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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - 40,000 American's MSM "Forgot" To "Report" On!
9/13/2010 6:38:38 AM
Hello Friends,

MSM did it again! They totally ignored over 40,000 Americans who came from all over the United States to show their opposition to the Ground Zero mega mosque and mentioned the 4,000 that supported it. How interesting, it's as if the 40,000 simply don't exist since they are in opposition to their sick progressive views.

MSM is a dying source for reliable information and news of any sort. All you can expect from them is sick commentary and frothing at the mouth like crazed maniacs and more name calling like racists and islamophobes. That's all they have to offer in their defense to any one that opposed them and as the polls are showing the majority of Americans do oppose their views.

It's simply mind boggling that the media simply ignored 40,000 Americans as if they are invisible and not there.

For those interested here's the real and true story about the historic 9/11 FDI/SIOA Ground Zero Freedom Rally.



America Speaks! Historic 911 Rally Draws 40,000

There was no end. You could not see the horizon. The media pretends these tens of thousands people don't exist. It's criminal.

We will be heard.

Crowd geller2

Photo: El Marco

ens of thousands descended upon Ground Zero today to remember those we lost nine years ago, and to save the American principles of freedom that the sharia tramples.

Crickets are chirping in taqiya media newsrooms nationwide (although they were all there). There has been no coverage.

We organized a rally of remembrance that dwarfed the opposition. If the America haters had 4,000, we had ten times more. The media is playing the dueling rallies; it was no such thing.

Free people came from all over the country and all over the world to stand in solidarity with the 911 families and to declare our iron determination that no victory mosque will be built on their graves. The crowd was young and old, black and white ........ politics of all stripes. The crowd was beautiful. The crowd was proud and good and decent America. All the speakers were excellent. Rousing.

But the highlights included Geert Wilders, who was greeted as the great hero that he is, and spoke about how a sharia mosque at Ground Zero would be the death New York's proud tradition of Dutch tolerance.

Ambassador John Bolton spoke bluntly and unequivocally via video link about the affront to American values that this mosque would constitute.

Other powerful voices included Joseph Nassralla, who was the unwilling media darling of our June 6th rally, when a misunderstanding was blown out of proportion by the mainstream media as a racist incident. Joseph Nassralla was the Arab who was supposedly in a confrontation at that rally. At this rally we were proud to feature him, and he was so passionate and rousing in his love for America and fierce denunciation of the thousand-year-old Islamic oppression of the Coptic Christians in Egypt that the crowd went wild as Joseph led them in cheers of Gd Bless America!

But his warning was clear. The Ground Zero mosque would be the beginning of the end, and Egypt shows where the presence of Islam leads in a free nation.

Steve Malzberg and Mike Gallagher were greeted by huge cheers. It was an historic day in American history. Here is the first of El Marco's peerless coverage. More pictures and video will be going up continuously. So check back. And El Marco and Pamela Hall will have the definitive post tomorrow (hopefully).

UPDATE: I will be on FOX news tonight, Geraldo at Large, tonight at 10 pm Eastern, FOX news.

Crowd geller3TEXT

UPDATE: Here are some of El Marco's pics:

“Did New York deserve this? Did America deserve this? Did the West deserve this? What, my friends, would you say to people who argue that New York, that America, that the West had itself to blame for those horrible sounds?

There are people in this city who argue this. And they are angry because we are gathered here today to commemorate, to make a stand, to draw the line. My friends, I have come from the other side of the Atlantic to share your grief for those who died here nine years ago. I have not forgotten how I felt that day.”

Other speakers included 9/11 family members, first responders, and refugees from Islamic regimes.

There were also video addresses by former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and media-man Andrew Breitbart.

Pamela Geller, author and blogger at Atlas Shrugs, organized the rally together with Robert Spencer begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, author and blogger at Jihad Watch.

In the crowd there were families of those murdered at 9/11, military veterans, New Yorkers, and people who had travelled from around the country and from abroad to be here today. Three Marine Corps veterans listen intently to war hero Ilario Pantano, candidate for U.S. Congress.

Come back soon for full reports and links to the speeches.

UPDATE: Urban Infidel has great coverage here. Video and pics of the anemic counter protest. Go, see for yourself.

