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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The "Arab Spring" Part 1
7/18/2011 5:59:16 AM
Hello Friends,

In the my next 2 posts I'll be dealing with the "Arab Spring" (again). I guess it's obvious to most discerning people that the term is ridiculous and has nothing to do with the realities of what's happening in the real world. B Hussein screwed up yet again and led the rest of the Western countries to support the ousting of Mubarak and they ended up with the "moderate" Muslim Brotherhood. The great pretender went into Libya to support a no fly zone and ended up aiding and abetting the unknown "protesters" (hmmmm, we do know who many of them are and they sure aren't the good guys) and ended up bombing Gaddafi's strongholds. Wonder how the protecting the no fly zone ended up in targeted bombings? Now we have Assad's butchering the Syrian people and attacking the US and French Embassies. The French are quite pathetic too in the over all picture but in this case they at least fired on the attackers and stopped the attack. The US Embassy did nothing and was overrun by Assad's supporters. Wonder why the Americans didn't protect themselves? Could the fraud and great pretender be the reason? The American military know how to protect American property and an Embassy is American that country try. Marines aren't wimps but the poop-head in chief sure is or didn't he want his Muslim brethren see Americans firing on Muslims under his orders? But nothing substantial is being done to oust Assad like Mubarak was ousted. Wonder why? Could it be that the "moderate muslim brotherhood" isn't a strong entity in Syria? Oh yeah you gotta love this "Arab Spring" dontcha?

The expectations for democracies to spring up overnight didn't pan put as they mistakenly expected (I warned about that from day 1) and what they'll get in return are dozens of "Irans" popping up all over the area. The pathetic fraud and great pretender can't deal with one Iran and now he'll have a s*hit load of them and he'll be all pooped out from exerting himself on the golf course (or playing the hoops or being so busy on the campaign trail) to even notice what's happening around him.

Let's start with Dry Bones' take on the Arab Spring. Please read his commentary beneath the cartoon.



The pleasant, heady days of Arab Spring are behind us. They were the good old days when the West had inhaled the sweet fresh breezes of change and they had fantasized about democracy and the blossoming of a new Middle East. It was a time of innocent hope and pretty flowers and cute, cuddly bunny rabbits. It was spring. But somehow, almost without their noticing it, the seasons have changed. Somehow we’ve slid into summer. A long hot Arabian summer where the unforgiving sun burns the sky above you and the heat of the ground rises in waves around you.

Solidarity in Egypt morphs into fiery Moslem attacks on Coptic Christians. NATO No Fly zones in Libya turn into targeted assassinations, bombing raids, and ensnarement in a civil war. In Syria the heat incinerates its victims with the entire world watching. Yes, we are in the depths of Arab Summer, and the West is trying to ignore what is now gathering strength on the horizon. It is a bitter, fierce, and inevitable season that approaches and one for which America and the West seem totally unprepared; it is Iranian Winter.

Before the Western pundits gave us the term Arab Spring the thing that they nattered on about was the Arab Street. It was a fascinating notion. It went like this. The Arab world was a collection of dictatorships and monarchies. Each state worked on the principle of one man – one vote, i.e. the man who was in charge was the man with the one vote. This meant that nobody, especially not Western politicians or journalists, knew what the people living in these totalitarian countries wanted, thought, or believed. There was no way to gauge public opinion because the public was afraid to give its opinion. So the supposed experts on the Middle East invented the next best thing. They called it the Arab Street. And for some time we’ve listened to them explain to us what the so-called Arab Street was thinking and what the Arab Street wanted until the explosion of Arab unrest caught them by surprise. So they coined the term Arab Spring to explain what had happened.

