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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/28/2011 8:48:38 AM
Good question Jim. You can actually say "coming to your neighborhood soon".



Entertaining and factual. Anyone scared yet?

Hello Friends,

The brilliant Latmah team came out with their latest song about the Arab Spring. Oh yeah, the Arab Spring that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein supported knowing the end result in advance and welcoming it. Well he succeeded in Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Yemen and the list is growing as each day goes by and these so called democracy lovers are turning into copies of the lunatic Iranian regime. The Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda are taking over these countries and B Hussein supports it.

All the signs show that if B Hussein supports something it's bad for the world and the United States. Did I mention that he also supports the occupiers??? Don't forget B Hussein embraces America's enemies and throws her friends under the bus.

Let's get back to the latest Latmah song. It encapsulates all that B Hussein supports and sometimes it takes satire to open the eyes and minds of the deaf, dumb and blind crowd or as some call them the hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil crowd that sees love where there are only crimes, rapes, murders, arson, racism etc. all supported by the Soros', progressive liberal Marxists, Socialists, Anarchists, Nazis, KKK, the unions and their goons. the list s virtually endless. As I said in previous posts, give me the Tea Parties with their zero crime record and patriotism over these moochers and freebie lovers with all their crimes any day.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A Lot To Be Thankful For ??
11/28/2011 8:52:26 AM
Hello Friends,

Thanksgiving weekend is behind us but this morning I read a very inciteful article by Daniel Greenfield about all we have to be thankful for. It ranges from the Islamic catastrophe going on in Egypt today (supported wholeheartedly by B Hussein), all the jobs being created, the Islamic changes in America thanks to Islam and current politics.

After reading it I wonder how many will be thankful but to each his own.

A good read and an eyeopener for those interested in the truth as opposed to the propaganda of the liberal progressive media, politicians and all the other politically correct freebie loving and love is the answer destroyers.



Friday Afternoon Roundup - So Much to be Thankful For

Posted: 25 Nov 2011 11:14 AM PST

(See if you can spot the Turkey)


There was a time long ago when Americans were sad and unhappy, when the world hated us, people were forced to work for a living and there were no inspiring leaders. But today in this wonderful age of free health care, free mobs and freedom for Islamists, there is so much for us to be thankful for. Like that new age of freedom and democracy breaking out like a rash across the Middle East.

Sure women keep being sexually assaulted in the new liberated Egypt, but that's democracy for you. Or a democracy of Muslim men.

Caroline Sinz, a French reporter for Channel 3, was the latest to experience Islam's historical tolerance for women who walk down the street unaccompanied by a male guardian. Her story is nearly identical to what happened to Lara Logan.

The significance here is that there's nothing new about this. Egyptian women experience sexual harassment on a nearly universal basis. Egyptian were being assaulted in this way for years. I wrote about this back during the Logan assault with "Muslim Rape Culture and Lara Logan" And then there's this back in 06 on mass sexual assaults in Cairo.
"It was the first day of Eid, and a new film was opening downtown. Mobs of males gathered trying to get in, but when the show was sold out, they decided they will destroy the box office. After accomplishing that, they went on what can only be described as a sexual frenzy: They ran around grabbing any and every girl in sight, whether a niqabi, a Hijabi or uncovered. Whether egyptian or foreigner. Even pregnant ones. They grabbed them, molested them, tried to rip their cloths off and rape them, all in front of the police. The ones who approached the police asking them to do something were told : "what do you want us to do? It's Eid. Happy Eid to you too!"
Happy Eid indeed. You can't blame the Islamists for this or the authorities or anyone but the culture in Egypt and throughout much of the Muslim world. A culture that says a woman causes a man to attack her through her looks and that a woman who is unveiled is a whore. Islam's conquests, its commodification of women as sex slaves and loot for the victorious Muslim armies certainly helped.

And the Islamists will respond to assaults like this by calling for more morality, which means women "taking responsibility" by donning Burqas and avoiding going out without a male guardian. And just not to leave anyone out, Aliaa al-Mahdy, who had shot to prominence with a photo protest was beaten and thrown to the ground at Tahrir Square and dragged out of a protest area. No information on who the men were, but their goal was to move her out of a protest area, and all but one was clean shaven, which suggests these are some of the "heroes" of Egypt's democracy movement getting rid of an atheist girl who called for freedom.

