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Natalya Restivo

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Re: Worldwide Thank You Day to... Words "Thank You"!
1/13/2009 1:43:52 PM

Hi My Wonderful, Spiritual, Wise Friend Joice!

Thank you for coming. I am very grateful to you for your friendship.

Yes, I was not around lately, as I was veeeeeery busy with my two full time jobs. Now I keep one, but started school. So, probably, I will disappear at times.

When I am back, I always feel happy to see that my friends still remember me. Because we have connection through our hearts :)

Thank you, Joice, thank you all!


P.S. Please, don't forget to check out Joice's web site :)


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Worldwide Thank You Day to... Words "Thank You"!
1/13/2009 1:54:18 PM

I want to thank the inventors of the internet, without this ability, I wouldn't have been able to earn an income from home, contact old friends, make new friends, I wouldn't have the life I have now.  Without the internet, what would I be doing?  Watching TV?  Wondering why I don't have any money?  Wondering where my old school friends are and what they are doing? 

7 years ago in 2002, I logged into a hometown chatroom on AOL and asked if anyone knew where an old friends was...and someone DID know!  My friend was working at a 7-11 in my old hometown!  The person on the internet went to the store and gave a message with my email address on it, that simple!  BOOM!  Renewed friendship with someone I hadn't seen in 19 years since 1983!  We lost touch again later and the friend found me thru Adlandpro in 2006 because I had changed my email address within those few years.  We won't lose each other again!


I also want to thank Bogdan for Adlandpro, even before this networking community, most of my traffic and sales were coming from Adlandpro Classifieds.  Then since this community started several years ago and I became active here in 2006, my online success has skyrocketed. 

Without the internet and without Adlandpro, I'd be watching TV and wasting time and wondering about lost friendships. 


Tony Beach

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Re: Worldwide Thank You Day to... Words "Thank You"!
1/19/2009 12:30:11 PM
Thank you everyone for being so special and Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr.... Tony Beach I can help you... Tony Beach
Natalya Restivo

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Re: Worldwide Thank You Day to... Words "Thank You"!
1/19/2009 3:55:12 PM

Hello My Dear Friend Kathleen,

Thank you for coming, thank you for posting, thank you for being a great friend. We don't talk often lately, but I always think of you with very warm feelings.

I recommend to visit Kathleen's jewelry  site and her Lotto Magic site.

I am happy that your business is blossoming, Kathleen!



Natalya Restivo

703 Posts
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Re: Worldwide Thank You Day to... Words "Thank You"!
1/19/2009 3:59:09 PM

Hi Tony,

Thank you for visiting!

Usually talents are hunting people who can help them, and here this are YOU who hunts talents! Is not this wonderful?


