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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/20/2011 9:15:55 PM
Hello Peter,

What is sad is that many of these "moderates" hold key positions often as advisors to our representatives and appointed cabinet members. Advising us how best to address these misinformed sheiks and whatever else they call their holy imperial one that teaches this wrong information to the masses. Hmmmm... is about all I can say if you cannot see the hypocrite they expect us to believe. Too many are still asleep or party to it for the wrong reasons and when they realize it. It may be too late to stop it.
Hello Friends,

We are constantly being told by the B Hussein regime and his henchmen that "we are not at war with Islam" and from the great pretenders point of view he isn't at war with them but the problem is that they are at war with us.

He also tells us to respect them and the question is can you respect someone who says the Caliphate will return and the West will pay jizya or else you will bring the sword to your necks. Respect them or prepare for war? This was said by the Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army Sheik Nader Tamimi just a few days ago. If this was an isolated statement made by this lunatic you might think that it's just one guy but as we've all seen on many videos this isn't isolated and it's what they sincerely believe and were brainwashed to believe from the cradle.

So,ignore this if you wish but this is ongoing and similar statements are being made by scholars, Imams and Mullahs time and again. This is another warning and B Hussein and his goons can say respect them and we're not at war with Islam but they sure as h*ell are at war with all us infidels of all religions and the Western world.

You can watch the video of Nader here.



Palestinian Liberation Army mufti misunderstands Islam, says caliphate will return and West will pay jizya "or else you will bring the sword to your necks"

Watch video here

Islamic spokesmen in the West are always telling us that only greasy Islamophobes think that Muslims want to restore the caliphate and force non-Muslims to pay the jizya, the tax on the subjugated dhimmis specified in Qur'an 9:29, or be killed. Sheikh Nader Tamimi must therefore be a greasy Islamophobe in disguise who has somehow become mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army despite his bigotry and hatred and ignorance of Islam, or else he is a simple garden-variety Misunderstander of Islam.

Note also that another Jordanian sheikh, Sheikh Ahmad Abu Quddum, recently misunderstood Islam in exactly the same way. Can one of the smooth and reassuring Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. straighten these guys out and explain to them how they're misunderstanding the Religion of Peace? Honest Ibe Hooper? Boy Reza Aslan? Brave Ahmed Rehab? "Man of Peace" Imam Rauf? Can one of you please go over to Jordan and meet with these two sheikhs and explain to them how the caliphate, jizya, and jihad warfare are relics of the distant past, never to be revived?

Or is that all just blague and guff to fool credulous Infidels?

"Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army, to the West: We Will Restore the Caliphate and You Will Pay the Jizya 'or Else We Will Bring the Sword to Your Necks,'" from MEMRI, December 15 (thanks to David):

Following are excerpts from an address by Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestine Liberation Army, which was posted on the Internet on December 15, 2011:

Nader Tamimi: In the Levant, we are involved in a fierce battle, and we will bring about a change in Syria and in the Levant in its entirety. The infidels divided the Levant into four states, and we will reunite them into a single state. The Safavid enterprise that led to Iran occupying Iraq, along with the Americans and the Zionists, will end in the garbage bin of history. The Caliphate in the path of the Prophet will return.


We await the caliph who will address the leaders of the US and Europe and say: From the Emir of the Believers from Jerusalem…

Crowd: Allah Akbar.

Nader Tamimi: to the rulers of the West, this is the religion of Allah. Either you pay the jizya poll tax, or else you will bring the sword to your necks…

Crowd: Allah Akbar.

Crowd member: Say: "Allah Akbar."

Crowd: Allah Akbar.


Crowd member: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

Nader Tamimi along with crowd: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

Nader Tamimi along with crowd: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/20/2011 9:23:09 PM
Hypocrisy! They are force feeding it to us!

Hello Friends,

The below article and video is a perfect example of the B Hussein regime and it's officials lying and obfuscating when asked direct questions about "violent Islamist extremism".The official Paul Stockton holds the position of Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense was questioned by Rep. Dan Lungren and did all he could to dodge and give misleading answers but never answered the questions he was asked.

