as well. It's only just begun.
Have A Blessed Week My Friends,