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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/3/2011 7:17:58 PM
It isn't Freemasons, occult or witchcraft that threatens us Amanda, it is Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Islamism teaming up to destroy Capitalism. Plain and simple, IMHV. None of the alternatives have a working model.

And to top it all off a small country like Greece, about the size of Manhattan, financial crisis can harm the balance in the world's financial markets. We are truly in a fix. But do you really believe this CRAPOLA?! It is 3 Card Monty and we are rubes.

The sooner we realize that the size of this problem is being overblown. Do you think if Los Angeles, California were to go broke it would destroy the US and World financial markets? NO FRICKIN WAY! Wake UP SHEEPLE! You're letting a pimple on your backside get the best of you.

Hello Peter and Friends.

I have two videos to share with you today.
Government Gone Wild
The first I was very shocked to realise that the Govt employees had grown so big that with voting from themselves as well as their spouses and family could easily out number the general population voting power.

This second video from David Manning of yesterday - I have felt in my heart much of the same message. We need to pray and repent as a country e.g. Jonah talked to the people of Ninevah whom turned away from their sins and turned back to God.

I feel so heart sore and when the scales finally fell off my eyes a couple of months ago how the enemy of God has blinded the people's eyes and as we have allowed so many different and various religions, cultures to come in and mix with ours that we cannot see the good from the bad
. It will have to be an act from the Lord God Himself to uncover peoples eyes and ears if this is His plan and I really hope it is.

I have tried writing to my family and they do not understand and think I have my knife in Obama when it was Bushes fault.. Ahhhhh. They do not understand that it does not matter whom we vote in both parties are as bad as each other because the power behind them all is Evil - when the majority are practicing Freemason and other occult/witchcraft that have been brought into the Govt then filter into the country from the Global Elite - not just in the US but other countries as well e.g. Britain, Australia, Canada etc

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/3/2011 8:25:46 PM
Hello Jim,
I have to disagree strongly with you.
Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Islamism...
Is the Occult - freemasons, witchcraft etc is the underlaying basis that
Satan uses - Intimidation, Manipulation and Domination. But the greatest Lie and hoax (afterall he is the father of Lies) convincing the world that he does not exist. He was thrown out of God's presence with a third of the angels and rules down here.

The old Testament when Moses went up to the Mountain of Sinai the Isralites got involved with the occult and made gold iconic statue of the calf. The Lord God has warned repeatedly not to get involved with idols, divination, mind control, etc etc and most of our homes, are full of the occult coming in via our TV sets, magazines and other forms of shopping - that we have been conditioned not to even notice anymore. We are manipulated by TV adverts to by this thing and that and many other forms of mind control.


It isn't Freemasons, occult or witchcraft that threatens us Amanda, it is Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Islamism teaming up to destroy Capitalism. Plain and simple, IMHV. None of the alternatives have a working model.

And to top it all off a small country like Greece, about the size of Manhattan, financial crisis can harm the balance in the world's financial markets. We are truly in a fix. But do you really believe this CRAPOLA?! It is 3 Card Monty and we are rubes.

The sooner we realize that the size of this problem is being overblown. Do you think if Los Angeles, California were to go broke it would destroy the US and World financial markets? NO FRICKIN WAY! Wake UP SHEEPLE! You're letting a pimple on your backside get the best of you.

Hello Peter and Friends.

I have two videos to share with you today.
Government Gone Wild
The first I was very shocked to realise that the Govt employees had grown so big that with voting from themselves as well as their spouses and family could easily out number the general population voting power.

This second video from David Manning of yesterday - I have felt in my heart much of the same message. We need to pray and repent as a country e.g. Jonah talked to the people of Ninevah whom turned away from their sins and turned back to God.

I feel so heart sore and when the scales finally fell off my eyes a couple of months ago how the enemy of God has blinded the people's eyes and as we have allowed so many different and various religions, cultures to come in and mix with ours that we cannot see the good from the bad
. It will have to be an act from the Lord God Himself to uncover peoples eyes and ears if this is His plan and I really hope it is.

I have tried writing to my family and they do not understand and think I have my knife in Obama when it was Bushes fault.. Ahhhhh. They do not understand that it does not matter whom we vote in both parties are as bad as each other because the power behind them all is Evil - when the majority are practicing Freemason and other occult/witchcraft that have been brought into the Govt then filter into the country from the Global Elite - not just in the US but other countries as well e.g. Britain, Australia, Canada etc

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/3/2011 9:04:35 PM
You are conditioned for sure if you wish to lump the good with the bad by naming it an occult. Arguing over over the name won't win or change a thing. There is white magic and black magic, light and dark sides and we all know the difference between good and bad it is hard coded within us and really has not a thing to do with religion.