UPDATE: A comment that shows how the tide has turned, from Bruce Godfrey:

I campaigned for Obama in 2008 in DC and VA, so I am not Pamela Geller's natural audience, to say the least. And I actually supported this mosque - loudly - when I first heard about it. But the more I learned, the more I have read, the more I realized I was simply wrong.

To have planned its opening for 9/11/2011, even as an initial draft, shocks the conscience. While some have characterized Abdul-Rauf as pro-American, if he blames the U.S. in part as an accessory for 9/11 and has not repudiated the comment, it's for shame. It would be nice if Islam were like the Bahai faith that it persecutes - non-proselytizing, pro-equality, pro-peace, pro-science. But it's the opposite of these things. And naming it after an Islamic conquest in Christian Europe - well in poker we call that a tell. Reading selections of ibn Warraq's Why I Am Not a Muslim was also instructive.

I don't know if I agree with all of Geert Wilders' agenda - banning books and taxing burkas seems a bit silly and bizarre. But his basic point - that Islam has a predatory character and seeks conquest or at least jurisdiction over the planet, and is a hazard to Enlightenment values - would get him my vote. Even 8 weeks ago, I'd have dismissed Pamela Geller as a nut. Now I want to buy her book. If this means I don't get invited to any cocktail parties on the Upper West Side for the rest of my life, fine; beer and a shot in East Baltimore work for me.

For the record, Wilders' call to ban the qur'an has to be understood in the context of Dutch law, which does ban books. Wilders said if Mein Kamf is banned, the qur'an should be, too. It was a call for a consistent application of existing Dutch law.

UPDATE: Thanks to Tom


UPDATE: Ilario Pantano was fierce. The old guard is done. It is politicians with political courage who will speak for the people. And they are few. Pantano is one of them. If you don't know him, go here. If you want to contribute to his campaign (and you should), go here. If you live in North Carolina, volunteer. Do it.

In the crowd there were families of those murdered on 9/11, military veterans, New Yorkers, and people who had travelled from around the country and from abroad to be here today. Above, three U.S. Marine Corps veterans listened intently to Ilario Pantano, candidate for U.S. Congress.

“… Why On 9/11 it wasn’t New York that was attacked, it was America that was attacked. It was freedom that was attacked. And we can’t forget not only what happened, not only the murderous intent that killed 3,000 Americans. We can’t forget for a moment that that they wanted to kill 50,000 Americans, or maybe 100,000 Americans. … We can’t forget that since those attacks, hundreds of thousands of men and women around the world have been killed by jihadists, in the name of radical Islam. From Egypt to Bali, from Baghdad to Kabul, no one can forget there was a car bomb here in Times Square six months ago. Folks, if you think this is over, it’s just beginning.

… So what’s my opinion about a mosque at ground zero? NO MOSQUE HERE. …”

Pantano tied in Iran’s actions against Israel with the Gaza Flotilla, and pointed out Imam Rauf’s involvement with the Gaza Flotilla, and questioned where the money from the mosque is coming from.

UPDATE: Eyewitness accounts pouring in, this from Betty Jean in comments section:

Police lied about numbers at rally…Press too…well we expect it from them, but the police? They must have been given orders to knock down the numbers. Check the photos and ask BettyJean who was in the staging area before it started!

I was there and they were chasing us away – I was moved 7 times! I was moved so far away I had to go around the block and could not get back never heard all the speakers at all they closed access. The truth is they finally refused access to thousands.

I was there at 1:30 before the rally started, I was with several of the speakers in the staging area and had a few words with Pamela Geller before her detail men put me and many of the speakers out of the tent for security reasons and because the staging area was too small to hold us all.

Once placed just outside the staging area the police arrived demanding we leave that area immediately. First they allowed us to step across the road and stand on the curb but another set of police forced us behind the barricades even though we explained we were with the speakers. By that time what seemed like thousands coming in from the ground zero ceremony arrived and the Police went crazy and closed down the sidewalk entirely. They kept shoving us backwards until I, along with many in my group were forced right out of the block. Not being a speaker I just went the way of the crowd but many of the speakers were scattered about.

I tried to re- enter by walking up each block as far back as the eye can see but the streets were full and the crowd was thick. I kept backing out and going another block further away and trying again. The camera cannot show you around corners where I was forced to go only to be out of range of both the camera’s and earshot.

I went from standing next to Pam Geller to not even being in the picture. Don’t let anyone tell you there were 1500! And shame on Geraldo and others for inviting Pamela Geller as a guest draw an audience then not allowing her to have her voice or voice ours!

