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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Voices of Palestine: Yunis Al-Astal
12/9/2011 3:29:32 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's another article in the series Voices Of Palestine. Today's profile is on Yunis Al-Astal a former Imam turned politician. He's a hate monger of the first degree who promotes, advocates and glorifies suicide bombings and the "martyr" heroes.



Voices of Palestine: Yunis Al-Astal

Posted by Bio ↓ on Dec 9th, 2011

Yunis Al-Astal, born in 1956 in the Gaza city of Khan Yunis, began his career preaching the glorification of exterminating Jews as an imam in the Palestinian Islamic terror group Hamas.

While Al-Astal’s incendiary rants were delivered in the mosques of Gaza, they were vile enough to gain him international notoriety, leading to his being banned in 2006 from entering the United Kingdom for “seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence.”

When Hamas gained control of Gaza in the elections of 2006, Al-Astal made the transition from preacher of hate to political firebrand as an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

During his time as a Hamas legislator, Al-Astal was part of the 2009 effort by Hamas to prevent the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) from including curriculum on the Holocaust in the preparatory schools it runs in Gaza.

According to Al-Astal, teaching Palestinian children about the Nazi genocide of Jews would be “marketing a lie” and the introduction of the subject tantamount to a “war crime.”

It should be noted, however, that Al-Astal’s disbelief in the historical veracity of the Holocaust didn’t mean he wasn’t a proponent of the necessity and inevitably of such an event. In a 2008 newspaper column he wrote: “Suffering by fire is the Jews’ destiny in this world and the next. Therefore we are sure that the Holocaust is still to come upon the Jews.”

While suffering by fire may be the Jews’ destiny, it hasn’t precluded Al-Astal from championing other forms of violence on Jews, in particular suicide bombings as practiced by the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas. Al-Astal was identified by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation as being a member of the Brigades.

During the Al-Aqsa Intifada (2000-2004), the Al-Qassam Brigades killed over 1,000 Israelis and wounded nearly 4,000 others, with 553 victims coming from the group’s 61 “martyrdom operations.”

While many may view suicide bombings as nothing but a moral, ethical and religious abhorrence, for Hamas they remain justifiable and celebratory acts. While that barbaric viewpoint has been chillingly expressed by a number of Hamas leaders over the years, few have done it with more zeal than Al-Astal.

In either case, in a 2007 interview on Hamas-controlled Al Aqsa TV, Al-Astal put his genocidal oratorical talents on display when he gave an impassioned thumbs up to the glory of exploding oneself in order to kill innocent people:

The most exalted form of jihad is fighting for the sake of Allah, which means sacrificing one’s soul by fighting the enemies head-on, even if it leads to martyrdom. Martyrdom means life next to Allah.

Each and every boy and man, and each and every girl and woman, is a potential martyrdom-seeker. The enemy should know that we are prepared to wear explosive belts, and to throw ourselves in the midst of the enemy, in order to make them taste the evil consequences of their deeds. They should know that they have no other choice – either they leave or they will die, even if it takes a long time.

While serving Allah as a human bomb may be a career opportunity open to Muslims of both sexes, females who choose life as a suicide bomber receive additional benefits than their male counterparts. According to Al-Astal, being a human explosive affords women an opportunity to exercise freedoms unavailable to most contemporary Muslim women:

When jihad becomes an individual duty, the husband’s permission or consent is not required …Jihad is a duty, and so is wearing a veil, but the duty of jihad is ten times greater than the duty of wearing a veil.

In fact, Al-Astal was quick to point out that Muslim women have a special calling to serve as martyrs, one that has deep Islamic roots:

In many cases, women participated in combat, especially if the Islamic army was weakening, and you could see that the enemy was about to gain the upper hand…Safiyya, the aunt of the Prophet Muhammad, used a pole to kill a Jew in the Battle of the Trench…History has recorded, in shining letters, the fact that Al-Khansaa sacrificed her four children at the battle of Al-Qadisiyya. She inflamed their emotions and she herself incited them to fight until they attained their martyrdom, and then she thanked Allah for honoring her with the killing of them all.

So, given the sacrificial role they have played in Islam throughout the ages, it came as no surprise to Al-Astal that today’s generation of Muslim women have successfully picked up the martyrdom banner:

In the second Al-Aqsa Intifada, female martyrdom-seekers emerged. These are young women, in the prime of their life, at a time when girls like these think only about jewelry and preparing for marriage. Nevertheless, they went to their martyrdom, advancing head-on with a great fighting spirit. This intifada of ours has recorded more than 15 exemplary cases of girls who were martyred for the sake of Allah. But not before making the Jews – the brothers of apes and pigs – taste the bitterness of death.

Death for Jews is not only bitter, but pre-ordained, according to Al-Astal, as he made clear in an interview on Al-Aqsa TV on May 11, 2011:

The [Jews] are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestinians – and the Islamic nation behind them – will have the honor of annihilating the evil of this gang. All the predators, all the birds of prey, all the dangerous reptiles and insects, and all the lethal bacteria are far less dangerous than the Jews.

n just a few years, all the Zionists and the settlers will realize that their arrival in Palestine was for the purpose of the great massacre, by means of which Allah wants to relieve humanity of their evil.