GOD has never spoken to me directly but I know the difference between right and wrong and this is what we face, those wishing to do wrong claim to be religious too, but it sure doesn't make it right, just look at our president ZerObama claims to be a Christian. Being a Christian does not make his actions right now do they?

I do hope there is a GOD to hear the prayers of the righteous, but prayer alone will not fix the ills of this world. Lord knows many wishes it would.

Hello Jim,
I have to disagree strongly with you.
Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Islamism...
Is the Occult - freemasons, witchcraft etc is the underlaying basis that
Satan uses - Intimidation, Manipulation and Domination. But the greatest Lie and hoax (afterall he is the father of Lies) convincing the world that he does not exist. He was thrown out of God's presence with a third of the angels and rules down here.

The old Testament when Moses went up to the Mountain of Sinai the Isralites got involved with the occult and made gold iconic statue of the calf. The Lord God has warned repeatedly not to get involved with idols, divination, mind control, etc etc and most of our homes, are full of the occult coming in via our TV sets, magazines and other forms of shopping - that we have been conditioned not to even notice anymore. We are manipulated by TV adverts to by this thing and that and many other forms of mind control.


It isn't Freemasons, occult or witchcraft that threatens us Amanda, it is Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Islamism teaming up to destroy Capitalism. Plain and simple, IMHV. None of the alternatives have a working model.

And to top it all off a small country like Greece, about the size of Manhattan, financial crisis can harm the balance in the world's financial markets. We are truly in a fix. But do you really believe this CRAPOLA?! It is 3 Card Monty and we are rubes.

The sooner we realize that the size of this problem is being overblown. Do you think if Los Angeles, California were to go broke it would destroy the US and World financial markets? NO FRICKIN WAY! Wake UP SHEEPLE! You're letting a pimple on your backside get the best of you.

Hello Peter and Friends.

I have two videos to share with you today.
Government Gone Wild
The first I was very shocked to realise that the Govt employees had grown so big that with voting from themselves as well as their spouses and family could easily out number the general population voting power.

This second video from David Manning of yesterday - I have felt in my heart much of the same message. We need to pray and repent as a country e.g. Jonah talked to the people of Ninevah whom turned away from their sins and turned back to God.

I feel so heart sore and when the scales finally fell off my eyes a couple of months ago how the enemy of God has blinded the people's eyes and as we have allowed so many different and various religions, cultures to come in and mix with ours that we cannot see the good from the bad
. It will have to be an act from the Lord God Himself to uncover peoples eyes and ears if this is His plan and I really hope it is.

I have tried writing to my family and they do not understand and think I have my knife in Obama when it was Bushes fault.. Ahhhhh. They do not understand that it does not matter whom we vote in both parties are as bad as each other because the power behind them all is Evil - when the majority are practicing Freemason and other occult/witchcraft that have been brought into the Govt then filter into the country from the Global Elite - not just in the US but other countries as well e.g. Britain, Australia, Canada etc

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/3/2011 10:46:03 PM
First off Jim, I am and never have been RELIGIOUS. Religion is something you have to do at a given time, place, position etc etc - a person does 'religiously'. It has nothing what-so-ever to do with Faith.

I have a personal relationship with the risen Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten son of the Lord God Almighty maker of heaven and earth... I accepted Jesus on Faith of whom He is, without ever seeing Him. I follow the Holy Spirit whom is the 3rd person of the Godhead - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit one God in 3 personalities. The Jews (sons Abraham, Isaac and David's line) are my family and I will receive the same inheritance.

I am not affiliated with any church or denomination or follow any of their doctrine. I stepped away from main stream church because there is occultic symbols, clothing, actions that have come into the church over the years and even pastors and ministers have not been aware of or turned a blind eye because they do not want to stand up for what is right and make waves. Christians in these days is just a brand-name - most do not live morally or walk in faith with Jesus.

Our countries especially the US have let immigrants into the country with their many and varied religions and cultures which over time due to demands etc have been adopted into US culture and watered down the foundations of Christian Godly standards and laws of the land.

Yes, I agree we were all born with the 10 commandments hard coded as you put it, we know right from wrong and when we listen and act to these laws, morals, ethics, values, we treat our fellow man right, because our conscientious alerts us when we step outside of these boundaries.

However the moral decline in our 'Free countries' have been eroded and stolen away bit by bit by our enemy Satan and his band of evil dwellers. Young people these days have no idea what morals, ethics, values etc even are or even if they use them.