UPDATE: More on the street reportage from Zhanna (hat tip Pamela Hall):

Dear friends, I had experience today, I never expected to get. It takes less than an hour and half to get to the Park place and West Broadway from my door.

It took almost 3 hours today. Today, on 9/11, they canceled Q train!

After I got to Manhattan, I walked from the Subway station Wall Street. I was shocked. There were pro-Masque speakers on every corner and between. I could not find our meeting from the beginning and policemen sent me in wrong directions.

I walked like shuttle back and forward.

I passed by pro-masque meeting. That was the small, but very loud crowd. Nobody shout them down and everybody could approach them from any side. In order to get to our meeting, people had to go around and around.

Everything was very strange today. BUT, I was so delighted to see our people. The very friendly people. People who care about our country, about our future, and who make difference today.

UPDATE: Photo and video report from the September 11, 2010 FDI/SIOA rally in Manhattan

UPDATE: The People's Cube wants to know, Are you an islamophobe?

UPDATE: A really great piece over at Modern Conservative, solid reporting: The Great Media Blackout - Props to Jennifer Booth

I’m disturbed, but not surprised at the media blackout for the protest held at the proposed site for the mosque at Ground Zero. I was there, and I stood right behind the platform where the media personnel gathered. Several of them took my picture, while wearing my Infidel shirt. I even said to a few of them, “Give us a good story, please.” They answered me and said they would. They knew my meaning- please don’t skew us, don’t portray us as haters. Be honest. And with the coverage, the amount of people there, the sheer diversity of the crowd: people from England, Australia, Egypt, Iran, Uganda, etc. were in attendance or speaking, I am just dumbfounded that not only did we receive a complete blackout, but in the media reports I have been able to find, they covered a different rally, and called those people us. That’s right, you did not misread. A completely different rally filled with Christian themes and anti-abortion agendas were portrayed as the people who attended the rally which Pamela Geller organized. Just lies.

Therefore, if it’s up to the attendees to document it, to be fair and give ANY kind of accuracy and decent coverage, then so be it. It certainly won’t be the first time it was left up to bloggers to be citizen journalists. Ask those who got Dan Rather fired, or ask Matt Drudge. Below is my account, which I started writing yesterday, September 11, 2010.

UPDATE: Heard this from Judy. Same experience as Zhanna. So this was a pattern ........

I came to the rally and was directed by POLICE to the pro-mosque rally instead. I was not the only one. I knew who our crowd was. I was with a group from TX, a couple from FL (who had an Allen West for congress tshirt, a couple from PA and Coretta).

I also met a group of Russians. We were told that your rally should start soon and to just stay there. It was already after 3. We turned around and found you.

At your rally there were plenty of pro mosque agitators. They were arguing and screaming. One had to be dragged away. it was difficult to hear the speakers. I always arrive early and like to listen to what is being said. I was dressed in my army medical corps gear as I work on a base once a month. That uniform did not garner any respect from the other side. But plenty from the great Americans at your rally NY1 claims the pro-mosque rally had 1500. Yours had 2000. Maybe they should go back to school and learn math.

UPDATE: Comment section remark on the "dueling rallies" fiction:

The NY Post article claims pro-mosque protesters numbered 3000, Anti-mosque protesters 500, but in the NYPost video covering the event the reporter states that anti-mosque protesters vastly outnumbered mosque supporters. Let's call it "Dueling NY Post Mosque Reportage".

UPDATE: Much thanks to Brandy for sending these snaps in:


Nelly, 911 mom who lost her son


Introducing Wilders


Pantano, the very definition of political courage


Steve Malzberg, radio personality


The scenes from one of the cross blocks ........

IMG_4409 Spencer and Geller

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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The Real News from 911 Weekend 2010
9/13/2010 2:49:57 PM
Have to agree with you Peter, the MSM sucks at NEWS these days.

Another missed Event

Recapping the WDC 912 Rally with pictures

Posted by Clyde Middleton on Sep 13 2010 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

I spent the weekend in WDC, and arrived at the West Lawn of the Capitol shortly before 1100AM. The speakers were scheduled to begin at 200PM, while the marchers from the Washington Monument – about a one mile walk up the Mall – arrived shortly before that.

