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Re: The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
11/19/2008 7:20:05 AM

Hello Peter,

I have no idea what this thread is about but It does not seem to be that productive, I think that everyone should just do something nice that can make a difference in each ones life. Going through Iraq and the horrors of my life, I decided not to be around negitive people I have no time or energy for them. So I just try to be where only positive enters my surroundings.

To bad more people have so much time in their life that they look for negitive and thrive from it instead of trying to be positive and actually help others.

I think Peter that if you are encountered  with someone  negitive just tell the person, later I do not waste my time on someone who breeds negitivity.

Jason Mcgrath

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Peter Fogel

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Re: The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
11/19/2008 9:03:23 AM

Hello Thomas,

Yes, we've discussed this in the past. A moderated forum is a form of censorship. It's not a question of a an offensive post being deleted but if the owner doesn't like your post whether it be written in the most respectful manner it will never see the light of day. There are a few people whose integrity I trust that have moderated forums that I post in but others I just don't bother to post.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
11/19/2008 9:27:54 AM

Hi Branka,

You know I thought long and hard whether to start this thread or not and I finally decided to do so for the following reasons.

I felt that there was an unjustified campaign whose only objective was to defame what I consider to be my good name. The extra logistics of this campaign was to ban me from the forum (unjustified) so I couldn't even speak in my defense. So having no other alternative I started this thread to set the record straight with the truth and only the truth.

Thank you for all the compliments you showered upon me it's much appreciated.

I am proud to call you FRIEND.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
11/19/2008 11:35:52 AM
Hello Peter,

First of all I have to say that I'm very sorry you being into all these due to me my pic and my thoughtfulness :-( If I would know where would this grow (as we say from mosquito grow a horse)...  My apology!

For some time I was also working on a post and some of the things I wanted to say are already here; so I just left them out! ... but I had to ask SARA a few things?!
I have to say that I was and still am expecting a bit more "democratic" way to be of you, who grow up in democratic countries! I was the one educated with the "WHO ISN'T WITH ME IS AGAINST ME" way of thinking and in many cases its shown that some of you think exactly that way! It is a pity as thus they make lots of troubles to themselves (first of all) and to the others. Not everything said that doesn't fit to what I think is necessarily against me, but the something I just did and that is what has to be fixed or left as it is - depending the case - and than everything is OK and go on as life does :-)  If I would have expected this than I would have been more careful.

Being kind do not necessarily mean STUPID even if many act according to that.

THANK YOU for being such a good friend of mine and I'm so proud to be one of your TEAM MATES and THANK YOU BOTH for being always so supportive, as you also did now with Lilly and her so wonderful forum.

I'm not sure right now If I should say anything more?!

With lots of friendship,
Thomas Richmond

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Re: The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
11/19/2008 12:32:06 PM
Anamaria, you said you were brought up thinking  "WHO ISN'T WITH ME IS AGAINST ME"   its a mis-conception of what the bible teaches, it was meant for people who have faith in rabbi Jesus. Just so you'll know we all love you here and what you do for our community should be recognized as a public figure like Achi Peter and Jim for there contributions to our community as well.  Kindness is one of the fruits of the Spirit w all should uphold, being stupid is just human error, its part of what were made of until we learn further instructions on whatever it is we dont understand.  With love and kindness , God_bless you. Thomas :)
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