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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
5/18/2011 5:02:20 PM
Oh my Peter, what a chilling video. You know I think we are usually inclined to think that something like this can't happen in America, much less in our own backyard, but this is certainly in my backyard as you very well know. The thought that entered my mind as I watched this is how many more places across America is this happening. It seems easier all the time for some people to be brainwashed and unfortunately we see it all the time in this day and age. It is certainly a scary thought that things like this are going on practically under our very noses and if the tide doesn't turn soon, we as a nation, as we've always known it, are doomed. As I've stated before the info is out there for all to see, all they have to do is look, if only they would. We need more people to take a stand for what is right.
Shalom my friend

Hello Friends,

Below is an article along with a shocking video about Radical Jihadi Muslims in America. This is in your backyard and MSM apparently doesn't think it's important enough to "report" in their media outlets. Doesn't surprise me in the least and truthfully I really don't expect them to ever come to their senses until it's to late.

B Hussein constantly reminds us that " we aren't at war with Islam and never will be at war with Islam". As I've said in the past what he fails to mention is that Islam is at war with us as you'll see in the below video.

This is another wake up call for America and American's to take a stand and say no thanks. Either accept the American culture and way of life or get your a*sses back where you came from. Not politically correct but definitely the correct way to deal with this danger that's lurking in your backyard and affecting your children as you'll learn from the video as well. Heed the warning of Carlos' father and be warned it happened to his son and ruined his family and can happen to yours too.



**Action Alert**
New Video Exposes Islamists and “Journalism”
In Nashville, Tennessee

By Kelly Cook, National Field Director

Dear Peter,

Click Here to view this must see video produced by Americans for Peace and Tolerance on radicalism in the Nashville area.
In it you will view the documented ties of several local Islamists to their radical counterparts in various parts of the nation and the world—all operating with the stated desire to bring down America’s freedoms and replace them with Shariah Law!

  1. Make this video go viral! Please send this link and the action items below to your email blast lists and social networking sites.

  2. Call Nicholas Zeppos, Chancellor, Vanderbilt University: 615-322-1813

    Respectfully ask him if he would allow other known radicals, such as a David Duke, to openly come on the campus and espouse anti-semitism?

    Then why are Islamists such as Awadh Binhazim, Vanderbilt Adjunct Muslim Chaplain, being allowed to openly preach on the Vanderbilt Campus that shariah law should be followed over our Constitutional form of government?

  3. Call Mark Silverman, Editor at the Tennessean Newspaper: 615-259-8003

    Respectfully ask him why Religion Editor Bob Smietana didn’t report the news “straight up” on this story when the facts were clear had he performed just a minimum amount of research work? And now that the facts have surfaced publicly, will the Tennessean report them?

  4. That’s it. When we all do a little, together we accomplish a lot! Your 5 minutes making these 2 phone calls will send an unmistakable message. Keep trying if you get a busy signal!
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: HSIG - Round Two Of The Infamous Cairo Speech
5/20/2011 7:48:04 AM
Hello Friends,

I had planned to post yesterday with some very interesting videos but for some reason I decided not to for a variety of reasons. Gut instinct told me to wait till the fraud B Hussein makes his speech and to see how far he'll go with his Islamic agenda. He didn't disappoint me in the least and this speech which is a natural continuation of his infamous Cairo speech 2 years ago shows a few interesting but obviously incorrect points (MSM and all the progressive left will "adore" it) but most of all the simple fact that he threw Israel under the bus. This is not an exaggeration but a simple fact that anyone who can read a map will understand.

Here's a short history lesson for you. When the Brits who were in charge of the Palestinian mandate signed an agreement in 1917 portioning the area under their control the "Israel" that was agreed upon then included what is today Jordan. They later reneged on that agreement (in 1922 I believe) and later on renewed it at a later date. The only problem was that in order to appease the Arabs they "created" Trans Jordan under the Hashemite clan with their first king Abdullah. So the area left for Israel was much smaller but no one complained about that fact. The area that was included in the State of Israel included all of Judea, Samaria, Benjamin, Gaza and all of Jerusalem. The Arabs also were offered an Arab state but they refused. During the war of Independence in 1948 Israel of course won as we all know but in the process lost control of Judea and Sameria and the old city in Jerusalem to Jordan and the Gaza strip to Egypt. In order to obfuscate the Jordanians "changed" the historic names Judea and Samaria to the "west bank".