The below article and video tells the whole story and once again we can see B Hussein's Islamic agenda at work. It's become the norm for officials to lie, obfuscate and dodge answering direct questions and just recently we saw the AG Holder do the same thing.

Watch the video and see for yourself and understand that the dangers we're facing are being ignored by this regime and if B Hussein is not sent packing next year it will only get worse if he's re-elected.



Completely Screwed: A is A? No, A is not A

If this regime stays in power, the nation is finished. Please watch this video, send it to everyone you know. Dan Lungren questions Paul Stockton- Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense: The man is in a seniorlevel position of homeland defense, got that?

The Muslim Brotherhood has completely infiltrated the senior levels of DoD, Homeland Security, DoS, communications and culture. (vid hat tip Mad Jewess)

OT but related: The 'soldier of allah' reference on the business card of Major Hasan that they are referring to was a story I broke at Atlas :)

UPDATE: Obama Homeland Defense official: "I don’t believe it’s helpful to frame our adversary as Islamic with any set of qualifiers that we might add, because we are not at war with Islam." Spencer has this:

The enemy freely says they're fighting us because of Islam, based on Islamic principles. But political correctness forbids the Obama Administration from noticing that, despite how helpful such notice might be for understanding the motives and goals of the enemy and devising an effective way to defeat him. And so watch the redundantly-titled Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense, Paul Stockton, dance and shuffle and obfuscate and dodge in order to avoid even admitting that "violent Islamist extremism," whatever that is, is at war with us. (As opposed to the nonviolent Islamic mainstream, doncha know, which is perfectly chummy with us, cf. Pakistan.) That would empower the enemy, you see, because we all know that Muslims routinely look to non-Muslims to validate their understanding of Islam.

Stockton, grabbing every available chair to keep the lion at bay, even once insists that he is not being politically correct. Why, only a blackguard would ever have thought otherwise, old boy!

"Anti-Islamic Hyperventilation….," by Mark Thompson in Time Magazine, December 8:

[...] Check out this surrealistic exchange from Wednesday’s hearing, between Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Calif., and Paul Stockton, Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense:

REPRESENTATIVE DANIEL LUNGREN (R-CA): Secretary Stockton, are we at war with violent Islamist extremism?

MR. STOCKTON: No, sir. We are at war with al-Qaida, its affiliates –

REP. LUNGREN: OK, I understand that. My question is, is violent Islamist extremism at war with us?

MR. STOCKTON: No, sir. We are being attacked by al-Qaida and its allies.

REP. LUNGREN: Is al-Qaida — can it be described as being an exponent of violent Islamist extremism?

MR. STOCKTON: They — al-Qaida are murderers with an ideological agenda –

REP. LUNGREN: No, I — that’s not my question. That wasn’t my question. My question was, is al-Qaida acting out violent Islamist extremism?

MR. STOCKTON: Al-Qaida is a violent organization dedicated to overthrowing the values that we intend to advance –

REP. LUNGREN: So is it yes or no?

MR. STOCKTON: Can I hear the question again? I’ll make it as clear as I can. We are not at war with Islam. And it is not –

REP. LUNGREN: I didn’t ask that — I did not ask that, sir. I asked whether we’re at war with violent Islamist extremism. That’s my question.

MR. STOCKTON: No, we’re at war with al-Qaida and its affiliates.

REP. LUNGREN: Well, al-Qaida — how does al-Qaida define itself? Are they dedicated to violent Islamist extremism?

MR. STOCKTON: Al-Qaida would love to convince Muslims around the world that the United States is at war with Islam.

REP. LUNGREN: I didn’t say that.

MR. STOCKTON: That’s a prime propaganda tool.


MR. STOCKTON: And I’m not going to aid and abet that effort to advance their propaganda goal.

REP. LUNGREN: No, no, my question is, is there a difference between Islam and violent Islamist extremism?

