Hello Friends,
In the past I've written that Shariah Law is a form of creeping Jihad in America and how it's rapidly progressing in a runaway manner. More and more businesses, banks, manufacturers, airports, universities etc. are collapsing under the pressure and demands of Islamic organizations and are giving special "rights" to Muslims that no other religion has in the workplace, banks, schools and other public places.
This is also happening in our schools and you'd do well to check and see what your children are being taught about Islam in their schools curriculum while religion and God is a taboo subject and not allowed in our school systems.
The question is why and what can we do about it? The below article discusses this issue and is an interesting read.

January 25, 2010
Gadi Adelman
WhenI returned to the United States in 1981, my biggest concern was thatthe terrorism I had witnessed in Israel would reach our shores beforetoo long. I was called an alarmist and told by those “in the know” thatAmerica didn’t have terrorism. Off the cuff, my answer was, “Wait 10years and remember the word Jihad.” Unfortunately, although my timingwas off by two years, I was right. With all my concerns as to thefuture of this country, the one thing that truly never crossed my mindduring my first few years was that America would have to worry aboutSharia law.
Theliteral translation of Sharia is path, or path to water. “Šarīat Allāh”(God’s Law), refers to the legal framework within which the public andprivate aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legalsystem based on Islamic principles of jurisprudence. Sharia deals withall aspects of day-to-day life, from family, sexuality, hygiene,politics, economics, banking, business, contracts and social issues.
Whatis happening here is no different from what happened in Europe. Well,maybe a bit different, I think, because in Europe Sharia was creepinginto the society and here it is steamrolling.
Kansas City International Airportrecently constructed four foot-washing benches to accommodate a growingnumber of Muslim drivers who requested the facilities to prepare fordaily Islamic prayer. The University of Michigan-Dearborn plans tospend $25,000 to construct two foot-washing stations at the Universityof Michigan at Dearborn while 18 other universities, including a numberof public institutions, have installed foot-washing facilities inMichigan and other states. Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenixadded airport user fees to install two faucets located two feet abovethe ground to help Muslim taxi and limo drivers meet their religiousneeds. Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a Phoenix physician who serves as chairman ofthe American Islamic Forum for Democracy, summed up the issues of footbaths perfectly when he stated,
"SupremeCourt cases have been heard on far less-obvious violations of ourEstablishment Clause. Many, if not most, American Muslims are currentlywell able to accommodate our own prayers and ablution to the spaces andfacilities provided to all other faiths on public grounds withoutspecial accommodations. Islamists use the 'free exercise' clause whenit suits them and then turn around and use tax monies in the name ofIslam when it suits them. The foot bath marks the start down a slipperyslope of preferential treatment of one religion over another, which iswhat the First Amendment was established to prevent. These baths exerta monetary cost upon publicly funded institutions which by ourConstitution should not appease the financial demands of one faithgroup over another, every other faith group on campus should bedemanding that they be provided equal funding and space – whichbasically demonstrates how outrageous these accommodations are."
Butit doesn’t stop with foot baths. No, that is just the beginning of thetip of the proverbial iceberg. Sharia law has entered Americanbusinesses as well. Muslim taxi drivers nationwide are refusing to pickup people who are carrying alcohol or who have been drinking. Now, anew trend has started in Australia and I am sure before too long willbe here as well: Some drivers are refusing to pick up blind faresciting that the Seeing Eye dogs are dirty.
Workersat Tyson Foods’ poultry processing plant in Shelbyville, Tennessee willno longer have a paid day off on Labor Day, but will instead take theMuslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr in the fall. A July 2008 press releasefrom the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), saidthat a new contract at the Shelbyville facility “implements a newholiday to accommodate the … Muslim workers at the plant.” The unionhas also claimed that in addition to the observance of the Muslimholiday, “Two prayer rooms have been created to allow Muslim workers topray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant.”
Thenation’s second largest coffee chain, Caribou Coffee, was sold inDecember 2000 to Atlanta-based Crescent Capital, an investor backed bythe First Islamic Investment Bank of Bahrain for $80 million. Okay,that’s fine, except now that the First Islamic Investment Bank owns87.8 percent of Caribou, the public should be aware that among otherthings the First Islamic Investment Bank has the following philosophy:"Above all, ensuring that all activities conform to Islamic Sharia."One of the first things that Caribou Coffee changed was that they wouldno longer sell any items containing ham. What’s next, will the femalestaff be told they have to wear head scarfs as part of the companyuniform?
