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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Dry Bones' "Ask The Expert"
7/13/2011 8:15:44 AM
Hello Friends,

Dry Bones asks a question that I've asked many a time and in broader terms. Being a satirist and cartoonis Dry Bones is limited to an issue at a time but after looking at the graphic ask yourself this. Where were. NATO and B Hussein while the Iranians were butchering, torturing, stoning and more. Where were they while the mass slaughter took place in Sudan? Get the point they were nowhere and did nothing just like they're doing nothing in Syria even after the French and US Embassies were attacked. B Hussein was there and had a big hand in toppling Hosni Mubarak and what did they get in return? More hatred towards the United States and the Muslim Brotherhood the most likely party to take power in Egypt. Ineptitude, stupidity, ignorance etc. or part of B Hussein's Islamic agenda?



As a political cartoonist I'm supposed to present my explanation of current events. The problem is that trying to explain the motives behind America's current inconsistent "Arab Spring" policy is REALLY difficult. So, baffled, I decided to comment on my plight!

Today's cartoon features a TV Middle East Expert answering questions that have been "tweeted in" to him.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Dry Bones' "Ask The Expert"
7/14/2011 9:57:11 AM
Hello Friends,

I posted this in the President That Hates His country thread and thought it's also relevant to this thread too. It's a prime example of Taqiyyah and the lies and obfuscation Muslim's are guilty of. This is a form of jihad and Hakim "Keith Ellison" Muhammad is closely identified with CAIR a front for Hamas and The Muslim Brotherhood. The enemy from within and the fifth column in action.



Hello Friends,

Rep. Keith Ellison or should I call him Hakim "Keith Ellison" Muhammad accused Rep. Michele Bachmann of wanting women to be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. Quite a suspicious attack considering his religion is the most oppressive against women in almost every manner possible. Islam considers women to be the property of the man and he can do what he wishes with her and that of course includes their daughters as well. Women simply have no rights in Islam and are allowed to do only what their father, husband and brother permit them to do.

This attack is also quite opportune since Rep. Bachmann announced that she's running for president and her spectacular jump in the polls. Consider that amongst the present group of candidates she's one of the only ones to come out and attack B Hussein with facts and figures that she has at her fingertips. They must be scared s*hitless of her for B Hussein to send Hakim out with his ridiculous attack. What I find so strange is that the audience in the below video applauded when this Muslim Congressman made his vicious attack. Either they were all Muslims or simply ignorant progressive left wing liberals who'll applaud anything against a conservative whether it's true or not.

The United States is definitely suffering from the enemy within and Hakim "Keith Ellison" Muhammad is a prime example of that.



Muslim Brotherhood Congressman Hakim "Keith Ellison" Muhammad (D) in Islamic Misogyny Attack on American Women, Namely Michele Bachmann

Only an Islamic supremacist would dare talk this way about Michele Bachmann. The dehumanization and sub-class status of women under Muslim rule is pure savagery. Hakim will have to enlighten us on how honor killings, clitorectomies, forced marriage, rape, child trafficking, ethnic cleansing lifts up women and mankind. That will be be first class taqiyya session.

In Hakim's America, women would be dogs.

Meanwhile, Michele Bachmann defines the strong, confident succesful powerful woman.

n 2006, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann became the first Republican woman to be elected to represent Minnesota in the U.S. House of Representatives. As a self-proclaimed “Constitutional Conservative”, Bachmann is committed to fixing Washington’s broken ways by advocating for America’s adherence to the Constitution. Bachmann has become known on Capitol Hill as a member who champions tax reform, works to cut wasteful government spending and supports limiting the size of our government. She also is devoted to the repeal of ObamaCare, a legislation she believes is an example of government’s recent uninhibited growth. In Bachmann’s view, the government needs to make the kind of serious spending decisions that many families and small businesses across America have been forced to make. As a believer in the traditional values upon which this country was founded, she consistently defends America’s religious liberties and the importance of the family as the first unit of government. She also has continuously worked to defend the right to life for all Americans, including the unborn.

