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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/8/2010 3:36:05 PM
Yes Definitely the Joke thread was the place for this one after further review, Peter. Definitely the Joke Thread is the place for this one. ROFLMAO and crying at the same time. We are so screwed!

Hello Peter,

This should have been posted in the joke thread, my friend. My favorite funny follows my post. He said " I have been in 57 states so far/ AH ah ah with one more to go. I have been to all of them except Alaska and Hawaii. I really wanted to visit them." May not be word for word but the replay is below.

Now with one more to go. He still hasn't visited Alaska and Hawaii. ??????? New Math at work! 2 =1 left to go! I guess now we know why his numbers will never add up to the way the rest of us learned to count.

Now let's clarify where he gets those extra states from. Since we know he is a closet muslim. There are or were 57 Muslim states at the time of this speech. Are you guys waking up yet? Not you Peter. They know who THEY are.
Jim Allen III


My FAVORITE of the bunch is this one

Hello Friends,

Last night when I first saw the crib notes on Sarah Palin's hand I knew that MSM would have a field day in bashing her left, right and center.Ooops, that should be left, further left and radical left.

Yep, Sarah should be real ashamed of having 4 or 5 words written on her hand. Shameful isn't it or is it??

Hmmmm,how do you compare 4 or 5 words to a man that can't make a coherent sentence if he hasn't got his teleprompters set up in front of his face? We all saw the many gaffs when the teleprompter didn't work or raced ahead but the man was so gifted with his aaahs, ohs and uhs. Give credit where credit is due. Yep, give me 4 or 5 words any day over a dunce that has to have his words force fed with teleprompters.

Need I remind you that B Hussein "gifted" as he is couldn't repeat the oath of office correctly during his inauguration (no teleprompter!)?? After all the celebrations he had to retake the oath of office since he screwed it up so badly on air and wasn't legally president with the way he worded the oath. That was the greatest sign of things to come wasn't it? The president that screwed up the oath of office.

Laugh MSM but the last laugh is in the Sarah Palin court. She gave a speech of substance and imagine with no lies only facts, truths and accomplishments. While B Hussein with his teleprompters has all the lies right there in front of his face to make is easy to pass on to you. While his main accomplishments were to increase the national debt and embarrass the United States all over the world. The MSM idiots have no shame and will ridicule a good woman while the greatest joke around is their holy grail, teleprompters, and all.

Hold your head high Sara Palin, as tall as B Hussein is you're head and shoulders above him in every way possible.



Sarah Palin Crib Notes Compared To Obama's Gaffes

by the Left Coast Rebel

It's the perfect, ah-hah moment for the left and frankly (some) on the right. Sarah Palin crib notes scribbled on her hand last night at the Nashville Tea Party speech. The crib notes are the words energy, tax and lift american spirits. Oh the howls now - Sarah Palin is a blithering idiot, a raging fool, a ninny, a nincompoop and moron. She needed to look at notes on her hand to stay on message!

Is it awkward? Sure. Is it awkward to see Sarah Palin look at her hand in the middle of an interview? Of course. However, In a case like this, when I see characters like Andrew Sullivan hailing this as the second coming of Palin Derangement Syndrome my mind hearkens to ignored facts. Is it as big of a deal as this? Or how about this?

As the fever pitch of vitiriol towards Palin increases and her performance last night accelerates it, how about a little Alinsky - Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

If it works for them and Palin's crib notes on her hand last night disqualifies her from living on the planet then how about their Chosen One? Good for the goose.....

If this is such a big deal (h/t Founding Bloggers):

The why wasn't this: In front of a 6th grade class!!!!!

For surely if this indicates a new level of moronic: Note no teleprompters

Then what in God's name are we supposed to think of this (the bow to Tampa Mayor):

Or this, to the Japanese emperor, (noting superiority):

But it's not as if this is something not seen before:

Which ties in internationally with this:

Back to the United States (all 57 of them):

And then to wrap things up with a montage of Barack Obama, the Harvard genius, the Saviour:

Here are a few more just for the fun of it. There are soooooooooo many to choose from. :)

And here's the famous bow to the Saudi KIng

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A Must See Video
2/8/2010 5:42:11 PM
Hello Friends,

What ever your opinion or thoughts are about Obowma's Health Care bill I recommend you watch this video and it might open your eyes to the dangers of it's passing as the Democrats in both houses are trying to force upon the American people.