Saturday was a beautiful day, clear and low 80s, but the night brought clouds and a bit of rain. Sunday morning was a very light rain, low 70s. The clouds stayed but the rain eventually stopped, well before the marchers arrived.

I spoke with a lot of people and took over 200 pictures (which I am still sorting through). I found everyone with whom I spoke to be focused and informed. A few sought me ought because of the press credentials, and they were definitely more focused. One gentleman from Virginia was upset that Glenn Beck held his rally just a couple of weeks before: “I’ve been in politics for 27 years,” he said, “and I know he was fully aware he would be drawing from this crowd. People can’t afford to do both.” That sentiment was echoed several times. A TEA Party member from Georgia told me that his group has 135 people attend Glenn’s rally, but that only 65 could make this one – with lack of money and time to do both being the only factors.

If you want a quick overview, USA Today has a decent article, but got this interpretation wrong: “I’m sure the press is going to focus on the numbers, but the only numbers that matter are 51, 218 and one,” said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., referring to the majorities needed in the Senate, House and White House.

What Pence said was – “There’s 51 days to the election, when the number of dems in the House will be less than 218, and 1 House member in particular from San Francisco will be out of a job.” He said it immediately following giving the numbers. Who knows how USA Today messed that one up.

The stage was set at the top of the West Lawn to the Capitol. The Capitol building was its backdrop, and speakers looked down the Mall to the Washington Monument. I saw, again, a man from the BBC doing a documentary on the TEA Party. He was at FreedomWorks the day before to interview Dick Armey. I watched that interview being filmed, and was impressed with the supportive narrative. At FW, he spoke at length on camera with people making signs for the next day’s rally – letting them speak without interruption and asking questions that furthered the discussion rather than nail anyone. I spoke with him afterward. He seemed well-informed on Conservative thought and not at all in the market to do a hit piece.

Let me run through some pics for you.

Early on … as soon as I arrived. Rain still falling. Folks gathering under trees. The Mall is not quite visible in the background. The Capitol is behind me.

Approximately the same time – roughly 1100AM. Backstage, the equipment is being turned on and checked.

The folks marching the mile length from the Washington Monument to the Capitol arrive. The precession took almost an hour to pass by. Almost no one was marching silently – some groups sang patriotic songs, others were citing the Pledge of Allegiance, and some folks were yelling “USA, USA.”

With the marchers fully arrived, the West Lawn was full, and folks were sitting outside the wall.

The statue across the street from the West Lawn was also housing folks.

Interior-crowd shot. The signs were incredible, and if someone was not carrying a sign then they were wearing something declarative. Maybe the guy with the coffee cup here was the only one just present (which was good enough!).

Rep. Mike Pence being interviewed by FOX News. We spoke afterward. Nice guy, informed, and very supportive of bloggers. Told me he reads Liberty Pundits. Gotta love politicians.

Shot from behind crowd – gaps are due to fencing by the Capitol Police, who were out in force and very professional.

I’ll get more shots up later. Wanted to get something up quickly for you all. Overall, it was a wonderful time. Thanks to FreedomWorks for making it possible.

The crowd filled perhaps a third of the West Lawn when I arrived, swelling to over half before the marchers arrived.

Hello Friends,

MSM did it again! They totally ignored over 40,000 Americans who came from all over the United States to show their opposition to the Ground Zero mega mosque and mentioned the 4,000 that supported it. How interesting, it's as if the 40,000 simply don't exist since they are in opposition to their sick progressive views.

MSM is a dying source for reliable information and news of any sort. All you can expect from them is sick commentary and frothing at the mouth like crazed maniacs and more name calling like racists and islamophobes. That's all they have to offer in their defense to any one that opposed them and as the polls are showing the majority of Americans do oppose their views.

It's simply mind boggling that the media simply ignored 40,000 Americans as if they are invisible and not there.

For those interested here's the real and true story about the historic 9/11 FDI/SIOA Ground Zero Freedom Rally.



America Speaks! Historic 911 Rally Draws 40,000

There was no end. You could not see the horizon. The media pretends these tens of thousands people don't exist. It's criminal.

We will be heard.

Crowd geller2

Photo: El Marco

ens of thousands descended upon Ground Zero today to remember those we lost nine years ago, and to save the American principles of freedom that the sharia tramples.

Crickets are chirping in taqiya media newsrooms nationwide (although they were all there). There has been no coverage.

