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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Sad News...
11/24/2008 4:48:11 PM
Jim, I know you and your family will always have uncle Bob in your hearts and minds and the love will never diminish.
When I think about not having my mom here with me, I'm mostly happy that she does not have to see the state of the world and the people; they can rest and that has to be a blessing.
I don't think I said that right but I think you get what I'm trying to say.

Robert Coaster

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Re: Sad News...
11/24/2008 4:56:24 PM
My condolances James to you & your family. God bless, Robert
Valerie Clavin

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Re: Sad News...
11/24/2008 6:38:35 PM


  I too, am sorry to hear of your Uncle's passing. Like so many of our Loved ones who have passed this year, I believe they all needed the Peace. I know you will miss your Uncle greatly, but will also rejoice in the knowledge that he is now in God's hands.

Blessings and prayers

Valerie Clavin

Hugs  = Priceless


James Wright

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Re: Sad News...
11/24/2008 7:41:45 PM

I have read each post that has been made over the past few hours. I am touched...with tears of sadness...with tears of know of the tender hearts that are out know of each one who all are very special to me...I don't usually get emotional from posts, but I have here, and may each one of you be blest for sharing your kind words of love and support.

Re: Sad News...
11/24/2008 8:08:20 PM

Hello James,

When I read your message about your Uncle Bob two things came to mnid.

1. I pray for the Peace of God that passes all understanding to settle on you and your family as you go throough the passing of a loved one.

2. I rejoice with you that your Uncle Bob is now in the bosom of His Maker. He is now in a place where he will not experience any further trial and tribulations. Praise God, another citizen has arrived home.

God's Grace and Peace to you through our Lord Jesus, the Christ


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