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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: L O V E What is the best way of showing it.
2/14/2009 2:12:41 PM

Hi Georgios,

Well spotted, You have given my forum a real new makeover.

You are welcome ant time.

Bless you my friend.


Cheryl Baxter

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Re: L O V E What is the best way of showing it.
3/7/2009 2:17:49 AM

Hi Roger,

Since I wasn't hanging out at Adland back when this thread started, I thought I would add a post Christmas, post New Year, & almost Easter note! 

Expressing love anytime of year is always good!  Just learning to say a simple "I love you" is great.  It doesn't really get any better than receiving a heartfelt "I love you."  This means more than receiving all sorts of gifts that may be given without the expression of love.  That's my feelings anyway.

Blessings to you,

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: L O V E What is the best way of showing it.
3/7/2009 4:24:50 AM


Thank you very much, Love is always welcome any time of year.

It's great how LOVE attracts.

If it is in your forum title it has magical effect.


Luka Babic

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Re: L O V E What is the best way of showing it.
3/7/2009 6:30:03 AM

Dear Sir,

What a question!

I am not sure how may I sound now - but in my opinion life = love .

Sometimes I go upside-down of this statement ... but that`s only temporary. When I return back to it - each time I feel as born again.

How it reflexes at the "shape of the time" given to me?

I am always joyful, and loving the life - I actually love love :) .

Really, I cann`t find anything that may not be considered as love.


Feel just amazing, telling you my little, maybe unusual, but a true truth.

Hugs to all,