Of course, exterminating the Jews is just the first step in Allah’s grand plan as Al-Astal explained:

When Palestine is liberated and its people return to it, and the entire region, with the grace of Allah, will have turned into the United States of Islam, the land of Palestine will become the capital of the Islamic Caliphate, and all these countries will turn into states within the Caliphate. When this happens, any Palestinian will be able to live anywhere, because the land of Islam is the property of all Muslims.

Having purified the entire region for Islam, the final step would be the creation of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate, the details of which Al-Astal had given years earlier in an interview on April 11, 2008, on the occasion of Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Jordan and Israel.

Allah has chosen you for Himself and for His religion so that you will serve as the engine pulling this nation to the phase of succession, security and consolidation of power, and even to conquests through da’wa and military conquests of the capitals of the entire world.

Very soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, just like Constantinople was, as was prophesized by our Prophet Muhammad. Today, Rome is the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital, which has declared its hostility to Islam, and has planted the brothers of apes and pigs in Palestine in order to prevent the reawakening of Islam – this capital of theirs will be an advanced post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread through Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas, and even Eastern Europe.

Perhaps recognizing that he would not live long enough to see the fruition of that Islamic dream, Al-Astal then passed on the jihadist torch to a new generation:

I believe that our children, or our grandchildren, will inherit our jihad and our sacrifices, and, Allah willing, the commanders of the conquest will come from among them.

Today, we instill these good tidings in their souls – and by means of the mosques and the Koran books, and the history of our Prophets, his companions, and the great leaders, we prepare them for the mission of saving humanity from the hellfire at whose brink they stand.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, thanks to Yunis Al-Astal, that Islamic mission to save humanity won’t lack willing volunteers.


Frank Crimi is a writer living in San Diego, California. You can read more of Frank's work at his blog, www.politicallyunbalanced.c

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Who is Responsible for Muslim Violence?
12/10/2011 4:04:14 AM
Hello Friends,

MSM, some politicians and other spokes people for the present B Hussein regime have tried to convince you that we're to blame for the Jihadi terrorist attacks. Political correctness and multiculturalism will be proven to be the cause of the downfall of the western way of life cos by assuming responsibility for their Jihad and agenda for world domination we are supposed to understand that WE are to blame. It amazes me that there are many who are buying into this idiotic garbage.

It's about time that the perpetrators of Jihad in all its forms be held accountable and responsible for their actions and not accept the idiotic claim that we are to blame for what they have been doing for centuries. One only has to read history and you'll realize that their culture and belief that they are the only true religion and culture and the many wars they've waged and hundreds of millions killed hasn't changed one iota. Yet the idiots are claiming we're to blame.

Don't forget Jihad, radical Islam, Muslim terrorists etc are no longer in the official lexicon of this administration. Jihadi attacks are called "workplace violence" (Fort Hood Jihadi massacre) and the list goes on. Apologetics be d*amned call a spade a spade and place the blame where it deserves to be on the perpetrators. On those who aggressively participate in Jihad and kill innocent people who are NOT to blame for their own murder.

The below article by Daniel Greenfield is an in depth article on this subject. Well worth reading.



Who is Responsible for Muslim Violence?

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 07:47 PM PST

Who is responsible for Muslim violence? Anyone but Muslims. When Howard W. Gutman, Obama's ambassador to Belgium, told his audience that Jews should be accepting responsibility for the violence practiced on them by Muslims, because it's their own damn fault for insisting on having a Jewish state, the State Department wasn't willing to stand behind his words, but neither did it disavow him.

Imagine for a moment if Howard W. Gutman had adjusted his red hipster glasses and told his audience that Muslims should take responsibility for Islamic terrorism . Hillary would have personally fired him, after yelling at him for a good thirty minutes, and Obama would have issued an apology to the Muslim world. Every newspaper column on both sides of the Atlantic would have spent the better part of the week denouncing Islamophobia and clucking over how mainstream intolerance has become.

The idea that Jews should take responsibility for the Muslim violence directed at them is mainstream, but the notion that Muslims should be taking responsibility for Islamic terrorism, even to the extent of condemning it is still one of those No-Go Zones. But is it more of a stretch to suggest that people should take responsibility for their own violence or for the violence directed at them?

This week there has been another related controversy when the Republican Jewish Coalition failed to invite Ron Paul to its forum. Ron Paul has repeatedly blamed American foreign policy for Al-Qaeda terrorism. He even described the original World Trade Center bombing as a "retaliation". In Paul's mind every act of Muslim violence against us is a response to some original sin that we committed against them.

Paul's view is common on the left which calls every attack an opportunity for us to engage in deep soul searching until we can finally understand why Muslims hate us. But if we were to suggest that the next time our bombers fly over one of their cities, it's an opportunity for Muslims to engage in some soul searching and work out why that sort of thing keeps happening, that's another one of those completely inappropriate suggestions.