When I was a kid in Brooklyn there was a popular children’s story that I loved. It was called the Grasshopper and the Ant. It’s one of Aesop’s Fables but I had a Little Golden Book version. I seem to remember there having been a Disney animated movie of the tale. The plot of the little morality play involves a grasshopper who fiddles around all summer and an ant who prepares for the coming winter. The moral that is drawn is based on the assumption that the ant is industrious and that the grasshopper is lazy and just looking for fun. But maybe Aesop and the publishers of the Little Golden Books and Walt Disney had it all wrong. Maybe it wasn’t that the grasshopper was lazy and just looking for fun. Maybe he was just too dumb to know that it wouldn’t be summer for ever. Maybe he just didn’t know that winter was coming, like the folks running America’s foreign policy. The impact of a nuclear-armed and missile-equipped Islamist Iranian state on the course of history will be profound …and more so because America let it happen.

Your thoughts?

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The "Arab Spring" Part 2
7/18/2011 6:09:00 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's part 2 of the two posts on the "Arab Spring".

Daniel Greenfield covers a lot of ground in his article as he usually does. His in depth analysis of what he calls "the Permanent Muslim Civil War" is quite revealing and might, just educate many of the true Muslim mentality. Killing for them means nothing and when you finally comprehend that simple fact the fog might, just might clear up and people will realize how dangerous Islam is for the Western world.



The Permanent Muslim Civil War

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 08:39 PM PDT

What the misreading of the Arab Spring as a revolutionary wave of democracy, rather than an explosion of existing tensions and longstanding civil wars, points to most is how thoroughly the 21st century Middle East expert has unlearned everything that his 19th century predecessor knew about the Muslim world.

The 19th century expert understood the Muslim world as essentially unchanging, seething with revolts and dynastic struggles, but still shackled to the chains of its cultural and moral limitations. But the 21st century expert insists on a progressive version of history, in which humanity is always moving upward. Where each event, good or bad, is a phase in historical development.

A 150 years ago, a Western observer reporting on a Muslim ruler being driven out of power by an alliance of oligarchies and an angry mob would have said that it was the same sort of thing that had been going on in the region forever. His conclusion might have been cynical, even bigoted, but it would have also been realistic.

The 21st century expert is too busy looking to the future to notice the past. The only history in the Muslim world that he is concerned with is colonial history, the tale of wrongs inflicted by Europeans on the noble inhabitants, and of the tremendous culture and great achievements of the locals. This mishmash of history informs him that the advancement of the Muslim world was aborted by Western imperialism. And when Western imperialism is finally and utterly destroyed, then the Muslim world will resume its high standards of civic culture.

The Arab Spring, with its violent overthrow of Western backed rulers, seems promising to him. Finally progressive organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood will have their chance to restore an advanced civilizations to the noble principles of the Koran.

There is nothing wrong with this formulation that he can see. "Everyone" knows that Islam is better, kinder, nobler and more technically advanced than Christianity or Judaism. It may have its fundamentalists lurking in dark caves, but what of abortion clinic bombers and settlers. When the Islamists are in charge-- surely a new era of freedom and enlightenment will follow.

Even the secularists are no better. Democracy is their idol, and the ballot box their altar. But what does democracy mean to nations divided by ethnicity, tribe and religion. And how does one negotiate a consensus through such irresolvable identities?

Lebanon is a demonstration of what multiculturalism mixed with Islam looks like in even a modern area with heavy European influence. A permanent civil war that can never be peacefully resolved. The Muslim world is no more peaceful, only more pacified by tyrants and tanks. Take away the tyrant and his tanks, and the civil war resumes, until it is pacified by another tyrant. The cycle repeats itself endlessly.

The Soviet Union was once referred to as a "Prison of Nations". But then so are all empires. The Muslim world is a broken empire, a vast collection of scattered pieces, subjugated peoples, wrecked cultures, sullen tribes and rival families crowded together into one Muslim identity. With nothing in common but their hatred of the infidel.

The Muslim world can never be at peace, because Muslims are not at peace with themselves. And their governments are built on some form of negotiated alliance, just as can be seen in its crude form in Afghanistan where warlords pledge allegiance in exchange for bribes, between tribes, communities and powerful families. When the alliance shifts or a ruler shows weakness, the infrastructure of government comes tumbling down.

The Arab Spring is an unglamorous as all that. Not any different at its base than an Afghan warlord changing his loyalties. For all that it's dressed up in Twitter activism, posed photos and banners-- it's the same game with a better logo. Mobs didn't begin overthrowing Arab rulers when Twitter was invented. They won't stop when everyone has forgotten what Twitter was.