Haveyou used Google lately? When you do a Google search, as you type in thewords, the most searched items will automatically appear in the dropdown box. Type in the words “Judaism is” or “Christianity is” and allthe various possibilities appear, i.e., “Christianity is B.S.,” “not areligion,” “a lie,” “false,” “a cult,” “wrong.” Type in the word Islamand as soon as you type the “s” in the word “is,” the entire box willdisappear. Google offers search suggestions for future tense as well.Ask "Christianity will" and Google suggests “Christianity will end, itwill disappear.” Ask the same about Islam and Google notes that "Islamwill dominate the world," “take over the world,” “rule the world.”According to Google, it is a “bug” that will soon be corrected. Nowthat it has been over two weeks, I find it hard to believe that thecomputer geeks at Google cannot figure this out.
Honorkillings are common within Sharia law. No one knows just how manyMuslim girls and women are murdered each year in the name of family"honor," since their deaths frequently go unreported and unpunished.The cases that do manage to make the news are horrendous. "Women andyoung girls are set ablaze, strangled, shot at, clubbed, stabbed,tortured, axed, or stoned to death," a United Nations report noted in2004. "Their bodies are found mutilated with their throat slit, or theyare chopped into pieces and thrown in a ditch." The United Nationsestimates that as many as 5,000 women are murdered in such honorkillings each year for offenses like immodesty or refusing an arrangedmarriage. But while honor killings may be more prevalent in the MiddleEast they are happening more and more often in America. In the Atlantasuburb of Jonesboro in July, 2008, a Pakistani immigrant strangled his25-year-old daughter with a bungee cord because she was determined toend her arranged marriage and had gotten involved with a new man. Inupstate New York a few weeks earlier, Waheed Allah Mohammad, animmigrant from Afghanistan, was charged with attempted murder afterrepeatedly stabbing his 19-year-old sister. The Rochester Democrat and Chroniclereported that Mohammad was "infuriated because his younger sister wasgoing to clubs, wearing immodest clothing, and planning to leave herfamily for a new life in New York City" – she was a "bad Muslim girl,"he told sheriff's investigators. On New Year's Day, 2008 in Irving,Texas, the bullet-riddled bodies of the Said sisters – Sarah, 17, andAmina, 18 - were found in an abandoned taxi. Police issued an arrestwarrant for their father, an Egyptian immigrant, Yaser Abdel Said, whohad reportedly threatened to kill them upon learning that they hadboyfriends. According to the Dallas Morning News, Yaser Said was givento "gun-waving rants about how Western culture was corrupting thechastity of his daughters."
Now that I have given only a few examples of what I could easily continue for several more pages, where will it end?
In my last article,I mentioned that political correctness was at the forefront of the FortHood terror attack, now the Pentagon has completed an 86-page reporttitled, "Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood." It amazes me asto how blatantly they ignore the obvious. Nowhere in 86 pages, nowhere,do the words "Muslim," "jihad," "Islam" or even "Islamist" appear. Thispolitical correctness does nothing more than roll out the red carpetfor Sharia to enter our country. Enough is enough. If we do not start,and I mean yesterday, to educate people on the evils of Sharia, we willbe living under its laws within our lifetime.
Imust commend each and every one of you reading this. You have come tothis website and probably visit others like it because you want tolearn more about Sharia, jihad and the truth about radical Islam. Buthere is the problem as I see it, ignorance, plain and simple. So, whatdo we do about it?
NowI offer you a challenge: Tell someone. Educate someone. Whether it isyour spouse, a friend or a co-worker, stand up and speak up for whatyou know is right. Call or write your representatives and tell thoseyou educate to do the same – no, insist they do the same. Thisis still a battle of numbers, the more people we make aware of thetruth about Sharia the more clout we have to fight the fight. Theleaders of CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations) and otherMuslim organizations have said they “will use our Constitution againstus to instill Sharia law in America”, well, we **** well better use itfirst, before we lose it!
FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor GadiAdelman is a freelance writer and lecturer on the history of terrorismand counterterrorism. He grew up in Israel, studying terrorism andIslam for 35 years after surviving a terrorist bomb in Jerusalem inwhich 7 children were killed. Since returning to the U. S., Gaditeaches and lectures to law enforcement agencies as well as highschools and colleges. He is currently writing his first book,“Terrorism; Understanding the Threat”. He can be reached at antiterror@nc.rr.com.