When Americans die, it's blowback. When Muslims die, it's more imperialistic warmongering by the running dog lackeys of the new world order. Muslims are responsible for nothing. We are to blame for everything. For what we do and for what they do.

Muslims are never told that a domestic policy discriminating against women and minorities, and a foreign policy based on supporting terrorists and then lying about it, might be causing them some blowback. Blowback is only for the CIA or the Mossad, it's never for the ISI or the Mukhbarats (who as we all know are pawns of the CIA and the Mossad anyway).

To the far left and the far right, Muslims are our abused stepchildren. If they act out, then it's because we didn't treat them the right way. If we had then we would have peaceful relations with them in accordance with the philosophies of progressive globalism or free market isolationism or platonian psychorealism.

Instead of treating Muslim civilizations as separate societies with their own concerns and priorities apart from us, Western liberals view Muslims as mirrors of their own society, identifying their anger as a symptom of some fault within ourselves. It never occurs to them that Muslim terrorism isn't a knee jerk response, it's an affirmative action carried out to promote the spread of their way of life. That it's a quasi-religious act with deep roots in Islamic history long predating the modern Western state.

The breadth of Islamic imperialism makes European imperialism look small and silly. Muslims ruled over major portions of Africa, Asia and the Middle East in places that Europeans rarely ventured for centuries. Islam conquered and held on to far more territory than Alexander or Rome, only the British Empire came anywhere close to its scope and did not manage to rule for a fraction of the time or convert as much of the native populace.

Talking about Islamic imperialism as if it were some sort of reflex reaction to Western support for the Shah or arms sales to Israel is so hopelessly stupid that it beggars belief, particularly when historians assert such a ridiculously narrow view of history. We might as well pretend that China is expanding its reach because it's angry over the Opium War or jet fighter sales to Taiwan.

Expansionism is a natural imperative of civilizations. Empires or the splintered leftovers of empires strive to reconstitute their glory days. The failure to understand that Muslims are more than the bastards of that brief window of European colonialism, they are the scattered and divided pieces of a religious civilization aspiring to a renewal of empire or caliphate is behind every stupid opinion on Islam.

Refusing to acknowledge that Muslims are responsible for their own violence is a refusal to accept that they have their own agenda, an agenda that has little to do with the transnational imperatives of building a fairer world through secular international law. It's a refusal to treat them like people.

Treating them like abused children who have to be cadged into attending international therapy sessions with us is stupid and destructive. The Muslim world is destructive enough without being infantilized further. And the left has taken up the white man's burden in another form, treating the rest of the world as if it can't move on until the West atones for its sins.

The Muslim world has a booming population, a surplus birth rate, concentrations of wealth and a lot of spare weapons... and it's doing what comes naturally with those things, invading other countries with lower birth rates and trying to take them over. That has been the pattern of human civilizations long before the ivory tower and the academic text. It is sheer arrogance to imagine that it would change because the descendants of Richard the Lionheart, Philip II and Leopold V decided to practice war no more, except for humanitarian reasons.

Who is responsible for all that? They are. Muslims are not robots or steel balls in a pinball machine, acts of violence, whether by individuals or entire countries are premeditated and have specific objectives. The bygone left insisted that a mugging was a reflex response to class distinctions, not a voluntary action by a living breathing human being. Now it acts as if Muslim terrorism is a reflex to another Jewish family moving into a house in Israel or some fellow torching a Koran.

This pernicious nonsense robs us of our rights to life and property in the name of appeasement and it robs Muslims of something even more precious, their own personhood. Muslims, like the rest of us, are moral actors, with the power to make choices and to accept their consequences. Every time the left acts as if Muslims don't have that ability, as if they are fuses that we light, they deny that Muslims are moral actors, rather than inert substances that are being acted upon.

Treating other people as extensions of ourselves is dysfunctional. Treating a billion people that way is dangerously delusional. But it's not a one-sided delusion.

To Muslims we are acting out our part in their apocalyptic endgame and to our cultural elites, they are acting out a role in our post-colonial narrative. The first step in breaking that cycle is to assert that they are responsible for their actions. That history did not begin in 1917 or 1948 and that it has moved on quite a bit since. We are not the prisoners of history, nor are we the jailers of the Muslim world. The only prison they are in is the one that they have built around themselves with a backward ideology.

We cannot meaningfully address the Clash of Civilizations until we recognize it for what it is, a natural and inevitable collision fueled by ideology and greed. And we cannot address the violence that it has brought to our shores until we hold those who carry out that violence and who support that violence responsible for their actions.

It is not enough to condemn terrorism. It is more important to assign responsibility to the actors and to discuss their motives. Anger alone does not make for a war. Resentment may fuel rebellions, but it doesn't extend to conquests. Nazi Germany wasn't simply angry over the aftermath of WWI, its leaders headed up an oligarchy that began by looting the Jews and then set out to loot all of Europe. The Soviet Union wasn't driven by class warfare or ideology alone, but by power and greed.

