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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/13/2008 12:56:34 PM

Pauline whatever provoked you to anger must have been bad.  You are so strong and do things so fairly, a lady, indeed.  We are only hearing what you responded and you are to be admired for doing so.  I just want to say that I 'admire you' and 'appreciate you' for the many things you do for this community and for being a friend to many of us.

Peace & Hugs,


Peter Fogel

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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/13/2008 12:58:45 PM

Hello Pauline,

Thank you for sending me the link to this thread. Since this open letter has a dual purpose I'll relate to each one separately.

I never post publicly private correspondence unless I have the permission of the party involved but since  you've already posted part of our correspondence I will relate to that with my reply to what you wrote.

Now this is the part I find most interesting: HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN FAITHFUL TO MY HEARTS CRY, AND RIGHT NOW ITS CRYING OUT TO HIM TO BRING JUSTICE TO ME, and I know he will. VERY SOON!! What exactly is your heart crying for? Justice in what form? Retribution?? You preach one thing and ask for retribution. sounds like base hypocrisy to me. Now I won't do this but I wonder if I posted the above in you AOV and asked you to comment on the person that wrote it what your reply would be? Would it show a person that is all sweetness and forgiveness in public but behind the scenes is looking for a God of wrath to avenge those that she believes wronged her? Interesting thought isn't it?

I would like to explain a few things at this stage. When I wrote what I did it was with great sadness. Let's remember one thing. We were very good friends if not the best of friends. My disappointment was immense and it didn't start with the results of the BFA but prior to that but I won't elaborate on that here. 

What ever reason you may have to regret what you wrote they were just words and yes said out of anger but even at that stage I had a hard time reconciling the 2 Paulines the one full of forgiveness and the one looking for retribution. I did send you one final email in which I expressed what I just wrote and never received a reply.

I'm assuming that this open letter is the reply and my answer is I ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY. Thank you.

In addition to the apology you wrote the following:

here are some of my posts to you which I am  EXTREMELY SORRY I had to write to you in response to your numerous allegations of fixing the bfa, of who the judges were, of bribery etc;I had to forward your letters to Bogdan to let him know first hand of what I was being accused of, and for him to make an accurate judgment.

First of all I never accused you of accepting bribes nor of any etcs. Secondly, you sent Bogdan our correspondence and you write that he made an accurate judgment,

In my last post on this issue (prior to Bogdan's post) I wrote that "this is absolutely my last post on this issue". After Bogdan's post I asked Jim to close the discussion and he did therefor there was no reply to Bogdans post. I did PM him and we exchanged a few PMs and in the end decided we'll have to agree to disagree on this subject..

So Bogdan and I differ on this subject and my beliefs on the results of the BFA remain as is. But as I said last week the issue is closed for me the damage done and good people have left the community.

That said life goes on and your apology is accepted and hopefully with time fences will be mended.

Happy Holidays to all.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jill Bachman

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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/13/2008 10:49:02 PM

God Bless you Pauline,

Your letters and your INTENTION is wonderful.  I cannot tell you how touched I am that you would be this open and hones, and I commend you.

I want to share the HO' OPONOPONO prayer with you.  It just makes us all feel better!

Hugs,  Jill
Nick Grimshawe

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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/14/2008 7:40:44 PM

Hi Pauline,


Sorry I have been so unavailable these last few days. I work in retail and the crazy season is upon us.


I think Jill sums up the whole thing beautifully. There is a Joe Vitale video that talks about this process and the mircales it can bring.

Forgiveness and forgiving , because they ask us to rise above our need to be right, are difficult for us to seek and ask for.

I have huge respect for you.

I have huge respect for Peter.

I believe through the process of communication most things can be resolved.


Cheers to all,


Nick Grimshawe


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Pauline Raina

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Re: An Open Letter To Peter Fogel
12/14/2008 8:47:15 PM
Thank you Peter

for accepting my apologies.

And YES I still pray for God in HIS time and in HIS way to set right the apprehensions that are there in the minds of those who think otherwise. This will be my continual prayer till it happens. I see no hypocrisy in that...after all HE is the  ultimate authority we all have to stand before one day. So if by calling out to him makes me a hypocrite ..then one I am. :-) You in particularly I pray for !

To the rest of my dear friends who have posted here,

I shall be back to acknowledge you all individually, as I have to run get ready for work, yes its 8 am Monday morning for me.

Thank you for your luv n support and understanding, thankyou those who have pm'd me their concern and feelings, I luv you all too, thank you for being with me through it all.

Believe me when I say this that this kind of luv support and concern is what will never make me give up on Adland. I am blessed to have you all in my life, and to know  you as friends and compassionate ones at that. I have learnt much from you.

Be blessed always,
