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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Michele Bachmann Stands With Israel
6/25/2011 8:11:03 AM
Hello Friends,

Michele Bachmann is going to announce running for the Presidency in a few days. I've always admired her outspokenness and her overall views as a Congresswoman and now unless someone some other candidate joins the fray who I might favor more she might get my support. Her love for the Constitution and demanding that the country not abandon what the Founding Fathers so brilliantly composed is an ongoing battle especially with B Hussein sitting in the White House and so blatantly trying to tear down and destroy the Constitution with almost every action he takes.

Here are her views on Israel which I of course totally agree with. :)



Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
6/25/2011 11:00:46 PM
I am reposting this in my thread as well this is important!

Hello Friends,

For those of you that follow this thread and posts I've made elsewhere you know that I've been writing about B Hussein's Islamic agenda. By now it should be quite obvious to all but those blind to his overall policies that include the destruction of America will also fail to see what is staring them in the face.

I'm not going to belabor the point of his throwing Israel under the bus in favor of the Palestinians and the outright political and major financial support for the PA who still stand by their PLO/Fatah (they are the ruling party in the PA) charter calling for the annihilation of Israel. They also financially support the Hamas a terrorist organization that's umbillically
connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and whose charter is even worse then PLO/Fatah. This is is so obvious that it needs no further comments in this article.

This time let's take a look at what he's doing in the United States and the rest of the Western world to promote and empower Islam and the Muslims. We know he's surrounding himself with Muslims who are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and support terror in addition to his progressive left radical advisers and czars who support Islam and Muslims.

In the below article by Daniel Greenfield you'll find that
not only is he undermining the USA but Europe as well with their attempts to correct their past mistakes of multiculturism and political correctness. He's doing this in a blatant way and they are not happy with him and his policies. It's a very interesting and informative read and you'd do well to take note of the message in the article cos it shows what is happening and what the end result will be.

Appeasing the Islamic monster is a show of weakness and not calling terrorism and those countries supporting terrorism out and dealing with them out of strength is the worst sign of weakness and they'll take advantage of it and they are. The mistakes that B Hussein made in Egypt gave birth to another Iran as will the attacks on Libya and the non intervention in Syria. The Iranian's are openly stating their agenda now and that too was ignored by B Hussein. All he has to say is "respect them" and the question is respect WHAT??



The "Muslims First" Foreign Policy

In France, American embassies and consulates have been directed to "empower" Muslim and push for the passage of "social reforms" that will benefit them. In the UK, American diplomats were directed to again "empower" Muslims and made outreach to them a top priority. In Israel, the US consulate in Jerusalem caters only to Muslims and does its best to pretend that Jews and Israel don't even exist. And when Obama visited Greece, what else did he do but push the political and religious authorities to open more mosques and Islamic schools. America's own interests and our obligations to our allies have been put aside to focus on a single goal of overriding importance. Pandering to the Muslim world. It's as if we have no other foreign policy goal anymore beyond keeping Muslims happy.

The United States has its first Special Representative to Muslim Communities in the person of Farah Pandith. We also have Rashad Hussain, a Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. (No relation to Barack Hussein Obama. The name Hussain is common among Muslims as a tribute to Mohammed's grandson, Hussain ibn Ali, the 'Martyr Of Martyrs' in Islam.) Hussain (Rashad, not Barack) had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which helped create both Al Qaeda and Hamas, and defended Islamic Jihad leader Sami Al-Arian. Farah Pandith is a Kashmiri Muslim who began her career as Barbara Bush's secretary. But just creating two new Muslim posts in the diplomatic sector isn't enough.

NASA Administrator Bolden told Al Jazeera that the agency's new priority is outreach to Muslims. After gutting NASA and killing its space program, the agency focused on its new top priority by appointing Waleed Abdalati, as its new Chief Scientist. Waleed Abdalati is a twofer, as a Muslim and a Global Warming researcher. So the Obama Administration gets to kill off the space program and replace it with Global Warming junk science headed by a Muslim. It's what the devil would call synergy.