We organized a rally of remembrance that dwarfed the opposition. If the America haters had 4,000, we had ten times more. The media is playing the dueling rallies; it was no such thing.

Free people came from all over the country and all over the world to stand in solidarity with the 911 families and to declare our iron determination that no victory mosque will be built on their graves. The crowd was young and old, black and white ........ politics of all stripes. The crowd was beautiful. The crowd was proud and good and decent America. All the speakers were excellent. Rousing.

But the highlights included Geert Wilders, who was greeted as the great hero that he is, and spoke about how a sharia mosque at Ground Zero would be the death New York's proud tradition of Dutch tolerance.

Ambassador John Bolton spoke bluntly and unequivocally via video link about the affront to American values that this mosque would constitute.

Other powerful voices included Joseph Nassralla, who was the unwilling media darling of our June 6th rally, when a misunderstanding was blown out of proportion by the mainstream media as a racist incident. Joseph Nassralla was the Arab who was supposedly in a confrontation at that rally. At this rally we were proud to feature him, and he was so passionate and rousing in his love for America and fierce denunciation of the thousand-year-old Islamic oppression of the Coptic Christians in Egypt that the crowd went wild as Joseph led them in cheers of Gd Bless America!

But his warning was clear. The Ground Zero mosque would be the beginning of the end, and Egypt shows where the presence of Islam leads in a free nation.

Steve Malzberg and Mike Gallagher were greeted by huge cheers. It was an historic day in American history. Here is the first of El Marco's peerless coverage. More pictures and video will be going up continuously. So check back. And El Marco and Pamela Hall will have the definitive post tomorrow (hopefully).

UPDATE: I will be on FOX news tonight, Geraldo at Large, tonight at 10 pm Eastern, FOX news.

Crowd geller3TEXT

UPDATE: Here are some of El Marco's pics:

“Did New York deserve this? Did America deserve this? Did the West deserve this? What, my friends, would you say to people who argue that New York, that America, that the West had itself to blame for those horrible sounds?

There are people in this city who argue this. And they are angry because we are gathered here today to commemorate, to make a stand, to draw the line. My friends, I have come from the other side of the Atlantic to share your grief for those who died here nine years ago. I have not forgotten how I felt that day.”

Other speakers included 9/11 family members, first responders, and refugees from Islamic regimes.

There were also video addresses by former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and media-man Andrew Breitbart.

Pamela Geller, author and blogger at Atlas Shrugs, organized the rally together with Robert Spencer begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, author and blogger at Jihad Watch.

In the crowd there were families of those murdered at 9/11, military veterans, New Yorkers, and people who had travelled from around the country and from abroad to be here today. Three Marine Corps veterans listen intently to war hero Ilario Pantano, candidate for U.S. Congress.

Come back soon for full reports and links to the speeches.

UPDATE: Urban Infidel has great coverage here. Video and pics of the anemic counter protest. Go, see for yourself.

UPDATE: A comment that shows how the tide has turned, from Bruce Godfrey:

I campaigned for Obama in 2008 in DC and VA, so I am not Pamela Geller's natural audience, to say the least. And I actually supported this mosque - loudly - when I first heard about it. But the more I learned, the more I have read, the more I realized I was simply wrong.

To have planned its opening for 9/11/2011, even as an initial draft, shocks the conscience. While some have characterized Abdul-Rauf as pro-American, if he blames the U.S. in part as an accessory for 9/11 and has not repudiated the comment, it's for shame. It would be nice if Islam were like the Bahai faith that it persecutes - non-proselytizing, pro-equality, pro-peace, pro-science. But it's the opposite of these things. And naming it after an Islamic conquest in Christian Europe - well in poker we call that a tell. Reading selections of ibn Warraq's Why I Am Not a Muslim was also instructive.

I don't know if I agree with all of Geert Wilders' agenda - banning books and taxing burkas seems a bit silly and bizarre. But his basic point - that Islam has a predatory character and seeks conquest or at least jurisdiction over the planet, and is a hazard to Enlightenment values - would get him my vote. Even 8 weeks ago, I'd have dismissed Pamela Geller as a nut. Now I want to buy her book. If this means I don't get invited to any cocktail parties on the Upper West Side for the rest of my life, fine; beer and a shot in East Baltimore work for me.

