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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Muslim Brotherhood: "Impose Islam...Step by Step"
8/4/2011 5:50:33 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's another side to the creeping Jihad of the Islamization of the world and realizing their goal of a world ruled by the Caliphate. One thing Muslims are noted for is their patience. In many cases this was due to foreign rule over Islamic countries and as the Koran teaches them use Taqiyya and fool the present rulers into believing they are loyal subjects and citizens. Another version is the massive immigration of Muslims to western countries and at first they were quiet and "good" citizens but as their numbers grew so did their demands, violence and slow encroachment into the morals, culture, disobeying the laws of the land and more.

This is true in regard to the Muslim Brotherhood which originated in Egypt in the 20's of the past century. They've known many ups and downs since then but as we know today they are the grandparents of all the Muslim terrorist organizations world wide. Their original manifesto and charter was based on their agenda of world domination and the rule of the Caliphate. What they did was wait patiently for their chances which over the years caused them to be a major influence in the world today without the world realizing it happened. In the United States the majority of the Muslim organizations are offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood and umbilically connected to them. The best example is CAIR an organization that is directly connected to Hamas which is a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group. But when you go through the lists of American Muslim groups you'll find they that the majority of them have MB connections.

World domination is their ultimate goal and in the United States their initial plan was to undermine her from within step by step, slowly at first with lots of patience. A document was found that Dr. Jasser presented in his documentaries on the dangers of the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamic groups within the USA. These organizations are all over the country and add to that the radical Imam's in their mosques you start to see they have a well oiled machine working to realize their ultimate goal of the Caliphate.

Some of you who are following the regime change in Egypt will recall that B Hussein and his administration consider the Muslim Brotherhood to be a moderate organization and are now starting talks with this infamous group. It might be strange to many but when you consider that B Hussein also has his personal agenda to empower Islam world wide and specifically in the United States it shouldn't surprise anyone at all.

Raymond Ibrahim wrote an interesting article on this issue and it's well worth reading.



Muslim Brotherhood: "Impose Islam...Step by Step"

by Raymond Ibrahim
Hudson NY
July 25, 2011

Things are looking good for Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfather of all Islamist groups. Despite the organization's hegemonic aspirations—which include "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization … so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions"—the Obama administration recently announced that it "welcomes dialogue" with the Brotherhood; so did the European Union. And under Egypt's military regime, the Islamist organization just "became a legal political party for the first time since President Gamal Abdel Nasser banned it more than half-a-century ago."

President Nasser (right) instinctively understood the existential threat posed by the Brotherhood and acted accordingly.

Why Nasser banned the Brotherhood, indeed, tried to decimate it, is instructive, and offers an important lesson in—and about—time.

Machiavellian from the start, Nasser collaborated closely with the Brotherhood; many Egyptians still insist he was originally a member. Soon after usurping Egypt's leadership via the 1952 Revolution, the alliance soured, culminating with an assassination attempt on Nasser's life by a Brotherhood member.

Nasser's response was swift and decisive: he dissolved the Brotherhood, burned down its headquarters, arrested some 15,000 members, and executed some—most famously Sayyid Qutb, the spiritual father of al-Qaeda—while leaving others to rot in prison. Many of the remaining members, aware that Nasser meant business, fled Egypt.

Why such a dramatic response? Why not simply punish the failed assassin and his accomplices? Nasser, a pious Muslim, was most likely intimately, if not instinctively, aware of what the Brotherhood was—and still is—all about; he was aware that it is impossible for Muslim organization's committed to theocratic rule to negotiate or share power, much less be trustworthy allies.

In short, Nasser was aware that, once the opportunity presented itself, the Brotherhood would do everything in its power to take over: unlike secular parties concerned with the temporal, it has a divine mandate—a totalitarian vision—to subdue society to Sharia.

Some people even maintain that Nasser himself staged the assassination attempt as a pretext to eliminate the Brotherhood—an interpretation that only further supports the theory that Nasser knew he had to dismantle the Islamists, and was willing to play dirty to do so.

Nasser's approach, then, is the real politick approach of one who knows that you must suppress those who would certainly suppress you—once circumstance permits; it is the long-term approach that takes the big picture into account (unlike many Western politicians looking for a quick fix for the duration of their term).

For its part, the Brotherhood learned the great virtues of patience and perseverance; learned to play the game on the enemy's terms—whether by rejecting violence, going to the kafir [infidel unbeliever] ballot box, our adopting the "pluralistic" language of the West (which Brotherhood affiliates in the West, such as CAIR, have perfected to an art). Indeed, a new document on implementing Sharia appearing on the Brotherhood's website argues that "Gradual action does not impose Islam at once, but rather step by step."

