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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
6/4/2011 5:38:50 PM
Peter thanks again for all you do in trying to bring these things to light. And just think, we have gotten to this point unaware of what was happening, for the most part. I know personally I didn't know about much of this until just in the last couple of years or so and I can tell you positively there are still a lot of people in the US who have no idea about what is going on because they haven't taken the time and trouble to educate themselves on the true issues. There are too many who don't have a clue, unfortunately, and unless they wake up and take a stand they are going to be left wondering what happened but by then it may be too late.
Shalom my friend

Hello Friends,

In the past I've written about the different forms of Jihad. Many think that Jihad is only the actions of the terrorists but it goes much deeper then that and we're seeing the long term results of the different forms bearing fruit for extreme Islam.

Part of jihad is the behind the scenes actions of the different Islamic organizations (like CAIR, MAS and others that are fronts for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood) that in the end cause those criticizing Islam and jihad to be called racists and Islamophobic. Nothing can be further from the truth but that's the imprint and atmosphere their lies are creating in our society unfortunately with the help of B Hussein, his administration and his lackey MSM.

Stealth Jihad is one of the more dangerous forms of Jihad for the simple reason that it creeps up on you and you don't even know it's happening until it's to late. The fact that a person like Keith Ellison was elected and swore his oath of allegiance on the Koran means nothing since it's his right according to the Koran to lie to all of us non believers. It's taqiyyah and permissible. Even more important it's his duty as a devout Muslim to use it against all non believers. Brigitte Gabrielle explains it very well in the below video.

Another form of stealth Jihad is the way the Muslims are force feeding the United States shariah law. We've already seem cases where judges used shariah law in order to pass judgment rather then the law of the land and the Constitution. I wonder if any of you truly understand how dangerous this is? If not think about it and decide whether you want to live in a country that treats women as chattel, kills gays, kill Christians, burns churches and the list goes on and on all in the service of Islam and the Koran.

David Yerushalmi one of the leading legal minds on Shariah law in America did an analysis and found that there are 23 states in which Shariah law is involved in court cases. That my friends is frightening when you consider that the law of the land is not what will determine the fate of litigation but the primitive shariah law in its stead. Full details below. Thanks Atlas Shrugs.

This is all happening in your back yards as I've been warning for years. Take heed and start voicing your disapproval before it's to late.



David Yerushalmi: New Study Finds Shariah Law Involved in Court Cases in 23 States

More critical analysis from the nation's leading legal mind on sharia law in America, David Yerushalmi.

New Study Finds Shariah Law Involved in Court Cases in 23 States CSP

Washington, DC, May 17, 2011 - The Center for Security Policy today released an in-depth study-- Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases. The study evaluates 50 appellate court cases from 23 states that involve conflicts between Shariah (Islamic law) and American state law. The analysis finds that Shariah has been applied or formally recognized in state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy.

Some commentators have tried to minimize this problem, claiming, as an editorial in yesterday’s Los Angeles Times put it that, “…There is scant evidence that American judges are resolving cases on the basis of shariah.” To the contrary, our study identified 50 significant cases just from the small sample of appellate court published cases.

Others have asserted with certainty that state court judges will always reject any foreign law, including Shariah law, when it conflicts with the Constitution or state public policy. The Center’s analysis, however, found 15 trial court cases, and 12 appellate court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in these particular cases.

The facts are the facts: some judges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with constitutional protections.

On the releasing the study, the Center for Security Policy’s President, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., observed:

"These cases are the stories of Muslim American families, mostly Muslim women and children, who were asking American courts to preserve their rights to equal protection and due process. These families came to America for freedom from the discriminatory and cruel laws of Shariah. When our courts then apply Shariah law in the lives of these families, and deny them equal protection, they are betraying the principles on which America was founded."

Key Findings:

• At the trial court level, 22 decisions were found that refused to apply Shariah; 15 were found to have utilized or recognized Shariah; 9 were indeterminate; and in 4 cases Shariah was not applicable to the decision at this level, but was applicable at the appellate level.

• At the appellate Court level: 23 decisions were found that refused to apply Shariah; 12 were found to have utilized or recognized Shariah; 8 were indeterminate; and in 7 cases Shariah was not applicable to the decision, but had been applicable at the trial court level.

• The 50 cases were classified into seven distinct “Categories” of dispute: 21 cases dealt with “Shariah Marriage Law”; 17 cases involved “Child Custody”; 5 dealt with “Shariah Contract Law”; 3 dealt with general “Shariah Doctrine”; 2 were concerned with “Shariah Property Law”; 1 dealt with “Due Process/Equal Protection” and 1 dealt with the combined “Shariah Marriage Law/Child Custody.”

• The 50 cases were based in 23 different states: 6 cases were found in New Jersey; 5 in California; 4 each in Florida, Massachusetts and Washington; 3 each in Maryland, Texas and Virginia; 2 each in Louisiana and Nebraska; and 1 each in Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio and South Carolina.

Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases includes summaries of a sample of twenty cases, as well as the full published texts for all fifty cases.

Mr. Gaffney added:

“This study represents a timely contribution to the debate developing around the country: To what extent is the Islamic politico-military-legal doctrine of Shariah being insinuated into the United States? The analysis complements and powerfully reinforces the warnings contained in the Center’s bestselling 2010 “Team B II” Report, Shariah: The Threat to America. It confirms that Shariah’s adherents are making a concerted effort to bring their anti-constitutional code to this country.

“Together with follow-on analyses now in preparation, we hope to equip those who share the Center’s commitment to the Constitution of the United States, to the liberties it guarantees and to the democratic government it mandates to thwart those like the Muslim Brotherhood who would supplant freedom with Shariah law. Clearly, we must work to keep America Shariah-free, or risk inexorably losing the country we love.”

The full text of the study, including text from the court cases and tables displaying the findings, can be found at

Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Nakba & Naksa Days: Celebrations For Israel & Mourning For The Arabs
6/7/2011 12:56:16 PM
Hello Friends,

You might have read in the newspapers or possibly seen on MSM that the Israeli border with Syria and Lebanon was attacked on 5/15 on what the Arabs call Nakba Day which was the day in 1947 that Israel declared her independence. Again on Sunday 6/5 the 2 borders were attacked on what the Arabs call Naksa day. In May around 200 Syrians succeeded in breaking through the border and 1 got as far as Tel Aviv where he was arrested and returned to Syria. The border with Lebanon remained in tact. The mistakes made in May were not repeated this past Sunday on the Israeli/Syrian border and regardless of the warnings the repeated attempts by hundreds of Syrians to break through was stopped with some casualties amongst the Syrians. More about that later and in the below article.

Here's are some things to think about.

1. The Nakba day which for the Arabs is a day of mourning since Israel became a state after defeating the armies of 5 different Arab countries who instead of accepting the UN's partition like Israel did decided to go to war and wipe Israel off the map and they failed as you all know. So instead of having their own state they chose war.

2. The Naksa day is another day of mourning for the Arabs who since 1967 decided to call themselves Palestinians after losing the Six Day War which was started simultaneously by Egypt, Syria and Jordan and once again they lost.

On the same day
(Naksa day) Israel celebrated Yom Yerushalyim - Jerusalem Day in honor of the reunification of Jerusalem as a result of the Six Day War.

These 2 days are celebrations for Israel and days of mourning for the Arabs/Palestinians. There were many other wars but this is a good example for the point I'm trying to make. There could have been 2 states and peace since 1947 but the Arabs chose war and attacked Israel and for them May 15th is a day of mourning. The same thing happened in 1967 they started a war lost and Israel celebrates Jerusalem Day and they celebrate their losing the war. They keep on trying to destroy Israel and the Jewish people and thankfully have been defeated every time. We celebrate our existence and they celebrate defeat. Make sense to you??? Not to me. There could have been peace since 1947 and the Arabs refused as they've continued refusing despite Israel's desire for peace. The desire for peace is not mutual when one side wants to live in harmony with its neighbors and the other side is intent on destroying the other.

My wish is that they continue celebrating losses until they come to their senses and join us in reaching a just peace for both sides.

Now in regard to Nakba and Naksa Days. In both cases the Syrian government incited the people to try and break down the border with Israel. Assad hoped to revert attention to the Israeli border and off his slaughter of Syrian citizens. The Syrian's paid the people of Northern Syria $1000 to challenge the IDF and cross the border. In addition they offered the families of any Syrian killed in the attempt to crash the border
$25,000. Unfortunately Assad and his regime failed and the IDF defended the security of Israel's borders. In Lebanon Hezbollah didn't allow the Palestinians to attempt to crash the border on Naksa day. They apparently understood it was a fail fail situation for them.

So my friends let's continue celebrating Israel's Independence day and Jerusalem Day in Israel and all over the world. On Jerusalem Day there was a parade of over 30,000 in New York and in other cities and countries all over the world. Jerusalem is the city of 3 major religions and since the unification all have access to all the holy sites of all religions something which never happened when Jordan held part of Jerusalem.

Below is short video about the history of Jerusalem and an article about Naksa day and the Syrian regimes attempts to blame Israel for the slaughter they are committing in Syria.



Assad’s Help Wanted Sign: $25,000 Reward For Being Killed by IDF

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The Syrian regime paid poor farmers in the north $1,000 to travel to the border at the Golan Heights border and challenge the IDF and another $25,000 to their families if they were killed, according to the opposition Reform Party of Syria.

The death toll in Sunday’s confrontation was reported at 23 by the government-controlled Syrian media, and the IDF is on high alert for more attempts on Monday to infiltrate into Israel.