Is any of this working? Does the Muslim world love us now? No they don't. And France, the UK, Israel and Greece like us less for tampering with their internal affairs at Muslim instigation. All the outreach in the world can't help, because it's not outreach, it's pandering. Not only is it condescending, but it sends a message of weakness and desperation. When we pressure our allies on behalf of Muslims, we're sending them a signal that our first priority is fulfilling the marching orders we received from the Muslim world. And this not only fragments our traditional alliances, but it encourages Muslim regimes to support further acts of terrorism to improve their position.
Since 9/11 we have sunk billions of dollars into the Muslim world. Usually we had to defeat a country in a war before we began rebuilding them, but now we rush to throw money at hellholes like Pakistan and Indonesia where human rights is a punchline and the mass murder of non-Muslims is an ongoing event.

Taking a look at the fortunes we have plowed into Taliban's godfathers in Pakistan, the round the clock duty that American soldiers perform securing and rebuilding Afghanistan and Iraq, the death grip that Bin Laden's own adoptive Saudi royal family has on our foreign policy, our bankrolling of the Palestinian Authority, not to mention the money that we paid and are still paying to Baathist and Taliban terrorists in exchange for not attacking us-- and even the least terrorist prone country in the Muslim world can't help but think that it could do better for itself by bombing us, than by trying to be our friend.

This frantic flurry of outreach reveals that we consider Islam to be the primary threat to global stability and a major national security threat. The positive image reveals the negative. We're so obsessed with pandering to Muslims because we're afraid of them. The Muslim world knows it, and gloats, when it isn't busy acting offended. The American public knows it too, even behind the camouflage tarp of learning about other cultures, that we're trying to defuse the violence. But trying to defuse violence through appeasement is not a good strategy unless you're willing to go all the way to Dhimmitown.

By enslaving our foreign policy to Islamic interests, we're already much of the way there. Chief Justice Stephen Breyer has adopted a new Constitutional understanding of free speech, in which you're free to say what you want as long as it doesn't run the risk of getting Muslims violently angry. In Europe you can be arrested for yodeling even in the shadow of the Alps-- if it offends a Muslim. A 21st century revival of The Sound of Music might now feature the Von Trapp family escaping into the mountains only to end up under arrest because some immigrant from Algeria, Morocco or Turkey was offended because the sound of "The Lonely Goatherd" resembled his own prayers to Allah a little too much.

What does this have to do with foreign policy? Everything. If we treat the Muslims of the world as a collective group always balanced on the edge of exploding, then there is no more difference between foreign and domestic policy when it comes to Muslims. Accordingly every Western country with a Muslim minority must pursue only Muslim approved policies at home and abroad. If Thailand, Israel or India begin fighting Muslim terrorism-- they must join in on the Muslim side. If France passes a Burqa ban, then the United States must begin lobbying to overturn it. If Danish cartoons in a local newspaper offend Muslims, then the Prime Minister of Denmark must be compelled to apologize for his country's free speech before being allowed to become NATO's Secretary General.

The combination of Muslim terrorism and immigration eradicates all differences between foreign and domestic policies. There is only one policy. A Muslim policy. And the bottom line of the Muslim policy is that Muslims get what they want. At any cost. Any price. Freedom, morality, loyalty, national values and human rights are dispensable now. Appeasing Muslims is not.

Appeasing Muslims had tied the free world in an infernal knot. Each country pressures its own citizens and other countries to do whatever Muslims want. This would be unjustifiable even if it worked, but the damnedest thing of all, is that it doesn't actually discourage Muslim violence. It actually encourages it. And why not? If countries pandered to murderers, rapists and robbers instead of putting them in prison-- would there be less murders, rapes and robberies. Or would there be more?

The only way we can justify our craven appeasement is through the belief in the discredited Blowback Theory of Muslim violence. The Blowback Theory holds that Muslim violence is only retaliatory. That every time Muslims kill people, it's only because they're retaliating for a wrong done to them. Whether that wrong be a Predator drone taking out a terrorist (who was only retaliating for being yodeled at), drawing a cartoon of an illiterate 7th century pedophile worshiped by a billion people with deficient morals, or some battle fought 600 years ago. Whatever it may be-- the Blowback Theory holds that Muslims are always in the right to kill us. And we're always in the wrong to defend ourselves against being killed.