Expectant Cairo Takes a Dark Turn, reads the Australian's headline. As if this was something that happened just now. Before Tahrir Square was just sunshine and bunnies. Now it's suddenly dark and rapey.

Tahrir Square does represent freedom. Freedom as Egyptian Muslim men define it, which includes the freedom to burn churches, assault women and dominate ethnic, religious and other minorities. That is the true face of Tahrir Square that the media romanticized.

Forget the Mona Eltahawy story, that's being utilized to call for an overthrow of the military authorities who are the only thing keeping the Islamists from sweeping the nation. The military authorities are bastards, but it should be abundantly clear to anyone paying attention that everyone playing this game are bastards and that the liberals, the Islamists and the military are no better than one another. The Sinz story proves that this is hardly some unique SCAF phenomenon. And the men dragging al-Mahdy in that video are likely members of the same liberal activists pushing the Eltahawy story. (Though to be fair Eltahawy did publish a piece in the Guardian defending al-Mahdy)

The bottom line is that Egypt has a problem with abusing women not because of Mubarak or military rule, but because the culture has a problem with human equality for anyone but Muslim men. Too many bloggers were taken in by the Kefaya movement and their Twitter propaganda on the first round. Don't fall for it a second time. This is a leftist anti-American movement of articulate upper class Egyptians with El-Baradei at the top. Their main function is to sanitize the anti-government protests whose true beneficiaries have been and will be the Muslim Brotherhood.

In response to the Sinz assault, Reporters Sans Frontières suggested that the media stop sending female reporters to Cairo. After protests followed it withdrew that statement and urged media organizations to make the security of reporters their first priority. But how much security will it take to protect a female reporter from a mob of Egyptian teenagers? Those who read the bible might suddenly find a new relevance in the stories of Abraham and Isaac traveling to Egypt and Gaza, and being forced to pass off their wives as their sisters from the Egyptians and Philistines to avoid being murdered. Though the Arabs are newcomers to the area, not much has changed over the years.

But a better solution than not sending female reporters to Cairo might be to stop allowing Egyptian Muslim men into America and France. The high rape statistics coming out of Europe link Muslim men to startling numbers of sexual assaults in countries where they are a minority. A female reporter going to Cairo has some kind of security, but what do we do when Cairo comes to us, except to start acting like Egyptian Christians? Or to quote from the al-Mahdy CNN interview
Women under Islam will always be objects to use at home. The (sexism) against women in Egypt is unreal, but I am not going anywhere and will battle it 'til the end. Many women wear the veil just to escape the harassment and be able to walk the streets.
But we still have to remember to be thankful because these are changing times. Very soon Egypt will be free and democratic and then bunnies will dance in the sunshine of Tahrir Square. Don't believe me? Just listen to the song.



As the Summer of Recovery has faded into the Arab Spring and into the Winter of Our Discontent, those imaginary green jobs have died and fallen off the Washington cherry tree.

According to the National Association for Business Economics, "The NABE Outlook panel expects employment will improve, albeit very slowly. Monthly job gains are expected to rise steadily over the forecast horizon, from an average of 100,000 during the fourth quarter of 2011 to 130,000 by the end of next year." Now that's optimistic. Of course the Keystone XL pipeline could have created six figures worth of jobs, but who needs those anyway?

Not the Environmentalist Administration which killed the deal to get America some freedom from Muslim oil and a whole bunch of jobs. But good news to be thankful for...
At the same time, my administration will build on the unprecedented progress we’ve made towards strengthening our nation’s energy security, from responsibly expanding domestic oil and gas production to nearly doubling the fuel efficiency of our cars and trucks, to continued progress in the development of a clean energy economy.
I think Jimmy Fallon's drummer has an intro to go with this statement. Obama might want to ask Fishbone about making that his theme song. But at least the Islamists and the People's Republic of China have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Saudi Arabia has an even bigger stack of oil barrels, and on top of that black pyramid is a degenerate royal family wearing crowns of terrorism and tyranny. Iran has its own pyramid with hanging women dangling off it and the corpses of murdered student protesters floating in the crude. And if the environmentalists really cared about any of that, at least to the extent of wanting to end the wars, then they would be laying a pipeline that would funnel money out of the House of Saud​ and the Mullahs back to the United States of America.
Instead billions have been poured into the People’s Republic of China, which lends us the money to pay for the solar and wind power components that we buy from them, and after the handful of watts from green power have been exhausted to spread joy and peace across parts of Vermont and Oregon, the country goes back with hat in hand to the grinning petroleum plutocracies.
Read the rest in my article at Front Page Magazine on the the Islamist-Environmentalist Alliance.


