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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Global Warming A false Religion Based On False Science
12/16/2009 3:57:10 AM
Hello Friends,

Here are some more facts that the scam artists from the Global Warming Religion don't want you to know about.

Don't be fooled by the bluster and unsubstantiated statements of the head priest and guru of this false religion that's based on false science.



Question: Would you buy a second hand car from this guy?? (Q. by Peter)

As global-warming alarmists try to recover from “Climategate,”they have returned to the first principles of selling their product tothe public. Among the most important of these, as any advertisingprofessional can tell you, is delivering simple message. And so,following the script, alarmists world-wide spent a great deal of timelast week declaring that not only is climate science settled, but theways in which climate forces affect the entire planet is also beyonddispute.

In an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell last week, the high-priest of the First Church of climate change, Al Gore, said:

“A hundred and fifty years ago this year was thediscovery that CO-2 traps heat. That is a — a principle in physics.It’s not a question of debate. It’s like gravity; it exists.”

One wonders why Mitchell didn’t ask the obvious follow-up questions:If the science is indeed that cut and dried, why are scientists acrossthe globe spending billions of dollars to confirm something soblindingly obvious? Indeed, why did delegates at Copenhagen commit tospending billions more to explore a question that, according to Gore,does not merit further investigation?

On December 8, New York Times columnist Thomas Freidman echoed the alarmists’ party line, writing:

“This is not complicated. We know that our planet isenveloped in a blanket of greenhouse gases that keep the Earth at acomfortable temperature. As we pump more carbon-dioxide and othergreenhouse gases into that blanket from cars, buildings, agriculture,forests and industry, more heat gets trapped.”

Both statements belie a shocking ignorance of the science involved.Even the leading degreed cheerleaders in the alarmist community, likeNASA’s Gavin Schmidt or Penn State’s Michael Mann, would hurry todistance themselves from these sorts of blanket declarations. It’s onething to simplify scientific concepts. It’s quite another to bastardizethem.

Consider Al Gore. There is one ironic truth in Gore’s statement:there is a striking similarity between the theory of gravity and thescience of climate change. Scientists universally acknowledge that aforce known as gravity exists, but, though theories abound, none cansay how it works. In the same vein, it is undeniable that the earth’sclimate fluctuates over time, but anyone who tells you that theyunderstand all of the complex mechanisms that influence those changesdisplays the sort of hubris that would have either struck a chord withancient Greek playwrights.

The most important scientific law at issue, when it comes to climatechange, is Beer’s Law. Put in technical terms, Beer’s Law, which Goreby all accounts has not yet moved to invalidate, says that therelationship between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere andthe global warming effect of carbon dioxide is logarithmic, not linear.Put in more friendly terms, Beer’s Law is the law of diminishingclimatic returns: The more carbon dioxide one puts into the atmosphere,the less effect it has on the climate.

Water vapor is, by far, our most important global warming gas. Itsglobal warming potential is over forty times that of carbon dioxide andthere is over fifty times more water vapor in the atmosphere thancarbon dioxide. All told, the net warming effect of water vapor exceedsthat of carbon dioxide by a factor of more than two thousand.

The alarmists’ argument, such as it is, declares that increasedconcentrations of carbon dioxide will result in the evaporation of morewater vapor, just enough – in theory – to “tip the balance” and lead toan uncontrollable increase in planetary temperatures. This is a moresubtle, and much more difficult to demonstrate, argument than thatproposed by alarmists like Gore and Friedman.

Skeptical scientists counter that the tiny amount of increased waterevaporation associated with increasing carbon dioxide concentrationsmight just as well result in increase cloud formation, which everyoneacknowledges would have a cooling effect, along with increasedevaporative cooling. The alarmists spend an untold amount of time andan unimaginable amount of dollars attempting to prove that thosemechanisms are not meaningful. It’s the twenty first century equivalentof determining exactly how many angels can dance on the head of a pin,with about as much practical relevance and at much more a cost tosociety.

If the public truly understood the subtle nuances of climate changescience, along with the way that the alarmists have twisted science inorder to further their own agenda and further their grant-funding, it’shard to imagine that any significant portion of public opinion wouldexpress a preference for further climate change legislation orregulation.

The only hope, especially in the aftermath of Climategate, for truebelievers like Gore and Friedman, is to convince the public that thereis nothing remarkable or nuanced or complicated about climate science.

The truth of the matter is quite the opposite. Climate science isenormously complicated. The more we learn about it, the less humanactivity seems to affect the climate. That may be an inconvenienttruth, but based on all of the data we have gathered after spendinguntold billions of dollars that would appear to be the honest truth –even if it doesn’t support Al Gore’s doom-saying prophecies.