The corollary to the Blowback Theory is the Infinite Muslim Terrorists Theory. The Infinite Muslim Terrorists Theory holds that every Muslim grievance creates new terrorists. Like an angel getting its wings every time a bell rings, the Infinite Muslim Terrorists Theory warns us that every time we offend Muslims, it bring forth new terrorists. And shooting them does no good. Because shooting terrorists only offends Muslims even more. And that generates still more terrorists. Kill a terrorist and four more take his place. And if the process keeps going, there will eventually be more Muslim terrorists in the world than there are Muslims, causing the entire world to implode into the event horizon of a singularity.

The paradox of the Infinite Muslim Terrorists Theory is that it insists that the vast majority of Muslims is peaceful, and yet threatens that every single one of those peaceful people can be converted into homicidal maniacs if we're not careful. And when combined with Blowback Theory, it puts the blame for the instant terrorist conversion on us. Like Gremlins that we're afraid of feeding after midnight, we take care to step lightly around Muslims, for fear that they will suddenly turn into monsters bent on killing us. Such thinking might be considered bigoted, but with Blowback Theory we know that if they do turn into homicidal monsters, it will be entirely 100 percent our fault.

Project this mode of conduct on a global scale, and this is what our foreign policy looks like. All our envoys to Islam. Our Muslims First foreign policy. Our retrofitting of policymaking at every level to accommodate the whims of the prophet's beard. And for all the cringing and crawling, appeasing and advocating, the violence continues to grow. Because you can end violence by taking a firm stand, not by falling to your knees.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - George Soros And The Muslim Brotherhood
6/29/2011 4:13:37 PM
Hello Friends,

I've written extensively about George Soros and his agendas. The fact that he's the puppet master for the present administration and that he funds many progressive left groups and organizations are all well known. For those of you who aren't familiar with his extensive affiliations you can read it all here (I posted this here and elsewhere in Adland a few months ago).

This man stops at nothing in order to reach his goals and one of his unknown affiliations to date is with the Muslim Brotherhood. The same Muslim Brotherhood that B Hussein, Hillary (remember Huma Abedin? Anthony Weiner's wife and daughter of prominent Muslim Brotherhood members and one of Hillary's closest associates and advisers) call a "moderate" organization but we all know that's nonsense of the first degree and Taqiyya par excelance. Well George and the Muslim Brotherhood are working together and this suits both sides for the moment but poor George doesn't understand that if they realize their goals he'll be on the list for beheading like the rest of us. So my friends we all have to make sure they fail and fail big time. The problem is that the fraud and great pretender is still in the White House and can make things difficult until he's ousted once and for all. Knowledge is important and being forewarned is a break that allows us to fight back and each and every one of us has to do just that.



George Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood

Posted by Mark Tapson on Jun 27th, 2011

In a recent interview with prominent TV journalist Christiane Amanpour, who never misses an opportunity to promote repellent moral relativism about fundamentalist Islam, Middle East analyst Marwan Muasher declared, “The Muslim Brotherhood has been used for a long time as a scare tactic” (emphasis added). This eyebrow-raising dismissal of legitimate concerns about the world’s largest Islamist movement went unchallenged by Amanpour – no surprise there – although Muasher did weakly concede this: “that is not to say they don’t have designs.”

“Designs” indeed. Nothing less ambitious than the downfall of the West and the establishment of a medieval dystopia known as the worldwide caliphate. Is it a mere scare tactic to point out that internal Brotherhood documents themselves reveal that the “elimination of Western civilization” is the Muslim Brotherhood’s endgamel? Or that the Brothers’ motto is: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope”?

Considering these “designs,” the group’s swift, successful entrenchment around the globe, and its spawning of such alumni as current al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, only the willfully naive or complicit could claim that the Brotherhood shouldn’t be taken seriously as a threat.