But that's not all that we have to be thankful for. TLC's not at all fake documentary/reality show So You Want To be a Muslim All-American Muslim reminds us of how much we have to be grateful for to the immigrants coming from distant shores to culturally enrich us with their ancient heritage of beheading people who offend them and their legacy of science looted from the Indians and Greeks.

Take the previous episode where we learn how wonderful Hijabs are and how they can help you give birth when you're infertile. And the episode does feature a true Islamic scholar and feminist who has very modern and enlightened views about beating and raping women. Here are some of his answers to All-American Muslims who wonder whether it's legal to rape their wives.
So, the wife must obey her husband by giving him his physical rights which he asks from her; she has to make herself available to him when he wants her; she has no right to abstain unless she has her period, a medical condition, or a difficulty that keeps her from responding favorably to him. If he demands his right and obliges her, this would not be rape in the Islamic Law, but something basic in the concept of marriage contract. Otherwise, what would marriage be without mating?
Truly Islam is a beacon of human rights and enlightenment and only filthy Islamophobes would get the idea that the Religion of Peace has any negative attitude toward women. Just to prove it, here's Berry on how to beat your wife.
When all peaceful methods have been exhausted and attempts to fix the problem have failed, and if this is the only means for reform, practice disciplinary confrontation with the rebellious wife. Again, Islam poses extreme conditions on this last step. The confrontation must not lead to injury or leave bruises. It must not be done in revenge or be based on hatred which trespasses the set limits, but instead be prescribed like the bitter medicine with calculated dosages to speed reform while still protect from harming the self and others.
The noble fellow goes on to suggest that beating your wife should be seen as a kind of surgical procedure.
Noting of course, that no one would object to a doctor’s decision to cutting open a patient’s body to cause it to heal later on. Islam, in a similar way, legalized this last effort like a surgical procedure (light confrontation) as long as it is deemed the only effective treatment to bringing a family back together that could lead to healing and allow things to return to normalcy.
Islam does not require men to go to medical school to beat their wives. Still there's good progressive news coming out of all this.
On the other hand, more importantly, other societies prohibit such disciplinary confrontation between the man and his wife and this could lead to legal complications that could complicate the entire problem and dissolve the family entirely. It should be understood that Islam allowed such confrontation but did not deem it an obligation.
Just to be clear, Islam does not mandate beating your wife. Or raping her. And how can anyone read that and doubt that Islam is a truly progressive and enlightened faith? The Imam also has a lot of great stuff about statutory rape.
"The girl’s menstrual period is a natural sign that her body qualifies her for fertility, pregnancy, or reproduction. Islam does not contradict the natural aspect of life. Therefore, it does not oppose marriage at a younger age when the girl is naturally ready."
And lots of similar rulings...
Q. Is it true that a fourteen year old girl can be allowed to marry? A. Yes she can be married with the permission and consent of her parents, preferably the father. This is very normal with Muslims and in Muslim states. Islam allows early marriages as a protection to society and children from the spread of corruption, fornication, and rape. In the USA, an early marriage has to be blessed in court by a civil judge in addition to the parent’s consent.
And if you want an even more nightmarish answer, here you go
25: The Age of Maturity in Relationship to Marriage Q. What is the age of maturity and marriage for girls in Islam? A. According to Islamic law, a girl reaches the age of maturity when she has completed nine yours of age. A girl’s maturity is achieved at the age of thirteen, however, according to some jurists; that is when she starts her menstrual cycle and her body is ready for pregnancy and childbirth. As for mental maturity and physical aptness, these might differ from one to another. For some men and women, it could happen at the age of fifteen, for others at eighteen, or twenty, or even at forty
Naturally All-American Muslim neglected to include all these wonderful things about Islam or the Imam in this episode. Sadly they might have thought that people would not understand. They didn't even include wonderful pieces of advice like this.
It is also true that by not helping with doing housework, she is pushing her husband to seek a second wife who is more willing to do the work.
And a piece of Hijab related advice that the episode even more unaccountably left out.
36: Refusing to Wear the Veil Q. Does the husband have the right to force his wife to wear the veil if she refuses to do so under the pretense that the veil has nothing to do with the essence of religion? What if she refuses to wear it? A. He can resort to moral influence, such as making her know that she is pushing him into looking for another wife who wears the veil.
Just keep in mind this is America or it used to be. And these are the rules by which the All-American Muslims live. To follow up, Debbie Schlussel has some more on the Hezbollah ties of the fun-loving Shiites in Anti-American Muslim And one final grace note from Imam Berry.
Q9. Some people refer to a saying that Muslims should not initiate the Islamic greeting to non-Muslims, including Jews and Christians. Is saluting them forbidden? A. No, it is not forbidden. The Islamic greeting is “Al-Salamo Alaykom”, which means “Peace is on you.” Of course, this greeting of peace is not fit for those who fight Muslims and are their enemy. Also, it is not favored to salute them who are like those who at the time of the Prophet (p) used to mock Muslims by changing the words of our greeting, saying to Muslims “Al-Samo Alaykom” which means “death be upon you.” Other than that there should be no issue with saluting non-Muslims and non-believers.
...other than that.