Accordingly, consider how the mere passage of time has empowered the Brotherhood: over the decades, Egyptian society has become more Islamist, that is, more sympathetic to the Brotherhood—thanks in no small part to the organization's grassroots efforts; moreover, both in Egypt and abroad, many truly believe that the organization has reformed, which would be worthy of note if the facts corresponded. They don't. Many people also believed that Khomeini would bring democracy to Iran. He didn't.

The passage of time in the West has also helped the Brotherhood: Western politics have descended into idealism and fantasy—culminating today with Washington reaching out to Islamists. Would they have reached out to the Nazis?

The Muslim Brotherhood is a great testimony to the power of time and patience. From being crushed and disbanded half a century ago, it is now legal and poised to take over Egypt.

Yet, the fact is, when all is said and done, the Brotherhood wants the same thing all Islamists, Salafists, and Jihadists want: the enforcement of Allah's draconian, anti-infidel laws to govern the earth. They're just smarter—more patient—than their impulsive, violent counterparts in the West.

Hence the great lesson of Nasser: when dealing with an existential, permanent enemy, sometimes the only response is the most decisive, the ugliest—even when your enemy is weak. If he becomes stronger, it becomes that much more costly to counter him. Consider how much easier it would have been to stop Hitler, say, before he crossed the Rhine—but how many voices were there then insisting he was just a tin-pot dictator who would never be a serious threat to anyone?

Yet the West continues to play the same talking game, the same waiting game—for example, with North Korea and Iran—granting one's adversary precisely what he most needs to be in a position to attack you: Time.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Protests In Israel
8/8/2011 6:12:48 AM
Hello Friends,

As many of you might be aware there have been massive protests in Israel over the past month due to the high cost of living. While Israel's economy is in good shape and unemployment is 5.7% there are still those that have difficulties regardless of the fact that most are earning decent salaries.

What's interesting with the protests in Israel it's all being done in a peaceful manner with absolutely no violence. We've been witness to the violent protests in Greece, Spain, Portugal and now in GB. The protests in Spain and Greece were caused by the people who are unwilling to accept the fact that their countries are on the verge of bankruptcy and their inability to understand that harsh reforms are the only way out of their dire economic predicament. Hence the violence and loss of lives.

There are those that believe that these world wide protests have a common denominator and in a way they are right but it's not the the one they're looking for to prove their pipe dreams for a new society. Let's examine in a very simple way what we've seen since these protests started in the Muslim world.

1. Every protest in the Muslim world involved massive violence at first and in some wholesale slaughter of the people. Syria and Libya are prime examples of that even though there are differences between the two. We can also include Iran in this equation but since they don't allow the media to cover what's happening in their country we only get snippets of the murders committed by the insane government there.

NATO's (including the inept B Hussein's illegal involvement) involvement in Libya is showing how ridiculous their attempts to end the fighting there and as each day goes by they are learning that they are supporting radical terrorists, jihadis, Al Qaeda factions and more.

All told this tragic comic "spring" they're talking about was supposed to bring DEMOCRACY and democratic governments in to power and we know now there will be anything but democratic rule in any of these countries. More like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and similar forms of government in the other countries if they ever reach elections.

2. European protests are based on economic reasons only and the large majority of the protests are extremely violent. The reasons as I stated above, countries on the verge of total bankruptcy whose citizens aren't willing to accept the painful and harsh reforms necessary for their countries to rebuild their economies and continue to receive aid from EU countries the IMF and others.

3. Israel's protests of the last month are totally non violent but in some instances quite vocal. The common denominator I was referring to above is that the majority of the protests started on Face Book as did most of the protests in the Muslim world. The government is listening to what the people are saying and is looking to make positive changes that will cause price drops and consequently improve the cost of living and more but this can't ever happen overnight and that's something the protesters will have t accept.

While I do not support the protests for a variety of reasons and mainly cos of the extreme lefts take over of these protests and their only agenda is to topple the government. But that said these people have the right to protest and air their views and I defend their right as do all Israelis. That is the difference. I must add here that only during periods of right wing governments were there periods of economic stability. That includes social benefits, salaries, employment and the list goes on. The left always seemed unable to come to terms with economic stability and we can see the similarities in what's happening in the United States and in the EU countries that are in extreme economic difficulties.

Hmmmm, it seems as if I've written a short story here but below you'll find Dry Bones' take on the Israeli protests.



According to the Jerusalem Post:
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday said that the social protests Saturday against the rising cost of living were "impressive," saying that "there's a need to find solutions to both housing and cost of living" issues.

Steinitz, however, warned that Israel's current economic standing needs to be carefully guarded, pointing to the economic difficulties faced by the United States and many European countries today.

