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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Do You Believe that Your Church is Perfect?
11/17/2008 3:24:51 PM
Hi Amanda, you said (I agree the bible does seem to be contradictions and people do use verses
to justify themselves.  Probably one of the reasons I do not read mine so often.)  I would beg to differ because not all who read the bible as it should be within the time frame and context of it is hard to recognize unless taught by a teacher of the word. The Old Testimiment was a foreground from what was to come, the New Testament , without the old one we cannot understand the New Testament in its proper form as it is meant to be. If you are having trouble understanding your bible within the context and its useful needs of todays life please use me, i would be happy to assist, after all i am a missionary , well thats another name for me, so many names, cant i just be called Tom? LOL
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Michael Caron

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Re: Do You Believe that Your Church is Perfect?
11/17/2008 4:49:50 PM
Walking Garbage CanHi Tom, Amanda, and Shirley,
 Do unto others as you have have them do unto you.  This phrase sums up how we as Christians should behave.  When a priest or minister recites a sermon telling us to help one another and than turns those away that need the help, you wonder why he would even choose that sermon to begin with.  I believe that many of us have been disappointed not only with our churches but with people within the church.  I don't delibrately hurt others with my words because I would not like to be hurt.  After a long absense from church, I was able to go one Sunday.  All of my old friends were glad to see me, but too busy to talk.  In other words, I was no longer welcome.  In GOD's house we are ALWAYS welcome.  There will be times that we may feel that GOD does not care, but HE is the only one that does.  HE does not care if we are Catholic, Baptist, Nazarene, or any other denomination as long as we believe in HIM and live our lives the way HE would like us to.  The Bible is like a Blueprint.  If you follow the instructions you can build your church within.  Where two or more gater in HIS name, so is HE.  Humans have always been flawed and we always will be flawed because we listen to people that would like us to believe in their way, which is not GOD's way.  When a priest or minister delivers a Sermon of Suffering and Forgiveness or Helping those in need, and after the Mass or Service is over you approach the priest or minister and ask for help to be turned away, and others in the congregation treat you like you have a contagious desease where is the forgiveness? The Church Building has become a House of broken promises however the Kingdom of GOD will never be broken.
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Do You Believe that Your Church is Perfect?
11/17/2008 4:56:50 PM
Hi Tom,

That is OK to agree to disagree with me. 
What I have found numerous times especially when discussing with people of
another faith - Bible books, chapters and verses are bandied around in the
context they believe which is not necessarily what I or others of my own faith
believe.  This contradicts and one gets into headed disguisions and arguments.

I read the bible cover to cover and did the foundation study like I said previously.
Many in home bible studies, home group services, prayer time...
It is stored up inside me and the Holy Spirit enlightens me of truth and false.
I believe that the Lord has given me a great gift of discernment and wisdom
because this was the first gift prayer I asked after I met him.  I came to meet the
Lord through the back door.  I could not get answers from my own church and
they did not see that I was seeking.  I had a couple of missionaries call on me
one day.  I learned how to ask Jesus in and also learned a different holy spirit deception, one that burns whereby He falls upon one.  I never wanted to be
deceived again nor be plucked out of my Fathers Hands.  This gift has been invaluable to me and I am very thankful.

I do not generally get involved with trading off bible verses with people I am
conversing with or writing in forums and give personal experiences. 

The old testament can be rather difficult as there are lots of people mentioned
whom you have to try and place into their respective family and genealogy.
Many of the old place names of the areas are long gone now and are now part
of a country with a different name etc.  Those chapters are quite involved and
long winded.  I realize that the OT is a prophecy for the NT and the NT is the
fulfillment and events still to come of the OT.

I loved reading the stories in the OT, the history, lessons learned.  When I first
read them I only understood the story it was not until later that when a study or
sermon was given and more insight was given.  e.g. the types of clothes they
wore, why the character was acting in the particular way and generally learning
the culture back in those days.  Then I could go back over and re-read and better

Living my life within my conscientious works for me.  I can sleep at night and
my spirit is quite sensitive and when I am convicted I make amends and am
not too proud to apologize.

I believe when one is teaching another as Pastor, missionary, teacher etc one
does need to know their bible inside and out and be able to open it and prepared
to give an account of their lesson.  I am not holding any positions so there is not the same burden as office barers hold and need to be accounted for.  I am living my
faith and people will recognize me by the fruit I bare.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Do You Believe that Your Church is Perfect?
11/17/2008 5:52:21 PM

Hi Mike,

I totally agree with your post.

A saying I learned back in New Zealand...

"Christian's are the only people who shoot their wounded"

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Do You Believe that Your Church is Perfect?
11/17/2008 9:25:28 PM
The basic tools of learning how to live like a Christian is to follow the greatest example and thats rabbi Jesus, Matthew 28:18-20. Like i say i have a ton of questions for you in anything you want to know about the bible, its what i do. I dont want to preach and i dont want to have anyone get me wrong hence is why i made this forum. One thing a Christian doesnt do is condemn anyone by what they do or say, only God does that, a true Christian will help the ones who arent sure of how to act as God intended for them to do and thats through the scriptures, Discipleship. I ask what does Jesus what everybody to become?
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