Here's an interesting thought for you. While these so called Palestinians were under the rule of Jordan in the west bank and Egypt in Gaza you never heard a peep out of them for a Palestinian state. Quite the opposite in fact. All the camps were started during that "benevilant" period of being ruled by their Muslim brethren. No housing very little education and living in near poverty. They were subjugated to the authoritarian rule of Jordan and Egypt under terrible conditions. The UN came in and tried to help but to no avail. The terrorist organizations were then formed terrorizing Israel and not the Muslim oppressors of the time. BTW, the worst camps were and still are in Jordan proper.

In 1967 during the 6 day war Israel reunified Jerusalem and took back the west bank namely Judea, Sameria and the reunification of Jerusalem from the Jordanians and the Gaza Strip from Egypt. So, there were never any demands for a Palestinian state then and in fact there were no Palestinian "people". Israel before the declaration of the State of Israel was Palestine. The Jewish people prior to 1948 were called Palestinians but who remembers that aside from historical fact. Need I remind you that Palestine is the name the Romans gave the area when they occupied Israel.

Yesterday when B Hussein made his latest incorrect and infamous speech he came out and said the peace talks should define the borders of the Palestinian state prior to sitting down at the negotiating table and then he proceeded say in it should be based on the pre 1967 borders. This is as he very well knows a declaration of suicide were Israel to accept his proposal. These are borders that are virtually impossible to defend when you consider the armaments now in the hands of the PA and Hamas. And yes Hamas who continues to clearly
state their intentions to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews is now part of the PA government after the latest agreement between the PA and Hamas. For those that forgot Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and in their charter they unequivocally declare the destruction of Israel. They are considered to be a terrorist organization internationally including the United States.

So, yes the great pretender and fraud B Hussein threw Israel under the bus with his latest speech.

In regard to the Spring in the Muslin world just some more hogwash, lies, duplicity (Taqiyya?) and stupidity. Egypt will soon be under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood and will become another Iran. Oh yeah, he's gonna give them a billion $ too. Gotta love his largess don't you? Not knowing what sort of government will rise to power and he's already handing out your tax $ to them. In Libya he doesn't even know who the protesters are and he's supporting them. Not to say that Kadaffi is anyone's cup of tea but how can you support groups some of whom are know al Qaeda forces and other terrorist organizations? Yep, you guessed it another Iran. Syria? The fraud B Hussein really slapped him on the wrist didn't he? Tunisia might come out ok but i doubt it and Yemen will be yet another Iran in the end. B Hussein's ineptitude in regard to Iran is so well documented that it really doesn't need to be mentioned again.

Don't forget that Iran is backing all the uprisings and supporting the terrorist groups in these countries with the exception of Syria where they are taking an active part of the massacres with their Hezbollah clients. So yeah, Iran's hand is in all the hot spots and are being sponsored by them with active support arms and more.

Do you really think this is Springtime in the Muslim world or the direct descent into the furnaces of h*ell with more and more Irans popping up throughout African and the Middle East? B Hussein's Islamic agenda is working according to plan my friends and he is pleased at the outcome as you can all see but not for the sake of Democracy and freedom but for the sake of his beloved Caliphate.

Just one more thing, the fraud B Hussein showed his intentions in this speech with his opening statement that Hillary will go down in history as one of the best Secretaries of State ever. When you start a major speech with a lie then you know what to expect from the rest of the speech. Taqiyya at its best.



PM slams Obama call for ‘Palestine’ based on ’67 lines

"Those borders are not defensible," PM rages as he flies off to Washington; Palestinian state must not come "at Israel’s expense"; US President urges resumed talks, focused on territory, security.

A day before their scheduled meeting in Washington, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama staked out dramatically conflicting positions Thursday as to the path for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Netanyahu issued a quick, bitter response on Thursday night to Obama’s landmark Middle East speech, saying that the establishment of a Palestinian state could not come “at Israel’s expense.”

Analysis: PM finds more jarring, than pleasing, in Obama’s speech
Right wing MKs: Obama is the new Arafat

“The Palestinians, and not only the US, must recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people,” he said.

