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Jim Allen

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Sustaining the Unsustainable
1/5/2009 5:57:14 PM

The Progress of Error. 
How shall I speak of thee or thy power address,
Thou God of our idolatry, the Press?
By thee, religion and liberty and laws
Exert their influence and advance their cause;
By thee worse plagues than Pharaoh’s land befell,
Diffused, make earth the vestibule of Hell;
Thou fountain, at which drink the good and wise;
Thou ever-bubbling spring of endless lies;
Like Eden’s dead probationary tree,
Knowledge of good and evil is from thee! 

There is a difference today. The Internet is democratizing knowledge. No longer is it the exclusive domain of a few people. People involved in a story can provide the real story. It is as if the people in the Connecticut Yankee’s Republic quickly learned his secrets and commandeered his power. More people are able to get access to more information. They are asking questions from a multitude of angles quickly exposing errors and falsehoods. A statistician who quickly saw the fallacious use of statistics even if, initially, he didn’t understand the climate science debunked the “hockey stick”. They are also learning how much climate has changed in very short periods.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Sustaining the Unsustainable
1/5/2009 11:59:52 PM
Hi Jim,

Thanks for sharing the article. 

Yes I agree, Putting out doom and gloom and paralyzing people with fear is the
way to control the population and take away our power.

Modern Way of Life

This old worlds in trouble
this old worlds gone bad
this old worlds America
which makes me so sad

Like rats on a treadmill
working hard all day
mother and father both working
for a meager wage on pay day

Mother's hardly stay at home to rear their children
leave them all day to be brought up at Day Care Centers
then wonder why their children do not listen to them at home
parents have given up on them because they are busy on the phone

The people are blind it seems
focused on their dreams
they don't plan for the future
but living for their greed

There is corruption a plenty
happening all around
yet they do not see it
it's like they are buried underground

Students have been so dumbed down
they can hardly spell, add or read
wanting to be adults with decisions
bucking their parents and authorities systems

Partying, chatting, texting aimlessly on their cellphones
being so kewl while in their drugged out state
fashion so appalling, rips and tears, butt-cracks showing
belly-buttons pierced and skirts up to their waists

Modesty, morals, ethics and values are not being taught
prayer in schools and public buildings are out the door
the Government are being exposed for
corruption, scandals, deceptions and extortions

The media turns a blind eye so nothing is aired
could it be, they are scared?
are they told to rake up mud on the people that are disliked?
by the Powers that Be because it's their right?

Bad news always hits the papers and TV
no need for factual proof, unless they are sued
and no one has the means to right this wrong
so the population accepts it as the gospel truth

America is Bankrupt yet we live like there is no tomorrow
Every man, woman and child has a debt of 1 1/2 million dollars
This country has been sold out to outsourcing overseas
Mexican aliens are given our health, assistance and our dollars

Wake up America before it's too late
it does not have to be our fate
Listen, get your eyes off the ground
warning signs are all around

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©
2 January 2009

Jim Allen

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Re: Sustaining the Unsustainable
1/6/2009 8:02:39 AM

Hello Amanda,

Great prose and so true.  Thank you for weighing in and sharing your insights. 

The only solution is to expose the truth, stand up for what you believe and speak the truth. 

Which  of course seldom happens when people worry about political correctness and are afraid they may insult some sicko. 

Sometimes TOUGH Love and realization of the reality is what it takes. 

To change a world, change must take place at home.  Sometimes change means going back to traditional values and MORALS.

I think now that is what we need.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Geketa Holman

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Re: Sustaining the Unsustainable
1/6/2009 8:19:31 AM
Hello Reb,

Great article . I can't add much to what Amanda has said she and I are on the same page as we have talked about these subjects in great length.

These are the exact reasons I decided to home school my children and the results of my hands on parenting have shown to be exponentially rewarding. My teenage sons do not drink nor smoke. They have great respect for their elders and sex in not the number one priority in their lives. They respect woman and themselves.

They can read , write and are great in math and the best part is they can actually discern right from wrong.  They have learned to think for themselves.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Jim Allen

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Re: Sustaining the Unsustainable
1/6/2009 10:05:09 AM

Hey Geketa,

Thanks for raising great sons, that any father or grandfather would be proud of.  I say that now, with true appreciation of your efforts. 

And being a new grandfather of beautiful granddaughter on December 19th of the past year.  She is the first female born into my immediate family as all my children were sons. 

I used to joke that, I was glad to not have sired daughters because, I know what is on a young man's mind.  As I was quite a cad myself. 

Now that I have been blessed with the birth of this granddaughter, I hope and pray she grows up and meets young men of the same character and upbringing your and my sons have been raised with.

Introducing Madison Reneé Allen

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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