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Joe Downing

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Re: Sustaining the Unsustainable
1/7/2009 7:26:55 AM

Hello Jim, Amanda, Geketa and Peter,

Finally, a discussion with some honest meat and potatoes.  Usually you find such a discussion that becomes tainted with the untruths that made this election come about as it did.

Watching the public over the last 25 years has intrigued me.  It has been scary to see the attitude of our country slowly change into this "gimmee" society.  Maybe because I came from a "if you want it, go earn it" childhood.  No matter who tries to explain to me the good in all of this, I still cannot understand it.  I cannot see the good in it.  It will hurt everyone!

I commend you Geketa for making the same choice we made.  We decided to home school our children because we saw what was the beginning of a very bad thing... the kewl kid klub was forming.  Kids were being allowed to be disrespectful and disruptive all in the name of being cool.  We noticed how the purpose of teachers (through the eyes of the education system) had changed from "teaching our future" to "it's a job".  No longer were our children receiving guidance during their politically correct education. 

Our families fought us!  They tried very hard for years to make us change our minds. We stayed true to our beliefs and guess what?  (Not saying this to brag)   Today, all the families use our children as good examples as what they wish other kids were like.  They are respectful and considerate to everyone.  They are not rocket scientists, but they know how to think and resolve problems and their problems are not about their clothing, cell phones or who is at the mall.

I think one important thing that made our home school very successful was the absence of TV.  We simply didn't need it.  Too busy with school during the day and playing board games, or outside experimenting with nature or visiting other people or ... wow, we were just busy doing things all the time.  Oh, we watched movies now and then.

The question is "how to wake up the sheeples?".  I think it will happen just like the story of the frog in the pot of water.  Unfortunately, they will wake up after it is too late.  I think many knew this fate before the election, but because of their lack of sense of responsibility they chose to take the easy "promised" way out rather than "earn their way out".

Like everyone else, I know I do not have all the answers, but I don't look to a government to get them either.  I seek out intelligent folks like yourselves, have an open minded discussion and things just seem to happen for the good after some thoughtful prayer.

Amanda, I really enjoyed Kit's article.  She brings a lot of truth to surface of what has happened.  As Peter stated, we should dive into this "coming" being as optimistic as possible.  I think you'll see a lot of the herd start running away from the gates.  They will be seeking out those calm folks with other solutions.

Keep talking!


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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Sustaining the Unsustainable
1/12/2009 6:51:06 PM
Sharing a blog article by  Bill Balsamico. 


As I sit here and reflect back on the primaries of 2008 I recall EVERY Democratic candidate condemning President Bush for the financial position America is in. So let’s look at that: 1st 911—not his fault. 2nd The Iraq War— I feel Saddam Hussein had to go and our soldiers did a great job and continue to do so, the problem as I see it is the way Washington mishandled the exit, thus dragging the war on and on, and to much money is being spent exiting Iraq (none of which is the fault of our troops). 3rd—The financial melt down of the American economy in Sept. 2008. This is partly his fault as well as ALL the previous Presidents going back to Carter. Each and everyone of those Presidents allowed deregulation of financial institutions causing GREED, CORRUPTION on Wall Street and BAD OVERSIGHT AND MANAGEMENT in Washington.

During the early stages of President elect Obama’s campaign he inserted a simple six letter word–CHANGE–as his platform, and the word CHANGE became the defining force to his successful bid to become President. Voters, and even people who never voted in the past, became excited and electrified. Ironically if you would ask them what CHANGE meant they couldn’t answer the question but thought it was something definitely needed, so they embraced the idea of CHANGE (not even knowing what CHANGE would come in their future).

For many many generations families raised their children and worked very hard so that their children could have every opportunity to enjoy and have a better life than that of their parents. I guess that is known as PAYING IT FORWARD. Now on Jan. 20th the first day of our new President he wants to create another TRILLION DOLLAR deficit with more to follow (this is over and above the TRILLIONS we are already in the whole). Just a short time ago the terms MILLIONS and possibly BILLIONS in budget deficit sounded outrageous. Well today MILLIONS is just CHUMP CHANGE, and we blew through BILLIONS at WARP SPEED. Americans never even understood BILLIONS when we were introduced to TRILLIONS without any outrage or concern from politicians or American taxpayers (although when taxpayers said no to BAILOUTS we were ignored–something that every voter should remember during the next election). I ask myself why the concern for this outrageous spending is not more vocal, and the only conclusion I can come up with is the new terminology. Budget deficit is now presented as ECONOMIC STIMULUS.

So now instead of the Government working us towards a deficit over time now we just go in the hole immediately and add to it as we go forward. This deficit will have to be repaid by our children, our grandchildren, and most likely our great grandchildren. So now I understand—- CHANGE means PAYING IT BACK. And now that all the new masses of people who registered to vote (and they voted for change) makes me think that AMERICA might have been better off without their thirst for CHANGE. Remember up until now, parents –people from “MAIN STREET” (this does not include 1600 Pennsylvania Ave), could carry a LIFE INSURANCE POLICY so in the event of their death their children were not burdened with their debt. Well I guess that America as we knew it is now gone. So for the majority of Americans who voted for CHANGE, I do hope you will look good in it, as you will be wearing it for GENERATIONS to come.


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