Whichever Muasher is guilty of, he feels perfectly comfortable inviting the Brotherhood into the political mix of the Arab world’s current turmoil. A recent report reveals that Muasher, a former Jordanian diplomat, has praised the revolutions rocking the region and has called for the inclusion of Islamist groups in any pluralistic, fledgling democracies that may emerge. The ostensible reasoning is that Muslim fundamentalists like the Brotherhood have a legitimate role to play and deserve to be allowed to compete on the supposedly level playing field of the marketplace of ideas. It might even temper their radicalism.

That all sounds very fair-minded and inclusive. But as with most theories, this one doesn’t mesh especially well with reality – in this case, the reality that Islamists tend to be more ruthless, organized and effective than their political opponents in the Arab world, that they are currently well-positioned to seize power, and that they will tolerate pluralism and democracy only as long as it takes them to acquire that power. After that, well, welcome to the caliphate.

But there may be more in play here than simple fairness and wishful thinking on Muasher’s part. He happens to oversee research for the Middle East at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, funded by leftist multi-billionaire George Soros, one of the world’s most politically influential men. Soros is waging his own personal ideological war against America by shoveling seemingly limitless funds into organizations giving life to his “progressive” vision of social justice.

That vision, like the Muslim Brotherhood’s, identifies America and Israel as the “Great Satan” and “Little Satan” respectively, who must be demolished to pave the way for a purifying, redemptive utopia. These common enemies unite progressives and Islamic fundamentalists in what David Horowitz has coined an “unholy alliance.” As Andrew C. McCarthy writes in The Grand Jihad, “With their collectivist philosophy, transnational outlook, totalitarian demands, and revolutionary designs, Islamists are natural allies of the radical Left.”

Thus Soros and his spokesmen like Muasher see opportunity in the unrest roiling the Middle East and North Africa – opportunity to support the enemy of their enemy. The numerous ties of Soros and his Shadow Party cohorts have been documented; they include the master puppeteer’s own Open Society Institute and various anti-Western Islamist groups in the revolutions. It has been confirmed, for instance, that the International Crisis Group (ICG), led in part by Soros, has long petitioned for the Egyptian government to “normalize” ties with the previously banned Brotherhood – for example, in a June 2008 report called “Egypt’s Muslim Brothers: Confrontation or Integration?” And this talking point is echoed by Brian Katulis, senior fellow at the Soros-funded Center for American Progress: “Any real democratic opening would lead to greater participation of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood in a future Egyptian government.”

Soros himself has put forth this argument. In a February Washington Post editorial entitled “Why Obama Has to Get Egypt Right,” he asserts with almost comic optimism that “the Muslim Brotherhood’s cooperation with [Egyptian opposition leader] Mohamed ElBaradei, the Nobel laureate who is seeking to run for president, is a hopeful sign that it intends to play a constructive role in a democratic political system.”

Considering some of the past peace prize winners, from terrorist troll Yasser Arafat to underachiever-in-chief Barack Obama, being a Nobel laureate is hardly a glowing recommendation anymore. And only the very dim or the very disingenuous can claim that the Muslim Brotherhood has any intention of playing “a constructive role in a democratic political system” – and George Soros is no dim bulb. He knows that the Brotherhood’s usefulness is in a destructive capacity, helping the Left to undermine American and Israeli power abroad.

(Not coincidentally, Mohamed ElBaradei sits on the board of Soros’ ICG, along with others who advocate dialogue with Hamas, the Muslim Brothers’ violent Palestinian branch. And as I have written elsewhere, “as the former head of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency… ElBaradei repeatedly stonewalled international efforts to put the brakes on Iran’s ambitions.” No friend of Israel or America, he.)

But by calling for the Muslim Brotherhood to be given a seat at the table and a hand in fashioning the future of the Arab world, George Soros may be biting off more than he can chew with this alliance of convenience. To quote Andrew McCarthy again:

Revolutionaries of Islam and the Left make fast friends when there is a common enemy to besiege. Leftists, however, are essentially nihilists whose hazy vision prioritizes power over what is to be done with power… Islamists, who have very settled convictions about what is to be done with power, are much less so. Even their compromises keep their long-term goals in their sights. Thus do Leftists consistently overrate their ability to control Islamists.

