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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: L O V E What is the best way of showing it.
12/8/2008 6:05:38 PM

Thank you Joyce.

In these days of political correctness we all have to be so careful (our playgroups and nursery schools won't allow photos to be taken of the children) what we say but I unashamedly say that I love kids. They are our future, they deserve our care and nurturing and are the greatest gift on earth.

My Grandaughters are so lovely. They know just how to get what they want and, if it's ok and supplyable they usually get it. I am a workaholic and if it wasn't for my wife I wouldn't find time to visit often enough but boy is it worth it when I do.

I love to tell stories, I'm good at fairies and princesses but I've got to re-think now as the four year old HATES PINK, FAIRIES, PRINCESSES and DRESSING UP. Oh dear. I have a challenge.

Thanks again Joyce.


Valerie Clavin

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Re: L O V E What is the best way of showing it.
12/8/2008 6:25:03 PM


  She's adorable!!! Congratulations!!

Showing/Giving Love depends on the receiver. Some crave the words "I Love you" some "feel" it more when you do something for them that is unexpected.

 I am in the process of making all my family members a quilt before I die, that gives me about 20-30 years for completion depending on how my eyes hold out! LOL

 I try to send holiday cards that I have made on the computer. It's simple to send a card from a box - just pick one up, sign inside and send. Home made on the other hand has a "made just for you" touch of Love.

 When we were kids, the schooll I attended picked out a poor family each year. The class collected toys for the kids and coats, shoes, food etc. On Xmas eve we delivered everything including a decorated tree. I will never forget the look on their faces!!!!

Thanks Roger!


Valerie CLavin

Hugs = Priceless


PS. Momma taught us that a gift is something you give with NO strings attached. Meaning, after you give the gift, the receiver can throw it away, give it away, do whatever they please with the gift as it now belongs to them. It is difficult to give True gifts in this fashion.

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: L O V E What is the best way of showing it.
12/8/2008 6:56:23 PM


I just love her to bits. It's a shame that my daughter has moved to Scotland to help her husband with a job search so we won't see Hermione quiet as often as the others but we have a webcam so hope to swap videos.

I loved your story about school and collecting for others.

One of the nicest Christmases that I remember was when my daughter was working for a long-term disabled hospital and my wife and I were invited to visit and take some simple gifts to those with no nearby family.

It made a difference not just to them but to us too.

A few folk should try this. It is no sacrifice as the reward of happy faces is worth the effort alone.

Bless you and your family as Christmas approaches.


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: L O V E What is the best way of showing it.
12/9/2008 2:13:12 PM

Thank you Mary,

I return your wish with love.