Bachmann is a member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Financial Services Committee. She has taken the opportunity of serving on the Intelligence Committee to regularly advocate for peace through strength to ensure America’s national security. As she vowed in her Oath of Office, Bachmann continues to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Bachmann is devoted to doing her part to ensure America’s safety. As a member of the Financial Services Committee, Bachmann has been given keen insight into the current housing crisis and credit crunch. This insight has led her to be a staunch opponent of the taxpayer-funded bailout of Wall Street and the Dodd-Frank legislation.

As the federal government continues to grow under the current administration, Bachmann was honored to establish the Tea Party Caucus in July 2010. She is proud to stand with the Tea Party to call for lower taxes, renewed focus on the Constitution and smaller government.

Prior to serving in the U.S. Congress, Bachmann served in the Minnesota State Senate from 2000-2006. As a Minnesota State Senator, she championed the Taxpayers Bill of Rights. Before holding elected office, Bachmann worked on hundreds of civil and criminal cases as a federal tax litigation attorney. Through her experience as a tax attorney, Bachmann came to understand firsthand the need to simplify the current tax code and reduce taxes on families and small businesses. Yet, it was her role as a mother of five and foster mother of 23 that led her to call for the abolishment of Goals 2000 and the Profiles of Learning and start a charter school for at-risk kids in Minnesota.

Bachmann is a graduate of Anoka High School and Winona State University. After receiving her J.D. at the O.W. Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University and an L.L.M. in Tax Law at the College of William and Mary, she along with her husband, Marcus moved their young family to Stillwater, Minnesota. There they opened a small business health care practice that employs nearly fifty people. The Bachmanns, who have been married over thirty years, have five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline and Sophia. The Bachmanns have also cared for 23 foster children, inspiring Bachmann’s tireless efforts in Congress on behalf of America’s foster and adopted children, a role that has earned her bipartisan praise.

She is proud to represent Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District, a district which contains parts of six counties, stretching from Stillwater past Saint Cloud, including several suburbs of the Twin Cities.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - According To The koran "Jesus Is A Slave To allah"
7/16/2011 5:10:51 PM
Hello Friends,

Islam is a religion that "borrows" from many other religions. Just recently I read an article where the similarities to the Hindu religion is evident in Islam. That guy Muhammad stole mainly from Judaism and Christianity. He's borrowed Noah, Abraham, Jesus and many more and claims them to be his followers and slaves to allah. All his followers forget that Islam was a figment of Muhammad's imagination and they bought into his fantasies big time.

They also have the habit of of trying to rewrite history. While they didn't even exist as a religion and were simple pagan nomads traipsing around the deserts of Arabia they try and convince us that our Bibles are all lies and their koran is the only true word. Well let the PC idiots accept their lies and we'll continue telling you that appeasing them is capitulation and the end for all non believers is the same ........ according to the koran.

Last week during Glenn Beck's visit to Israel he and his crew found the below sign near the entrance to Jesus' "Stations of the Cross". I heard his radio account of this and now Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs elaborates on it in the below article. Well worth reading.



Islam Falsifies All Other Religions: "Jesus is a Slave to Allah"

We are expected not to run a couple of innocuous cartoons, not to oppose the building of a 15-story mega mosque at Ground Zero, and not to say "Muhammad on South Park," because marauding Muslims will be offended and burn down embassies and slaughter non-Muslims across the world.

And yet this kind of falsifying of Christianity must be tolerated in the interest of "outreach?" No. This is dhimmitude. And it seems the Christians and the Jews who lived under dhimmitude did not emerge unscathed. There is an involuntary defense mechanism to submit, capitulate to Muslim invaders. Centuries of humiliation and brutal subjugation has had that effect. The psychological landscape of non-Muslims (with exceptions, of course) is suffused with knee-jerk submission.

Glenn Beck said this billboard was put up by Muslims near the entrance to the Stations of the Cross.