Rich Trzupek is a chemist and Principal Consultant at MostardiPlatt Environmental, an environmental consulting firm based in OakBrook, Illinois. He specializes in air quality issues and is the authorof McGraw-Hill’s Air Quality Permitting and Compliance Manual. Rich isa confirmed skeptic with regard to the theory that human activity hascaused global warming. He is also a regular contributor at

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Ahmadinejad Gives B Hussein And The Word The Proverbial Finger
12/16/2009 5:01:57 PM
Hello Friends,

Here we go again. B Hussein Obowma will never learn and will continue"talking" to the lunatic Ahmadinejad and he'll keep on giving him and the Western world the proverbial finger.

There will be no agreement and aside from B Hussein the Europeans are losing patience not with Ahmadinejad cause they have no reason to believe the Iranians will acquiesce and accept the terms stipulated over a month ago but with B Hussein for continuing with this charade.

The Iranian regime said they will enlarge their capabilities with 10 new enrichment plants.They are working on a neutron initiator, a component of a nuclear bomb and today they fired their most advanced long range surface to surface missile Sajjil 2.

How many mistakes will this clown make? It seems like a never ending saga of blunder after blunder.

I read that B Hussein gave himself a mark of B for his accomplishments since taking office. How nice to be able to give yourself a passing grade but when you look at his approval ratings you'll understand that the "people" give him a failing grade.



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Iran Ups the Nuclear Ante: Fires Sophisticated Missile

TwiceIn the past four days Iran has thumbed its nose to President Obama andthe international community's effort to prevent the terrorist regimefrom developing nuclear weapons.

Documents uncovereda few days ago show Iran is working on a neutron initiator, a keycomponent of a nuclear bomb. that There is no peaceful purpose for theinitiator.

Today Iran fired its most sophisticated missile a high-speed surface-to-surface Sajjil-2 missile (sajjil means baked clay).

Iran announced Wednesday it has successfully testfired an upgraded version of its longest-range, solid-fuel missilewhich it said is faster and harder to shoot down.

State television broke the news in a one-sentence report accompanied by a brief clip of the test.

Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi later spoke on television,describing the Sajjil-2 as a high-speed, surface-to-surface missilethat would serve as a "strong deterrent" against any possible foreignattack.
"Given its high speed," he said, "it isimpossible to destroy the missile with anti-missile systems because ofits radar-evading ability."

The Sajjil-2 is a two-stage missile with a range of about 1,200miles. That range places Israel, Iran's sworn enemy, well within reachand reaches as far away as southeastern Europe with greater precisionthan earlier models.

It is Iran's most advanced two-stage missile and is powered entirely bysolid-fuel while the older, long-range Shahab-3 missile uses acombination of solid and liquid fuel in its most advanced form.

"Given its high speed," he said, "it is impossible to destroy themissile with anti-missile systems because of its radar-evadingability."

The Sajjil-2 is a two-stage missile with a range of about 1,200 miles.That range places Israel, Iran's sworn enemy, well within reach andreaches as far away as southeastern Europe with greater precision thanearlier models.

It is Iran's most advanced two-stage missile and is powered entirely bysolid-fuel while the older, long-range Shahab-3 missile uses acombination of solid and liquid fuel in its most advanced form.

The name "Sajjil" means "baked clay," areference to a story in the Koran, Islam's holy book, in which birdssent by God drive off an enemy army attacking the holy city of Mecca bypelting them with stones of baked clay.

Baked Clay or Baked Earth? All the evidence points to the fact thatIran is building a bomb (see video) and the US is getting snookered.And through our appeasement, Iran is getting closer and closer to anuclear weapon.

Watch Fox News Video here

Read more here

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
John Leal

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/16/2009 11:09:58 PM
Hello Friends,

Here are some more facts that the scam artists from the Global Warming Religion don't want you to know about.

Don't be fooled by the bluster and unsubstantiated statements of the head priest and guru of this false religion that's based on false science.



Question: Would you buy a second hand car from this guy?? (Q. by Peter)

As global-warming alarmists try to recover from “Climategate,”they have returned to the first principles of selling their product tothe public. Among the most important of these, as any advertisingprofessional can tell you, is delivering simple message. And so,following the script, alarmists world-wide spent a great deal of timelast week declaring that not only is climate science settled, but theways in which climate forces affect the entire planet is also beyonddispute.

In an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell last week, the high-priest of the First Church of climate change, Al Gore, said:

“A hundred and fifty years ago this year was thediscovery that CO-2 traps heat. That is a — a principle in physics.It’s not a question of debate. It’s like gravity; it exists.”

One wonders why Mitchell didn’t ask the obvious follow-up questions:If the science is indeed that cut and dried, why are scientists acrossthe globe spending billions of dollars to confirm something soblindingly obvious? Indeed, why did delegates at Copenhagen commit tospending billions more to explore a question that, according to Gore,does not merit further investigation?