See the entire thing in my Front Page Magazine article, "The Islamic Feminism of All-American Muslim."


One reason I never spent much time taking Perry to task on immigration is that none of the candidates were very good on it. And that's true of the recent list of Republican presidents as well. Perry was worse than most but unfortunately none of them are much good on it.

Gingrich's panel proposal seems to be loosely adapted from something similar in Switzerland. Bringing it up is a testament to his broad knowledge, but proposing it in the United States is just stupid. In Switzerland those panels are made up of natives, in the United States they would be made up of other immigrants from the same part of the world.

Gingrich, like so many Republicans is trying to develop a rationale for distinguishing between different types of illegal immigrants, which isn't entirely unreasonable, but it's also a dead end. And unwise.

Last Shabbat I listened to Linda Lingle, the former Republican governor of Hawaii, now running for Senate, talk about the issues and like Gingrich, she showed that she had thought about the issues and came up with some interesting proposals, which were hobbled by the same inability to understand the scope of the problem. (I shudder at the prescription of stamping a green card for every university engineering grad. I can't think of a better formula for more car bombs in Times Square.)

It's easy to propose these kinds of solutions when you ignore the scope of the problem and what its long term implications are. There's a certain similar thought pattern in the War on Terror and immigration. The speaker begins from the position of, "We can't deport them all" or "We can't fight them all" and then tries to arrive at a way of distinguishing moderates from extremists or good risks from bad risks. That's fine as far as it goes, but it misses the bigger picture.

At the Restoration Weekend, I listened to a panel debate featuring Robert Spencer who discussed the dangers of shifting the meaning in order to win over the moderates. I would highlight the danger that when the meaning is shifted then we forget what the problem is.

What is the problem with illegal immigration? Disrespect for the law is one factor, but the bottom line is that illegal immigration is a demographic threat that places undue stress on southwestern states and on the national economy. That's the fundamental thing to keep in mind.

Guest workers stay on and become citizens. Which isn't a problem if we want the United States to become Mexico. Mexico isn't a bad place despite all its problems. There are much worse places in the world. But it also has a broken political culture, massive drug and gang violence and a whole bunch of other things that will change this country significantly. And large scale immigration will do that beyond our ability to control it. Importing Muslim immigrants in sufficient number means importing everything wrong with the Muslim world along with some ethnic foods. The same goes for illegal immigration from Mexico. The bottom line is do we want to live in Mexico? Do we want to live in Cairo? Because if things keep going the way they are, we will. Just ask a European.

We're a nation built on immigrants, but on a balance of immigrants set around a Western European core. Change that core and you fundamentally change the nation. On a similar note, Lawrence Auster's response to the trouble with Muslim democracy.
The modern West cannot face this truth about Islam, because it would mean that not all cultures, peoples, and religions are equally capable of self-government. And that discovery would mean in turn (a) that not all peoples and cultures are equal, period, and (b) that a universal liberal order embracing all mankind is not possible.
And a corollary to that is that even when Third world governments fail, we must go on believing that they can succeed to be able to go on believing in that universal order.