For the record, Wilders' call to ban the qur'an has to be understood in the context of Dutch law, which does ban books. Wilders said if Mein Kamf is banned, the qur'an should be, too. It was a call for a consistent application of existing Dutch law.

UPDATE: Thanks to Tom


UPDATE: Ilario Pantano was fierce. The old guard is done. It is politicians with political courage who will speak for the people. And they are few. Pantano is one of them. If you don't know him, go here. If you want to contribute to his campaign (and you should), go here. If you live in North Carolina, volunteer. Do it.

In the crowd there were families of those murdered on 9/11, military veterans, New Yorkers, and people who had travelled from around the country and from abroad to be here today. Above, three U.S. Marine Corps veterans listened intently to Ilario Pantano, candidate for U.S. Congress.

“… Why On 9/11 it wasn’t New York that was attacked, it was America that was attacked. It was freedom that was attacked. And we can’t forget not only what happened, not only the murderous intent that killed 3,000 Americans. We can’t forget for a moment that that they wanted to kill 50,000 Americans, or maybe 100,000 Americans. … We can’t forget that since those attacks, hundreds of thousands of men and women around the world have been killed by jihadists, in the name of radical Islam. From Egypt to Bali, from Baghdad to Kabul, no one can forget there was a car bomb here in Times Square six months ago. Folks, if you think this is over, it’s just beginning.

… So what’s my opinion about a mosque at ground zero? NO MOSQUE HERE. …”

Pantano tied in Iran’s actions against Israel with the Gaza Flotilla, and pointed out Imam Rauf’s involvement with the Gaza Flotilla, and questioned where the money from the mosque is coming from.

UPDATE: Eyewitness accounts pouring in, this from Betty Jean in comments section:

Police lied about numbers at rally…Press too…well we expect it from them, but the police? They must have been given orders to knock down the numbers. Check the photos and ask BettyJean who was in the staging area before it started!

I was there and they were chasing us away – I was moved 7 times! I was moved so far away I had to go around the block and could not get back never heard all the speakers at all they closed access. The truth is they finally refused access to thousands.

I was there at 1:30 before the rally started, I was with several of the speakers in the staging area and had a few words with Pamela Geller before her detail men put me and many of the speakers out of the tent for security reasons and because the staging area was too small to hold us all.

Once placed just outside the staging area the police arrived demanding we leave that area immediately. First they allowed us to step across the road and stand on the curb but another set of police forced us behind the barricades even though we explained we were with the speakers. By that time what seemed like thousands coming in from the ground zero ceremony arrived and the Police went crazy and closed down the sidewalk entirely. They kept shoving us backwards until I, along with many in my group were forced right out of the block. Not being a speaker I just went the way of the crowd but many of the speakers were scattered about.

I tried to re- enter by walking up each block as far back as the eye can see but the streets were full and the crowd was thick. I kept backing out and going another block further away and trying again. The camera cannot show you around corners where I was forced to go only to be out of range of both the camera’s and earshot.

I went from standing next to Pam Geller to not even being in the picture. Don’t let anyone tell you there were 1500! And shame on Geraldo and others for inviting Pamela Geller as a guest draw an audience then not allowing her to have her voice or voice ours!

UPDATE: More on the street reportage from Zhanna (hat tip Pamela Hall):

Dear friends, I had experience today, I never expected to get. It takes less than an hour and half to get to the Park place and West Broadway from my door.

It took almost 3 hours today. Today, on 9/11, they canceled Q train!

After I got to Manhattan, I walked from the Subway station Wall Street. I was shocked. There were pro-Masque speakers on every corner and between. I could not find our meeting from the beginning and policemen sent me in wrong directions.

I walked like shuttle back and forward.

I passed by pro-masque meeting. That was the small, but very loud crowd. Nobody shout them down and everybody could approach them from any side. In order to get to our meeting, people had to go around and around.

Everything was very strange today. BUT, I was so delighted to see our people. The very friendly people. People who care about our country, about our future, and who make difference today.

UPDATE: Photo and video report from the September 11, 2010 FDI/SIOA rally in Manhattan

UPDATE: The People's Cube wants to know, Are you an islamophobe?

