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Peter Fogel

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Muslim Cleric: "Saying Merry Christmas Is Worse Then Fornication Or Murder"
12/17/2011 9:56:20 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's something I'm sure none of you were aware of. "saying Merry Christmas is worse then fornication or killing someone". Now if you don't believe me then listen to the below video with an Islamic scholar. Please don't say you didn't know and be guilty of a crime worse then anything imaginable.

Don't forget this is what they are teaching their believers in the Mosques and all over the internet. Stealth and creeping Jihad at its best.

Soooooooooooo, all I can say to that is MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.



And if you think this Islamic preacher/scholar is alone in his condemning saying Merry Christmas then think again!.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Happy Chanukah
12/19/2011 5:34:53 AM
Hello Friends,

Tomorrow night we start celebrating the holiday of Chanukah. We'll be lighting the candles for eight days and the one first tomorrow night.

Happy Chanukah



Hannuka, Chanukah, Chanukkah . . . however you spell it, it stands for our eight-day "Festival of Lights".

And it begins tomorrow night!

Have a Happy!!

Hag Sameah!

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG- Voices Of Palestine: Fathi Hamad
12/19/2011 6:36:29 AM
Hello Friends,

The next profile in the series Voices Of Palestine is Fathi Hamad. Fathi Hamad is the Interior Minister in the terrorist Hamas government.

He admits to being the director of Hamas terrorism and terrorist policy. His many hate filled speeches are well known and you'll get an inkling of them in the below profile but his major claim to fame is his Human Shields philosophy. He believes, children, women the elderly are all pawns in their hands and are used as such by these vermin. Many of you might have seen the many videos of the terrorists forcibly grabbing children to use as human shields.

These profiles show that the leadership of Hamas and the PLO/Fatah controlled PA aren't interested in peace and that anything said by them in this regard is merely lip service while their true beliefs and plans are to annihilate Israel and the Jews. Without leaders who are committed to peace there never will be peace ..... unfortunately. Israel can't do it on her own. It does take 2 to tango doesn't it?



Voices of Palestine: Fathi Hamad

Posted by Bio ↓ on Dec 15th, 2011

Editor’s note: Below is the latest profile of Frontpage’s new series, “Voices of Palestine,” which will illuminate the core beliefs, in their own words, of leading figures in the Palestinian death cult. Click the following to view the profiles of Ahmad Bahr, Mahmoud al-Zahar, Ibrahim Mudayris, Yasser Ghalban, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Wafa al-Bis, Mahmoud Abbas, Ahlam Tamimi, Yassir Arafat (Part I and Part II), Abdallah Jarbu, Sheik Ismail Aal Radhwan, Abdel Aziz Rantisi and Yunis Al-Astal.

In its long quest to annihilate the state of Israel and all of its Jewish inhabitants, the Palestinian Islamic terror group Hamas has killed and maimed thousands of Israeli men, women and children through suicide and other terrorist attacks. In the process, Hamas has demonstrated an acute disregard for innocent human life.

Hamas’s contempt for basic human rights has not been confined to just Jews, but extends to even its own, best evidenced by the organization’s use of Palestinian children and women as both suicide bombers and human shields.

While most may find Hamas’s penchant for death over life morally repugnant, it has found a staunch champion in Fathi Hamad, Interior Minister for the Hamas-controlled Gaza government since 2009.

As Interior Minister, Hamad has described his role as one in which he directs Hamas’s terrorist policy, saying, “We routinely meet and coordinate with the commanders of all the factions of the resistance in Gaza… to protect them and make it easier for them to carry out every aspect of their jihadist missions.”

In addition to being an Islamist terror facilitator, Hamad’s professional resume also includes being head of the Hamas Public Affairs Department, Network Director of Hamas-controlled Al Aqsa TV; and a former member the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Apart from his professional work, Hamad’s charitable work includes being head of the Gaza charity Waad, which in November 2009 offered a $1.4 million bounty to any Arabs living in Israel who kidnapped an Israeli soldier.

Given his political and professional background, Hamad has used his role as Hamas jack-of-all-trades to spread the terrorist organization’s message of violence and death in the pursuit of killing Jews in the name of Allah.

For example, when Al Aqsa TV was launched in 2006 Hamad said the television station’s mission was “to establish Islamic culture and an ideological, scientific and political vision that is in tandem with the spirit of Islam, and to spread information about important issues.”

So, in the spirit of Islam, Hamad began to produce children’s programs that promoted terrorist activity and hatred of Jews and Israelis; shows such as Tomorrow’s Pioneers and Brilliant Children.

Tomorrow’s Pioneers featured a Hamas version of Mickey Mouse, a giant black-and-white rodent named Farfour who entertained children with songs whose lyrics would include:

Oh Jerusalem, it is the time of death…We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers. You and I are laying the foundation for a world led by Islamists.

In Brilliant Children one episode showed a puppet of a Palestinian child stabbing a puppet of President George W. Bush in revenge for the deaths of his father in Iraq, his mother in Lebanon and his brothers and sisters by the “Zionist criminals” in the “Gaza holocaust.”

When confronted by critics who wanted the shows pulled off the air, Hamad responded:

The vicious [campaign] that is being waged by the enemies, and especially the Zionist enemy and the American imperialism, is not new. It comes in the framework of the vicious campaign against our Palestinian people, as an addition to the siege placed on our people. Therefore, we are not surprised by this. They want the Palestinian people to renounce its Islamic religion and belief. In response, we say that whenever our Palestinian people resorted to its religion, Allah supported it. Therefore, we will not renounce our faith and our belief, and we will move forward for the sake of Allah. We are holding to this religion because it is the secret of our victory.