MR. STOCKTON: Sir, with great respect, I don’t believe it’s helpful to frame our adversary as Islamic with any set of qualifiers that we might add, because we are not at war with Islam.

If you close your eyes and pretend hard enough, the bad guys will go away, and the unicorns will appear!

REP. LUNGREN: I understand that. I never said we were at war with Islam. One of the questions we’re trying to deal with is the radicalization of Islam, is the radicalization of Islamic youth. And if we can’t distinguish between violent Islamist extremism and Islam, then all this stuff about behavioral indicators doesn’t mean anything.

Let me — let me ask you this question. Is it a behavioral indicator to put on your card that you’re a soldier of Allah?

MR. STOCKTON: A behavioral indicator that you have a copy of Inspire magazine on your desk –

REP. LUNGREN: That’s not my question. That’s not my question. My question is, is it a behavioral indicator to put on your card that you are a soldier of Allah, as Major Hasan did?

MR. STOCKTON: We have behavioral indicators now that enable our personnel, our supervisors, to focus on detecting indicators of violent extremism that reflect the lessons learned from Fort Hood.

REP. LUNGREN: OK, is that a lesson learned, that if you put a soldier of Allah on your card, that you’ve got to follow up and investigate that?

MR. STOCKTON: We are training our supervisors to follow up on appropriate indicators and exercise the leadership they need in order to provide for effective reporting and intervention.

He doesn't, and cannot, answer about whether "Soldier of Allah" is a behavioral indicator, because to affirm that it was one would be to contradict himself. Everything about Islam is great and we are not at war with Islam and terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, and so "soldier of Allah" cannot, must not, be a behavioral indicator -- and yet it obviously was one in Hasan's case. So Stockton can either affirm indirectly that Islam does have something to do with terrorism, contrary to all his positive statements, or he can deny that "soldier of Allah" is an indicator and look like a fool who is endangering our troops. Instead, he dodges the question altogether.

Does this mean that the Obama Administration is not as stupid as it looks, and that law enforcement officials really are looking at Islamic piety as a behavioral indicator for terrorism, but won't say so publicly? That is a distinct possibility, given weight by Stockton's ultimate admission below. But time will tell. If things start blowing up all over, we will know that they believed deeply in their politically correct nonsense about Islam, and so Americans started getting murdered by jihadis in record numbers, unhampered by agents rendered clueless by the prohibition on understanding anything about the enemy ideology. If, on the other hand, jihadis keep getting caught, we'll know that officials are saying one thing in public and doing another in private, hoping to keep the likes of Hamas-linked CAIR and useful idiots like Spencer Ackerman, Adam Serwer and Matt Duss at bay.

REP. LUNGREN: You agree with the statement, as someone representing the Department of Defense, on the weekend after the shooting, that it would be a greater tragedy to lose our program of diversity than what had occurred?

MR. STOCKTON: Well, let me go back to something Secretary — Chairman King said. I was trained up by Senator Moynihan. There was nobody less politically correct than Senator Moynihan. I follow the truth wherever it takes me, and I strongly support the programs of the Department of Defense that focus on al-Qaida and behavioral indicators.

REP. LUNGREN: I appreciate it. I appreciate it.

MR. STOCKTON: This is not about political correctness. This is about defeating our adversary.

REP. LUNGREN: Well, sir, I would disagree with you that it may not be about political correctness. We are here talking about the fact that we now have to have behavioral indicators. I agree with that. But my question is, if someone gives inflammatory remarks, as did Major Hasan, in an open setting, if he has on his card that he was a soldier of Allah, it seems to me to be beyond common sense to think those are not behavioral indicators.

So my question is, if I’m a member of the military today and I see those two events or those two circumstances, would it be appropriate for me to report those as behavioral indicators? Now, that’s not a question of whether or not you’re being political (sic) correct, sir. I’m asking you to answer that specific question. If I’m a soldier and asked you that question, what do you tell me?

MR. STOCKTON: Inflammatory rhetoric of the sort associated with Major Hasan — that needs to be reported, and our officers are trained up now to report on that behavior.