Whatever nasty surprise awaits Soros and the Left in the long-run, at the present time they and the Muslim Brotherhood are solidifying a formidable alliance that threatens American capitalism, sovereignty, and security at home and abroad.


To get the whole story on The Shadow Party, read David Horowitz’s and Richard Poe’s book, The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - George Soros, B Hussein, Hillary Clinton & The Muslim Brotherhood
7/1/2011 8:38:50 AM
Hello Friends,

Two days ago I posted the above article about George Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood. There is also so much proof that Soros is the puppet master behind the great pretender and fraud B Hussein's administration that the Reuter's report about his (B Hussein) establishing formal contact with the Muslim Brotherhood should surprise no one.

So what have we got here.

1. Soros who supports and most probably controls Hillary who has Huma Abedin (the Weiner's Muslim wife and one of her closest advisers whose family are Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood members) and publicly states that the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate and benign organization.

2. Soros who is the puppet master of B Hussein's administration who specifically invited the Muslim Brotherhood leadership to his nefarious Cairo speech. He
is also surrounded by jihadi supporters, advisers and known radical Muslims and he too claims the MB is a moderate and "secular" organization.

Now after we know of George Soros' connection with the MB all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. B Hussein and Hillary are simply following their leader and doing his bidding. It reminds me of a Soros interview a few years ago where he said the United States needs a stimulus package and a short while later B Hussein came up with his stimulus package. This and so many other things that have happened can be attributed to Soros and his "edicts". Claims that this is just a "coincidence" is not realistic nor is it relevant cos we can see the tragic results. We can also see his plans coming to fruition with the fraud and puppet B Hussein in the WH.

If you're not frightened yet with the path B Hussein is taking you should be cos the Islamization of the United States is the next step. If it's up to B Hussein the slogan will be "Caliphate here we come". B Hussein took the first step 2 years ago with his nefarious Cairo speech and inviting the then outlawed MB to his speech. Hillary has the MB in house in the State Department and these are your leaders. The question is where will they lead you?

They are establisihig formal contacts now with the Muslim Brotherhood and the next step will be contacts with the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. Need I remind you that Hamas is a daughter organization of the MB?



Obama to establish formal contacts with Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brothers "must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." -- "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America," by Mohamed Akram, May 19, 1991.

One might think, in light of that, that this was an example of the old adage, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But it isn't. It is cluelessness and capitulation, and more fantasy-based policymaking -- as epitomized by the "intelligence" chief James Clapper, who claimed that the Brotherhood was "largely secular."

"Exclusive: U.S. to resume formal Muslim Brotherhood contacts," by Arshad Mohammed for Reuters, June 29 (thanks to all who sent this in):

(Reuters) - The United States has decided to resume formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, a senior U.S. official said on Wednesday, in a step that reflects the Islamist group's growing political weight but that is almost certain to upset Israel and its U.S. backers.

"The political landscape in Egypt has changed, and is changing," said the senior official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency." [...]

Elliott Abrams, a deputy national security adviser handling Middle East affairs under former President George W. Bush, said he favored dropping the ban on formal contacts -- but approaching any actual dealings with great caution.

Abrams said positions espoused by some Brotherhood members -- such as favoring religious tests for public office, questioning the rights of women and limiting freedom of religion or speech -- were "anathema" to the United States.

The group says it wants a civil state based on Islamic principles, but talk by some members of an "Islamic state" or "Islamic government" have raised concerns that their goal is a state where full Islamic sharia law is implemented. The group says such comments have been taken out of context.

Of course! Aren't they always?

"It's critical ... that we make it very, very clear to Egyptians, if we are going to do a meeting, that we are no less opposed to the ideas they represent," Abrams said, noting that there are splits among Brotherhood members.

"We have to think about whether we can use meetings to deepen those splits and to help, quietly, those who are trying to moderate the positions of the Brotherhood," he added, saying the United States should choose its interlocutors with care and that the talks need not be conducted by the U.S. ambassador.

The U.S. official who declined to be identified said U.S. diplomats "will continue to emphasize the importance of support for democratic principles and a commitment to nonviolence, and respect for minority and women's rights in conversations with all groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood."

