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Peter Fogel

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2/18/2009 10:45:25 PM

Hi Helen,

Thanks for sharing the article it is an excellent read and should be an eye opener for the government (oy with BHO nothing will be done) but especially by every citizen in the USA.

All the signs are there that future terrorist attacks are imminent on the soil of the USA on a grand scale. We've all seen the videos and read the articles predicting it and the actual terrorists themselves saying it will happen.

This time it might have a new face/dimension to it with the home grown version what I've been calling the 5th front. Yuval Aviv speaks about it and the Kuwati Professor mentions it in the video too. Those of the Muslim faith that grew up in the USA and many that were born here. This is a frightening thought but one that has to be faced and faced now before it's to late. I expect and hope that the truly  moderate Muslims help protect the country they live in that adopted them.

I watched the Video and it is a very good one. A smile and a good word can make a difference.

Things can change and all it takes is that all of us become more aware and not be afraid to warn when unusual things happen. Better to be wrong then sorry later on. Thanks for sharing it with us.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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2/19/2009 1:25:20 AM

 Hello Friends,

I guess we all have to laugh at ourselves from time to time and the elections can certainly cause that to happen. (The elections in the USA are a prime example of that when so many voted for BHO knowing very little about him and much of what was known wasn't good yet they voted cos he's charismatic (?) and talks the talk. As an aside I'll bet many are crying about their vote now).

Israel's elections are no different but we have many more parties running. Some of the parties mentioned in Dry Bones today no longer exist but I'll give a breakdown of what they were and some still are.

Likud - Right of center/conservative. Exists
Alignment- Left of center/labor is now called the Labor Party,
Panthers - Party comprised of Israelis from Arabic countries no longer exists.
Liberals - Central party is now part of the Likud,
Moked & Avneri - extreme left/communist Avneri's party no longer esists and Moked does in a different format still very communistic.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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2/19/2009 6:55:20 AM

Hello Peter,

I must say that you have managed with good panache to maintain this forum in high standards.

I have not read all of it, but sufficient to get the trend of your feelings as well as them from other participants here.

Obviously, if there is war in this part of the world it is not because of someone that was murdered by some suicide attack or even because of land having been stolen lost or captured. These things when they happen are the jobs for police to look after and are misdeeds sadly trivial to all parts of the world. The problem in the mid-east (one should say near-east) is far deeper entrenched. It is of abysmal proportions and depth. Their roots lie deep down into history and culture, a history and culture that have for the former nothing to do with politics and for the latter everything to do with recent political blunders from just about all sides of the equation. (Sounds as if I am rambling along to say nothing! J)

There are three parties in this war and there are at least for two of them divided into two different opinions or ambitions but it seems to the onlooker that only Israel is at war with Palestinians, or said differently with their neighboring Arabs. Was it that simple, the problem would never have existed.

One more and not the least ingredient needs to be brought to the table, and that is religion, and we know that in this subject there is no grounds for anything more than a gist of minimal tolerance.

Who are these parties? For the religious ones we have Jewish, Christian, and Islam. (As a Catholic I say that there is no objective religion if it is not that one brought to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ (sun of God, second person of the Trinity) and his Apostles during the time of revelation.) The Jewish say it differently because they see themselves as antecedent to the two others. The Islam’s believe what Mohamed teaches and that is a long shot from the two other parties. To make a long story short, all in all we have three books here and enter today’s politicians.

Palestinian lands Biblically promised to Gods chosen people, and history considered by all as traversed by the other party, not to mention that all of them having internal divergences as well, is a great fuse for the present situation.

I would need to first of all give a full history of Islam since their appearance in 650 AD or so, then an understanding of the Palestinian people that are or were predominantly Christians in the region today named Israel, and then a good insight of the Israeli understanding of what their country stands for before we enter what I would call the modern opportunist political factor and ambitions for which the USA (yes, they come into the picture as well) are not all too innocent. Needless to say that Europe neither, with its socialistic garbage since many decades is in no way an innocent party.

We have a huge problem here, and I do not see any outcome. It is a knot of monumental proportions impossible to sort out in any human language, and definitely impossible by war. I simply ask why during the first half of the 20th century when just about 85% of Africa had been freed from Islam, 85% of the upper part of Africa is presently Islamic and the southern part is either at war or starving from aids and famine. One more question; Is it totally at odds to say that Israel is in some way fighting a war that the Crusaders forgot about some 8 centuries back? My answer is that until we admit to our floundering attitudes since 60 years, children will die from all sides. I am sorry if all of this does not make sense to all, but that is what this war is all about.

Friendly yours,



Geketa Holman

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2/19/2009 7:34:00 AM

Hello Peter and Friends,

"If I am not mistaken you have a friend in your home town whose daughter married a Muslim and returned with him to his country and has never been heard from since. Three years I believe you told me."


Yes, Peter you are correct one of my friend’s daughters married a Muslim a few years ago. He told her during the courtship he would convert to Christianity something a Muslim would never do, as you know they will lie to anyone to get something they want. I stepped forward and warned the girl and her mom this was a bad idea. Others and I also explained what we knew about Islam and their treatment of women. They married and shortly after the marriage, he told the family they were going to Syria for a short visit so his wife could meet his parents. She has has not been heard from in nearly three years now. At first, there were short phone calls and a few emails than they stopped.  They do not know if she is alive or dead.  The young man was a college student here at UK and his visa had run out. Several contacted the INS to have him deported but they did nothing.


As for Yuval Aviv although there is some controversy about whether or not he is whom he says he is. Let me explain here .. According to my findings, there was no one with his name ever listed as a Mossad agent having said that here is my guesswork on this issue.

 Yuval Aviv  like many of our own CIA and intelligent  agents has all their identities taken away for the safety of their families and themselves. I have a friend who has 7 different identities none of them are his real name and none of them will connect him back to his real family. He served as a CIA agent in Viet nam and carried out covert operations. Therefore, Yuval Aviv not having any connections to Mossad in Israel dose not surprise me in the least.  Less face it governments order assignations and when they do, they sure do not make them public. I am sure this is what Golda Meir did with the terrorist of the Munich massacre.


I read an article yesterday about the terrorist cells that are home grown right here in the US. (One is a state away form where I live  in Tennessee)  They know they are here and in many cases actually know where they are located but no one is doing anything to stop them.  Until “we the people” start, being more vigilant about taking responsibility for our own safety these Muslim terrorist will wreak havoc on us. I hope people pull their heads out of the sand long enough to understand the real danger of terror is already here just quietly waiting to be called into action.  It should now be apparent as to why Israel works the way they do when it comes to Muslims.  A Muslim terrorist  places no value on human life.  I would rather know the truth than to live a lie about how safe I am in my own country.

Shalom ,


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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2/19/2009 10:36:02 PM

 Hello Friends,

I received this video in an email and I must admit I saw it a while ago and forgot about it. It was prepared by Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser the Chairman and founder of AIFD The American Islamic Forum For Democracy.

Dr. Jasser is a devout Muslim that is fighting the extreme factions/terrorists in Islam. When he realized that the moderate Muslims weren't speaking out against the terrorist acts  he decided to start his own organization and fight and consequently founded the AIFD.

He prepared a movie about the imminent dangers of the extreme Islam that is well worth watching. The video has French subtitles but is in English.

Here is the website for the AIFD and is worth visiting.

Click on Dr. Jasser's picture to watch the video.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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