REP. LUNGREN: I thank you, and I appreciate that.

Uh oh. Looks as if Stockton is a greasy Islamophobe. He admitted, finally, that a hyperpious Muslim like Hasan would raise alarm bells. Honest Ibe Hooper, call your office! (Hooper, of Hamas-linked CAIR, has Jihad Watch bookmarked.) Demand Stockton's resignation! Demand his replacement by a more compliant useful idiot! Such types are plentiful enough in Washington -- it will be no problem.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/21/2011 1:26:20 PM
Very true Jim and the worst part is that these Sheiks, Imams, Mullahs etc. have no problem saying it all publicly cos they know in advance that MSM won't report on it. Political correctness is the name of the game and ignoring the obvious is their forte.

They tells to our face that we either pay the jizya, convert to Islam OR DIE!!!. Their game plan is on the table and the sheeples still don't get it.



Hello Peter,

What is sad is that many of these "moderates" hold key positions often as advisors to our representatives and appointed cabinet members. Advising us how best to address these misinformed sheiks and whatever else they call their holy imperial one that teaches this wrong information to the masses. Hmmmm... is about all I can say if you cannot see the hypocrite they expect us to believe. Too many are still asleep or party to it for the wrong reasons and when they realize it. It may be too late to stop it.
Hello Friends,

We are constantly being told by the B Hussein regime and his henchmen that "we are not at war with Islam" and from the great pretenders point of view he isn't at war with them but the problem is that they are at war with us.

He also tells us to respect them and the question is can you respect someone who says the Caliphate will return and the West will pay jizya or else you will bring the sword to your necks. Respect them or prepare for war? This was said by the Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army Sheik Nader Tamimi just a few days ago. If this was an isolated statement made by this lunatic you might think that it's just one guy but as we've all seen on many videos this isn't isolated and it's what they sincerely believe and were brainwashed to believe from the cradle.

So,ignore this if you wish but this is ongoing and similar statements are being made by scholars, Imams and Mullahs time and again. This is another warning and B Hussein and his goons can say respect them and we're not at war with Islam but they sure as h*ell are at war with all us infidels of all religions and the Western world.

You can watch the video of Nader here.



Palestinian Liberation Army mufti misunderstands Islam, says caliphate will return and West will pay jizya "or else you will bring the sword to your necks"

Watch video here

Islamic spokesmen in the West are always telling us that only greasy Islamophobes think that Muslims want to restore the caliphate and force non-Muslims to pay the jizya, the tax on the subjugated dhimmis specified in Qur'an 9:29, or be killed. Sheikh Nader Tamimi must therefore be a greasy Islamophobe in disguise who has somehow become mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army despite his bigotry and hatred and ignorance of Islam, or else he is a simple garden-variety Misunderstander of Islam.

Note also that another Jordanian sheikh, Sheikh Ahmad Abu Quddum, recently misunderstood Islam in exactly the same way. Can one of the smooth and reassuring Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. straighten these guys out and explain to them how they're misunderstanding the Religion of Peace? Honest Ibe Hooper? Boy Reza Aslan? Brave Ahmed Rehab? "Man of Peace" Imam Rauf? Can one of you please go over to Jordan and meet with these two sheikhs and explain to them how the caliphate, jizya, and jihad warfare are relics of the distant past, never to be revived?

Or is that all just blague and guff to fool credulous Infidels?

"Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army, to the West: We Will Restore the Caliphate and You Will Pay the Jizya 'or Else We Will Bring the Sword to Your Necks,'" from MEMRI, December 15 (thanks to David):

Following are excerpts from an address by Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestine Liberation Army, which was posted on the Internet on December 15, 2011:

Nader Tamimi: In the Levant, we are involved in a fierce battle, and we will bring about a change in Syria and in the Levant in its entirety. The infidels divided the Levant into four states, and we will reunite them into a single state. The Safavid enterprise that led to Iran occupying Iraq, along with the Americans and the Zionists, will end in the garbage bin of history. The Caliphate in the path of the Prophet will return.