"We'll do what we can," the finance minister said, discussing possible solutions a ministerial roundtable set to be presented by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu later Sunday morning. "We can't live beyond our means," he added, saying that solutions must stay "within what we can [afford]."

One of the issues that will be discussed by the ministerial team, he said, will be the tax burden in Israel, "Taxes are on the agenda." He added that the issue is one of many that will be addressed in the coming two months."

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Human Shields In Gaza
8/11/2011 12:54:52 AM
Peter this article in the Canada Free Press was in an email I get each day from our neighbor to the north and after reading it I have come to the conclusion that regardless of what country, the liberal left is the same in all of them in their ideologies and the way they see and handle things.
Thanks for sharing the Dry Bones take on all of this too. :)
The Ashkenazi middle-class leftist protests are a reminder of how out of touch the left is with the rest of the country

A Leftist Farce Plays in Tel Aviv

Daniel Greenfield Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It was probably the cottage cheese protests that gave the left an idea about how to regain a fraction of relevance. The notion was simple enough, shift away from the pro-terrorist protests and union strikes to a cost of living protest movement.

The Israeli left still commands international funding and attention, but it lacks domestic political representation. The Labor party is on its deathbed and the radical left has no hope of gaining anything beyond the usual handful of mandates. That leaves Kadima, the non-party created by corruptocrats, Sharon and Olmert.

Unsurprisingly for a party that only existed to ratify the personal power of its leaders, it has no real ideology. Kadima’s only real platform is to get elected. Its leader by default, Livni, makes Olmert seem like a genius. Watching Livni try to give a speech, or even make a statement, tempts you to pit her in a binoculars competition against union thug and former defense minister Amir Peretz, who couldn’t tell which side of them to look through.
Livni has her own binoculars problem. Not only does she keep looking through the wrong side of them, she also keeps looking in the wrong direction. Her only strategy for becoming Prime Minister has been expecting Obama to force out Netanyahu out so she can take over. If Israeli archeologists keep finding Second Temple relics, Kadima has found itself a Second Temple politician so dimwitted as to think that Obama is a latter day Roman emperor whose legions will march in to imprison Netanyahu and make her into his puppet.
Finally a taste of cottage cheese has convinced the left that it needs to let go of Rabin and become a revolutionary socialist movement. Unfortunately the only oppressed they’re interested in are Ashkenazi middle-class activists in Tel Aviv complaining that housing is too expensive. Imagine Sean Penn as the representative of the Rent is Too Damn High party, and you get some idea of how pathetic all this is.
Take the number of housing activists protesting in Tel Aviv, divide by the politics of the media outlets involved, and then subtract common sense—and you’ll come closer to the actual number. Which is probably less than the voting rolls for Meretz, a left-wing party resembling what the city of Berkeley might be like if it turned into a political party, and still much less influential than any decent sized union.
But fortunately Meretz members are concentrated in all the right places, like Tel Aviv and the media. Which makes a protest movement easier. Normal people with college degrees being supported by their parents would find something shameful about staging a protest calling for a welfare state. But when your only job is trying to play guitar while empathizing with the plight of Gazans who don’t even have electric guitars—shame is not a word you use often.
Tel Aviv is admittedly a tragedy. One of the 50 most overpopulated cities in the world, worse than Buenos Aires, Tokyo and Cape Town. Why would housing in a city with a higher population density than Tokyo be so ridiculously expensive? It’s one of those questions that can be answered by anyone who isn’t an idiot. But not being an idiot is a disqualifier for participating in middle class protests for a welfare state.
The best way to lower the price of housing isn’t with government projects, but by lowering population density. And the biggest enemies of expanding housing territory is the left, which has waged an ongoing war to block housing in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. Ethnically cleanse the Jews of Gaza and discover that those people have to go somewhere too. And all of it affects housing prices.
The Negev pipe dream won’t solve the problem. And none of the housing protesters are about to move there. Instead they want more housing in Gush Dan, already so overcrowded that in another generation it will look like Cairo. And government subsidized housing at that.
But really this isn’t about housing. It’s a chance for the left to rediscover the roots that it doesn’t have anymore. The Ashkenazi middle-class leftist protests are a reminder of how out of touch the left is with the rest of the country. Imagine if the Democratic party had never been able to reach past Berkeley and you get some idea of how culturally disabled the Israeli left is.
Tel Aviv has become Israel’s California—a dysfunctional overcrowded bubble that believes it’s the heart of the country, crowded with subcultures that imagine they’re creative and unique when they’re actually just the dilettante sons and daughters of the old elite, with migrant criminals to do the dirty work and an infrastructure and traffic situation just short of critical.
But Tel Aviv is really just as out of touch with the rest of the country, as America’s coastal elites. The tantrums being thrown in the streets are just another example of that. In a country where many children go to bed hungry, and others expect to run to bomb shelters in the middle of the night, the antics of the spoiled brats waving their Keffiyahs and strumming their guitars appear pathetic and disgusting.
Much of the country does have a bone to pick with the government. With every government. But the left’s attempt to manufacture its own version of the Arab Spring isn’t about economics, it’s about politics.
Kadima and Meretz can’t win on appeasing terrorists, but this is their shot at riding popular discontent to the top. Pity for them that Israel has elections. And no amount of chanting in Tel Aviv will convince the army to stick Netanyahu in a cage. The left can take another swing, and maybe score a few runs on social issues, but the average Israeli isn’t stupid enough to think that voting left will mean any benefits without Protektsia. And the chief beneficiaries of Protektsia are the sons of the old families throwing their Tel Aviv tantrums.
Most Israelis like their protests. Like Italy, Greece and the rest of the Med—a round of protests is good popular entertainment. But the ubiquity of the Israeli protest only highlights its ineffectiveness. A 100,000 strong protest in a vast country like the United States is notable. A 100,000 man protest in a small country like Israel is just another week. Protests don’t get results, they discharge anger and tension. They remind the government and everyone else that here are people who don’t like the way things are and want a change.
But what does the left really want to change about Israel? It wants to roll back the calendar to 1943 when their institutions were dominant, and the Jews of Europe were being turned into Weizmann’s dust on the wheels of history courtesy of the Nazi gas chamber. Before the country was overrun by Mizrahi and Russians, and the Nationalist Right was rotting in British prisons. When Israel was on the verge of being swept into another Arab kingdom, to flicker as a small candle of industry at the service of another backward state.
That would be madness, but madness is the only thing that the left has to offer anymore. Combined with ignorance, self-pity and outrage for the sake of outrage. If the Old Left and the New Left had ideas, the New New Left is nothing but brats with degrees in journalism and EU grants to undermine their own country. The truly successful variety move to Europe or America, where they use their background of entitlement and complete lack of manners to fit in perfectly with the domestic left.
Some of these brats have already washed up on American shores. Rahm Emanuel and Jeremy Ben Ami are prime examples of the breed. Smart enough to do the bidding of their betters with an eye to their own careers. And though the Tel Aviv protesters may seem stupid and may even be so—their protests are also a form of careerism. If they make enough noise and get their names in the paper, they may find jobs as poets, musicians, novelists or professional activists. Enough noise may get them into a party that may get them into the Knesset. And then they’ll never have to work again.
That is the trajectory of the Israeli left, which has gone from the fields of the Kibbutz to lazing about in tent cities because real estate prices in one of the most overcrowded cities in the world aren’t to their liking.
The Israeli left has become a movement of dilettantes, of losers who will turn traitor for a few Euros and 15 minutes of fame. Its great dream is to move to Paris or London and crank out anti-Israel articles for the Guardian. It has no compass and no shame. It confuses its vulgarity with cleverness and its drug fueled sentimentality with ideals. It began in the factories and the fields, it ends now in a vulgar political ploy of tent cities set up by the lazy sons of the rich. The Tel Aviv protests are not the revival of the left, they are its death.