But it's not just Jerusalem. Here in America, bus ads are running with the same message. A bit less obvious, stealth propaganda, but the same message. And Australia too. I am sure Atlas readers can cite many examples.

Where is the outrage?

Billboards in Sydney declare Jesus is a 'prophet of Islam'

by Clayton Hinds Posted: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 13:48 (BST)

Billboards in Sydney declare Jesus is a 'prophet of Islam'
Photo of the MyPeace website showing the billboard designs Christian Today

A Catholic Bishop has slammed a series of provocative billboards in Sydney touting Jesus as a “prophet of Islam”.

The Islamic apologist website launched the controversial advertising campaign to provoke discussion and promote free literature.

Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney, Julian Porteous, described the campaign as a direct assault on Christianity and called for the billboards to be immediately removed.

“In Australia with its Christian heritage a billboard carrying the statement ‘Jesus A prophet of Islam’ is provocative and offensive to Christians,” he said.

“Central to Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ is more than a prophet. He is the Son of God. He is acclaimed Lord and Saviour of humanity.

“This statement is a direct assault on Christian beliefs,” said Bishop Porteous.

The bishop has also lamented that the incendiary campaign has the potential to damage relations between the Christian church and the Muslim community.

And these bus ads ran all across America.

New York


Islam bus ad

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent by Islamic supremacists to run these bus ads falsifying Christianity and Judaism.

Bus ads that claim Jesus was a muslim BNET

The ads, paid for by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, state “ISLAM: The Way of Life of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.” The ads appear on 50 buses in Florida. They cost about $60,000.

But if you recall, it was my bus ads that caused a furor. Ads designed to help Muslims escape the sharia.

I think we should run those ads again. If you want to contribute to our "Leaving Islam" bus ad campaign, paypal your contribution to, and specify, "anti-sharia bus campaign."


Leaving islam bus

Detroit still refuses to run our ad, despite the fact that we won our free speech lawsuit. Here's the latest:

DETROIT Appeals Free Speech Ruling, "Leaving Islam?" Bus Ads Won't Run Yet, As Michigan Girl Gets Honor Murdered For "Not Following Islam"

And here is the dhimmedia's take on our win for free speech and for Muslims that leave Islam and live in fear of their lives.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Human Shields In Gaza
7/16/2011 5:36:52 PM
Thanks Peter for these articles. I agree, where is the outrage for these signs running all across America? It is so frustrating that so many people are so apathetic and there are just too many that don't seem to care one way or the other, but unless things change, the day is coming when they will wonder what happened, but by then it may be too late.
Apathy is the main reason we have a fraud sitting in the White House. Too many people never saw what was staring them right in the face, or if they did, chose to ignore it. They were warned by so many but were blinded by an empty suit and all the freebies being promised, freebies that never materialized by the way.

Hello Friends,

Islam is a religion that "borrows" from many other religions. Just recently I read an article where the similarities to the Hindu religion is evident in Islam. That guy Muhammad stole mainly from Judaism and Christianity. He's borrowed Noah, Abraham, Jesus and many more and claims them to be his followers and slaves to allah. All his followers forget that Islam was a figment of Muhammad's imagination and they bought into his fantasies big time.

They also have the habit of of trying to rewrite history. While they didn't even exist as a religion and were simple pagan nomads traipsing around the deserts of Arabia they try and convince us that our Bibles are all lies and their koran is the only true word. Well let the PC idiots accept their lies and we'll continue telling you that appeasing them is capitulation and the end for all non believers is the same ........ according to the koran.

Last week during Glenn Beck's visit to Israel he and his crew found the below sign near the entrance to Jesus' "Stations of the Cross". I heard his radio account of this and now Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs elaborates on it in the below article. Well worth reading.



Islam Falsifies All Other Religions: "Jesus is a Slave to Allah"

We are expected not to run a couple of innocuous cartoons, not to oppose the building of a 15-story mega mosque at Ground Zero, and not to say "Muhammad on South Park," because marauding Muslims will be offended and burn down embassies and slaughter non-Muslims across the world.