Obama, in his address earlier in the day on the changes sweeping the Middle East, called for a demilitarized Palestinian state along the 1967 lines with agreed upon land swaps.

While thanking Obama for his commitment to peace, Netanyahu said he “expects to hear from President Obama a reconfirmation of commitments to Israel from 2004 that received wide support in both houses of Congress.” This was a reference to a letter from president George W. Bush to prime minister Ariel Sharon that did not call for a return to the 1967 lines, and that recognized that any agreement would take into account the changed realities on the ground – a line interpreted by Israel to mean a recognition that it would hold on to the large settlement blocs.

The Bush commitments, said Netanyahu, “deal with Israel not being asked to withdraw to the 1967 lines, which are not defensible, and which place large population centers in Judea and Samaria outside of these borders.”

Netanyahu’s statement also said that the Bush letter made clear that Palestinian refugees would be absorbed in a future Palestinian state, something that was not explicitly mentioned in Obama’s speech.

“Without a solution to the refugee issue by settling them outside of Israel, no territorial concessions will end the conflict,” the statement read.

In a wide-ranging address at the State Department, Obama devoted considerable attention to the Israeli-Palestinian issue, whose peaceful resolution he called “more urgent than ever,” and pushed back against those who have said the current tumult precluded a serious peace process.

“While the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, a secure Israel,” the president declared. “We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.”

Though he stressed that the United States can’t impose a solution, “what America and the international community can do is to state frankly what everyone knows – a lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people.”

Obama fleshed that out further by saying that Palestinians should have “a sovereign, nonmilitarized state” and that there must be provisions for stopping terrorism and weapons smuggling, and ensuring border security. He called for a “full and phased withdrawal” of the IDF to be coordinated with the Palestinians during a transition period with a clear duration and demonstrated security effectiveness.

“These principles provide a foundation for negotiations,” Obama said. “Palestinians should know the territorial outlines of their state; Israelis should know that their basic security concerns will be met.”

He pointedly skipped making any prescriptions on the “wrenching and emotional” issues of Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees but argued that “moving forward now on the basis of territory and security provides a foundation to resolve those two issues in a way that is just and fair.”

Obama’s comments codify long-standing American policy in a more explicit and detailed format than his predecessors offered. George W. Bush was the first to call for a Palestinian state, and later referred to “mutually agreed changes” to the 1949 armistice lines as its basis, in the 2004 letter to Sharon.

The greater significance of Obama’s comments is likely to come in how they are perceived by both parties, as well as what they indicate about the United States’ intentions on shepherding the peace process.

Though the US has not been engaged in active diplomacy since the Palestinians left the talks last year, this could signal an effort to raise the profile of US involvement in the issue.

It comes at a time when the Palestinians are threatening to go to the UN with a unilateral declaration of statehood, a move that concerns Israel and is sure to be a subject of discussion when Netanyahu arrives at the White House on Friday.

Obama strongly rebuked the Palestinians for this tactic on Thursday, saying, “Symbolic actions to isolate Israel at the United Nations in September won’t create an independent state.”

He warned Palestinians that “efforts to delegitimize Israel will end in failure” and that they would “never realize their independence by denying the right of Israel to exist.”

He chastised both sides for taking steps that don’t help the peace process.

“Israeli settlement activity continues. Palestinians have walked away from talks,” Obama said. “The world looks at a conflict that has grinded on and on and on, and sees nothing but stalemate.”

Israel has expressed doubt that any progress toward negotiations can be made for the time being with the recent announcement of a Palestinian unity government that will include Hamas.

Obama acknowledged these concerns when he referred to the unity deal as raising “profound and legitimate questions for Israel” and emphasized that “in the weeks and months to come, Palestinian leaders will have to provide a credible answer to that question.”

Elsewhere, he said, “Palestinian leaders will not achieve peace or prosperity if Hamas insists on a path of terror and rejection.”

He stressed American support for Israel: “Our friendship is rooted deeply in a shared history and shared values. Our commitment to Israel’s security is unshakeable. And we will stand against attempts to single it out for criticism in international forums.”

He continued, “But precisely because of our friendship, it’s important that we tell the truth: The status quo is unsustainable, and Israel too must act boldly to advance a lasting peace.”