We await the caliph who will address the leaders of the US and Europe and say: From the Emir of the Believers from Jerusalem…

Crowd: Allah Akbar.

Nader Tamimi: to the rulers of the West, this is the religion of Allah. Either you pay the jizya poll tax, or else you will bring the sword to your necks…

Crowd: Allah Akbar.

Crowd member: Say: "Allah Akbar."

Crowd: Allah Akbar.


Crowd member: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

Nader Tamimi along with crowd: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

Nader Tamimi along with crowd: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - PA minister: "Allah Curse... The Father Of Israel"
12/21/2011 1:28:55 PM
Hello Friends,

I've been writing for some time now about the true agenda of the PLO/Fatah controlled PA (Palestinian Authority). They aren't interested in peace or sitting down for peace talks but they do maintain a high degree of sophistication in their lip service to peace through deception and Taqiyya. Their overall desire is for the annihilation of Israel and killing all the Jews. Exactly the same as Hamas and the charters of Hamas, PLO and Fatah still state so and that hasn't changed.

They honor and canonize the Jihadi terrorists both living and dead. Pay salaries to jailed Jihadi terrorists (using American aid monies), name squares after the "martyrs", buy houses for freed Jihadi terrorist through the Shalit exchange and much much more.

The below article by PMW (Palestinian Media Watch) and videos explain in greater detail all the above and much more.



PMW Bulletins
PA minister: "Allah curse... the father of Israel"

PA Minister curses Israel:
"Allah curse... the father of the father of Israel...
The future is ours, and victory is ours, Allah willing."
PA Minister about PFLP terrorist:
"He is a leader, a teacher... a role model"
"I draw strength, I draw new spirit... I love you"

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Last month, PA Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, Issa Karake, honored terrorist prisoner Ahmad Sa'adat by visiting his home. On the occasion, the minister explained his admiration and love for the terrorist on PA TV:

"To me, he [Ahmad Sa'adat] represents a very great value and he is a leader and a teacher and a school... he represents a human value and a cultural value, and he is a role model for us. When I am in the home of Ahmad Sa'adat I draw strength, I draw new spirit... I love you very much."
Click to view

Ahmad Sa'adat is serving 30 years in prison for heading the terrorist organization PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine). He is also suspected of planning the assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi in 2001, but has not been tried for that crime. He is one of the prisoners that Israel refused to include in the prisoner exchange with Hamas for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit.

Palestinian Media Watch has reported extensively on the PA policy of honoring terrorist murderers.

Minister Karake also used the opportunity to curse Israel:
"May Allah curse the father of the occupation [Israel], and curse the father of the father of Israel, who came to this land which forced us to pay this price. But the future is ours, and victory is ours, Allah willing."
[PA TV (Fatah), Nov. 14, 2011]

PA Minister Karake was appointed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

The following is PA Minister Karake's curse of Israel and statement about terrorist Ahmad Sa'adat on PA TV:
PA Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Karake:
"I'm very happy to be in the home of Ahmad Sa'adat. To me, he represents a very great value and he is a leader and a teacher and a school. I was raised on the name Ahmad Sa'adat from a very young age. He represents something symbolic; he represents a human value and a cultural value, and he is a role model for us. When I am in the home of Ahmad Sa'adat I draw strength, I draw new spirit, I want to send him greetings. I want to tell you that I love you very much; take care of your health and take care of the guys; may Allah curse the father of the occupation, and curse the father of the father of Israel, who came to this land which forced us to pay this price. But the future is ours, and victory is ours, Allah willing."
[PA TV (Fatah), Nov. 14, 2011]

Click to view

Read PMW's report From Terrorists to Role Models

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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HSIG- UN Condemns Telling The Truth About Islam, Obama Administration Joins In
12/22/2011 5:38:00 AM
Hello Friends,

It's interesting how the Islamic world tries in so many different ways to silence those telling the truth about Islam. Their Jihadi tactics are well known and many have been silenced when threatened by Muslims world wide for expressing their views and beliefs about Isl lam. Death threats, Jihad litigation and other tactics are being used time and again and yet there is overall silence about this in the public arena. There have been murders and attempted murders and the world stands by in silence.