Hamad then revealed the secret of Islam’s power in a February 2008 speech in which he discussed the utility of using children, women and the elderly as human fortifications:

For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahedeen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahedeen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: ‘We desire death like you desire life.

It should be noted that not everyone has been as desirous of death as Hamad claimed, given the number of videos taken during the 2008-2009 Gaza war that saw Palestinian children being dragged kicking and screaming by armed Hamas militants to stand in front of buildings targeted by IDF forces.

Of course, while Hamad may treat other children’s lives with caviler disdain, he does draw the line when it comes to the treatment of his own children.

Specifically, in April 2010, the three-year-old daughter of one of Hamad’s four wives was granted permission by the Israeli government to travel to Jordan to receive emergency medical treatment after initially receiving medical treatment at an Israeli hospital in the city of Ashkelon.

Hamad was quick to repay that humanitarian gesture offered by the Israelis in a December 2010 interview he gave on Al Aqsa TV in which he said:

The Jews have become abhorred and loathed outcasts, because they live off corruption and the plundering of the peoples – not only the Arab and Islamic peoples, but all the peoples of the world. The world has begun to be aware of this corrupting danger, and to applaud Hamas. The entire world says: “Bravo, Hamas, for confronting these people of corruption”…Hamas will receive its means of survival, its arms, and its supporters from where it is least expected, because the hatred for the Jews is on the rise, and people who hate the Jews find no [other] way to fulfill their hatred of the Jews and of the Americans – the Americans too have become abhorred throughout the world, because of their corruption, for they are led by the Jews.

Yet, despite it all, Hamad continues to publicly maintain that Hamas “is an enlightened, moderate Islamic movement,” which if correct, makes one shudder to think what a more barbaric version of Islam would actually look like.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/19/2011 3:25:00 PM

Happy Hanukkah Peter. May you have a great and happy celebration. :)


Hello Friends,

Tomorrow night we start celebrating the holiday of Chanukah. We'll be lighting the candles for eight days and the one first tomorrow night.

Happy Chanukah



Hannuka, Chanukah, Chanukkah . . . however you spell it, it stands for our eight-day "Festival of Lights".

And it begins tomorrow night!

Have a Happy!!

Hag Sameah!

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel

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Caliphate Will Return and West Will Pay Jizya "Or Else You Will Bring Sword To Y
12/20/2011 12:42:08 PM
Hello Friends,

We are constantly being told by the B Hussein regime and his henchmen that "we are not at war with Islam" and from the great pretenders point of view he isn't at war with them but the problem is that they are at war with us.

He also tells us to respect them and the question is can you respect someone who says the Caliphate will return and the West will pay jizya or else you will bring the sword to your necks. Respect them or prepare for war? This was said by the Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army Sheik Nader Tamimi just a few days ago. If this was an isolated statement made by this lunatic you might think that it's just one guy but as we've all seen on many videos this isn't isolated and it's what they sincerely believe and were brainwashed to believe from the cradle.

So,ignore this if you wish but this is ongoing and similar statements are being made by scholars, Imams and Mullahs time and again. This is another warning and B Hussein and his goons can say respect them and we're not at war with Islam but they sure as h*ell are at war with all us infidels of all religions and the Western world.

You can watch the video of Nader here.



Palestinian Liberation Army mufti misunderstands Islam, says caliphate will return and West will pay jizya "or else you will bring the sword to your necks"

Watch video here

Islamic spokesmen in the West are always telling us that only greasy Islamophobes think that Muslims want to restore the caliphate and force non-Muslims to pay the jizya, the tax on the subjugated dhimmis specified in Qur'an 9:29, or be killed. Sheikh Nader Tamimi must therefore be a greasy Islamophobe in disguise who has somehow become mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army despite his bigotry and hatred and ignorance of Islam, or else he is a simple garden-variety Misunderstander of Islam.

Note also that another Jordanian sheikh, Sheikh Ahmad Abu Quddum, recently misunderstood Islam in exactly the same way. Can one of the smooth and reassuring Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. straighten these guys out and explain to them how they're misunderstanding the Religion of Peace? Honest Ibe Hooper? Boy Reza Aslan? Brave Ahmed Rehab? "Man of Peace" Imam Rauf? Can one of you please go over to Jordan and meet with these two sheikhs and explain to them how the caliphate, jizya, and jihad warfare are relics of the distant past, never to be revived?

Or is that all just blague and guff to fool credulous Infidels?

"Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army, to the West: We Will Restore the Caliphate and You Will Pay the Jizya 'or Else We Will Bring the Sword to Your Necks,'" from MEMRI, December 15 (thanks to David):

Following are excerpts from an address by Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestine Liberation Army, which was posted on the Internet on December 15, 2011:

Nader Tamimi: In the Levant, we are involved in a fierce battle, and we will bring about a change in Syria and in the Levant in its entirety. The infidels divided the Levant into four states, and we will reunite them into a single state. The Safavid enterprise that led to Iran occupying Iraq, along with the Americans and the Zionists, will end in the garbage bin of history. The Caliphate in the path of the Prophet will return.


We await the caliph who will address the leaders of the US and Europe and say: From the Emir of the Believers from Jerusalem…

Crowd: Allah Akbar.

Nader Tamimi: to the rulers of the West, this is the religion of Allah. Either you pay the jizya poll tax, or else you will bring the sword to your necks…

Crowd: Allah Akbar.

Crowd member: Say: "Allah Akbar."

Crowd: Allah Akbar.


Crowd member: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

Nader Tamimi along with crowd: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

Nader Tamimi along with crowd: The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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