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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Iran Demands Obama Apologize For Spreading "Iranophobia"
11/2/2011 11:42:35 AM
Hello Friends,

When I read this article a few days ago I almost burst out in laughter. The Iranian's are "demanding" that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein apologize to Iran for spreading "Iranophobia" (a new fabricated term by Muslims along the lines of Islamophobia). Here we have a lunatic regime that day in and day out call for the destruction of Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad never loses a chance to say just that in every speech he makes and that includes the UN as well.

The irony of it all is that B Hussein will find a way to "sorta" apologize. Mark my words. He did nothing to support the Iranian people's revolution and protest as he did in Egypt and Libya. In both cases B Hussein brought about the rise to power of radical Islam. In Egypt in the guise of the Muslim Brotherhood and Libya Al Qaeda. Great success stories for the fraud and great pretender. So much for the Arab Spring and believe it or not there is more to come.

As I said above B Hussein will most probably find a way to placate them and "apologize". As an aside the kook Ron Paul would definitely apologize something he has in common with the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

The below article quotes the crazed Iranians from their own Fars News Agency. These are not people the more or less sane western world should even consider talking to and negotiating with.



Iran demands Obama apologize for spreading "Iranophobia"

Obama has bent over backwards again and again to reach out to the Iranian mullahs. He has never spoken critically of the Iranian regime with any real force, and refused to back the Iranians who were protesting against the regime. Yet his supine dhimmitude is still not good enough for the Islamic Republic. With the typical Islamic supremacist displacement of responsibility, Seyed Ali Aqazadeh is making the fantastic claim that Obama is spreading "Iranophobia." This exactly parallels the jihadist tendency never to accept responsibility for any wrongdoing of any kind, but always to affect the posture of the innocent victim. Hamas-linked CAIR operates in the same way.

"Senior MP: US President Should Apologize to Iran," from the Fars News Agency, October 31 (thanks to Wimpy):

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior member of the Iranian parliament condemned Washington's plots and allegations against Tehran, and said US President Barack Obama should apologize for fabricating lies and accusations against the Iranian nation.

"Apologizing to the Iranian nation for fabricating the recent scenarios (against the country) is Obama's duty and the US president should offer an official and formal apology," member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Seyed Ali Aqazadeh told FNA on Monday.

He said that the US allegations against Iran aimed to spread the atmosphere of Iranophobia over the world and feed the Zionist-dominated media with new materials against Iran.

The legislator further warned that such anti-Iran moves and actions entail dire consequences for the White House.

Last night, NBC News quoted Iranian diplomatic sources as saying that Tehran has demanded Washington to offer a public apology and pay unspecified monetary damages for its recently declared baseless allegations against Iran.

An unnamed Iranian diplomat told NBC News that the demands were contained in a recent letter to the US. It called on the US to apologize publicly to both the Islamic republic and officials of the Al Quds Force for "material and moral damages" caused by "this baseless accusation," which violated "international rules and regulations."

The diplomatic source would not provide details on when the letter was sent out, to whom it was addressed or who in the Iranian government wrote it.

A US State Department representative acknowledged Sunday that the letter had been received, but declined to discuss its contents.

After the US leveled the accusation against Iran earlier this month, Tehran fiercely rejected them as baseless and ridiculous, and asked Washington to present its proofs and evidence, but the White House has denied Iran's call.

At the same time, Iranian officials at all levels of the government, including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, have censured the US and warned it to avoid irrational moves.

"If US officials have some delusions, (they must) know that any unsuitable act, whether political or security, will meet a resolute response from the Iranian nation," Ayatollah Khamenei warned two weeks ago.

President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said similarly that "Iran is a civilized nation and doesn't need to resort to assassination."

"The culture of terror belongs to you," he said, referring to the United States.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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RE: HSIG - Iran Demands Obama Apologize For Spreading "Iranophobia"
11/2/2011 2:22:09 PM

Hello Peter

I noticed that you called Ron Paul a "kook". What are your thoughts on him ...besides that he is a kook, whatever that may mean?

Initially, I thought he had great ideas and I liked much of what he had to say. However, later I read what his policies for Israel would be if he was president and I am not so sure about him. Putting everything together regarding Ron Paul, I am wondering if underneath he is not an anti-semite and a racist.

I believe, as you know, that God blesses those who bless Israel and I think that is why the USA has enjoyed as much prosperity and blessings as it has in spite of their less than godly ways. I also believe that if USA withdraws its support of Israel, it will be to the detriment of the US.


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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/3/2011 4:53:17 PM
Hi Helen,

Ron Paul's fiscal policies are sound as are his opinions about the FED.

He attributes the 911 attack as the Muslim's anger about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. For some reason he forgets that jihadi terrorist attacks have been going on before these wars and many countries in the world were targeted. He sees nothing wrong with a nuclear Iran and his foreign affairs policies are pathetically naive.

In regard to Israel you're absolutely correct and in addition to that in the past when he put out a newsletter there were definitely racist and antisemitic posts there. He tried to get out of it then saying that he didn't write them but his signature was on all the newsletters.