And yet this kind of falsifying of Christianity must be tolerated in the interest of "outreach?" No. This is dhimmitude. And it seems the Christians and the Jews who lived under dhimmitude did not emerge unscathed. There is an involuntary defense mechanism to submit, capitulate to Muslim invaders. Centuries of humiliation and brutal subjugation has had that effect. The psychological landscape of non-Muslims (with exceptions, of course) is suffused with knee-jerk submission.

Glenn Beck said this billboard was put up by Muslims near the entrance to the Stations of the Cross.

But it's not just Jerusalem. Here in America, bus ads are running with the same message. A bit less obvious, stealth propaganda, but the same message. And Australia too. I am sure Atlas readers can cite many examples.

Where is the outrage?

Billboards in Sydney declare Jesus is a 'prophet of Islam'

by Clayton Hinds Posted: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 13:48 (BST)

Billboards in Sydney declare Jesus is a 'prophet of Islam'
Photo of the MyPeace website showing the billboard designs Christian Today

A Catholic Bishop has slammed a series of provocative billboards in Sydney touting Jesus as a “prophet of Islam”.

The Islamic apologist website launched the controversial advertising campaign to provoke discussion and promote free literature.

Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney, Julian Porteous, described the campaign as a direct assault on Christianity and called for the billboards to be immediately removed.

“In Australia with its Christian heritage a billboard carrying the statement ‘Jesus A prophet of Islam’ is provocative and offensive to Christians,” he said.

“Central to Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ is more than a prophet. He is the Son of God. He is acclaimed Lord and Saviour of humanity.

“This statement is a direct assault on Christian beliefs,” said Bishop Porteous.

The bishop has also lamented that the incendiary campaign has the potential to damage relations between the Christian church and the Muslim community.

And these bus ads ran all across America.

New York


Islam bus ad

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent by Islamic supremacists to run these bus ads falsifying Christianity and Judaism.

Bus ads that claim Jesus was a muslim BNET

The ads, paid for by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, state “ISLAM: The Way of Life of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.” The ads appear on 50 buses in Florida. They cost about $60,000.

But if you recall, it was my bus ads that caused a furor. Ads designed to help Muslims escape the sharia.

I think we should run those ads again. If you want to contribute to our "Leaving Islam" bus ad campaign, paypal your contribution to, and specify, "anti-sharia bus campaign."


Leaving islam bus

Detroit still refuses to run our ad, despite the fact that we won our free speech lawsuit. Here's the latest:

DETROIT Appeals Free Speech Ruling, "Leaving Islam?" Bus Ads Won't Run Yet, As Michigan Girl Gets Honor Murdered For "Not Following Islam"

And here is the dhimmedia's take on our win for free speech and for Muslims that leave Islam and live in fear of their lives.

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
7/18/2011 5:56:26 AM
Hi Evelyn,

I agree with your comments completely but rather then apathy I'd call it stupidity cos the facts are staring them in the face. You know the three monkey's "hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil" is good for monkeys but not supposedly thinking human beings. God gave us the ability to think and choose which differentiates us from the animal world that works on their instincts and the prevalent one in many cases is the herd instinct. So no apathy simply doesn't cover it but deaf, dumb and blind does.



Thanks Peter for these articles. I agree, where is the outrage for these signs running all across America? It is so frustrating that so many people are so apathetic and there are just too many that don't seem to care one way or the other, but unless things change, the day is coming when they will wonder what happened, but by then it may be too late.
Apathy is the main reason we have a fraud sitting in the White House. Too many people never saw what was staring them right in the face, or if they did, chose to ignore it. They were warned by so many but were blinded by an empty suit and all the freebies being promised, freebies that never materialized by the way.