If all the theorists unknotted their keffiyahs for a moment and actually thought about what the Muslim world has to gain from Muslim violence, then they might actually have something rational to contribute to the conversation. Instead we get impassioned lectures on justice and dogmatic interpretations of what justice is.

When Howard Gutman justifies the beating of an 18 year old Jewish girl in Belgium by pointing to the settlements, it never seems to occur to him that the reason her attackers beat her is because they could. Because they wanted to beat someone. Her Jewish identity only meant that she was fair game, as Jews have been fair game for violence in the Muslim world for over a thousand years. It did not originate the violence, it only channeled it in a socially acceptable manner. Socially acceptable in the Muslim world and in the Obama Administration.

The Jihad is a socially acceptable channel for Muslim violence, for surplus populations and brewing violence, for the greed of those on top and their fear of those on the bottom. And yet Gutman isn't completely wrong.

We are responsible. Not for the violence, but for tolerating it. Bomb me once, shame on you. Bomb me three hundred times, shame on me. Not only do we tolerate Muslim violence, but we excuse it and we buy into the narrative of our attackers which they use to justify their actions. Instead of taking on the responsibility of ending their violence, we take on the responsibility for causing it, and thereby in the manner of the bullied with the bully, perpetuate the violence.

Only Muslims can end their violence at the source, but we can end it on the receiving end. We can't stop them from abusing women in their own country or minorities or animals, but we can stop them from abusing us. We can reject their narrative and stand up to their violence. We can say no to Mohammed and Gutman

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Obama Says: Thanks To Our Sanctions Iran Is Isolated
12/10/2011 12:34:14 PM
Hello Friends,

B Hussein claims that due to the sanctions imposed on Iran they are totally isolated. The man is either very stupid or he thinks the American people are stupid.

First of all Iran isn't isolated. Russia, China, Korea some European countries and South American are dealing with them business as usual. They aren't isolated at all and they are showing their disdain with their usual tactics on a daily basis.

What makes matters worse is the fact that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein is trying to block Congress from passing stiffer sanctions on all banks that do business with Iran's central bank. So his duplicity and lies are one thing we can depend on, he has no problem lying to America publicly and in his mind no one will notice. How wrong can he be?



Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/10/2011 2:05:03 PM

Hillary in 2012 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

In 1864 Lincoln knew he was in trouble. The Democrats were running former General George MacClellan whose platform was to surrender to the South. Then Sherman took Atlanta a couple of months before the election and Lincoln and the Union was saved as Lincoln was re-elected.

Obama is in trouble, not as bad as Lincoln was but, still, in trouble. He needs a Sherman to save his bacon. Obama’s Sherman will be Hillary. (Of course, the analogy is not precise since Sherman and Lincoln were patriots.)

In the summer of 2012 Obama will ask Hillary to run as VP. Biden is no problem since Obama will give him State as a balm.

With Hillary on the ticket (she will resign from State in order to campaign) “Hope and Change” will be reinvigorated, reality will, once again, be suspended. Now, Hillary, Bill, Obama and Biden will all be on the hustings. I can see it now!

Then, after the election, the Muslim Brotherhood will be one heartbeat away, once removed, from the Oval office. This would be Hillary’s aide-de-camp, Huma Weiner.

Mrs. Weiner’s brother is a member of the Brotherhood and her mother is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, a female affiliate of the Brotherhood. It is bedrock Islam that no Muslim woman may marry an Infidel. For her to marry a Jew is a de facto death sentence___ no questions asked.

No Muslim authority, anywhere, has complained about Huma marrying the Jew, Anthony Weiner. This is inconceivable under Sharia unless there is a larger agenda at work.

Remember, “deceit is war.”

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad. From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at

Hello Friends,

MSM, some politicians and other spokes people for the present B Hussein regime have tried to convince you that we're to blame for the Jihadi terrorist attacks. Political correctness and multiculturalism will be proven to be the cause of the downfall of the western way of life cos by assuming responsibility for their Jihad and agenda for world domination we are supposed to understand that WE are to blame. It amazes me that there are many who are buying into this idiotic garbage.

It's about time that the perpetrators of Jihad in all its forms be held accountable and responsible for their actions and not accept the idiotic claim that we are to blame for what they have been doing for centuries. One only has to read history and you'll realize that their culture and belief that they are the only true religion and culture and the many wars they've waged and hundreds of millions killed hasn't changed one iota. Yet the idiots are claiming we're to blame.

Don't forget Jihad, radical Islam, Muslim terrorists etc are no longer in the official lexicon of this administration. Jihadi attacks are called "workplace violence" (Fort Hood Jihadi massacre) and the list goes on. Apologetics be d*amned call a spade a spade and place the blame where it deserves to be on the perpetrators. On those who aggressively participate in Jihad and kill innocent people who are NOT to blame for their own murder.

The below article by Daniel Greenfield is an in depth article on this subject. Well worth reading.