He is not my cup of tea and is the only Republican candidate I couldn't and wouldn't support. There are others I am not crazy about but I would support them in order to insure that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein is a one term president.




Hello Peter

I noticed that you called Ron Paul a "kook". What are your thoughts on him ...besides that he is a kook, whatever that may mean?

Initially, I thought he had great ideas and I liked much of what he had to say. However, later I read what his policies for Israel would be if he was president and I am not so sure about him. Putting everything together regarding Ron Paul, I am wondering if underneath he is not an anti-semite and a racist.

I believe, as you know, that God blesses those who bless Israel and I think that is why the USA has enjoyed as much prosperity and blessings as it has in spite of their less than godly ways. I also believe that if USA withdraws its support of Israel, it will be to the detriment of the US.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Where are the Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration Taking America
11/3/2011 4:55:34 PM
Hello Friends,

The sorry state of affairs in many Muslim countries as a direct result of the so called Arab Spring is not a pretty sight and the long term outcome of these changes will have a domino effect on the entire region. I think a much better name for it is the "Return to the Arab Ice Age" or to be more specific to the times of the big Mo. And all this happened with the support of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

The below article describes in more detail the accountability of the B Hussein regime and the dire outcome for the region and the United States under his rule.



Reports of "below-the-surface coordination between the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Libya and Jordan."

"Where are the Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration Taking America?" by Dr. Essam Abdallah first appeared in the pan-Arab Daily Elaph. Here it is from Accuracy In Media, October 31 (thanks to Robert):

Disturbing reports are coming out of Washington, D.C. These reports reveal the depth of the below-the-surface coordination between the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Libya and Jordan.

This bloc of regimes and organizations is now becoming the greatest Islamist radical lobby ever to penetrate and infiltrate the White House, Congress, the State Department and the main decision making centers of the US government. All of this is happening at a time when the US government is going through its most strategically dangerous period in modern times because of its need to confront the Iranian Mullahs regime, which is expanding in the Middle East, as well as penetrating the United States, via powerful and influential allies.

It looks like the near future will uncover many surprises after the fall of the Gaddafi regime, as we realize more and more that the popular revolts in the Arab world - and the Obama Administration’s position towards them - were determined by political battles between various pressure groups in Washington. Moreover, pressures by these lobbying groups have left an impact on the region's events, the last of which was the canceling of the visit of Maronite Patriarch Rahi to Washington. A number of Arab and Western news agencies have leaked that one of “those who sought to cancel this visit was Dalia Mujahid, a top advisor on Islamic and Arab affairs at the State Department, who is of Egyptian origin. And that”, said the reports, “came at the request of the high command of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, who wish to see the US Administration support the Islamist Sunni current.”

Also very noticeable at this point is the growing domination of Islamist forces around the Mediterranean: the victory of the Nahda Islamist Party in Tunisia, the declaration by (TNC Chairman) Mustafa Abdeljalil that Libya is an Islamist state and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. These developments wouldn't have happened without the approval of the United States. A document published in Washington indicated that Egypt will face more violence and tensions while moving to the Pakistani, rather than the Turkish, model. Egypt will be ruled by an opportunistic bourgeoisie and a regime declaring itself Islamist, and it will be backed by a military institution. The military will be used by the Islamists to maintain power but the armed forces, the parliament, the regime and the constitution will all become Islamist.

In return, the Maronite Patriarch is denied a visit to Washington, Coptic Christian churches are destroyed in Egypt, and Coptic demonstrators are massacred at Maspero in Cairo by the Egyptian military, demonstrating that the goal is to suppress Christians in the Middle East, who are - as Patriarch Rahi said - paying a high price for the revolts of the Arab Spring. Rahi expressed his concerns about the fate of Syrian and Lebanese Christians and sees, as does the world, the flight of millions of Iraqi and Middle Eastern Christians from their homelands as a result of events in Iraq, and the methodic persecution against the Copts. The Christians of Egypt aren't only facing suppression and ethnic cleansing but a form of genocide.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Where are the Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration Taking America
11/3/2011 6:58:23 PM
Hello Peter and Friends.

I have two videos to share with you today.
Government Gone Wild
The first I was very shocked to realise that the Govt employees had grown so big that with voting from themselves as well as their spouses and family could easily out number the general population voting power.

This second video from David Manning of yesterday - I have felt in my heart much of the same message. We need to pray and repent as a country e.g. Jonah talked to the people of Ninevah whom turned away from their sins and turned back to God.

I feel so heart sore and when the scales finally fell off my eyes a couple of months ago how the enemy of God has blinded the people's eyes and as we have allowed so many different and various religions, cultures to come in and mix with ours that we cannot see the good from the bad
. It will have to be an act from the Lord God Himself to uncover peoples eyes and ears if this is His plan and I really hope it is.

I have tried writing to my family and they do not understand and think I have my knife in Obama when it was Bushes fault.. Ahhhhh. They do not understand that it does not matter whom we vote in both parties are as bad as each other because the power behind them all is Evil - when the majority are practicing Freemason and other occult/witchcraft that have been brought into the Govt then filter into the country from the Global Elite - not just in the US but other countries as well e.g. Britain, Australia, Canada etc


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