Hello Friends,

As many of you might be aware there have been massive protests in Israel over the past month due to the high cost of living. While Israel's economy is in good shape and unemployment is 5.7% there are still those that have difficulties regardless of the fact that most are earning decent salaries.

What's interesting with the protests in Israel it's all being done in a peaceful manner with absolutely no violence. We've been witness to the violent protests in Greece, Spain, Portugal and now in GB. The protests in Spain and Greece were caused by the people who are unwilling to accept the fact that their countries are on the verge of bankruptcy and their inability to understand that harsh reforms are the only way out of their dire economic predicament. Hence the violence and loss of lives.

There are those that believe that these world wide protests have a common denominator and in a way they are right but it's not the the one they're looking for to prove their pipe dreams for a new society. Let's examine in a very simple way what we've seen since these protests started in the Muslim world.

1. Every protest in the Muslim world involved massive violence at first and in some wholesale slaughter of the people. Syria and Libya are prime examples of that even though there are differences between the two. We can also include Iran in this equation but since they don't allow the media to cover what's happening in their country we only get snippets of the murders committed by the insane government there.

NATO's (including the inept B Hussein's illegal involvement) involvement in Libya is showing how ridiculous their attempts to end the fighting there and as each day goes by they are learning that they are supporting radical terrorists, jihadis, Al Qaeda factions and more.

All told this tragic comic "spring" they're talking about was supposed to bring DEMOCRACY and democratic governments in to power and we know now there will be anything but democratic rule in any of these countries. More like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and similar forms of government in the other countries if they ever reach elections.