Who is Responsible for Muslim Violence?

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 07:47 PM PST

Who is responsible for Muslim violence? Anyone but Muslims. When Howard W. Gutman, Obama's ambassador to Belgium, told his audience that Jews should be accepting responsibility for the violence practiced on them by Muslims, because it's their own damn fault for insisting on having a Jewish state, the State Department wasn't willing to stand behind his words, but neither did it disavow him.

Imagine for a moment if Howard W. Gutman had adjusted his red hipster glasses and told his audience that Muslims should take responsibility for Islamic terrorism . Hillary would have personally fired him, after yelling at him for a good thirty minutes, and Obama would have issued an apology to the Muslim world. Every newspaper column on both sides of the Atlantic would have spent the better part of the week denouncing Islamophobia and clucking over how mainstream intolerance has become.

The idea that Jews should take responsibility for the Muslim violence directed at them is mainstream, but the notion that Muslims should be taking responsibility for Islamic terrorism, even to the extent of condemning it is still one of those No-Go Zones. But is it more of a stretch to suggest that people should take responsibility for their own violence or for the violence directed at them?

This week there has been another related controversy when the Republican Jewish Coalition failed to invite Ron Paul to its forum. Ron Paul has repeatedly blamed American foreign policy for Al-Qaeda terrorism. He even described the original World Trade Center bombing as a "retaliation". In Paul's mind every act of Muslim violence against us is a response to some original sin that we committed against them.

Paul's view is common on the left which calls every attack an opportunity for us to engage in deep soul searching until we can finally understand why Muslims hate us. But if we were to suggest that the next time our bombers fly over one of their cities, it's an opportunity for Muslims to engage in some soul searching and work out why that sort of thing keeps happening, that's another one of those completely inappropriate suggestions.

When Americans die, it's blowback. When Muslims die, it's more imperialistic warmongering by the running dog lackeys of the new world order. Muslims are responsible for nothing. We are to blame for everything. For what we do and for what they do.

Muslims are never told that a domestic policy discriminating against women and minorities, and a foreign policy based on supporting terrorists and then lying about it, might be causing them some blowback. Blowback is only for the CIA or the Mossad, it's never for the ISI or the Mukhbarats (who as we all know are pawns of the CIA and the Mossad anyway).

To the far left and the far right, Muslims are our abused stepchildren. If they act out, then it's because we didn't treat them the right way. If we had then we would have peaceful relations with them in accordance with the philosophies of progressive globalism or free market isolationism or platonian psychorealism.

Instead of treating Muslim civilizations as separate societies with their own concerns and priorities apart from us, Western liberals view Muslims as mirrors of their own society, identifying their anger as a symptom of some fault within ourselves. It never occurs to them that Muslim terrorism isn't a knee jerk response, it's an affirmative action carried out to promote the spread of their way of life. That it's a quasi-religious act with deep roots in Islamic history long predating the modern Western state.

The breadth of Islamic imperialism makes European imperialism look small and silly. Muslims ruled over major portions of Africa, Asia and the Middle East in places that Europeans rarely ventured for centuries. Islam conquered and held on to far more territory than Alexander or Rome, only the British Empire came anywhere close to its scope and did not manage to rule for a fraction of the time or convert as much of the native populace.

Talking about Islamic imperialism as if it were some sort of reflex reaction to Western support for the Shah or arms sales to Israel is so hopelessly stupid that it beggars belief, particularly when historians assert such a ridiculously narrow view of history. We might as well pretend that China is expanding its reach because it's angry over the Opium War or jet fighter sales to Taiwan.

Expansionism is a natural imperative of civilizations. Empires or the splintered leftovers of empires strive to reconstitute their glory days. The failure to understand that Muslims are more than the bastards of that brief window of European colonialism, they are the scattered and divided pieces of a religious civilization aspiring to a renewal of empire or caliphate is behind every stupid opinion on Islam.

Refusing to acknowledge that Muslims are responsible for their own violence is a refusal to accept that they have their own agenda, an agenda that has little to do with the transnational imperatives of building a fairer world through secular international law. It's a refusal to treat them like people.

Treating them like abused children who have to be cadged into attending international therapy sessions with us is stupid and destructive. The Muslim world is destructive enough without being infantilized further. And the left has taken up the white man's burden in another form, treating the rest of the world as if it can't move on until the West atones for its sins.

The Muslim world has a booming population, a surplus birth rate, concentrations of wealth and a lot of spare weapons... and it's doing what comes naturally with those things, invading other countries with lower birth rates and trying to take them over. That has been the pattern of human civilizations long before the ivory tower and the academic text. It is sheer arrogance to imagine that it would change because the descendants of Richard the Lionheart, Philip II and Leopold V decided to practice war no more, except for humanitarian reasons.

Who is responsible for all that? They are. Muslims are not robots or steel balls in a pinball machine, acts of violence, whether by individuals or entire countries are premeditated and have specific objectives. The bygone left insisted that a mugging was a reflex response to class distinctions, not a voluntary action by a living breathing human being. Now it acts as if Muslim terrorism is a reflex to another Jewish family moving into a house in Israel or some fellow torching a Koran.