Without progress, the future can only be an imperfect continuation of the past. And progress comes from self-doubt leading to reform. Reform is not a matter of denouncing politicians, but of denouncing yourself. The Muslim world is full of denunciations, but they are strictly partisan and external. The family blames the tribe. The tribe blames the party. The party blames the government. The government blames the Turks, the English, the Zionists or the Americans. Thus the problem is exorcised and immortalized.

Blame is assigned to a foreign scapegoat. And the 21st century expert pursues the scapegoat whether it's American foreign policy or Israeli settlements or the price of wheat or the World Trade Organization. And this is what makes him, with his Kindle displaying the latest issue of The Economist, his watch set to three time zones, and his Flickr page full of photos of him posing with native boys, so much dimmer than his 19th century predecessor. It's not so much what he knows, as what he doesn't know, and has no idea that he doesn't know. And wouldn't listen to if he were told.

Eventually the scapegoat is corralled, kicked and beaten. A revolution ensues. The crowds cheer. Photos are taken of protesters heroically tossing Molotov cocktails through the air at the police. A decade later the protesters are wearing police uniforms and torturing protesters in hidden cellars. Whatever freedom there was under the previous regime has dissipated. Everyone lives in fear and blames the 21st century experts and their foreign policy for it.

This Groundhog Day is so difficult to dismiss because it is embedded in the very fractures that caused all this to come about. The Islamic conquests did not bring forth a golden age, but an age of slaves. Millions of peoples had their culture partly or wholly destroyed. Then after the caliphates fell, the Western democracies came in, colored in their borders and expected everything to go alright so long as there were regular elections.

The Muslim world only has Islam as its common consensus, and the only means of governance that it offers is rule by conquest, and authority through Quranic scripture. Neither of those represent any sort of enduring consensus. The kings who trace their lineage back to Mohammed and the Imams who shout for democracy, so long as it puts them in power, are the pathetic end of this fractured philosophy.

There are high minded ideals aplenty, but no way to implement them. Muslims soothe each other with stories of their own nobility and greatness, useless substitutes for the real thing. But a government that isn't composed of a handful of powerful families, an army colonel or an oligarchy of clerics is a rare thing. And none of these can last.

The Hashemites went from ruling three countries, to ruling a small kingdom under Israeli and American protection. The Saudis who replaced them may fall just as quickly when the wheel turns. Egypt may be headed toward clerical rule, just as Iran is headed away from it. And if not that, then military rule. One old mistake will do as well as another.

Tellingly what doesn't work is democracy. Democracy didn't keep the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq from killing each other. Or the Kurds from carving out their own separate state. And it didn't keep the Christians from being hounded out. These divisions are adequate testimony to the cultural inadequacy of trying to build a national consensus on so thin a soil.

The Muslim world prides itself on its wisdom, but its wisdom is futility. It can see conspiracies in a grain of sand, but not redeem its own flaws or treat its own wounds. Mohammed and his successors did not unite the peoples who fell under their rule, they retarded them. They made it impossible for them to develop and then wrapped that retardation in the banner of Islam. And out of that has come the permanent Muslim civil war.

What boils in the streets of great cities is the same pattern of violence and betrayal, aspiration and disintegration, that played out long ago on the hot desert sands. The conflicts of cultures unable to move past their own tribalism. Unwilling to leave behind the chains of their past and become true peoples and nations, rather than the slaves of Islam.
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Herman Cain's Take On Sharia
7/18/2011 6:33:32 AM
Hello Friends,

Herman Cain was asked about some controversial mosques and his answer was clear and to the point. While I don't think he has much of a chance to win the Republican nomination and I would much rather see Alan West in the running (I think he has a d*amn good chance to win the nomination) Cain has no fear of stating his opinions and facts publicly regardless of MSM attempt to ridicule him. Listen to the below video I found over at Atlas Shrugs. Hermnan Cain gets it and it's about time the rest of America woke up to the dangers of shariah, jihad, the muslim brotherhood and all the other forms of jihad.



