Hi Geketa,
Interesting solution but we already discussed that in the past.
It won't surprise you to know that Jordan wants nothing to do with the Palestinians and definitely not in their country. It is a bit odd when you consider that 80% of the Jordanians are "Palestinians" and if you include the Bedouins as Palestinians almost 100% of their current population.
Historically since 1948 it's been in the interest of the Jordanians (then Trans Jordan) that the Palestinians be in the camps in order to .
1. Keep them out of Jordan.
2. Keep the conflict on the front pages of the world.
3. Assist them as little as possible. they received over the years much more aid from Israel then from them. And to remind you that in better days Israel was the main employer of the Palestinians. That would still be the case today if they wouldn't be so interested in using terrorism and causing Israel to close the borders.
I could go on and on but the natural country for them to be a part of is in fact Jordan but they like almost all the other Arab countries want no part of them in their countries.