2. European protests are based on economic reasons only and the large majority of the protests are extremely violent. The reasons as I stated above, countries on the verge of total bankruptcy whose citizens aren't willing to accept the painful and harsh reforms necessary for their countries to rebuild their economies and continue to receive aid from EU countries the IMF and others.

3. Israel's protests of the last month are totally non violent but in some instances quite vocal. The common denominator I was referring to above is that the majority of the protests started on Face Book as did most of the protests in the Muslim world. The government is listening to what the people are saying and is looking to make positive changes that will cause price drops and consequently improve the cost of living and more but this can't ever happen overnight and that's something the protesters will have t accept.

While I do not support the protests for a variety of reasons and mainly cos of the extreme lefts take over of these protests and their only agenda is to topple the government. But that said these people have the right to protest and air their views and I defend their right as do all Israelis. That is the difference. I must add here that only during periods of right wing governments were there periods of economic stability. That includes social benefits, salaries, employment and the list goes on. The left always seemed unable to come to terms with economic stability and we can see the similarities in what's happening in the United States and in the EU countries that are in extreme economic difficulties.

Hmmmm, it seems as if I've written a short story here but below you'll find Dry Bones' take on the Israeli protests.



According to the Jerusalem Post:
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday said that the social protests Saturday against the rising cost of living were "impressive," saying that "there's a need to find solutions to both housing and cost of living" issues.

Steinitz, however, warned that Israel's current economic standing needs to be carefully guarded, pointing to the economic difficulties faced by the United States and many European countries today.

"We'll do what we can," the finance minister said, discussing possible solutions a ministerial roundtable set to be presented by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu later Sunday morning. "We can't live beyond our means," he added, saying that solutions must stay "within what we can [afford]."

One of the issues that will be discussed by the ministerial team, he said, will be the tax burden in Israel, "Taxes are on the agenda." He added that the issue is one of many that will be addressed in the coming two months."

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Glenn Beck's Restoring Courage Events In Israel
8/24/2011 8:08:12 AM
Hello Friends,

As many of you know Glenn Beck is in Israel for his Restoring Courage events. Many thousands of people are here from all over the world from all religions.

Glen's first two events were a great success and his love and support for Israel along with the love and support of the many thousands who came from all over the world is much appreciated by most Israelis aside from the extreme left but that doesn't surprise anyone. This support can cause changes in the thought process of people all over the world watching these events. There are over 1200 viewing groups world wide in addition to all those that see it directly on GBTV.

Tonight is Glenn Beck's final event that will be held at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall are the most sacred places in the Jewish religion and Christianity. You'll find Jews praying at the Wailing Wall every day along with members of other religions as well. People believe in the sacredness and holiness of the Wailing Wall and people of all persuasions put notes in the Wall to ask for help. I've assisted some of my American friends who had health issues either for themselves or members of their families cos I personally believe it can help and definitely not hurt. I will add on videos of this event tomorrow or when they will be online but in the meantime below you'll find videos from the first two events that I hope you'll find engaging. In addition I added on a video made by a young American explaining how the events affected him and his thought on what he saw and heard.

I'm also adding on a very interesting article by Barry Rubin a well known expert on Middle East history and events.



Glen's opening speech at the Restoring Love event in Cesarea

Addidionl video from Restoring Love

Pastor Hagee's speech at Restoring Love

Glenn's opening remarks at the Courage To Remember in Jerusalem

A young American's thoughts on Courage To Remember

unday, August 21, 2011
Glenn Beck is Correct on the Middle East; Let’s Analyze Why That’s True
This article was published in the Jerusalem Post. I own the copyright and have made some additions in this text to provide some fuller explanation of several points so I ask that you read and link to this version.

By Barry Rubin

Having studied the Middle East professionally for 35 years, written or edited more than 40 books on the region, and having a PhD in Middle East history, let me make it perfectly clear: Glenn Beck, who is holding several rallies in Israel this week, has a better grasp of Middle East politics than most Western experts, not to mention Western leaders.

Certainly, Beck makes silly mistakes on factual matters and details. Yet what’s important is that he comprehends the big picture. I don’t say this based on a superficial view or on his support for Israel. As part of the GLORIA Center’s project on understanding current American politics and debates I have monitored virtually every television and radio show Beck has done over the last two years. When people voice absurd and slanderous stereotypes about Beck, it turns out they haven’t actually listened to what he’s been saying.

Why has Beck gotten things right that so many others have missed or distorted? There are five key reasons: Common sense; courage; knowing the difference between right and wrong, willingness to learn, and readiness to admit when one has been wrong. These are virtues often lacking among those with more elegant reputations and impressive diplomas.

What has he gotten right?

