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Eileen H

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Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:06:52 AM
Hello everyone, Just a little reminder that in the wake of all the devestation that Hurricane Katrina has created, and people trying to rebuild there lives, It may spawn scams. Whenever there is a major natural or other disaster, scammers begin sending out charity relief scams It may have already started ! Here are some tips to follow when recieving a charity relief e-mail. Here are some Real Places to go or call if you were interested in Helping those in need: AMERICAN RED CROSS: Phone: 1-800-HELP-NOW (435-7669) Web: UNITED METHODIST COMMITTEE ON RELIEF: Phone: 1-800-554-8583 Web: FEMA CHARITY TIPS: Web: NATIONAL VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVE IN DISASTER: Web: EPISCOPAL RELIEF & DEVELOPMENT: Phone: 1-800-334-7626 Web: SALVATION ARMY: Phone: 1-800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769) Web: CATHOLIC CHARITIES: Phone: 1-800-919-9338 Web: LOUISIANA SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS: Web: Please don't be fooled by Look a Like websites.
Donna Lira

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Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:20:04 AM
Hi Eileen, EXCELLENT post my dear, I commend you for your posting. You are so right about the evil of the scammers and look a likes. People can't be to careful during this time or any time for that matter. Warm Regards, Donna aka Texgirl
Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:24:26 AM
Great advice here. I would also remind families of the people trying to rebuild there lives. Once the rebuilding beganing ther are many people that are not licened contractor that will flood in to the areas. Make sure the work is done before you pay the people doing the work. If the workmen are honest the will listed with city or town officals. If they are not they are there for on reason that is to rip someone off. If you have dealing with such people report them to your local police or city officals. God Bless Yada, we are parying for the thousands of people effected by this storm!
Craftie Linda

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Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:26:38 AM
Eileen Linda says Thanks for the info.
Lisa Reddell

254 Posts
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Re: Katrina may Spawn Scams!
8/31/2005 8:29:33 AM
Hello Eileen, Thanks for posting this! I've been waiting for the scam emails pertaining to Katrina to start. I would think that visiting the actual charity office to donate would be safe. Its not as convenient as donating via a website, but better than being taken for a ride on the scam boat. Also, paying by check would be the way to go, as this gives you a receipt for your records. Never pay with cash. Just my 2 cents worth :) Lisa :`)
Lisa Reddell :`)
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