Thank God for Massachusetts.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - UN Doomsday Treaty
2/9/2010 3:07:36 PM
Hello Friends,

For those of you that hold the constitution dear and feel that it's the foundation of all that America stands for the following video should be an eye opener.

Not all of us are gun owners but the right to bear arms is an inalienable right that is covered by the constitution for good reason. All the countries that have banned gun ownership have suffered from higher crime rates then prior to the ban. This is a lesson the Unites States should learn well and should take no part in the nefarious UN treaty.


Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Radical Islam's Child Martyrs (Shahids) In The United States
2/10/2010 3:08:00 PM
Hello Friends,

I've been writing and warning for quite a while about the dangers of Radical Islam and Jihadi terrorists. If you think that children are being brainwashed only by Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah and other radical Islamic terrorist groups and countries think again. Training from kindergarten to be martyrs/shahids is happening in your back yard.

The problem is and will continue to be the present administration's ignoring the danger and when attacks happen they minimize them as much as possible. This is part of B Hussein's agenda and you don't need a discerning eye and mind to see how protective he and his goons are of all that is Islam and Radical Islam.

Dave Gaubatz the co author of
Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. is interviewed by Jamie Glazov from Front Page Magazine and what he has learned is frightening and hopefully will be an eye opener for many.



Islam’s Child Martyrs in America

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. He can be contacted at and his site is

FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

I would like to talk to you today about jihadi torture videos that have come into your possession and also about Islam’s child martyrs in America.

But first, give us some updates on your new research in terms of counter-terrorism.

Gaubatz: Thank you Jamie.

I just returned from DC, MD, PA, WV, VA, and NJ conducting various counter-terrorism (CT) research. I would like to say that while various realms of our government are doing an outstanding job in protecting our families from future Islamic based terrorist attacks, we have several serious problems. One of them is that our President doesn’t even officially have any type of plans on a “War on Terrorism.” Sadly, we are being overtaken by these groups. I meet Americans and other concerned citizens from Canada and the UK, and they know America and their countries are slowly/patiently being overtaken from within, while their leaders are ignoring the national threats.

FP: Give us some specifics on what you have recently discovered.

Gaubatz: I am beginning to see more and more violent material published and distributed to young Muslim children advocating killing Jews and Christians, and how to conduct treason/sedition inside America and to ultimately take our country down as we know it.

CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood) strongly informs its followers to not assist our law enforcement agencies and to not conduct slander and backbiting against Islamic leaders. Within Sharia law there are severe penalties for undermining the efforts of the ‘Islamic Ummah’ (Nation) and their specific target of a worldwide Ummah under Sharia law.

I have been provided hundreds of DVD’s originally videotaped by Islamic terrorist groups while they conducted torture and killings of people (even Muslims) who have helped their enemies (Israel, America, UK, Canada, etc…) to further (in their opinion) oppress the Muslim Ummah.

FP: Talk a bit more about these videos.

Gaubatz: This part of my work is very depressing because I have to review the most extreme animal actions by terrorist groups on innocent people, to include young children. I reviewed hundreds of videos the American people and law enforcement do not get to see, and our government does not want the American people to see. Why? I will explain later. I witnessed innocent people being slaughtered like animals. The Islamic terrorist groups had children cut and behead a fellow Muslim. In addition several young Muslim men had to stand in line and wait their turn to have their tongues removed by an al-Qaeda member with a razor blade. Several men had to put their arm on a board and a terrorist used a baseball to break his arm. Then he had to put his other arm out for the same treatment.

These are the type of people CAIR supports and even our government supports. The IRS grants CAIR and other such organizations non-profit organizational status and tax free benefits, while you and I are forced to pay taxes to support the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. Something doesn’t seem right and politicians who protect these groups will lose in the end. The American people will not allow our children to suffer at the hands of terrorist groups.

FP: Share with us how Muslim children are being taught to kill “oppressors” of Islam, even inside America.

Gaubatz: For many years I have tracked the materials coming into America from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan specifically. Based on my research, these two countries are responsible for distributing jihadi materials, not just to adults, but to Muslim youth right here in America.