This pernicious nonsense robs us of our rights to life and property in the name of appeasement and it robs Muslims of something even more precious, their own personhood. Muslims, like the rest of us, are moral actors, with the power to make choices and to accept their consequences. Every time the left acts as if Muslims don't have that ability, as if they are fuses that we light, they deny that Muslims are moral actors, rather than inert substances that are being acted upon.

Treating other people as extensions of ourselves is dysfunctional. Treating a billion people that way is dangerously delusional. But it's not a one-sided delusion.

To Muslims we are acting out our part in their apocalyptic endgame and to our cultural elites, they are acting out a role in our post-colonial narrative. The first step in breaking that cycle is to assert that they are responsible for their actions. That history did not begin in 1917 or 1948 and that it has moved on quite a bit since. We are not the prisoners of history, nor are we the jailers of the Muslim world. The only prison they are in is the one that they have built around themselves with a backward ideology.

We cannot meaningfully address the Clash of Civilizations until we recognize it for what it is, a natural and inevitable collision fueled by ideology and greed. And we cannot address the violence that it has brought to our shores until we hold those who carry out that violence and who support that violence responsible for their actions.

It is not enough to condemn terrorism. It is more important to assign responsibility to the actors and to discuss their motives. Anger alone does not make for a war. Resentment may fuel rebellions, but it doesn't extend to conquests. Nazi Germany wasn't simply angry over the aftermath of WWI, its leaders headed up an oligarchy that began by looting the Jews and then set out to loot all of Europe. The Soviet Union wasn't driven by class warfare or ideology alone, but by power and greed.

If all the theorists unknotted their keffiyahs for a moment and actually thought about what the Muslim world has to gain from Muslim violence, then they might actually have something rational to contribute to the conversation. Instead we get impassioned lectures on justice and dogmatic interpretations of what justice is.

When Howard Gutman justifies the beating of an 18 year old Jewish girl in Belgium by pointing to the settlements, it never seems to occur to him that the reason her attackers beat her is because they could. Because they wanted to beat someone. Her Jewish identity only meant that she was fair game, as Jews have been fair game for violence in the Muslim world for over a thousand years. It did not originate the violence, it only channeled it in a socially acceptable manner. Socially acceptable in the Muslim world and in the Obama Administration.

The Jihad is a socially acceptable channel for Muslim violence, for surplus populations and brewing violence, for the greed of those on top and their fear of those on the bottom. And yet Gutman isn't completely wrong.

We are responsible. Not for the violence, but for tolerating it. Bomb me once, shame on you. Bomb me three hundred times, shame on me. Not only do we tolerate Muslim violence, but we excuse it and we buy into the narrative of our attackers which they use to justify their actions. Instead of taking on the responsibility of ending their violence, we take on the responsibility for causing it, and thereby in the manner of the bullied with the bully, perpetuate the violence.

Only Muslims can end their violence at the source, but we can end it on the receiving end. We can't stop them from abusing women in their own country or minorities or animals, but we can stop them from abusing us. We can reject their narrative and stand up to their violence. We can say no to Mohammed and Gutman

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/10/2011 8:06:48 PM
Hi Jim,

Good article and if you recall after the Wiener's wiener was all over the net and he was forced to resign I wrote quite a few posts with related articles about his wife Huma Abedine Wiener and her family associations with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The MB already has representatives in the B Hussein administration and with Huma there it would be even worse if the Obama/Clinton ticket should ever happen and that they win.

It's bad enough she is so close to the Secretary of State upon whom she apparently has a great deal of influence. Her being in the WH could have devastating consequences.




Hillary in 2012 by C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

satans trinity ch martel

satans trinity ch martel

By C “H” Martel, Satan’s Trinity

In 1864 Lincoln knew he was in trouble. The Democrats were running former General George MacClellan whose platform was to surrender to the South. Then Sherman took Atlanta a couple of months before the election and Lincoln and the Union was saved as Lincoln was re-elected.

Obama is in trouble, not as bad as Lincoln was but, still, in trouble. He needs a Sherman to save his bacon. Obama’s Sherman will be Hillary. (Of course, the analogy is not precise since Sherman and Lincoln were patriots.)

In the summer of 2012 Obama will ask Hillary to run as VP. Biden is no problem since Obama will give him State as a balm.

With Hillary on the ticket (she will resign from State in order to campaign) “Hope and Change” will be reinvigorated, reality will, once again, be suspended. Now, Hillary, Bill, Obama and Biden will all be on the hustings. I can see it now!

Then, after the election, the Muslim Brotherhood will be one heartbeat away, once removed, from the Oval office. This would be Hillary’s aide-de-camp, Huma Weiner.

Mrs. Weiner’s brother is a member of the Brotherhood and her mother is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, a female affiliate of the Brotherhood. It is bedrock Islam that no Muslim woman may marry an Infidel. For her to marry a Jew is a de facto death sentence___ no questions asked.