1. The main threat in the Middle East is revolutionary Islamism and the United States must combat it.

Revolutionary Islamism includes on its side: Iran, Syria, Hizballah (largely controlling Lebanon), Hamas (governing the Gaza Strip), and the Muslim Brotherhood as well as al-Qaida and, more subtly, the regime governing Turkey. It is an ideology innately hostile to the West, the United States, and Israel. It cannot be bought off or moderated. Revolutionary Islamists will either take over the Middle East or be defeated.

2. The problem is not Islam as a religion but revolutionary Islamism as a political ideology that draws on normative Islam to produce its own plausible interpretation.

While falsely accused of “Islamophobia,” Beck has correctly drawn the distinction between Islam and revolutionary Islamism. Those claiming Islam is “a religion of peace” miss the radicalism easily drawn from its texts as well as the large and growing Islamist forces. Those claiming Islam is inherently extremist miss most of its actual history and the tremendous battle going on among Muslims,

3. The revolutionary Islamist side is winning.

In the last year, revolutionary Islamism has advanced in Egypt, the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Turkey, and potentially Syria, Libya, and Tunisia.

4. The “Arab Spring” contains many dangers.

The unqualified Western enthusiasm for the “Arab Spring” ignored the threat of growing Islamist power. Those of us who warned beginning in January about the Muslim Brotherhood’ radicalism and power were ridiculed, despite the fact that every statement it has made for decades has proven this point. Even now, many are in denial about the Brotherhood becoming Egypt’s strongest single party in parliament and in writing the country’s new constitution. The regime that emerges might not be Islamist but will be radical, anti-American, and dangerously hostile toward Israel.

5. Israel just happens to be largely right and deserves support

Israel has been in a “Twilight Zone” situation. Eighteen years ago, Israel took a tremendous risk for peace by signing an agreement with the PLO, agreeing to establish an armed Palestinian Authority, and negotiating toward the creation of a Palestinian state, Not to mention later offering the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for peace, withdrawing from south Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, and much of the West Bank.

Yet the more risks for peace Israel took, the more concessions made, the more restraint shown, the more it was slandered and said not to want peace. The more Israel sought a two-state solution, the more people in the West advocated a “no-Israel-state” solution. Beck has cut through this nonsense to point out a simple fact: Israel wants a negotiated compromise and stable peace based on a two-state solution; the Palestinian Authority—not to mention Hamas—doesn’t.

6. One Man’s Terrorist…Is Still a Terrorist

There is no romanticism in the deliberate murder of civilians, systematic incitement of hatred, and goal of establishing a totalitarian society. Bad ends hardly justify bad means.

7. The Obama Administration has messed up the Middle East to a phenomenal extent.

For details you can read what I’ve written about this since January 2009.

8. One should be fearless in facing intimidation and politically motivated ridicule.

Yes, it gets tiring to be slandered and misquoted but a lot is at stake here. Popularity among current Western elites and career advancement cannot be the main priority at present. We live at a time when governments and intellectuals surrender at the merest hint of being called names or faced with threats of violence.

9. We must reevaluate friends and enemies in this new era of revolutionary Islamism and post-Marxist leftism.

In the past, Jews often saw conservatives and religious Christians as threats for good reasons. But we’re no longer in the nineteenth or even twentieth centuries. Conservatives and Christians aren’t drooling to convert, kill, or use Jews to bring on the apocalypse. That’s out-dated. While doing everything possible to work with liberals and social democrats, we must understand—whatever our personal political views—that Israel and the Jewish people have a new set of allies.

Why have these groups changed their views on Jews? With religion imperiled in the West, they see Jews as fellow believers rather than—as in past antisemitism—corrosive atheists and Jesus-killers. They see Israel as an embodiment of the nation-state and admire its ability to defend itself, rather than considering Jews to be cosmopolitan subversives and cowardly pacifists. Rather than view Jews as imperiling Western civilization, they view Israel as facing the same enemies they believe to be doing so today.

An important issue—in fact, the key test—was how conservatives would deal with the presence of so many Jews among their opponents. Historically, that situation was a prime factor in an antisemitic narrative on the right. The solution has been to perceive leftist Jews as traitors to their own Jewish people rather than to consider Jews as a whole to be the villain. Whether or not you agree with that assessment isn’t important in this context. What’s important is that this solves the political and religious right’s past inclination toward antisemitism.

10. Whatever mistakes the United States has made it is a good country and is the hope of the world.

Many countries and people everywhere yearn for America to revive itself, change the current administration’s policies, properly define friends and enemies, and take leadership internationally once again.

Any criticism one can make of Beck regarding Middle East issues rather pales in comparison to all of the above points on which he is quite correct. But then, as Jews, and Israelis most of all, should know, to be falsely reviled and have one’s image smeared is not proof of being wrong or evil.