The message is clear: “Islam is a religion of Jihad, in peace and in war. Jihad is one of the noblest principles of Islam.” The manual where this message is found is titled, “A Guide for The Young Muslim.” The manual further describes Jihad as being physical fighting against their enemies and oppressors. It is admired to be a “martyr.” This book was found in northern VA, and a CAIR pamphlet was beside it.

“Martyrdom means transfusion of blood into a society, especially a society from anemia. It is the martyr who infuses fresh blood into the veins of the society.” The manual in which this teaching was contained was found in VA (again alongside a CAIR brochure). It is titled “The Martyr” and was originally printed in Houston, TX.

I would like to explain how the above statement is applicable here in America and reaches Muslim children. When Maj. Hasan murdered the innocent people at Fort Hood, he was trying to revitalize the Muslim people to not lose hope, to continue pursuing the agenda of al-Qaeda and others, and most importantly to let them know there are “martyrs” working inside America who are ready to die for Islam. He is 100% correct. Sleeper cells are alive and well not only in America, but Canada, the UK, and most countries worldwide.

The terrorist sleeper cell is not waiting for a “green light” from an al-Qaeda leader who may already be dead (Osama bin Laden); the green light was already given to the Jihadists many years ago. The word is being kept alive through the manuals, DVDs, and books being sent into our country by the leadership of Pakistan and Saudi, with the help of many of our own elected officials. How many people know that Hamas and Saudi Arabia sponsored former President Jimmy Carter’s books and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to get them into the hands of young children so they will support the cause of Palestine/Hamas? Our research team uncovered this several months ago and more documents pertaining to this issue will soon be released to the public.

FP: Ok, we will be talking to you right when you release this information.

Give us an update on the CAIR lawsuit against you and your son, Chris.

Gaubatz: First I would like to thank the many people supporting Chris and I in this frivolous lawsuit (per the words of CAIR Executives). Our attorneys Daniel Horowitz, Bernard Grimm, and Martin Garbus, to name a few are people, I will always respect because they know CAIR is just not targeting Chris and I, but the whole American infrastructure. They are trying to make an example of Chris and me so others will never try and expose them.

But CAIR made one fatal error: They did not realize I have some of the same attributes of the Muslim Brotherhood: I have patience and persistence. I have no fear of terrorist groups or what they can and have tried to do to me in regards to physical attacks. I have no love for material goods such as cars and houses, and most importantly I love my country as much as they love their desire to control our world under Sharia law (an Islamic Nation worldwide).

Behind the scenes during our undercover research, CAIR Executives told our researchers and my own son certain things that amount as a threat to me. I am ready to testify about all of this with hardcore evidence to back me up.

FP: Final words?

Gaubatz: Thank you Jamie. I again want to thank all of my supporters. It will not be me that legally defeats the Muslim Brotherhood, it will be the people behind the scenes who care for our country and who support the work my team and I do each day to protect our country.

In addition to the time, locations, and dates, Islamic based terrorist acts are committed with much more thought than many of our “authorities” would like you to believe. There is actually a day set aside to celebrate “martyrs” who have given their life to murder innocent Jews, Christians, and non-Muslims not adhering to the strict laws of Sharia. It is called the “The Day of Ashura” (10th Muharram). Readers who are interested should research on their own how many terrorist attacks have been finalized on the 10th of a month, and carried out on the 11th.

Thank you Jamie.

FP: Dave Gaubatz, thank you for joining us.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Tariq Ramadan Allowed Back In The United States By H Clinton And ....
2/10/2010 6:33:49 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting interview for you about Stealth Jihad with Robert Spencer on the Savage Nation.

Tariq Ramadan who was not allowed entry to the United States for the past 5 years for supporting Hamas a terrorist organization was suddenly allowed entry by Hillary Clinton. The reasons are not clear other then this man supports B Hussein's views on the war against terror (none on the B Hussein watch), the war in Iraq and much more. A dubious decision and one that should be questioned by all thinking people. This man is a radical stealth jihadist and is as dangerous as radical jihadi terrorists and is now roaming around the United States freely due to this administrations Islamic agenda.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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