American Digest has narrowed down the primary candidates to just one.

OccupyMiami is OccupyIslam, via Boker Tov Boulder. No wonder it has this whole, "Jews to the Ovens" clause.

Christian refugee? Forget about it! Religion of Peaceful Beheadings? Uncle Sam Wants You.

US policy regarding the refugee resettlement program would shock most Americans if they only knew. The UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

Nothing to be thankful for in the Eurozone

A reminder that there are alternatives to the PA. Muslim tribal elders and leaders have governed their own clans and areas well enough and adding a layer of terrorist politicians on top paid for by the US hasn't made things any better. Restoring tribal authority makes more sense than anything else so far.

Finally a rather dark piece of satire from Latma, which like most of their Israeli stuff is well done. It helps to have some familiarity with the Israeli reality to get this one.

Enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/30/2011 12:25:33 AM

Hi Peter, as I watched this video I was reminded of this article I read earlier today and if anyone ever deserved the death penalty it is this young man and in a case like this I even approve the same for the 17 year old. Both knew exactly what they were doing when they broke in and killed the 5 members of the Fogel family. Such a heinous crime to innocent people.


70% of Public: Execute Fogels' Murderer
by Gil Ronen
As a military court prepares Monday to hand down its sentence in the trial of Amjad Awad, aged 19, a poll shows 70% of the public want the cold-blooded killer executed. The poll was conducted by Pirsumei Israel.

Together with his cousin Hakem Awad, 17, Amjad murdered five members of the family in the Samaria (Shomron) community of Itamar eight months ago. It was Amjad who stabbed and killed Udi Fogel and his wife Ruthy, as well as their children – Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, who was 3 months old.

The cousins admitted the crimes and reenacted them for investigators.

Hakem was found guilty on all the counts. He was charged with in August and sent to 130 years' jail. However, Amjad was the initiator of the massacre.While 70% supported the death penalty for Amjad, 20% said they oppose the death sentence and 9.8 said they have no opinion. The poll encompassed 521 people from all socio-economic layers.

Israeli courts, including military ones, can impose the death penalty by law but never do.

[quote]Hello Friends,

The brilliant Latmah team came out with their latest song about the Arab Spring. Oh yeah, the Arab Spring that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein supported knowing the end result in advance and welcoming it. Well he succeeded in Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Yemen and the list is growing as each day goes by and these so called democracy lovers are turning into copies of the lunatic Iranian regime. The Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda are taking over these countries and B Hussein supports it.

All the signs show that if B Hussein supports something it's bad for the world and the United States. Did I mention that he also supports the occupiers??? Don't forget B Hussein embraces America's enemies and throws her friends under the bus.

Let's get back to the latest Latmah song. It encapsulates all that B Hussein supports and sometimes it takes satire to open the eyes and minds of the deaf, dumb and blind crowd or as some call them the hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil crowd that sees love where there are only crimes, rapes, murders, arson, racism etc. all supported by the Soros', progressive liberal Marxists, Socialists, Anarchists, Nazis, KKK, the unions and their goons. the list s virtually endless. As I said in previous posts, give me the Tea Parties with their zero crime record and patriotism over these moochers and freebie lovers with all their crimes any day.



Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/1/2011 7:29:18 AM
Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for posting the article and the 2 jihadi terrorists were convicted and received multiple life sentences. I too was for the death sentence in both cases especially when you consider neither of them regret what they did and have said so publicly and in court. Another reason is the bad experience with the exchange of 1027 jihadi terrorists who were exchanged for Gilad Shalit. The thought that these 2 might be exchanged in the future is beyond belief.




Hi Peter, as I watched this video I was reminded of this article I read earlier today and if anyone ever deserved the death penalty it is this young man and in a case like this I even approve the same for the 17 year old. Both knew exactly what they were doing when they broke in and killed the 5 members of the Fogel family. Such a heinous crime to innocent people.


70% of Public: Execute Fogels' Murderer
by Gil Ronen
As a military court prepares Monday to hand down its sentence in the trial of Amjad Awad, aged 19, a poll shows 70% of the public want the cold-blooded killer executed. The poll was conducted by Pirsumei Israel.