On December 8, New York Times columnist Thomas Freidman echoed the alarmists’ party line, writing:

“This is not complicated. We know that our planet isenveloped in a blanket of greenhouse gases that keep the Earth at acomfortable temperature. As we pump more carbon-dioxide and othergreenhouse gases into that blanket from cars, buildings, agriculture,forests and industry, more heat gets trapped.”

Both statements belie a shocking ignorance of the science involved.Even the leading degreed cheerleaders in the alarmist community, likeNASA’s Gavin Schmidt or Penn State’s Michael Mann, would hurry todistance themselves from these sorts of blanket declarations. It’s onething to simplify scientific concepts. It’s quite another to bastardizethem.

Consider Al Gore. There is one ironic truth in Gore’s statement:there is a striking similarity between the theory of gravity and thescience of climate change. Scientists universally acknowledge that aforce known as gravity exists, but, though theories abound, none cansay how it works. In the same vein, it is undeniable that the earth’sclimate fluctuates over time, but anyone who tells you that theyunderstand all of the complex mechanisms that influence those changesdisplays the sort of hubris that would have either struck a chord withancient Greek playwrights.

The most important scientific law at issue, when it comes to climatechange, is Beer’s Law. Put in technical terms, Beer’s Law, which Goreby all accounts has not yet moved to invalidate, says that therelationship between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere andthe global warming effect of carbon dioxide is logarithmic, not linear.Put in more friendly terms, Beer’s Law is the law of diminishingclimatic returns: The more carbon dioxide one puts into the atmosphere,the less effect it has on the climate.

Water vapor is, by far, our most important global warming gas. Itsglobal warming potential is over forty times that of carbon dioxide andthere is over fifty times more water vapor in the atmosphere thancarbon dioxide. All told, the net warming effect of water vapor exceedsthat of carbon dioxide by a factor of more than two thousand.

The alarmists’ argument, such as it is, declares that increasedconcentrations of carbon dioxide will result in the evaporation of morewater vapor, just enough – in theory – to “tip the balance” and lead toan uncontrollable increase in planetary temperatures. This is a moresubtle, and much more difficult to demonstrate, argument than thatproposed by alarmists like Gore and Friedman.

Skeptical scientists counter that the tiny amount of increased waterevaporation associated with increasing carbon dioxide concentrationsmight just as well result in increase cloud formation, which everyoneacknowledges would have a cooling effect, along with increasedevaporative cooling. The alarmists spend an untold amount of time andan unimaginable amount of dollars attempting to prove that thosemechanisms are not meaningful. It’s the twenty first century equivalentof determining exactly how many angels can dance on the head of a pin,with about as much practical relevance and at much more a cost tosociety.

If the public truly understood the subtle nuances of climate changescience, along with the way that the alarmists have twisted science inorder to further their own agenda and further their grant-funding, it’shard to imagine that any significant portion of public opinion wouldexpress a preference for further climate change legislation orregulation.

The only hope, especially in the aftermath of Climategate, for truebelievers like Gore and Friedman, is to convince the public that thereis nothing remarkable or nuanced or complicated about climate science.

The truth of the matter is quite the opposite. Climate science isenormously complicated. The more we learn about it, the less humanactivity seems to affect the climate. That may be an inconvenienttruth, but based on all of the data we have gathered after spendinguntold billions of dollars that would appear to be the honest truth –even if it doesn’t support Al Gore’s doom-saying prophecies.

Rich Trzupek is a chemist and Principal Consultant at MostardiPlatt Environmental, an environmental consulting firm based in OakBrook, Illinois. He specializes in air quality issues and is the authorof McGraw-Hill’s Air Quality Permitting and Compliance Manual. Rich isa confirmed skeptic with regard to the theory that human activity hascaused global warming. He is also a regular contributor at

Hi Peter

No way in the bloody world would I buy a used car or anything from that shifty-eyed individual. The biggest con artist known to man.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/16/2009 11:11:38 PM
Hello Friends,

A friend sent me the link to this video and even though it's on the humorous side it does express what so many of us feel so I felt it only right to share it with you.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/16/2009 11:36:07 PM
Hi John,

You got that right. I remember when they asked that same question about Richard Nixon when he was running for president (he lost that time). I didn't particularly like Nixon all that much but he was still better then Al Gore.

Nixon paid for his "sins" and I sure hope Gore the biggest scam and con artist ever ends up paying for his deception of the world.

His goon squad of UN police sure did a job on the journalist asking questions Gore didn't want to answer or most probably couldn't answer.

He sure made a fool of himself with his proclamation about all the arctic ice melting. Even his pet scientist couldn't support that statement.

So far it seems that not much is being accomplished in Copenhagen (TG for that) and Lord Monckton's parallel meetings seems to be affective even though the main stream media isn't reporting much about it. Surprise , surprise!

AND, we're in total agreement. I wouldn't buy anything from that con artist either.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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