No Muslim authority, anywhere, has complained about Huma marrying the Jew, Anthony Weiner. This is inconceivable under Sharia unless there is a larger agenda at work.

Remember, “deceit is war.”

CH Martel is an expert on the commonalities of Hitler, Stalin and Muhammad. From the life and death of Hitler, to the life and Death of Muhammad with respect to Joseph Stalin, Satan’s Trinity is a compelling, interesting and historically relevant book that can be purchased at To reach the author for questions, information and interviews, please contact CH Martel at

Hello Friends,

MSM, some politicians and other spokes people for the present B Hussein regime have tried to convince you that we're to blame for the Jihadi terrorist attacks. Political correctness and multiculturalism will be proven to be the cause of the downfall of the western way of life cos by assuming responsibility for their Jihad and agenda for world domination we are supposed to understand that WE are to blame. It amazes me that there are many who are buying into this idiotic garbage.

It's about time that the perpetrators of Jihad in all its forms be held accountable and responsible for their actions and not accept the idiotic claim that we are to blame for what they have been doing for centuries. One only has to read history and you'll realize that their culture and belief that they are the only true religion and culture and the many wars they've waged and hundreds of millions killed hasn't changed one iota. Yet the idiots are claiming we're to blame.

Don't forget Jihad, radical Islam, Muslim terrorists etc are no longer in the official lexicon of this administration. Jihadi attacks are called "workplace violence" (Fort Hood Jihadi massacre) and the list goes on. Apologetics be d*amned call a spade a spade and place the blame where it deserves to be on the perpetrators. On those who aggressively participate in Jihad and kill innocent people who are NOT to blame for their own murder.

The below article by Daniel Greenfield is an in depth article on this subject. Well worth reading.



Who is Responsible for Muslim Violence?

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 07:47 PM PST

Who is responsible for Muslim violence? Anyone but Muslims. When Howard W. Gutman, Obama's ambassador to Belgium, told his audience that Jews should be accepting responsibility for the violence practiced on them by Muslims, because it's their own damn fault for insisting on having a Jewish state, the State Department wasn't willing to stand behind his words, but neither did it disavow him.

Imagine for a moment if Howard W. Gutman had adjusted his red hipster glasses and told his audience that Muslims should take responsibility for Islamic terrorism . Hillary would have personally fired him, after yelling at him for a good thirty minutes, and Obama would have issued an apology to the Muslim world. Every newspaper column on both sides of the Atlantic would have spent the better part of the week denouncing Islamophobia and clucking over how mainstream intolerance has become.

The idea that Jews should take responsibility for the Muslim violence directed at them is mainstream, but the notion that Muslims should be taking responsibility for Islamic terrorism, even to the extent of condemning it is still one of those No-Go Zones. But is it more of a stretch to suggest that people should take responsibility for their own violence or for the violence directed at them?

This week there has been another related controversy when the Republican Jewish Coalition failed to invite Ron Paul to its forum. Ron Paul has repeatedly blamed American foreign policy for Al-Qaeda terrorism. He even described the original World Trade Center bombing as a "retaliation". In Paul's mind every act of Muslim violence against us is a response to some original sin that we committed against them.

Paul's view is common on the left which calls every attack an opportunity for us to engage in deep soul searching until we can finally understand why Muslims hate us. But if we were to suggest that the next time our bombers fly over one of their cities, it's an opportunity for Muslims to engage in some soul searching and work out why that sort of thing keeps happening, that's another one of those completely inappropriate suggestions.

When Americans die, it's blowback. When Muslims die, it's more imperialistic warmongering by the running dog lackeys of the new world order. Muslims are responsible for nothing. We are to blame for everything. For what we do and for what they do.

Muslims are never told that a domestic policy discriminating against women and minorities, and a foreign policy based on supporting terrorists and then lying about it, might be causing them some blowback. Blowback is only for the CIA or the Mossad, it's never for the ISI or the Mukhbarats (who as we all know are pawns of the CIA and the Mossad anyway).

To the far left and the far right, Muslims are our abused stepchildren. If they act out, then it's because we didn't treat them the right way. If we had then we would have peaceful relations with them in accordance with the philosophies of progressive globalism or free market isolationism or platonian psychorealism.

Instead of treating Muslim civilizations as separate societies with their own concerns and priorities apart from us, Western liberals view Muslims as mirrors of their own society, identifying their anger as a symptom of some fault within ourselves. It never occurs to them that Muslim terrorism isn't a knee jerk response, it's an affirmative action carried out to promote the spread of their way of life. That it's a quasi-religious act with deep roots in Islamic history long predating the modern Western state.

The breadth of Islamic imperialism makes European imperialism look small and silly. Muslims ruled over major portions of Africa, Asia and the Middle East in places that Europeans rarely ventured for centuries. Islam conquered and held on to far more territory than Alexander or Rome, only the British Empire came anywhere close to its scope and did not manage to rule for a fraction of the time or convert as much of the native populace.

