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Eileen H

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Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:29:34 AM
Donna, Thank You! Nice to see you. ,you are right, they can be very persistant.
Eileen H

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Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:33:15 AM
Hey Brother Yada, Oh my! Great Point here. I have seen this before, So called Contractors coming in to take the insurance money and Run. I guess the key word in Contractors would be "CON" Yes, If Anyone can get a message to Loved one's in the wake of the disaster, My advice is if you are going to rebuild, would be to use someone recommended by your insurance company. Thank You Johhny!
Eileen H

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Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:33:48 AM
Your welcome Craftie!
Eileen H

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Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:36:05 AM
HI Lisa, Yes paying in person is a Great Idea, But for those who would prefer to do it on the web, I have listed those "Safe" Websites. Thank You Lisa for stopping in :)
Dennis Clairmont

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Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 9:27:04 AM
Hi Elieen I've seen it on the news there asking for help through the RED CROSS That's where my donation will go.Well folks i'm from Canada but that doesn't exempt me from this huge disaster of the USA.The USA is there too help any contry in there time of need we can all repay there kindness in there time of need.Anything will help those people and the faster the better.Can you imagine just regular people like you and i 2 days ago had homes and cars with good jobs now reduced to breaking into stores to find water and food too keep there famlies alive.Would you do the same sure you would you'de also be praying for any help you could recieve. Anyone that pulls a scam or con over this should be prosecuted without any mercy whatsoever. AMERICAN RED CROSS DESASTER RELIEF FUND Regards Dennis
I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits

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