Together with his cousin Hakem Awad, 17, Amjad murdered five members of the family in the Samaria (Shomron) community of Itamar eight months ago. It was Amjad who stabbed and killed Udi Fogel and his wife Ruthy, as well as their children – Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, who was 3 months old.

The cousins admitted the crimes and reenacted them for investigators.

Hakem was found guilty on all the counts. He was charged with in August and sent to 130 years' jail. However, Amjad was the initiator of the massacre.While 70% supported the death penalty for Amjad, 20% said they oppose the death sentence and 9.8 said they have no opinion. The poll encompassed 521 people from all socio-economic layers.

Israeli courts, including military ones, can impose the death penalty by law but never do.

[quote]Hello Friends,

The brilliant Latmah team came out with their latest song about the Arab Spring. Oh yeah, the Arab Spring that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein supported knowing the end result in advance and welcoming it. Well he succeeded in Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Yemen and the list is growing as each day goes by and these so called democracy lovers are turning into copies of the lunatic Iranian regime. The Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda are taking over these countries and B Hussein supports it.

All the signs show that if B Hussein supports something it's bad for the world and the United States. Did I mention that he also supports the occupiers??? Don't forget B Hussein embraces America's enemies and throws her friends under the bus.

Let's get back to the latest Latmah song. It encapsulates all that B Hussein supports and sometimes it takes satire to open the eyes and minds of the deaf, dumb and blind crowd or as some call them the hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil crowd that sees love where there are only crimes, rapes, murders, arson, racism etc. all supported by the Soros', progressive liberal Marxists, Socialists, Anarchists, Nazis, KKK, the unions and their goons. the list s virtually endless. As I said in previous posts, give me the Tea Parties with their zero crime record and patriotism over these moochers and freebie lovers with all their crimes any day.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Voices Of Palestine: Abdallah Jarbu
12/1/2011 7:30:31 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's another in the series of Voices of Palestine. This time the profile is on Abdallah Jarbu Hamas' Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments.

While the profile on Yasser Arafat is by far the most revealing on the history of the modern day Jihadi terrorists with him as the godfather of them all the profiles of the speakers and leaders of this terrorist organizations are most revealing. The hatred for the west, the USA and of course Israel and the Jews is part of their daily diatribes and they are brainwashing
from the kindergarten up a new generations of suicide bombers, jihadi terrorists with hatred for all as you'll see in the below article.



Voices of Palestine: Abdallah Jarbu

Posted by Frank Crimi Bio ↓ on Nov 30th, 2011

Editor’s note: Below is the latest profile of Frontpage’s new series, “Voices of Palestine,” which will illuminate the core beliefs, in their own words, of leading figures in the Palestinian death cult. Click the following to view the profiles of Ahmad Bahr, Mahmoud al-Zahar, Ibrahim Mudayris, Yasser Ghalban, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Wafa al-Bis, Mahmoud Abbas and Ahlam Tamimi and Yassir Arafat (Part I and Part II).

Since its founding in 1987, the Islamic Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas has been vigorously committed to annihilating the state of Israel and all of its Jewish inhabitants in an attempt to replace in its stead an Islamic state.

To that end, the terror group has launched over the ensuing decades countless terrorist attacks on both Israeli military and civilian targets, assaults which have left thousands of Israelis killed and wounded.

Fueling Hamas’ terrorist drive is a rabid anti-Semitic and racist ideology found in its governing charter, a modern-day Mein Kampf that not only rejects Israel’s right to exist but in the process blames all the evils in the world on Jews.

While Hamas has been able to cough up a litany of killers, apologists and supporters to spread its message of hatred and Islamic supremacy, some spokesmen have proven better than others in concisely articulating the terror group’s core ideological message.

One such gifted speaker is Abdallah Jarbu, Deputy Minister of Hamas’ Ministry of Religious Endowments, who displayed his genocidal eloquence in two interviews he gave in February and March 2010 on Hamas-controlled Al-Aqsa TV.

In his February 28, 2010, interview Jarbu outlined the basic Hamas premise as to why Jews pose such a grave threat to the world:

[The Jews] suffer from a mental disorder, because they are thieves and aggressors. A thief or an aggressor, who took property or land, develops a psychological disorder and pangs of conscience, because he took something that wasn’t his.

