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Judy Smith

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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/15/2008 11:56:52 AM

Hello, my friend!!

Kudos, for your openess and honesty and just "putting this out there"!!  I have never known a more fair and honest and trustworthy person, and you have proven yourself to me over and over through the years here at ALP.

Forgiveness both giving it and asking for it, is a powerful and wonderful thing when we fully let go.  Once done, let God!!  My prayers for total peace are with you!

Now, what do you say we all go throw snowballs at one another and get this all out of our system once and for all!! 

Hugs and blessings, Pauline!



Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/15/2008 6:15:59 PM
Dear Pauline and Adland Friends
It seems Adland (Bogdan) has taken it upon themselves to black list my E-Mail address for whatever reason which was not explained to me so since I cannot receive any posts in the future I would like to wish you all a very
Merry Christmas
Good Bye!
Patricia Bartch

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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/15/2008 6:32:39 PM

What???    You can't contact people Nick?  What in the world is going on.  You are Adland's Best.








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Pauline Raina

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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/15/2008 10:46:58 PM
No Nick its not goodbye,

here is Bogdan's reply to my que; about your post....I would have thought you would have done the same before posting about adland, your goodbye...we could do without some animosity right now, we've had enough for the year. On seeing your post I knew for sure that this couldnt be the case as it sounds, In Jan of this year I had the similar problem, but pm'd Bogdan and knew what I had to do...and nobody even knew I had that problem...SmileyLets just be slow to assume things ok? a humble requestSmiley


Hi Pauline,

His email is not blacklisted but his provider which is msn is blocking emails from us for him, thus he is being promoted to enter a new email address and asked to verify his account.

I have re-enabled his account, but this will be happening again until he provides some email address which doesn't block emails from us.

He should try yahoo or best is gmail.

Patricia Bartch

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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/15/2008 10:52:12 PM

Let me tell you Pauline and Nick too, that I had problems getting my notifications. I thought Adland was blocking me. was AOL !!!

Yes lots of isps don't let our mail through.  I don't like this.  It's kinda like censorship.

Change your provider soon Nick.  I have my info sent to Yahoo now and I'm not having those problems anymore.  Come back soon Nick.



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