UPDATE: A really great piece over at Modern Conservative, solid reporting: The Great Media Blackout - Props to Jennifer Booth

I’m disturbed, but not surprised at the media blackout for the protest held at the proposed site for the mosque at Ground Zero. I was there, and I stood right behind the platform where the media personnel gathered. Several of them took my picture, while wearing my Infidel shirt. I even said to a few of them, “Give us a good story, please.” They answered me and said they would. They knew my meaning- please don’t skew us, don’t portray us as haters. Be honest. And with the coverage, the amount of people there, the sheer diversity of the crowd: people from England, Australia, Egypt, Iran, Uganda, etc. were in attendance or speaking, I am just dumbfounded that not only did we receive a complete blackout, but in the media reports I have been able to find, they covered a different rally, and called those people us. That’s right, you did not misread. A completely different rally filled with Christian themes and anti-abortion agendas were portrayed as the people who attended the rally which Pamela Geller organized. Just lies.

Therefore, if it’s up to the attendees to document it, to be fair and give ANY kind of accuracy and decent coverage, then so be it. It certainly won’t be the first time it was left up to bloggers to be citizen journalists. Ask those who got Dan Rather fired, or ask Matt Drudge. Below is my account, which I started writing yesterday, September 11, 2010.

UPDATE: Heard this from Judy. Same experience as Zhanna. So this was a pattern ........

I came to the rally and was directed by POLICE to the pro-mosque rally instead. I was not the only one. I knew who our crowd was. I was with a group from TX, a couple from FL (who had an Allen West for congress tshirt, a couple from PA and Coretta).

I also met a group of Russians. We were told that your rally should start soon and to just stay there. It was already after 3. We turned around and found you.

At your rally there were plenty of pro mosque agitators. They were arguing and screaming. One had to be dragged away. it was difficult to hear the speakers. I always arrive early and like to listen to what is being said. I was dressed in my army medical corps gear as I work on a base once a month. That uniform did not garner any respect from the other side. But plenty from the great Americans at your rally NY1 claims the pro-mosque rally had 1500. Yours had 2000. Maybe they should go back to school and learn math.

UPDATE: Comment section remark on the "dueling rallies" fiction:

The NY Post article claims pro-mosque protesters numbered 3000, Anti-mosque protesters 500, but in the NYPost video covering the event the reporter states that anti-mosque protesters vastly outnumbered mosque supporters. Let's call it "Dueling NY Post Mosque Reportage".

UPDATE: Much thanks to Brandy for sending these snaps in:


Nelly, 911 mom who lost her son


Introducing Wilders


Pantano, the very definition of political courage


Steve Malzberg, radio personality


The scenes from one of the cross blocks ........

IMG_4409 Spencer and Geller

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Islamic Dawa In Public Schools
9/18/2010 5:40:37 PM
Hello Friends,

A sixth grade class was taken on a school trip to the notorious Roxbury mosque. While there the children were taught about Muslim history and asked to participate in the prayers. The history lesson was a fabricated version of Muslim history and asking the children to participate in the prayers was definitely off limits. But they know no bounds and allow themselves to do things cos that is part of their agenda.

This mosque was funded by Saudis and has a history of Imams serving prison sentences and other nefarious radical jihadi Muslims.

Luckily one of the parents brought a camera and filmed the whole nefarious act. Now can you imagine what the slum lord Imam Rauf will do in his Ground Zero mega mosque???

Watch the video and understand what's happening in the public schools that are supposed to be educating your children.



From Andrew McCarthy at National Review:

If you read or watch nothing else today, take the ten minutes needed to watch this shocking video.Here is the story. A sixth-grade class in Wellesley, Massachusetts, was dragged by their teachers to the notorious Roxbury mosque — the $15 million Saudi-funded, minareted Islamic center started by Abdurrahman Alamoudi (now serving a 23-year terrorism sentence) and run by the Muslim American Society (the quasi-official arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States). Capitalizing on the goo that passes for “social studied” curricula, parents were told the “field trip” was “to learn about the architecture of the mosque and observe a midday prayer service.” One parent was concerned enough to volunteer as a chaperone and bring along a camera.

Read the rest here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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10/2/2010 5:32:00 PM
Hello Friends,

There are many that are looking for conspiracies under every rock and pebble while in fact
they're ignoring what's staring them in the face. The dangers facing the Western world are evident and the progressive liberals with B Hussein at the head are deceiving the people into thinking there is no danger.

Deception or in their terminology taqiyaa is at the forefront of their agenda and the gullible are falling for it hook line and sinker. The below article names the names and shows the Muslim Brotherhood's plan for dominating the United States by any means possible. For those that aren't aware the Muslim Brotherhood has been at the forefront of Muslim terrorism and Hamas and Hezbollah are two of their better known "offspring".