Read more here.
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank
7/19/2011 9:54:04 PM
Hello Friends,

Danny Ayalon is Israel's Deputy Minister For Foreign Affairs and he recently started a youtube channel. In the below video he gives a true perspective of the Israel/Palestine conflict. Facts and not the fiction from the Islamic world with their MSM appeasers. Not a long video but for those interested in facts and not fiction worth watching.



From: DannyAyalon | Jul 12, 2011 | 14,837 views
Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The video explains where the terms "West Bank", "occupied territories" and "67 Borders" originated and how they are incorrectly used and applied. Also follow on Twitter: and (less info)

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Muslims Attack Sikh In Leicester, GB
7/24/2011 10:31:24 AM
Hello Friends,

Lately I've been reading about more and more attacks by Muslims against non Muslims in Great Britain. Now the media of course use PC words to describe the attackers and the most prevalent word in GB is "Asians" when talking about Muslims. So when you see that used they're not talking about Chinese, Japanese, Hindus or Sikhs but Muslims. You can rest assured that if a Chinese or Japanese attacked someone they wouldn't hesitate to use the word Chinese or Japanese but Muslim nah simply not politically correct. What a farce. I wonder if there are Englishmen who aren't aware of this? Interesting thought.

Below is an article about a young Sikh being attacked by Muslims in Leicester.



UK: Misunderstanders of Islam chanting "Allah, Allah" brutally beat Sikh man
Honest Ibe Hooper or Boy Reza Aslan or some such genius should go explain to Moshin Khan and his fellow gang members about "Islamic tolerance." "Sikh man 'was beaten up by gang in street,'" from the Leicester Mercury, July 21 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

A Sikh man told a jury he was beaten up by a group of Muslim-looking men who knocked off his turban and pulled off his necklace and religious pendant.
The 25-year-old alleged victim suffered a cut head and other injuries after being hit to the ground and struck with a weapon, possibly a spanner, it was claimed.

He said he was at home with his mother, in Evington Valley Road, Leicester, at 1.40 pm when he heard banging on his door and shouting.

He looked out to see five or six Asian males, of Muslim appearance and dress, whom he did not know.

A black Audi was also outside.

The man said he felt "scared," and left through the back door, getting into his car at the rear and drove off.

He said at the Evington Valley Road traffic light junction with Ethel Road a man banged on his car bonnet and shouted at him to stop.

He said he also realised the men from outside his home were pursuing him in the Audi and carried on.

The alleged victim told Leicester Crown Court he pulled into the forecourt of a nearby tyre factory hoping to get help.

The Audi blocked him in and as soon as he got out of his car, he was attacked by several men, including one with a "rod or spanner."

The complainant said: "I fell on the ground and felt someone pulling my chain, which had a religious pendant on.

"They were hitting me."

He said he got up and pushed one of them, but ended up back on the ground being hit.

He added: "I don't know who was hitting me on my head with the spanner.

"I can't remember how many times I was hit.

"Someone was twisting my (gold) bangle but it didn't come off.

"While they were hitting me, it (his turban) was knocked off.

"They were saying something like 'killing you' and swearing."

The prosecution allege that one of the assailants was Moshin Khan (20), of Evington Drive, Leicester.

Khan denies jointly causing actual bodily harm or damaging a gold necklace belonging to the alleged victim on Friday, April 23, last year.

He claims that it is a case of mistaken identity and the complainant had wrongly picked him in a police video identification procedure.

The prosecution say the black Audi's registration number was linked to the defendant's address.

Giving evidence, the complainant said he was "sure" he correctly identified Khan as one of the group.

He alleged that after he managed to stand up, the defendant came towards him (unarmed) and tried to hit him.

He told the jury: "I tried to hit him back.

"Then he hit me back and I went back onto the ground."

The court heard the necklace and religious pendant were later found and returned to the complainant.

Mark Achurch, prosecuting, said one of the witnesses claimed he heard members of the group shouting "Allah, Allah" during the alleged attack.... Read the rest here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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