Obama added, “The dream of a Jewish and democratic state cannot be fulfilled with permanent occupation.”

Referring to Obama’s statement about Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, the Prime Minister’s Office said the Palestinians and not only the US need to recognize that as a fact.

Netanyahu also said that he will make clear in his meeting with Obama that Israel will need to remain on the Jordan River, and that he was disappointed by Fatah’s reconciliation with Hamas.

While Obama noted the emotive nature of the Palestinian issue for the broader Arab world, he also criticized dictators for deflecting attention from their autocratic rule by focusing on Israel.

“Antagonism toward Israel became the only acceptable outlet for political expression,” he said.

His speech was delivered in response to the Arab uprisings against these autocracies, and Obama pledged American support for those who sought democracy and freedom.

“There must be no doubt that the United States of America welcomes change that advances self-determination and opportunity,” he said.

“Yes, there will be perils that accompany this moment of promise. But after decades of accepting the world as it is in the region, we have a chance to pursue the world as it should be.”

He stressed, “The status quo is not sustainable. Societies held together by fear and repression may offer the illusion of stability for a time, but they are built upon fault lines that will eventually tear asunder.”

Obama criticized Syrian leader Bashar Assad for firing on his own citizens, who have taken to the streets to demand such self-determination.

But he didn’t refer to Assad as illegitimate, much less call on him to go, as he has with other Arab leaders in similar positions, as some had speculated he would before the speech.

Instead, Obama said, “President Assad now has a choice: He can lead that transition, or get out of the way. The Syrian government must stop shooting demonstrators, and allow peaceful protests.”

He also called on Assad to “start a serious dialogue to advance a democratic transition,” warning that “otherwise, President Assad and his regime will continue to be challenged from within and will continue to be isolated abroad.”

He spoke of significant American aid to help Egypt and Tunisia reach democracy, and spoke of the need for religious freedom and rights for women throughout the Arab world.

Obama concluded with his comments on the peace process, and used the experience of bereaved Israelis and Palestinians who chose to seek reconciliation rather than violence as a message for the greater region.

“That is the choice that must be made – not simply in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but across the entire region – a choice between hate and hope; between the shackles of the past and the promise of the future,” he said. “It’s a choice that must be made by leaders and by the people, and it’s a choice that will define the future of a region that served as the cradle of civilization and a crucible of strife.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Person Of The Week
Glenn Beck's Restoring Courage,Some History Lessons And His Take On BHO's Speech
5/20/2011 9:13:04 AM
Hello Friends,

I know many don't like Glenn Beck cos of the many truths he speaks about and no one can really refute, well I haven't seen anyone try yet so rather then come up with rebuttals they attack, smear and try and ridicule. To be honest I don't always agree with him but when you take the majority of what he "preaches" and listen to what he has to say I personally think he hits the mark most of the time and does it with great heart but more importantly with facts. If it weren't for him and others like him there are some issue that MSM would never report on or react to.

The large majority of his detractors are progressive socialistic liberals and worse and that includes all those that supported the fraud B Hussein who are still believers in his "change" and "yes we can". Well he certainly succeeded in "yes we can" pull the wool over your eyes and take your freedoms away and he is well on the way to "changing" the US from one of the greatest countries in the world to a bankrupt third world country.

One of Beck's great talents is his collating all the data and facts and passing it on in ways that are easily understandable.

The three below videos are his announcement of his Restoring Courage event in Israel in August and the other 2 are explanations with a some history lessons that many aren't aware of and those that are to possibly reassess their thoughts on these issues. Also his take on the fraud B Hussein's part 2 of his Cairo speech .



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Human Shields In Gaza
5/20/2011 7:00:55 PM
Peter I am sure you remember well how you and I and a few more in this community tried to warn people about what kind of a slime ball Obama was before he was ever elected to office but few would listen and now every day he proves to be the worst president this county has ever had. I read on one of the news sites last night about his views and to say I became angry reading them is an understatement. I got the following article just a short time ago and I must say I agree wholeheartedly with it.
Bachmann: Obama's comments a 'gross error'
Russ Jones and Chris Woodward - OneNewsNow - 5/20/2011 7:20:00 am
GOP lawmaker and Tea Party Caucus founder Michele Bachmann says President Obama has defined his Middle East policy: "blame Israel first."

