It's Friday night open thread. And the Muslim world calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people; their fury at the existence of the Jewish state is rabid this week, as Israel celebrates her 63rd birthday. Philistines then, Philistines now.
While Islamic regimes gun down their own people in the streets of Syria, Iran, etc., their obsession remains constant -- Jewish genocide as commanded by the quran. Muslim Jew-Hatred Spikes. They plan a Sunday, bloody Sunday on the 15th.
Islamic Antisemitism
"Jerusalem of Gold" (Hebrew: ירושלים של זהב, Yerushalayim Shel Zahav) is an extraordinary Jewish song written by Naomi Shemer in 1967.
The original song described the Jewish people's 2000-year longing to return to Jerusalem; Shemer added a final verse after the Six-Day War to celebrate Jerusalem's unification under Israeli control. At that time, the Old City was under Jordanian rule; Jews had been barred from entering, and many holy sites had been desecrated. Only three weeks after the song was published, the Six-Day War broke out. The song was the battle cry and morale booster of the Israeli troops. Shemer even sang it for them before the war and festival, making them among the first in the world to hear it. On 7 June, the Israel Defense Forces captured the eastern part of Jerusalem and the Old City from the Jordanians. When Shemer heard the paratroopers singing "Jerusalem of Gold" at the Western Wall, she wrote a final verse, reversing the phrases of lamentation found in the second verse. The line about shofars sounding from the Temple Mount is a reference to an event that actually took place on 7 June. This beautiful version is from the late OFRA HAZA.
Support life, support love, support freedom, support Israel.
Quote:Hello Friends,I just watched the below video and actually believe it might open the eyes of the doubters and politically correct crowd. Although it's done in an amusing way that should make it even easier for some to see the direction America is taking under the leadership of the fraud B Hussein. Cramming sharia down the throats of America is just another form of jihad and boy is it working for them so far with the help of the community organizer B Hussein and his minions.Shalom,Peter “Shariamerica” Dear Peter, Last fall, after NPR fired Juan Williams for his remarks on The O’Reilly Factor about Muslims, we sent out an email describing this as an example of the de facto imposition of sharia law in America. Our point was this. Sharia law prohibits any criticism or “defamation” of Islam or Mohammed. When a government-funded entity like NPR punishes one of its contributors for a perceived slight against Islam, this is in effect the enforcement of that provision of sharia law. Recently, an insightful and entertaining video was posted on YouTube that makes the claim that the government’s treatment of the Koran, compared to its treatment of the Bible, has the effect of establishing Islam as a preferred religion in America. It’s a fascinating analysis that is well-worth your time to watch, and you can view it here. When you watch it, you’ll understand why we say the threat of radical Islam to America is not confined to terrorism. If we defeat terrorism but lose our freedoms to sharia law, we still lose.
Quote:Hello Friends,As I was reading through the latest Atlas Shrugs posts I found their open thread with a video of the song Jerusalem of Gold. This song was written by Naomi Shemer one of Israel's greatest poets and song writers. Naomi not only wrote the lyrics but composed the music to all her songs. Many of Israel's greatest songs were written by her and to our great sorrow she passed away last year. The history of Jerusalem of Gold is interesting and you'll find a short version of it in the below article.This version was sung by Ofra Haza a true Israeli "song bird" with a truly magnificent voice. I believe you'll enjoy her hauntingly beautiful rendition of this song. She became very well known world wide and performed all over the world. She passed away around 15 years ago to our great sorrow.Shalom,PeterGold Open Thread's Friday night open thread. And the Muslim world calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people; their fury at the existence of the Jewish state is rabid this week, as Israel celebrates her 63rd birthday. Philistines then, Philistines now. While Islamic regimes gun down their own people in the streets of Syria, Iran, etc., their obsession remains constant -- Jewish genocide as commanded by the quran. Muslim Jew-Hatred Spikes. They plan a Sunday, bloody Sunday on the 15th. Islamic Antisemitism "Jerusalem of Gold" (Hebrew: ירושלים של זהב, Yerushalayim Shel Zahav) is an extraordinary Jewish song written by Naomi Shemer in 1967. The original song described the Jewish people's 2000-year longing to return to Jerusalem; Shemer added a final verse after the Six-Day War to celebrate Jerusalem's unification under Israeli control. At that time, the Old City was under Jordanian rule; Jews had been barred from entering, and many holy sites had been desecrated. Only three weeks after the song was published, the Six-Day War broke out. The song was the battle cry and morale booster of the Israeli troops. Shemer even sang it for them before the war and festival, making them among the first in the world to hear it. On 7 June, the Israel Defense Forces captured the eastern part of Jerusalem and the Old City from the Jordanians. When Shemer heard the paratroopers singing "Jerusalem of Gold" at the Western Wall, she wrote a final verse, reversing the phrases of lamentation found in the second verse. The line about shofars sounding from the Temple Mount is a reference to an event that actually took place on 7 June. This beautiful version is from the late OFRA HAZA. Support life, support love, support freedom, support Israel.