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Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center, editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal, and Middle East editor and featured columnist at PajamasMedia His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). GLORIA Center site is articles published originally outside of PajamasMedia are at <>

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Human Shields In Gaza
8/26/2011 2:41:55 AM
You know Peter, I try not to worry but worry still creeps in, I guess that comes from being human, I don't know. I watched Glenn Beck when he said God is still in control and I just have to keep thinking that.
Yes God has his way of doing things and in the end things work out ok and part of that is through people like Rev Hagee and Glenn Beck. Who else could get people to travel at a huge personal expense to themselves to join him at his one of his rallies?
Know what? When I see how some of the liberals go bonkers when it comes to Glenn Beck tells me he has some people worried because they know a lot of people follow him and fear that too many will not only hear, but a lot will heed? The left want to crucify him for any perceived mistake but the man is human and will make mistakes and his detractors can keep up the lie that he was "fired" from FOX, which isn't true, but he still has more viewers and followers then all the other idiots in msm and look at the impact he had with his restoring courage event.
He has so many fans, they'll never discredit him, even though they try on a daily basis. How can you hate someone who tells the truth? Overall I believe him and what he is saying and I was very touched by what I saw and heard on these videos. There will never be a day when Beck's opposition concedes that he is right about anything and left-wing, progressive pride can be a very dangerous thing....Obama is living proof of that.

Peter I didn't see a name anywhere for this young man in the last video but he is certainly wise beyond his years. Where he said it takes only 20 years for people to forget something and even though I know he was referring to the holocaust, I thought how true that is in so many things. The days of people striving for fulfillment by doing the best they can is becoming more and more rare. People have forgotten the satisfaction of a job well done and with all these second and third generation welfare recipients I don't see an end in sight, I just see more people depending on someone else to take care of them, ie the government.
GREAT article by Barry Rubin. Excellent, excellent!!!!!

Hello Friends,

As many of you know Glenn Beck is in Israel for his Restoring Courage events. Many thousands of people are here from all over the world from all religions.

Glen's first two events were a great success and his love and support for Israel along with the love and support of the many thousands who came from all over the world is much appreciated by most Israelis aside from the extreme left but that doesn't surprise anyone. This support can cause changes in the thought process of people all over the world watching these events. There are over 1200 viewing groups world wide in addition to all those that see it directly on GBTV.

Tonight is Glenn Beck's final event that will be held at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall are the most sacred places in the Jewish religion and Christianity. You'll find Jews praying at the Wailing Wall every day along with members of other religions as well. People believe in the sacredness and holiness of the Wailing Wall and people of all persuasions put notes in the Wall to ask for help. I've assisted some of my American friends who had health issues either for themselves or members of their families cos I personally believe it can help and definitely not hurt. I will add on videos of this event tomorrow or when they will be online but in the meantime below you'll find videos from the first two events that I hope you'll find engaging. In addition I added on a video made by a young American explaining how the events affected him and his thought on what he saw and heard.

I'm also adding on a very interesting article by Barry Rubin a well known expert on Middle East history and events.



Glen's opening speech at the Restoring Love event in Cesarea

Addidionl video from Restoring Love

Pastor Hagee's speech at Restoring Love

Glenn's opening remarks at the Courage To Remember in Jerusalem

A young American's thoughts on Courage To Remember

unday, August 21, 2011
Glenn Beck is Correct on the Middle East; Let’s Analyze Why That’s True
This article was published in the Jerusalem Post. I own the copyright and have made some additions in this text to provide some fuller explanation of several points so I ask that you read and link to this version.

By Barry Rubin

Having studied the Middle East professionally for 35 years, written or edited more than 40 books on the region, and having a PhD in Middle East history, let me make it perfectly clear: Glenn Beck, who is holding several rallies in Israel this week, has a better grasp of Middle East politics than most Western experts, not to mention Western leaders.

Certainly, Beck makes silly mistakes on factual matters and details. Yet what’s important is that he comprehends the big picture. I don’t say this based on a superficial view or on his support for Israel. As part of the GLORIA Center’s project on understanding current American politics and debates I have monitored virtually every television and radio show Beck has done over the last two years. When people voice absurd and slanderous stereotypes about Beck, it turns out they haven’t actually listened to what he’s been saying.

Why has Beck gotten things right that so many others have missed or distorted? There are five key reasons: Common sense; courage; knowing the difference between right and wrong, willingness to learn, and readiness to admit when one has been wrong. These are virtues often lacking among those with more elegant reputations and impressive diplomas.

What has he gotten right?