Supporters of Israel are expressing outrage over President Barack Obama's call yesterday that Israel give back territory it gained when attacked by Arabs in the 1967 war. Obama's demand came as he prepares to meet today (Friday) with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington.

Obama urged that a Palestinian state be based on 1967 borders -- before the Six Day War in which Israel governed East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. The president also pressed Israel to negotiate with the Palestinian Authority and the "unity government" the PA has formed with the terrorist group Hamas.

In an exclusive interview, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) tells OneNewsNow she is grieved with Obama's position.

"I think this is a gross error on the part of President Obama," she states bluntly. "He's indicated that his philosophy in his doctrine toward Israel is to blame Israel first. For the president to come out now and stand on the side of the Palestinian state, and to stand on the side of returning to the 1967 borders, is nothing more than a betrayal of our friend Israel."

In a statement released late Thursday in Jerusalem, Netanyahu called the 1967 lines "indefensible."

Noting the scheduled meeting between Obama and Netanyahu, Bachmann has little doubt how the president's remarks will sit with the prime minister.

"To do this the day before [Netanyahu] comes to the United States is clearly a slap in the face and an insult to [him]," says the conservative congresswoman. "It is clear from the Bible -- and from many people in the United States who believe that God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel...that President Obama is not standing with many Americans across the United States who embrace a pro-Israel policy."

If the president's 1967 border proposal were to be implemented, Israel would lose holy sites such as the Western Wall, King David's Tomb, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Garden Tomb.

Listen to the entire interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann

More reaction below ...

Do you mostly agree with Mike Huckabee, Michele Bachmann,

or Mitt Romney about President Obama's comments on Israel?

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Author and radio host Janet Parshall says when it comes to President Obama's call for Israel to return to its 1967 borders, one's heart has to beat a little faster.

"It's like, wow, are we really as a nation starting to turn our back on Israel?" she asks. "And in the big picture of scripture, this might explain why America is never identified in scripture. Do we lose our way because we've lost our soul when it comes to supporting the nation of Israel? I don't know, but it's got my attention." Parshall made her comments today on American Family Radio's "Today's Issues" program.

And Dan Celia of "Financial Issues" says the administration is continually trying to make friends with the Islamic nations of the world -- something he says all for naught. "Let me just speak to the president for a moment, because I'm sure he's listening," Celia said today on American Family Radio. "They hate America. I know that you want them to love you, but as long as you are the so-called leader of this nation, they hate you, too."

Hello Friends,

I had planned to post yesterday with some very interesting videos but for some reason I decided not to for a variety of reasons. Gut instinct told me to wait till the fraud B Hussein makes his speech and to see how far he'll go with his Islamic agenda. He didn't disappoint me in the least and this speech which is a natural continuation of his infamous Cairo speech 2 years ago shows a few interesting but obviously incorrect points (MSM and all the progressive left will "adore" it) but most of all the simple fact that he threw Israel under the bus. This is not an exaggeration but a simple fact that anyone who can read a map will understand.

Here's a short history lesson for you. When the Brits who were in charge of the Palestinian mandate signed an agreement in 1917 portioning the area under their control the "Israel" that was agreed upon then included what is today Jordan. They later reneged on that agreement (in 1922 I believe) and later on renewed it at a later date. The only problem was that in order to appease the Arabs they "created" Trans Jordan under the Hashemite clan with their first king Abdullah. So the area left for Israel was much smaller but no one complained about that fact. The area that was included in the State of Israel included all of Judea, Samaria, Benjamin, Gaza and all of Jerusalem. The Arabs also were offered an Arab state but they refused. During the war of Independence in 1948 Israel of course won as we all know but in the process lost control of Judea and Sameria and the old city in Jerusalem to Jordan and the Gaza strip to Egypt. In order to obfuscate the Jordanians "changed" the historic names Judea and Samaria to the "west bank".

Here's an interesting thought for you. While these so called Palestinians were under the rule of Jordan in the west bank and Egypt in Gaza you never heard a peep out of them for a Palestinian state. Quite the opposite in fact. All the camps were started during that "benevilant" period of being ruled by their Muslim brethren. No housing very little education and living in near poverty. They were subjugated to the authoritarian rule of Jordan and Egypt under terrible conditions. The UN came in and tried to help but to no avail. The terrorist organizations were then formed terrorizing Israel and not the Muslim oppressors of the time. BTW, the worst camps were and still are in Jordan proper.

