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Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - A Simple Question - IN AND OUT ............
6/8/2009 8:47:03 PM

Hello Peter and all

When I said what I did about Palestinians having to convert to Judaism, it was tongue in cheek, if you will.  I cannot imagine anything more offensive and punishing to a Palestinian than having to be turned into a Jew who they consider in the most of derogatory terms ....and which, of course, I know would not be possible. 

While I am here.....
I read Obama's speech and like you, I think he's in a dream world.  I have to admit that I like some parts of his speech.  It would be wonderful if we could have peace and co-existence with the Muslims and all others but Islam does not allow for that and I am afraid that Muslims, especially the extreme Muslims, will use that against us and especially Israel.  So, if we are to extend our hand to Muslims, we would have to embrace Islam and that is not acceptable to me.  With the Islamists it is their way or the highway with the only off-ramp leading right into the ocean.

Like Wafa Sultan and other Muslims are saying, ISLAM IS THE PROBLEM.   In the mind of the Muslims, they cannot rest until all Jews and other infidels are exterminated from the face of the earth.  Imagine, if you can, a world of only Muslims many of who have a habit or a lifestyle of killing and more killing.  What will these killers do when there are no more Jews or infidels to kill?  They will begin killing other Muslims for the least little thing.  This is not a far-fetched idea because Muslims are doing that today.

Much of what you say, Peter, and much of what I say, ironically comes right out of the mouths of the Muslims themselves.

Another thing that has me baffled is the so-called moderate Muslim.  My "moderate Muslim" friend who wants to see all killing stopped calls me a Zionist and who says she does not believe the Jews should have Israel as their own country, by her opposition to the existence of Israel, is contributing to the violence and the killing she hates in her small way because the way I see it, it is her attitude and that of her fellow, albeit moderate, Muslims that gives psychological support to the extremist Muslims.   It is only when the Muslims begin acknowledging that Israel has a right to exist can there be any hope of the killing to stop and even then Islam is still the problem.  When will it end?  It looks like never ...a sad thought.  But praise God, when the Jews' Messiah returns, peace and harmony will happen.


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Re: HSIG - A Simple Question - IN AND OUT ............
6/8/2009 10:21:04 PM
What to tell here?
An attempt must be done. Its a general policy, to diminish that overall hate against America in Islamic world.
As you told Helen, they'll ignore that, as they ignore centuries of pieceful attempts.
Their confession is only excuse, for their lazy life.
They are greedy and lazy. And like money. Allah is just tool.
They like new technologies, a piece of wheel they didn't make, but they like it.
Pornography is blasphemy, but they are hanging hours on porno sites. No fear of Allah. Israel spend too much money, to defend themselves. It could be a higher standard of life for all if wouldn't be that hate.

Lack of resources lead to end of casino capitalism
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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Re: HSIG - A Simple Question - IN AND OUT ............
6/9/2009 11:25:56 AM

Hello Sava

It is ironic that you should mention how lazy the Muslims are because long before the Jews returned to their land, I understand that some of the Palestinian Arabs lived there and they did nothing with the land.  Now that Israel has made the desolate land 'bloom like a rose', the Palestinians want it.  Of course, it is more than that and it seems that the Palestinians just want to play with guns and rockets.


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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - A Simple Question - IN AND OUT ............
6/10/2009 2:08:08 AM

Hi Helen,

I understood that your comment about the Muslim conversion was in partial jest and I responded for the record Judaism's regard to conversions in general.

Your comments about B Hussein's infamous Cairo speech are very interesting and what constantly amazes me is the fact that so many with very little or no knowledge of the subject will react and say how great it was and bring choice headlines without relating to the myriad of errors in this speech.

I've related to a few of them and in future articles I'll relate to others with relevant articles on this pathetic issue.

What surprises me no end is that his speech writers didn't bother to research the subject better. B Hussein went so far as to  quote a passage that had they read the following verse would have realized it
refers to Jihad.

I read in another forum in adland  comments about how great the speech was and a few choice quotes that show that B Hussein's intentions are for peace. Well his intentions were only to appease and
apologize to the Muslim world that the West and in particular the USA had the audacity to fight Jihad and Islamic terrorism. As if we're to blame and they are the poor "victims". The man is a sham but following the orders he got from his liege in Saudi Arabia.

What is heartening are the different polls that show that the majority of the American people are not happy with B Hussein's pathetic speech.

Another comment I read was that this person believes that God chose B Hussein Obama to be President. A small reminder that God gave humans
the ability to choose, think and rationalize and the election of B Hussein was the combined error of those that didn't use that God given capability. God is not to blame that the great pretender is still the
President (the sheeples are) and hopefully all the litigation will prove fruitful and he will be seen for what he is an impostor, fraud and not eligible for the highest office in the US.

I'll not even bother to remind them that the freedoms they enjoy now will soon be a thing of the past if their chosen one stays in office.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - A Simple Question - IN AND OUT ............
6/10/2009 2:16:16 AM

Hi Sava,

Good to see you here again. As usual your contributions come from personal knowledge of the Muslims from close up and is much appreciated.

There are so many contradictions in the behavior of many Muslims but if you think about it it's not all that surprising. Their prime example for their behavior is Muhammad and when you read about all his deviations and perversions you can understand why so many Muslims behave as they do. They are simply copying the source.

As you say we must try and we are but I don't see any reciprocity from the Palestinians and they amongst them selves can't get along. So our efforts seem to be meaningless in the long run. And yet we continue trying.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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