1. The main threat in the Middle East is revolutionary Islamism and the United States must combat it.

Revolutionary Islamism includes on its side: Iran, Syria, Hizballah (largely controlling Lebanon), Hamas (governing the Gaza Strip), and the Muslim Brotherhood as well as al-Qaida and, more subtly, the regime governing Turkey. It is an ideology innately hostile to the West, the United States, and Israel. It cannot be bought off or moderated. Revolutionary Islamists will either take over the Middle East or be defeated.

2. The problem is not Islam as a religion but revolutionary Islamism as a political ideology that draws on normative Islam to produce its own plausible interpretation.

While falsely accused of “Islamophobia,” Beck has correctly drawn the distinction between Islam and revolutionary Islamism. Those claiming Islam is “a religion of peace” miss the radicalism easily drawn from its texts as well as the large and growing Islamist forces. Those claiming Islam is inherently extremist miss most of its actual history and the tremendous battle going on among Muslims,

3. The revolutionary Islamist side is winning.

In the last year, revolutionary Islamism has advanced in Egypt, the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Turkey, and potentially Syria, Libya, and Tunisia.

4. The “Arab Spring” contains many dangers.

The unqualified Western enthusiasm for the “Arab Spring” ignored the threat of growing Islamist power. Those of us who warned beginning in January about the Muslim Brotherhood’ radicalism and power were ridiculed, despite the fact that every statement it has made for decades has proven this point. Even now, many are in denial about the Brotherhood becoming Egypt’s strongest single party in parliament and in writing the country’s new constitution. The regime that emerges might not be Islamist but will be radical, anti-American, and dangerously hostile toward Israel.

5. Israel just happens to be largely right and deserves support

Israel has been in a “Twilight Zone” situation. Eighteen years ago, Israel took a tremendous risk for peace by signing an agreement with the PLO, agreeing to establish an armed Palestinian Authority, and negotiating toward the creation of a Palestinian state, Not to mention later offering the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for peace, withdrawing from south Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, and much of the West Bank.

Yet the more risks for peace Israel took, the more concessions made, the more restraint shown, the more it was slandered and said not to want peace. The more Israel sought a two-state solution, the more people in the West advocated a “no-Israel-state” solution. Beck has cut through this nonsense to point out a simple fact: Israel wants a negotiated compromise and stable peace based on a two-state solution; the Palestinian Authority—not to mention Hamas—doesn’t.

6. One Man’s Terrorist…Is Still a Terrorist

There is no romanticism in the deliberate murder of civilians, systematic incitement of hatred, and goal of establishing a totalitarian society. Bad ends hardly justify bad means.

7. The Obama Administration has messed up the Middle East to a phenomenal extent.

For details you can read what I’ve written about this since January 2009.

8. One should be fearless in facing intimidation and politically motivated ridicule.

Yes, it gets tiring to be slandered and misquoted but a lot is at stake here. Popularity among current Western elites and career advancement cannot be the main priority at present. We live at a time when governments and intellectuals surrender at the merest hint of being called names or faced with threats of violence.

9. We must reevaluate friends and enemies in this new era of revolutionary Islamism and post-Marxist leftism.

In the past, Jews often saw conservatives and religious Christians as threats for good reasons. But we’re no longer in the nineteenth or even twentieth centuries. Conservatives and Christians aren’t drooling to convert, kill, or use Jews to bring on the apocalypse. That’s out-dated. While doing everything possible to work with liberals and social democrats, we must understand—whatever our personal political views—that Israel and the Jewish people have a new set of allies.

Why have these groups changed their views on Jews? With religion imperiled in the West, they see Jews as fellow believers rather than—as in past antisemitism—corrosive atheists and Jesus-killers. They see Israel as an embodiment of the nation-state and admire its ability to defend itself, rather than considering Jews to be cosmopolitan subversives and cowardly pacifists. Rather than view Jews as imperiling Western civilization, they view Israel as facing the same enemies they believe to be doing so today.

An important issue—in fact, the key test—was how conservatives would deal with the presence of so many Jews among their opponents. Historically, that situation was a prime factor in an antisemitic narrative on the right. The solution has been to perceive leftist Jews as traitors to their own Jewish people rather than to consider Jews as a whole to be the villain. Whether or not you agree with that assessment isn’t important in this context. What’s important is that this solves the political and religious right’s past inclination toward antisemitism.

10. Whatever mistakes the United States has made it is a good country and is the hope of the world.

Many countries and people everywhere yearn for America to revive itself, change the current administration’s policies, properly define friends and enemies, and take leadership internationally once again.

Any criticism one can make of Beck regarding Middle East issues rather pales in comparison to all of the above points on which he is quite correct. But then, as Jews, and Israelis most of all, should know, to be falsely reviled and have one’s image smeared is not proof of being wrong or evil.

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Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center, editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal, and Middle East editor and featured columnist at PajamasMedia His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). GLORIA Center site is articles published originally outside of PajamasMedia are at <>


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