In 1967 during the 6 day war Israel reunified Jerusalem and took back the west bank namely Judea, Sameria and the reunification of Jerusalem from the Jordanians and the Gaza Strip from Egypt. So, there were never any demands for a Palestinian state then and in fact there were no Palestinian "people". Israel before the declaration of the State of Israel was Palestine. The Jewish people prior to 1948 were called Palestinians but who remembers that aside from historical fact. Need I remind you that Palestine is the name the Romans gave the area when they occupied Israel.

Yesterday when B Hussein made his latest incorrect and infamous speech he came out and said the peace talks should define the borders of the Palestinian state prior to sitting down at the negotiating table and then he proceeded say in it should be based on the pre 1967 borders. This is as he very well knows a declaration of suicide were Israel to accept his proposal. These are borders that are virtually impossible to defend when you consider the armaments now in the hands of the PA and Hamas. And yes Hamas who continues to clearly
state their intentions to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews is now part of the PA government after the latest agreement between the PA and Hamas. For those that forgot Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and in their charter they unequivocally declare the destruction of Israel. They are considered to be a terrorist organization internationally including the United States.

So, yes the great pretender and fraud B Hussein threw Israel under the bus with his latest speech.

In regard to the Spring in the Muslin world just some more hogwash, lies, duplicity (Taqiyya?) and stupidity. Egypt will soon be under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood and will become another Iran. Oh yeah, he's gonna give them a billion $ too. Gotta love his largess don't you? Not knowing what sort of government will rise to power and he's already handing out your tax $ to them. In Libya he doesn't even know who the protesters are and he's supporting them. Not to say that Kadaffi is anyone's cup of tea but how can you support groups some of whom are know al Qaeda forces and other terrorist organizations? Yep, you guessed it another Iran. Syria? The fraud B Hussein really slapped him on the wrist didn't he? Tunisia might come out ok but i doubt it and Yemen will be yet another Iran in the end. B Hussein's ineptitude in regard to Iran is so well documented that it really doesn't need to be mentioned again.

Don't forget that Iran is backing all the uprisings and supporting the terrorist groups in these countries with the exception of Syria where they are taking an active part of the massacres with their Hezbollah clients. So yeah, Iran's hand is in all the hot spots and are being sponsored by them with active support arms and more.

Do you really think this is Springtime in the Muslim world or the direct descent into the furnaces of h*ell with more and more Irans popping up throughout African and the Middle East? B Hussein's Islamic agenda is working according to plan my friends and he is pleased at the outcome as you can all see but not for the sake of Democracy and freedom but for the sake of his beloved Caliphate.

Just one more thing, the fraud B Hussein showed his intentions in this speech with his opening statement that Hillary will go down in history as one of the best Secretaries of State ever. When you start a major speech with a lie then you know what to expect from the rest of the speech. Taqiyya at its best.



PM slams Obama call for ‘Palestine’ based on ’67 lines

"Those borders are not defensible," PM rages as he flies off to Washington; Palestinian state must not come "at Israel’s expense"; US President urges resumed talks, focused on territory, security.

A day before their scheduled meeting in Washington, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama staked out dramatically conflicting positions Thursday as to the path for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Netanyahu issued a quick, bitter response on Thursday night to Obama’s landmark Middle East speech, saying that the establishment of a Palestinian state could not come “at Israel’s expense.”

Analysis: PM finds more jarring, than pleasing, in Obama’s speech
Right wing MKs: Obama is the new Arafat

“The Palestinians, and not only the US, must recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people,” he said.

Obama, in his address earlier in the day on the changes sweeping the Middle East, called for a demilitarized Palestinian state along the 1967 lines with agreed upon land swaps.

While thanking Obama for his commitment to peace, Netanyahu said he “expects to hear from President Obama a reconfirmation of commitments to Israel from 2004 that received wide support in both houses of Congress.” This was a reference to a letter from president George W. Bush to prime minister Ariel Sharon that did not call for a return to the 1967 lines, and that recognized that any agreement would take into account the changed realities on the ground – a line interpreted by Israel to mean a recognition that it would hold on to the large settlement blocs.