Talking about Islamic imperialism as if it were some sort of reflex reaction to Western support for the Shah or arms sales to Israel is so hopelessly stupid that it beggars belief, particularly when historians assert such a ridiculously narrow view of history. We might as well pretend that China is expanding its reach because it's angry over the Opium War or jet fighter sales to Taiwan.

Expansionism is a natural imperative of civilizations. Empires or the splintered leftovers of empires strive to reconstitute their glory days. The failure to understand that Muslims are more than the bastards of that brief window of European colonialism, they are the scattered and divided pieces of a religious civilization aspiring to a renewal of empire or caliphate is behind every stupid opinion on Islam.

Refusing to acknowledge that Muslims are responsible for their own violence is a refusal to accept that they have their own agenda, an agenda that has little to do with the transnational imperatives of building a fairer world through secular international law. It's a refusal to treat them like people.

Treating them like abused children who have to be cadged into attending international therapy sessions with us is stupid and destructive. The Muslim world is destructive enough without being infantilized further. And the left has taken up the white man's burden in another form, treating the rest of the world as if it can't move on until the West atones for its sins.

The Muslim world has a booming population, a surplus birth rate, concentrations of wealth and a lot of spare weapons... and it's doing what comes naturally with those things, invading other countries with lower birth rates and trying to take them over. That has been the pattern of human civilizations long before the ivory tower and the academic text. It is sheer arrogance to imagine that it would change because the descendants of Richard the Lionheart, Philip II and Leopold V decided to practice war no more, except for humanitarian reasons.

Who is responsible for all that? They are. Muslims are not robots or steel balls in a pinball machine, acts of violence, whether by individuals or entire countries are premeditated and have specific objectives. The bygone left insisted that a mugging was a reflex response to class distinctions, not a voluntary action by a living breathing human being. Now it acts as if Muslim terrorism is a reflex to another Jewish family moving into a house in Israel or some fellow torching a Koran.

This pernicious nonsense robs us of our rights to life and property in the name of appeasement and it robs Muslims of something even more precious, their own personhood. Muslims, like the rest of us, are moral actors, with the power to make choices and to accept their consequences. Every time the left acts as if Muslims don't have that ability, as if they are fuses that we light, they deny that Muslims are moral actors, rather than inert substances that are being acted upon.

Treating other people as extensions of ourselves is dysfunctional. Treating a billion people that way is dangerously delusional. But it's not a one-sided delusion.

To Muslims we are acting out our part in their apocalyptic endgame and to our cultural elites, they are acting out a role in our post-colonial narrative. The first step in breaking that cycle is to assert that they are responsible for their actions. That history did not begin in 1917 or 1948 and that it has moved on quite a bit since. We are not the prisoners of history, nor are we the jailers of the Muslim world. The only prison they are in is the one that they have built around themselves with a backward ideology.

We cannot meaningfully address the Clash of Civilizations until we recognize it for what it is, a natural and inevitable collision fueled by ideology and greed. And we cannot address the violence that it has brought to our shores until we hold those who carry out that violence and who support that violence responsible for their actions.

It is not enough to condemn terrorism. It is more important to assign responsibility to the actors and to discuss their motives. Anger alone does not make for a war. Resentment may fuel rebellions, but it doesn't extend to conquests. Nazi Germany wasn't simply angry over the aftermath of WWI, its leaders headed up an oligarchy that began by looting the Jews and then set out to loot all of Europe. The Soviet Union wasn't driven by class warfare or ideology alone, but by power and greed.

If all the theorists unknotted their keffiyahs for a moment and actually thought about what the Muslim world has to gain from Muslim violence, then they might actually have something rational to contribute to the conversation. Instead we get impassioned lectures on justice and dogmatic interpretations of what justice is.

When Howard Gutman justifies the beating of an 18 year old Jewish girl in Belgium by pointing to the settlements, it never seems to occur to him that the reason her attackers beat her is because they could. Because they wanted to beat someone. Her Jewish identity only meant that she was fair game, as Jews have been fair game for violence in the Muslim world for over a thousand years. It did not originate the violence, it only channeled it in a socially acceptable manner. Socially acceptable in the Muslim world and in the Obama Administration.

The Jihad is a socially acceptable channel for Muslim violence, for surplus populations and brewing violence, for the greed of those on top and their fear of those on the bottom. And yet Gutman isn't completely wrong.

We are responsible. Not for the violence, but for tolerating it. Bomb me once, shame on you. Bomb me three hundred times, shame on me. Not only do we tolerate Muslim violence, but we excuse it and we buy into the narrative of our attackers which they use to justify their actions. Instead of taking on the responsibility of ending their violence, we take on the responsibility for causing it, and thereby in the manner of the bullied with the bully, perpetuate the violence.

Only Muslims can end their violence at the source, but we can end it on the receiving end. We can't stop them from abusing women in their own country or minorities or animals, but we can stop them from abusing us. We can reject their narrative and stand up to their violence. We can say no to Mohammed and Gutman

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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