They want to present themselves to the world as if they have rights, but, in fact, they are foreign bacteria – a microbe unparalleled in the world. It’s not me who says this. The Koran itself says that they have no parallel: “You shall find the strongest men in enmity to the believers to be the Jews.”

May He annihilate this filthy people who have neither religion nor conscience. I condemn whoever believes in normalizing relations with them, whoever supports sitting down with them, and whoever believes that they are human beings. They are not human beings. They are not people. They have no religion, no conscience, and no moral values.

Picking up on the theme of Jews as subhuman vermin in need of outright extermination, Jarbu expanded upon his thoughts in a follow up interview he gave on Al-Aqsa TV on March 19, 2010, in which he said:

The Jews, just like a cancer, operate via dormant cells, until the body collapses. We must stop this swelling, criminal, Zionist cancer.

Then, in an effort to convince those who may have been lost in the subtlety of his message, Jarbu said, “Only a madman, who does not understand a thing, can possibly think that the Jews are human and should be treated as such.”

Lest anyone think Jarbu’s assessment of Jews lacked a sufficient scientific, medical or ethical foundation, he was quick to offer concrete examples to support his views:

The Jews have violated all the treaties and accords. They slayed the prophets in the past, and showed no respect for any prophet or messenger. The Koran says: “They slayed the prophets unjustly.

The Jews, the brothers of apes and pigs, have gathered from all corners of the world, in order to defile the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They have come to rob it of its purity, and they replaced it with their impurity, their filth, and their abomination.

You cannot go on living, oh Arab and Islamic nation, while the Al-Aqsa Mosque is being defiled by the Jews, the most despicable people on this Earth. By Allah, they are not human beings. They are not men who deserve to live, as long as we are alive.

We salute anyone who tried to run over Jews with his bulldozers. We salute anyone who tried to stab a Jewish settler pig.

Of course, Jarbu’s expounding on the need to terminally eliminate Jews wouldn’t be complete without a swipe at the United States for being Zionist enablers:

What have we become accustomed to from America – that criminal, terrorist, and murderous US, which besieges Al-Aqsa TV? May Allah sustain the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Al-Aqsa, TV, the men of Al-Aqsa, the mujahideen of Al-Aqsa, and all the Muslims of Al-Aqsa.

We ask today: What have we become accustomed to see from America and Europe, except for disappointment, betrayal, and support of the Jews?

Nevertheless, Jarbu’s disappointment with the West was counterbalanced by his optimism that rectification of the Jewish menace was safely in the hands of a higher power:

Allah will send his wrath down from the skies upon the Jews and their collaborators. Allah will make the sea rage against all the oppressors. Allah will poison the air breathed by the Jews, the Americans, the Crusaders, and all the Zionists. May Allah turn the food that they eat to poison in their bellies.

Of course, if Allah was too slow to heal the Jewish disease, Jarbu offered a more earthly cure:

There must be a third Intifada, with the blessing of Allah. We say to the Ramallah Authority: Give free rein to our brothers, so that they can wage Jihad to put an end to the attacks of the Jews. A martyrdom operation in the heart of Jerusalem, to blow up the settlements of the Jews, will terrify them and put an end to their schemes against us. A martyrdom operation in the heart of Tel Aviv will make them lose sleep, like in the past.

As for the so-called “peace” or “peace process” – these are empty words, which constitute betrayal of the people and Allah’s religion.

While some may say that Jarbu’s racist monologue had little lasting impact, it should be noted that his genocidal views are currently being foisted on thousands of Palestinian children.

Specifically, Hamas has been organizing summer camps for Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip, which by its own admission is designed to recruit future operatives and supporters.

According to one Hamas camp organizer the program agenda is to teach children to sympathize with Hamas’ ideology by indoctrinating them with a hatred of Israel and the Jewish people so they may “grow the seeds of nationalism and Islam in the heart of these children.”

During the summer of 2011, an estimated 50,000 Palestinian children attended such summer camps, 10,000 of whom were in camps administered by Jarbu’s own Ministry of Religious Endowments.

For his part, the director of programming at the Ministry’s summer camps insists all that is being taught to the children is “how to be good, how to deal with people, how to deal with God, how to deal with our neighbors. It is full of principles and good manners.”

Unfortunately, a full description of those good principles and manners can be found in the hateful words of Abdallah Jarbu.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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