Hello Friends,
Here's another in the series of Voices of Palestine. This time the profile is on Abdallah Jarbu Hamas' Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments.
While the profile on Yasser Arafat is by far the most revealing on the history of the modern day Jihadi terrorists with him as the godfather of them all the profiles of the speakers and leaders of this terrorist organizations are most revealing. The hatred for the west, the USA and of course Israel and the Jews is part of their daily diatribes and they are brainwashing from the kindergarten up a new generations of suicide bombers, jihadi terrorists with hatred for all as you'll see in the below article.
Peter Posted by Frank Crimi Bio ↓ on Nov 30th, 2011

Editor’s note: Below is the latest profile of Frontpage’s new series, “Voices of Palestine,” which will illuminate the core beliefs, in their own words, of leading figures in the Palestinian death cult. Click the following to view the profiles of Ahmad Bahr, Mahmoud al-Zahar, Ibrahim Mudayris, Yasser Ghalban, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Wafa al-Bis, Mahmoud Abbas and Ahlam Tamimi and Yassir Arafat (Part I and Part II).
Since its founding in 1987, the Islamic Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas has been vigorously committed to annihilating the state of Israel and all of its Jewish inhabitants in an attempt to replace in its stead an Islamic state.
To that end, the terror group has launched over the ensuing decades countless terrorist attacks on both Israeli military and civilian targets, assaults which have left thousands of Israelis killed and wounded.
Fueling Hamas’ terrorist drive is a rabid anti-Semitic and racist ideology found in its governing charter, a modern-day Mein Kampf that not only rejects Israel’s right to exist but in the process blames all the evils in the world on Jews.
While Hamas has been able to cough up a litany of killers, apologists and supporters to spread its message of hatred and Islamic supremacy, some spokesmen have proven better than others in concisely articulating the terror group’s core ideological message.
One such gifted speaker is Abdallah Jarbu, Deputy Minister of Hamas’ Ministry of Religious Endowments, who displayed his genocidal eloquence in two interviews he gave in February and March 2010 on Hamas-controlled Al-Aqsa TV.
In his February 28, 2010, interview Jarbu outlined the basic Hamas premise as to why Jews pose such a grave threat to the world:
[The Jews] suffer from a mental disorder, because they are thieves and aggressors. A thief or an aggressor, who took property or land, develops a psychological disorder and pangs of conscience, because he took something that wasn’t his.
They want to present themselves to the world as if they have rights, but, in fact, they are foreign bacteria – a microbe unparalleled in the world. It’s not me who says this. The Koran itself says that they have no parallel: “You shall find the strongest men in enmity to the believers to be the Jews.”
May He annihilate this filthy people who have neither religion nor conscience. I condemn whoever believes in normalizing relations with them, whoever supports sitting down with them, and whoever believes that they are human beings. They are not human beings. They are not people. They have no religion, no conscience, and no moral values.
Picking up on the theme of Jews as subhuman vermin in need of outright extermination, Jarbu expanded upon his thoughts in a follow up interview he gave on Al-Aqsa TV on March 19, 2010, in which he said:
The Jews, just like a cancer, operate via dormant cells, until the body collapses. We must stop this swelling, criminal, Zionist cancer.
Then, in an effort to convince those who may have been lost in the subtlety of his message, Jarbu said, “Only a madman, who does not understand a thing, can possibly think that the Jews are human and should be treated as such.”
Lest anyone think Jarbu’s assessment of Jews lacked a sufficient scientific, medical or ethical foundation, he was quick to offer concrete examples to support his views:
The Jews have violated all the treaties and accords. They slayed the prophets in the past, and showed no respect for any prophet or messenger. The Koran says: “They slayed the prophets unjustly.
The Jews, the brothers of apes and pigs, have gathered from all corners of the world, in order to defile the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They have come to rob it of its purity, and they replaced it with their impurity, their filth, and their abomination.
You cannot go on living, oh Arab and Islamic nation, while the Al-Aqsa Mosque is being defiled by the Jews, the most despicable people on this Earth. By Allah, they are not human beings. They are not men who deserve to live, as long as we are alive.
We salute anyone who tried to run over Jews with his bulldozers. We salute anyone who tried to stab a Jewish settler pig.
Of course, Jarbu’s expounding on the need to terminally eliminate Jews wouldn’t be complete without a swipe at the United States for being Zionist enablers:
What have we become accustomed to from America – that criminal, terrorist, and murderous US, which besieges Al-Aqsa TV? May Allah sustain the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Al-Aqsa, TV, the men of Al-Aqsa, the mujahideen of Al-Aqsa, and all the Muslims of Al-Aqsa.
We ask today: What have we become accustomed to see from America and Europe, except for disappointment, betrayal, and support of the Jews?
Nevertheless, Jarbu’s disappointment with the West was counterbalanced by his optimism that rectification of the Jewish menace was safely in the hands of a higher power:
Allah will send his wrath down from the skies upon the Jews and their collaborators. Allah will make the sea rage against all the oppressors. Allah will poison the air breathed by the Jews, the Americans, the Crusaders, and all the Zionists. May Allah turn the food that they eat to poison in their bellies.
Of course, if Allah was too slow to heal the Jewish disease, Jarbu offered a more earthly cure:
There must be a third Intifada, with the blessing of Allah. We say to the Ramallah Authority: Give free rein to our brothers, so that they can wage Jihad to put an end to the attacks of the Jews. A martyrdom operation in the heart of Jerusalem, to blow up the settlements of the Jews, will terrify them and put an end to their schemes against us. A martyrdom operation in the heart of Tel Aviv will make them lose sleep, like in the past.
As for the so-called “peace” or “peace process” – these are empty words, which constitute betrayal of the people and Allah’s religion.
While some may say that Jarbu’s racist monologue had little lasting impact, it should be noted that his genocidal views are currently being foisted on thousands of Palestinian children.
Specifically, Hamas has been organizing summer camps for Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip, which by its own admission is designed to recruit future operatives and supporters.
According to one Hamas camp organizer the program agenda is to teach children to sympathize with Hamas’ ideology by indoctrinating them with a hatred of Israel and the Jewish people so they may “grow the seeds of nationalism and Islam in the heart of these children.”
During the summer of 2011, an estimated 50,000 Palestinian children attended such summer camps, 10,000 of whom were in camps administered by Jarbu’s own Ministry of Religious Endowments.
For his part, the director of programming at the Ministry’s summer camps insists all that is being taught to the children is “how to be good, how to deal with people, how to deal with God, how to deal with our neighbors. It is full of principles and good manners.”
Unfortunately, a full description of those good principles and manners can be found in the hateful words of Abdallah Jarbu.