The Bush commitments, said Netanyahu, “deal with Israel not being asked to withdraw to the 1967 lines, which are not defensible, and which place large population centers in Judea and Samaria outside of these borders.”

Netanyahu’s statement also said that the Bush letter made clear that Palestinian refugees would be absorbed in a future Palestinian state, something that was not explicitly mentioned in Obama’s speech.

“Without a solution to the refugee issue by settling them outside of Israel, no territorial concessions will end the conflict,” the statement read.

In a wide-ranging address at the State Department, Obama devoted considerable attention to the Israeli-Palestinian issue, whose peaceful resolution he called “more urgent than ever,” and pushed back against those who have said the current tumult precluded a serious peace process.

“While the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, a secure Israel,” the president declared. “We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.”

Though he stressed that the United States can’t impose a solution, “what America and the international community can do is to state frankly what everyone knows – a lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people.”

Obama fleshed that out further by saying that Palestinians should have “a sovereign, nonmilitarized state” and that there must be provisions for stopping terrorism and weapons smuggling, and ensuring border security. He called for a “full and phased withdrawal” of the IDF to be coordinated with the Palestinians during a transition period with a clear duration and demonstrated security effectiveness.

“These principles provide a foundation for negotiations,” Obama said. “Palestinians should know the territorial outlines of their state; Israelis should know that their basic security concerns will be met.”

He pointedly skipped making any prescriptions on the “wrenching and emotional” issues of Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees but argued that “moving forward now on the basis of territory and security provides a foundation to resolve those two issues in a way that is just and fair.”

Obama’s comments codify long-standing American policy in a more explicit and detailed format than his predecessors offered. George W. Bush was the first to call for a Palestinian state, and later referred to “mutually agreed changes” to the 1949 armistice lines as its basis, in the 2004 letter to Sharon.

The greater significance of Obama’s comments is likely to come in how they are perceived by both parties, as well as what they indicate about the United States’ intentions on shepherding the peace process.

Though the US has not been engaged in active diplomacy since the Palestinians left the talks last year, this could signal an effort to raise the profile of US involvement in the issue.

It comes at a time when the Palestinians are threatening to go to the UN with a unilateral declaration of statehood, a move that concerns Israel and is sure to be a subject of discussion when Netanyahu arrives at the White House on Friday.

Obama strongly rebuked the Palestinians for this tactic on Thursday, saying, “Symbolic actions to isolate Israel at the United Nations in September won’t create an independent state.”

He warned Palestinians that “efforts to delegitimize Israel will end in failure” and that they would “never realize their independence by denying the right of Israel to exist.”

He chastised both sides for taking steps that don’t help the peace process.

“Israeli settlement activity continues. Palestinians have walked away from talks,” Obama said. “The world looks at a conflict that has grinded on and on and on, and sees nothing but stalemate.”

Israel has expressed doubt that any progress toward negotiations can be made for the time being with the recent announcement of a Palestinian unity government that will include Hamas.

Obama acknowledged these concerns when he referred to the unity deal as raising “profound and legitimate questions for Israel” and emphasized that “in the weeks and months to come, Palestinian leaders will have to provide a credible answer to that question.”

Elsewhere, he said, “Palestinian leaders will not achieve peace or prosperity if Hamas insists on a path of terror and rejection.”

He stressed American support for Israel: “Our friendship is rooted deeply in a shared history and shared values. Our commitment to Israel’s security is unshakeable. And we will stand against attempts to single it out for criticism in international forums.”

He continued, “But precisely because of our friendship, it’s important that we tell the truth: The status quo is unsustainable, and Israel too must act boldly to advance a lasting peace.”

Obama added, “The dream of a Jewish and democratic state cannot be fulfilled with permanent occupation.”

Referring to Obama’s statement about Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, the Prime Minister’s Office said the Palestinians and not only the US need to recognize that as a fact.

Netanyahu also said that he will make clear in his meeting with Obama that Israel will need to remain on the Jordan River, and that he was disappointed by Fatah’s reconciliation with Hamas.

While Obama noted the emotive nature of the Palestinian issue for the broader Arab world, he also criticized dictators for deflecting attention from their autocratic rule by focusing on Israel.