In July 2007, seven key leaders of an Islamic charity known as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) went on trial for charges that they had: (a) provided "material support and resources" to a foreign terrorist organization (namely Hamas); (b) engaged in money laundering; and (c) breached the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which prohibits transactions that threaten American national security. Along with the seven named defendants, the U.S. government released a list of approximately 300 "unindicted co-conspirators" and "joint venturers." During the course of the HLF trial, many incriminating documents were entered into evidence. Perhaps the most significant of these was "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America," by the Muslim Brotherhood operative Mohamed Akram.

Written sometime in 1987 but not formally published until May 22, 1991, this 18-page document listed the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded "organizations of our friends" that shared the common goal of dismantling American institutions and turning the U.S. into a Muslim nation. These "friends" were identified by Akram and the Brotherhood as groups that could help convince Muslims "that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands ... so that ... God's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions."

Akram was well aware that in the U.S., it would be extremely difficult to promote Islam by means of terror attacks. Thus the “grand jihad” that he and his Brotherhood comrades envisioned was not a violent one involving bombings and shootings, but rather a stealth (or “soft”) jihad aiming to impose Islamic law (Sharia) over every region of the earth by incremental, non-confrontational means, such as working to “expand the observant Muslim base”; to “unif[y] and direc[t] Muslims' efforts”; and to “present Islam as a civilization alternative.” At its heart, Akram's document details a plan to conquer and Islamize the United States – not as an ultimate objective, but merely as a stepping stone toward the larger goal of one day creating “the global Islamic state.”

In line with this objective, Akram and the Brotherhood resolved to "settle" Islam and the Islamic movement within the United States, so that the Muslim religion could be "enabled within the souls, minds and the lives of the people of the country.” Akram explained that this could be accomplished “through the establishment of firmly-rooted organizations on whose bases civilization, structure and testimony are built.” He urged Muslim leaders to make “a shift from the collision mentality to the absorption mentality,” meaning that they should abandon any tactics involving defiance or confrontation, and seek instead to implant into the larger society a host of seemingly benign Islamic groups with ostensibly unobjectionable motives; once those groups had gained a measure of public acceptance, they would be in a position to more effectively promote societal transformation by the old Communist technique of “boring from within.”

“The heart and the core” of this strategy, said Akram, was contingent upon these groups' ability to develop “a mastery of the art of 'coalitions.'” That is, by working synergistically they could complement, augment, and amplify one another's efforts. Added Akram: “The big challenge that is ahead of us is how to turn these seeds or 'scattered' elements into comprehensive, stable, 'settled' organizations that are connected with our Movement and which fly in our orbit and take orders from our guidance.” The ultimate objective was not only an enlarged Muslim presence, p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }but also implementation of the Brotherhood objectives of transforming pluralistic societies, particularly America, into Islamic states, and sweeping away Western notions of legal equality, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.

Akram and the Brotherhood understood that in order to succeed in this endeavor, they needed to appeal to different strata of the American population in different ways; that whereas some people could be influenced by messages delivered from a religious perspective, others would be more responsive to messages delivered by educators, or bankers, or political figures, or journalists, etc. Thus, Akram's blueprint for the advancement of the Islamic movement stressed the need to form a coalition of groups coming from the worlds of education; religious proselytization; political activism; audio and video production; print media; banking and finance; the physical sciences; the social sciences; professional and business networking; cultural affairs; the publishing and distribution of books; children and teenagers; women's rights; vocational concerns; and jurisprudence.

By promoting the Islamic movement on such a wide variety of fronts, the Brotherhood and its allies could multiply exponentially their influence. Toward that end, the Akram/Brotherhood “Explanatory Memorandum” named the following 29 groups as the organizations they believed could collaborate effectively to destroy America from within – “if they all march according to one plan”:

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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10/9/2010 3:35:51 PM
Hello Friends,
The Latmah team came up with another brilliant satiric video this time featuring B Hussein the great pretender. Their view of B Hussein's solution for Israel is a bit troubling in a way since the Palestinians proclaimed goal is to destroy Israel and push all the Israelis into the sea. So the solution below in a way is a double entendre especially when you consider B Hussein's Islamic agenda.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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