Hello Friends,

Islam is a religion that "borrows" from many other religions. Just recently I read an article where the similarities to the Hindu religion is evident in Islam. That guy Muhammad stole mainly from Judaism and Christianity. He's borrowed Noah, Abraham, Jesus and many more and claims them to be his followers and slaves to allah. All his followers forget that Islam was a figment of Muhammad's imagination and they bought into his fantasies big time.

They also have the habit of of trying to rewrite history. While they didn't even exist as a religion and were simple pagan nomads traipsing around the deserts of Arabia they try and convince us that our Bibles are all lies and their koran is the only true word. Well let the PC idiots accept their lies and we'll continue telling you that appeasing them is capitulation and the end for all non believers is the same ........ according to the koran.

Last week during Glenn Beck's visit to Israel he and his crew found the below sign near the entrance to Jesus' "Stations of the Cross". I heard his radio account of this and now Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs elaborates on it in the below article. Well worth reading.



Islam Falsifies All Other Religions: "Jesus is a Slave to Allah"

We are expected not to run a couple of innocuous cartoons, not to oppose the building of a 15-story mega mosque at Ground Zero, and not to say "Muhammad on South Park," because marauding Muslims will be offended and burn down embassies and slaughter non-Muslims across the world.

And yet this kind of falsifying of Christianity must be tolerated in the interest of "outreach?" No. This is dhimmitude. And it seems the Christians and the Jews who lived under dhimmitude did not emerge unscathed. There is an involuntary defense mechanism to submit, capitulate to Muslim invaders. Centuries of humiliation and brutal subjugation has had that effect. The psychological landscape of non-Muslims (with exceptions, of course) is suffused with knee-jerk submission.

Glenn Beck said this billboard was put up by Muslims near the entrance to the Stations of the Cross.

But it's not just Jerusalem. Here in America, bus ads are running with the same message. A bit less obvious, stealth propaganda, but the same message. And Australia too. I am sure Atlas readers can cite many examples.

Where is the outrage?

Billboards in Sydney declare Jesus is a 'prophet of Islam'

by Clayton Hinds Posted: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 13:48 (BST)

Billboards in Sydney declare Jesus is a 'prophet of Islam'
Photo of the MyPeace website showing the billboard designs Christian Today

A Catholic Bishop has slammed a series of provocative billboards in Sydney touting Jesus as a “prophet of Islam”.

The Islamic apologist website launched the controversial advertising campaign to provoke discussion and promote free literature.

Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney, Julian Porteous, described the campaign as a direct assault on Christianity and called for the billboards to be immediately removed.

“In Australia with its Christian heritage a billboard carrying the statement ‘Jesus A prophet of Islam’ is provocative and offensive to Christians,” he said.

“Central to Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ is more than a prophet. He is the Son of God. He is acclaimed Lord and Saviour of humanity.

“This statement is a direct assault on Christian beliefs,” said Bishop Porteous.

The bishop has also lamented that the incendiary campaign has the potential to damage relations between the Christian church and the Muslim community.

And these bus ads ran all across America.

New York


Islam bus ad

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent by Islamic supremacists to run these bus ads falsifying Christianity and Judaism.

Bus ads that claim Jesus was a muslim BNET

The ads, paid for by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, state “ISLAM: The Way of Life of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.” The ads appear on 50 buses in Florida. They cost about $60,000.

But if you recall, it was my bus ads that caused a furor. Ads designed to help Muslims escape the sharia.

I think we should run those ads again. If you want to contribute to our "Leaving Islam" bus ad campaign, paypal your contribution to, and specify, "anti-sharia bus campaign."


Leaving islam bus

Detroit still refuses to run our ad, despite the fact that we won our free speech lawsuit. Here's the latest:

DETROIT Appeals Free Speech Ruling, "Leaving Islam?" Bus Ads Won't Run Yet, As Michigan Girl Gets Honor Murdered For "Not Following Islam"

And here is the dhimmedia's take on our win for free speech and for Muslims that leave Islam and live in fear of their lives.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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