The Reform party said that farmers, suffering from a severe drought, make less than the average Syrian salary of $200 a month, one-fifth of the amount of money they received to demonstrate and try to cross the border.

“It is obvious, with this action, [Syrian President Bashar] Assad wants to divert the attention of the world away from his own massacres and brutality that resulted in some 70 deaths yesterday [Saturday] and about 30 today in Jisr al-Shoghou,” the party's website said

The opposition party also expects more clashes so that Assad can “stand tall again in the eyes of the regime's supporters whose morale has taken quite a beating the last three months because of the violence perpetrated by Assad against unarmed civilians.”

The party’s platform specifies the strategic Golan Heights, captured by Israel in its defensive Six Day War in 1967, as part of Syria, but also believes in “peaceful negotiations.”

Its website added, “For Assad, winning through peace means also losing the war against his own people.”

More than 1,500 people have been killed and another 35,000 arrested or harassed by Assad’s forces in the eight-week uprising that has escalated from demands for reform to demanding his ouster as president.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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HSIG - American Al Qaeda Spokesman Calls On US Muslims To Buy Guns & Kill People
6/8/2011 2:44:49 PM
Hello Friends,

Below you'll find a video of the American Adam Gadhan who is Al Qaeda's spokesman calling for violent Jihad in The United States. This video has gone viral on the many Muslim websites and elsewhere on the net. He calls on Muslims in the Western world and in America to fulfill their duty according to the Koran of jihad against all non believers. "Buy guns and start shooting people".

Should this video worry you????? In my humble opinion you should be very worried and wide awake to the dangers surrounding you. As I've said many a time this is all in your backyard now and the potential victims will be your neighbors, family, and friends. Remember the Ft. Hood jihad attack and the many other attacks you all should be aware of by now that was just the beginning and there's much worse to come.

Watch the video and start being very vigilant.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - "Humanitarian Aid Flotilla's" To Feed Starving Gazans? REALLY???!!!
6/9/2011 5:30:24 AM
Hello Friends,

The misconceptions, biased and false reporting MSM is guilty of portrays Gaza as a desolated and destitute area that Israel is starving to death. The truth of the matter is that nothing is farther from the truth as you'll see from the below videos.

Another misconception that MSM, many governments and their leaders are perpetrating is the false impression that Gaza and the PA are "occupied territories". It's is quite amazing that this lie is still being used since the PA has been in control of their territories for the past 17 years including Gaza until Hamas kicked the "PLO run PA" out and since then they have total control over the Gaza strip. Remember that over 5 years ago Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and dismantled many towns, villages and agricultural communities upsetting the lives of many thousands of Israelis. All Israel got for that withdrawal was over 12,000 rockets, mortars and many jihadi terrorist attacks. So much for concessions to the Palestinians. That withdrawal btw is deemed to have been a mistake by today's standards and and never should have happened.

The Turkish Marmara flotilla last year was called "humanitarian" aid geared to feed the poor starving people of Hamasland know as Gaza. The new Turkish flotilla planned for the latter part of June is supposedly for the same reasons and I believe that the below videos will show that Gaza is not the desolate, destitute and starving area the left and Islamic propagandists want you think and believe it is.

Israel will continue to protect its borders including attacks from the sea and these "humanitarian aid" flotillas are nothing more then attempts and attacks against Israel" sovereignity.



Gaza O Gaza ! So Much Misery! [Updated]

On June 8, 2011, in news, by velvethammer

gaza o gaza ! so much misery

Arab propaganda makes you believe that there is nothing but suffering in Gaza… Some images, though, will never be on your tv. Why ? Because Gaza is not at all what you think it is. And billions of oil money are spent to make sure that you will continue to think this way.

The Humanitarian Crisis of the Gaza Mall

On July 17th, 2010, a new luxury mall was opened in Gaza. It was packed with happy Gazans looking for goods.

How awful things look there!

Update via Blazing Cat Fur’s “Sea Hitler Lawsuit – Canada’s Gaza Boat Sued For A Cool Million”

The promoters of the Gaza boat are liars. There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, unless the Movenpick Hotel’s standard of service has dropped to unacceptable levels or the air conditioning isn’t up to snuff at the latest shopping mall. The Red Cross says there’s no crisis, and so does this alarmingly honest Pro-Pallie NGO worker who writes about Gaza’s dirty little secret as being anything but a ”hardship posting, after all how many “Open Air Concentration Camps” are there where you can Hang 10 at the Waterpark?

Go read it all!

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - "Humanitarian Aid Flotilla's" To Feed Starving Gazans? REALLY???!!!
6/9/2011 5:35:55 AM
Again my apologies. The editor with a mind of its own corrupted the fonts of my previous post. I tried to edit it but in the edit mode it all looks OK so .......... you at least won't need your glasses to read the article. :)
Wonder when admin will address this problem and get a decent editor?
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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