The Catholic church especially the Vatican is full of the Occult. Benedict 8th is evil and chooses to follow Satan and bring him in more into this church.

The Occult is lead by Satan whom is God's enemy so he is also my enemy. White, black, grey magic is all the same and is bad! The Occult encompasses everything that is not from God which is love.
His banner over me is love.

The Muslims that are arriving in great numbers is more danger than any of the other religions and cultures that are in our free countries because we can see them physically and also due to the Koran written by a mad man has murder on his agenda.

The Global Elite Illuminati has been secret and has done and is doing far more dangerous activities over the decades because we did not know they existed until the last maybe decade.


You are conditioned for sure if you wish to lump the good with the bad by naming it an occult. Arguing over over the name won't win or change a thing. There is white magic and black magic, light and dark sides and we all know the difference between good and bad it is hard coded within us and really has not a thing to do with religion.

GOD has never spoken to me directly but I know the difference between right and wrong and this is what we face, those wishing to do wrong claim to be religious too, but it sure doesn't make it right, just look at our president ZerObama claims to be a Christian. Being a Christian does not make his actions right now do they?

I do hope there is a GOD to hear the prayers of the righteous, but prayer alone will not fix the ills of this world. Lord knows many wishes it would.

Hello Jim,
I have to disagree strongly with you.
Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Islamism...
Is the Occult - freemasons, witchcraft etc is the underlaying basis that
Satan uses - Intimidation, Manipulation and Domination. But the greatest Lie and hoax (afterall he is the father of Lies) convincing the world that he does not exist. He was thrown out of God's presence with a third of the angels and rules down here.

The old Testament when Moses went up to the Mountain of Sinai the Isralites got involved with the occult and made gold iconic statue of the calf. The Lord God has warned repeatedly not to get involved with idols, divination, mind control, etc etc and most of our homes, are full of the occult coming in via our TV sets, magazines and other forms of shopping - that we have been conditioned not to even notice anymore. We are manipulated by TV adverts to by this thing and that and many other forms of mind control.


It isn't Freemasons, occult or witchcraft that threatens us Amanda, it is Communism, Fascism, Socialism and Islamism teaming up to destroy Capitalism. Plain and simple, IMHV. None of the alternatives have a working model.

And to top it all off a small country like Greece, about the size of Manhattan, financial crisis can harm the balance in the world's financial markets. We are truly in a fix. But do you really believe this CRAPOLA?! It is 3 Card Monty and we are rubes.

The sooner we realize that the size of this problem is being overblown. Do you think if Los Angeles, California were to go broke it would destroy the US and World financial markets? NO FRICKIN WAY! Wake UP SHEEPLE! You're letting a pimple on your backside get the best of you.

Hello Peter and Friends.

I have two videos to share with you today.
Government Gone Wild
The first I was very shocked to realise that the Govt employees had grown so big that with voting from themselves as well as their spouses and family could easily out number the general population voting power.

This second video from David Manning of yesterday - I have felt in my heart much of the same message. We need to pray and repent as a country e.g. Jonah talked to the people of Ninevah whom turned away from their sins and turned back to God.

I feel so heart sore and when the scales finally fell off my eyes a couple of months ago how the enemy of God has blinded the people's eyes and as we have allowed so many different and various religions, cultures to come in and mix with ours that we cannot see the good from the bad
. It will have to be an act from the Lord God Himself to uncover peoples eyes and ears if this is His plan and I really hope it is.

I have tried writing to my family and they do not understand and think I have my knife in Obama when it was Bushes fault.. Ahhhhh. They do not understand that it does not matter whom we vote in both parties are as bad as each other because the power behind them all is Evil - when the majority are practicing Freemason and other occult/witchcraft that have been brought into the Govt then filter into the country from the Global Elite - not just in the US but other countries as well e.g. Britain, Australia, Canada etc

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/4/2011 4:15:34 AM
William Hall
What died in AUSCHWITZ?

The following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez, and published in a Spanish newspaper on Jan. 15 2011.

It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe - and possibly to the rest of the world.
By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez

I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth

Europe died in Auschwitz ...

We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims.

In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent.

We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.

The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned.

Under the pretence of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy,

for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.

A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred.

It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it.

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended.
This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the, 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1,900 Catholic priests who were 'murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated.

Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,'

it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.

Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.

How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center 'NEVER HAPPENED' because it offends some Muslim in the United States ?

Share this message;
Wake up America before it's too late!!!!!!!!


Ignorance is no longer an excuse but the reason. Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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