The 56 Islamic countries members of the UN cause the passing of 'Religious Intolerance Resolutions' every year and the only religion focused on is Islam. Their objective is to silence any and all condemnations of Islam regardless of the truth behind the condemnations.

Freedom of speech is the mainstay of the American way of life yet this year this resolution was supported by the B Hussein regime. Hillary had secret meetings with the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and came to an agreement for the first time to support this resolution. Just a part of B Hussein's Islamic agenda and another way to silence the truth about the global jihad and their plan for world domination by any means they deem to be necessary.

The below article goes into more detail about this resolution and how it will effect the American people and the world for that matter.



No one is in favor of actual "stereotyping, negative profiling and stigmatization of people based on their religion." The problem is that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which is driving this resolution, considers any truthful speech about the global jihad and Islamic supremacism to be "stereotyping, negative profiling and stigmatization of people based on their religion." This is an attempt to quash truth-telling about Islamic jihad so that the West stands mute and defenseless before its advance. And now the Obama Administration, fresh from a secret meeting with the OIC on just this topic, joins in.

Free Speech Death Watch Alert: "U.N. Adopts ‘Religious Intolerance’ Resolution Championed by Obama Administration," by Patrick Goodenough for CNS News, December 20 (thanks to Wimpy):

( – The U.N. General Assembly on Monday adopted a resolution condemning the stereotyping, negative profiling and stigmatization of people based on their religion, and urging countries to take effective steps “to address and combat such incidents.”

No member state called for a recorded vote on the text, which was as a result adopted “by consensus.”

The resolution, an initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is based on one passed by the U.N.’s Human Rights Council in Geneva last spring. The State Department last week hosted a meeting to discuss ways of “implementing” it.

Every year since 1999 the OIC has steered through the U.N.’s human rights apparatus a resolution condemning the “defamation of religion,” which for the bloc of 56 Muslim states covered incidents ranging from satirizing Mohammed in a newspaper cartoon to criticism of shari’a and post-9/11 security check profiling.

Critics regard the measure as an attempt to outlaw valid and critical scrutiny of Islamic teachings, as some OIC states do through controversial blasphemy laws at home.

Strongly opposed by mostly Western democracies, the divisive “defamation” resolution received a dwindling number of votes each year, with the margin of success falling from 57 votes in 2007 to 19 in 2009 and just 12 last year.

This year’s text was a departure, in that it dropped the “defamation” language and included a paragraph that reaffirms “the positive role that the exercise of the right to freedom of opinion and expression and the full respect for the freedom to seek, receive and impart information can play in strengthening democracy and combating religious intolerance.”

The nod to freedom of expression won the resolution the support of the U.S. and other democracies, with the Obama administration and others hailing it as a breakthrough after years of acrimonious debate.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the opportunity of the State Department-hosted talks with foreign governments, the OIC and other international bodies last week to stress the importance of freedom of speech in the U.S. She argued that “the best way to treat offensive speech is by people either ignoring it or combating it with good arguments and good speech that overwhelms it.”

Saudi initiative singled out for praise

Nonetheless, the resolution adopted in New York on Monday does contain elements that concern some free speech and religious freedom advocates.

It calls on states “to take effective measures to ensure that public functionaries in the conduct of their public duties do not discriminate against an individual on the basis of religion or belief.”

Governments also are expected to make “a strong effort to counter religious profiling, which is understood to be the invidious use of religion as a criterion in conducting questionings, searches and other law enforcement investigative procedures.”

“Effective measures” to counter cases of religious stereotyping and stigmatization include education, interfaith dialogue and “training of government officials.”

And in the worst cases, those of “incitement to imminent violence” based on religion, the resolution calls on countries to implement “measures to criminalize” such behavior....

All such things are in the eye of the beholder, meaning that the enforcement agency will decide what is offensive and what is incitement, and silence people accordingly.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7