Yeah, that'll work.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
7/1/2011 12:04:57 PM
Yes, this course of action works well with porus southern and northern borders, more attempts to cancel out our 2nd Amendment Rights, and why the HE!LL are we in another muslim country with our troops IN support of so called NATO and UN mandates? Come on we ain't that dumb are we?
ZerObama is winning this chess game for the enemy because he is on their side!

Hello Friends,

Two days ago I posted the above article about George Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood. There is also so much proof that Soros is the puppet master behind the great pretender and fraud B Hussein's administration that the Reuter's report about his (B Hussein) establishing formal contact with the Muslim Brotherhood should surprise no one.

So what have we got here.

1. Soros who supports and most probably controls Hillary who has Huma Abedin (the Weiner's Muslim wife and one of her closest advisers whose family are Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood members) and publicly states that the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate and benign organization.

2. Soros who is the puppet master of B Hussein's administration who specifically invited the Muslim Brotherhood leadership to his nefarious Cairo speech. He
is also surrounded by jihadi supporters, advisers and known radical Muslims and he too claims the MB is a moderate and "secular" organization.

Now after we know of George Soros' connection with the MB all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. B Hussein and Hillary are simply following their leader and doing his bidding. It reminds me of a Soros interview a few years ago where he said the United States needs a stimulus package and a short while later B Hussein came up with his stimulus package. This and so many other things that have happened can be attributed to Soros and his "edicts". Claims that this is just a "coincidence" is not realistic nor is it relevant cos we can see the tragic results. We can also see his plans coming to fruition with the fraud and puppet B Hussein in the WH.

If you're not frightened yet with the path B Hussein is taking you should be cos the Islamization of the United States is the next step. If it's up to B Hussein the slogan will be "Caliphate here we come". B Hussein took the first step 2 years ago with his nefarious Cairo speech and inviting the then outlawed MB to his speech. Hillary has the MB in house in the State Department and these are your leaders. The question is where will they lead you?

They are establisihig formal contacts now with the Muslim Brotherhood and the next step will be contacts with the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. Need I remind you that Hamas is a daughter organization of the MB?



Obama to establish formal contacts with Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brothers "must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." -- "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America," by Mohamed Akram, May 19, 1991.

One might think, in light of that, that this was an example of the old adage, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But it isn't. It is cluelessness and capitulation, and more fantasy-based policymaking -- as epitomized by the "intelligence" chief James Clapper, who claimed that the Brotherhood was "largely secular."

"Exclusive: U.S. to resume formal Muslim Brotherhood contacts," by Arshad Mohammed for Reuters, June 29 (thanks to all who sent this in):

(Reuters) - The United States has decided to resume formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, a senior U.S. official said on Wednesday, in a step that reflects the Islamist group's growing political weight but that is almost certain to upset Israel and its U.S. backers.

"The political landscape in Egypt has changed, and is changing," said the senior official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency." [...]

Elliott Abrams, a deputy national security adviser handling Middle East affairs under former President George W. Bush, said he favored dropping the ban on formal contacts -- but approaching any actual dealings with great caution.

Abrams said positions espoused by some Brotherhood members -- such as favoring religious tests for public office, questioning the rights of women and limiting freedom of religion or speech -- were "anathema" to the United States.

The group says it wants a civil state based on Islamic principles, but talk by some members of an "Islamic state" or "Islamic government" have raised concerns that their goal is a state where full Islamic sharia law is implemented. The group says such comments have been taken out of context.

Of course! Aren't they always?

"It's critical ... that we make it very, very clear to Egyptians, if we are going to do a meeting, that we are no less opposed to the ideas they represent," Abrams said, noting that there are splits among Brotherhood members.

"We have to think about whether we can use meetings to deepen those splits and to help, quietly, those who are trying to moderate the positions of the Brotherhood," he added, saying the United States should choose its interlocutors with care and that the talks need not be conducted by the U.S. ambassador.

The U.S. official who declined to be identified said U.S. diplomats "will continue to emphasize the importance of support for democratic principles and a commitment to nonviolence, and respect for minority and women's rights in conversations with all groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood."

Yeah, that'll work.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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