“Antagonism toward Israel became the only acceptable outlet for political expression,” he said.

His speech was delivered in response to the Arab uprisings against these autocracies, and Obama pledged American support for those who sought democracy and freedom.

“There must be no doubt that the United States of America welcomes change that advances self-determination and opportunity,” he said.

“Yes, there will be perils that accompany this moment of promise. But after decades of accepting the world as it is in the region, we have a chance to pursue the world as it should be.”

He stressed, “The status quo is not sustainable. Societies held together by fear and repression may offer the illusion of stability for a time, but they are built upon fault lines that will eventually tear asunder.”

Obama criticized Syrian leader Bashar Assad for firing on his own citizens, who have taken to the streets to demand such self-determination.

But he didn’t refer to Assad as illegitimate, much less call on him to go, as he has with other Arab leaders in similar positions, as some had speculated he would before the speech.

Instead, Obama said, “President Assad now has a choice: He can lead that transition, or get out of the way. The Syrian government must stop shooting demonstrators, and allow peaceful protests.”

He also called on Assad to “start a serious dialogue to advance a democratic transition,” warning that “otherwise, President Assad and his regime will continue to be challenged from within and will continue to be isolated abroad.”

He spoke of significant American aid to help Egypt and Tunisia reach democracy, and spoke of the need for religious freedom and rights for women throughout the Arab world.

Obama concluded with his comments on the peace process, and used the experience of bereaved Israelis and Palestinians who chose to seek reconciliation rather than violence as a message for the greater region.

“That is the choice that must be made – not simply in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but across the entire region – a choice between hate and hope; between the shackles of the past and the promise of the future,” he said. “It’s a choice that must be made by leaders and by the people, and it’s a choice that will define the future of a region that served as the cradle of civilization and a crucible of strife.”

Peter Fogel

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Hamas Cleric - Annihilate The Jews & Palestine Will Be Capitol Of The Calipahte
5/21/2011 10:57:47 AM
Hello Friends,

The PA/Fatah and Hamas recently signed an accord and they will form a unified government. Hamas is a terrorist organization who's charter specifically calls for the destruction of Israel and all the Jews.

The "genius" B Hussein thinks returning to the pre 1967 borders is a viable solution knowing in advance that these borders are indefensible even if the peace will be with the "moderate" Fatah alone. But when Hamas an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran's client is included in the equation this is a prelude to committing suicide. Israel is not inclined to committing suicide so the great pretender and fraud will have to come up with a more viable proposal unless this is simply an acceleration of his Islamic agenda as I mentioned in an earlier post.

Below is a short video of a Gazan Hamas cleric and I think after hearing what he has to say you'll understand and realize is no way they're interested in peace.



Hamas Cleric: The Jews Will be Annihilated & Palestine Will Be Capital of New Caliphate

Posted on May 17, 2011 at 7:14am by Jonathon M. Seidl Jonathon M. Seidl

Just last week, Egyptian presidential candidate Amr Moussa, the longtime secretary-general of the Arab League, told the Washington Post that Hamas isn’t really a terror group. That might be harder to deny after he hears the audio below.

This is Hamas member and cleric Yunis Al-Astal reportedly declaring, “The [Jews] are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestinians – and the Islamic nation behind them – will have the honor of annihilating the evil of this gang.” He also predicts that Palestine will become the capital of the new Islamic caliphate:

Gateway Pundit offers an excerpt of the most disturbing parts (via Memri):

Following are excerpts from an interview with Hamas MP and cleric Yunis Al-Astal, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on May 11, 2011:

Yunis Al-Astal: The [Jews] are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestinians – and the Islamic nation behind them – will have the honor of annihilating the evil of this gang.

…All the predators, all the birds of prey, all the dangerous reptiles and insects, and all the lethal bacteria are far less dangerous than the Jews.

…In just a few years, all the Zionists and the settlers will realize that their arrival in Palestine was for the purpose of the great massacre, by means of which Allah wants to relieve humanity of their evil.

…When Palestine is liberated and its people return to it, and the entire region, with the grace of Allah, will have turned into the United States of Islam, the land of Palestine will become the capital of the Islamic Caliphate, and all these countries will turn into states within the Caliphate.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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