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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - 40,000 American's MSM "Forgot" To "Report" On!
10/23/2010 4:57:51 PM
Hello Friends,
Most of the MSM kowtow and bend over backwards when interviewing members of CAIR on their programs. It's refreshing to see one interviewer showing them that their lies, bullying tactics and taqiyya doesn't work everywhere. Thank you Megyn Kelly for insisting on getting answers from Ibe Hooper on the Juan Williams affair. CAIR demanded "action" from NPR and they willingly submitted and fired Juan.
Listen to him try to weasel out of answering questions.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE:HSIG-An Interesting Video That Explains The Israeli/Palestinian/Arab Conflict
11/14/2010 10:05:48 PM
Hello Friends,

I found the below video and found it interesting in it's simplicity and it's accuracy in explaining and defining the Israeli/Palestinian/Arab conflict.

There are a few points that he could have stressed that he didn't but all in all it's very good in my opinion.

A note to better understand the situation is that what is called the west bank in fact was part of Israel that the Jordanians captured during the war of Independence in 1948 and Israel won back in the 1967 war. So the true fact is that it never was part of the so called Palestinian areas that they want to control now.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE:HSIG - The Extermination Of Christian Communities
11/27/2010 10:55:31 AM
Hello Friends,

In most of the Islamic countries in the world Christians are being persecuted, murdered, burned alive, arrested and much more. Why??? For the simple reason of their Christian faith. Don't for a minute think that other religions aren't being persecuted in those countries but the Christians are the main sufferers in this point of time.

The countries in question include those considered to be more moderate like Egypt and the murder, harrassement and discrimination of Christians there and in the other so called moderate countries is running wild with no pity or regrets. That being the case can you imagine how bad it is in the radical Islamic countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia,Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. ?

Now here is a rhetorical question for you. With all the murder and discrimination of Christians in the Islamic world why isn't the MSM reporting about it??? Here's another question for you. Why aren't they reporting the fact that the only country in the Middle East that allows freedom of religion and respects all religions is Israel? Sorta makes you think doesn't it?

The most important question of all in a way is why is B Hussein praising Islam left right and center and no mention of the slaughtering of Christians in the majority of Islamic countries in any of his speeches or any mention of it whatsoever coming out of his administration?

Here's Dry Bones take on the murder and discrimination of Christians in the Islamic world.



CAMERA (The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) has just compiled a collection of reports on the ethnic cleansing of Middle East Christians. Here's a sample:
"Priest Wasseem Sabeeh was halfway through Sunday Mass, in Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad, when an explosion shook the church. Suddenly men with guns yelling Islamic prayers burst into the church. They fired at the priests, congregants, even murals of Mary and the saints.

Some parishioners screamed and ran out. Sabeeh, 27, and another priest, Thaer Saadallah, 32, hastily directed dozens of others into a room near the altar, then turned to plead with the men in suicide vests to stop the killing.

They shot Sabeeh at point-blank range, then shot Saddallah in the face. He fell on the steps of the altar, his vestments stained with blood."

For further info on this under-reported Islamism please click on this recently published CAMERA report/

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE:HSIG - The Extermination Of Christian Communities
11/27/2010 1:06:28 PM
[if !mso]> Hi Peter,

Big subject and insoluble as the video of Prager University demonstrates. If it does basically say it all in a nutshell, obviously you are frustrated with what you may consider about some essentials to be missing and understandably so. Same for me, but then that is on a different level (not above or below) just different.

I remember reading, that Pope Pius XII (I was not born then, in 1946) insisted on the fact that if Israel were to become, there would never be peace in the Near (middle) East. This was in no way anti Jewish on his behalf, he is recognized as a protector of the Jewish communities as no other during the last war, whatever the stupid recent media and films try to say.

In MHO the fact of the matter resides not merely within human laws and treaties for they change and are according to tendencies, opportunities, ambitions and interests but not always according to what truly lies beyond the worldly appearances. Similarly a democracy or any type of stately management cannot rule against either its people or against history. Furthermore this situation is as I understand it, is the very reason for Christians to be eliminated if not killed off as of a direct consequence all over the Islamic world. The so called talks between the Vatican and Islam are obviously not an estranged part and parcel for this slaughtering but that’s another matter.

Essentially, my point is that this is more complex than one may believe, because it is not a territorial right or not so as would be understood in our mundane human sense.



Peter Fogel

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RE:HSIG - The Extermination Of Christian Communities
12/3/2010 7:00:19 AM
Hello Robert,
You raise some interesting points in your post some of which I agree with and some not.
I don't need movies to disagree with your claims about Pope Pius XII even though he did save some jews during the second world war but at the same time his other actions (that I won't enter into here since it's not relevant to the issue being discussed) were what he's remembered for in this sense. There have been many books and discussions in the past about this issue and the bottom line it's never been resolved. It's still in the realm of "agree to disagree".
The Christians being murdered, oppressed, their churches burned (in many cases with the members in the church) and imprisoned in the different Muslim countries is a fact that can't be denied. Another fact is that what you call the "so called talks between the Vatican and Islam" is a sham and more to the tune of appeasement like most European countries and America are in fact doing. So the problem won't go away and rewriting history can't come close to justifying the worlds ignoring this almost daily occurrence.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7