From the Desk of
Michael Reagan
Friday, Nov. 7
Dear Conservative
It's official: America has
its first truly Socialist president... and it's the
Republican Party's fault.
No, scratch that -- it's the
so-called "leaders" of the GOP who are at fault for this humiliating defeat --
and I say it's time to name names and make heads roll in our
party. Because, my fellow conservatives, we have been BETRAYED by the
very people who promised that, if we would just elect them, they would get into
office and vote OUR conservative values.
But we CAN resurrect it --
IF we start TODAY to take action, by both booting out our
failed fake-conservative "leadership" AND vowing to FIGHT tooth and nail
against the coming tidal wave of destructive, anti-American legislation that's
now heading our way... thanks to Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
We CAN fight back --
Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism
As I sit here looking at
yesterday's election results -- maps, vote tallies, exit polls, state and
national results, and much more -- I have to say that, like many of you, I'm in
a state of shock.
Not because I'm surprised, mind you
-- I warned you that this would happen if the Republican Party nominated
John McCain for president.
Yes, I was right... but believe me,
that doesn't make me happy. What it makes me... is
- Angry at the Democrats, of
course. Once again, they ran a campaign full of lies and hate-filled attacks,
from Obama's claims that he had "never heard" his racist pastor's anti-American
rhetoric over a 20-year period of time, to his claims that his terrorist friend
Bill Ayers was "just a guy in the neighborhood," to outright slanderous speech
against Governor Sarah Palin... but hey, I expect the Democrats to act
that way. It's their nature.
- Angry at the "moderate"
(meaning liberal) Rockefeller-wing of the Republican Party, who tried to
kill the idea of grassroots involvement of hardworking, patriotic,
conservative Americans in our party. There's NO
grassroots activism when the Rockefeller wing's philosophy prevails; that wing
of the party consists of "kingmakers" operating from behind the throne, while
the Reagan wing of the party has always lived and thrived at the
grassroots, where the real Americans live. When the Rockefeller-wing
philosophy prevails, the GOP loses. When the Reagan wing is in control,
we win.
- Angry with President Bush
because he was unwilling to stop Republican Congressional leaders from
overspending and because his administration failed to lay the blame for the
financial crisis at the feet of Rep. Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd that
protected Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from reform.
- Angry at the so-called
"leaders" of our party, who promised us that if we'd just vote for who they put
up for election, we'd finally get what we wanted: smaller government, lower
taxes, dramatically lower spending, pro-life laws, pro-marriage constitutional
amendments, pro-American economics... well, YOU AND I put them in power, and
they gave us nothing but BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG DEFICITS, and LIBERAL
I say, NO MORE!
Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism
As bad as yesterday's election
results were, I believe there IS "light at the end of the tunnel" -- I believe
we now have the opportunity to finally turn out these fake "leaders" that
have betrayed conservatism and given us Barack Obama. We have the opportunity to
bring back the Reagan wing of the Republican Party, to slow down
the socialist legislation from Pelosi and Reid, and to restore this great
Republic to its original ideals of basic self-evident truths: our right to life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This is our chance, friend. It may
be our ONLY chance to save our Party -- and it may be our LAST
chance to save our country.
Here's what I'm doing to help make
that happen: Today, I'm officially launching a new website,
This is no wimpy little website with some news articles and a bunch of
editorial writers griping about how bad things are. The time for "just talking"
is OVER -- now is the time for ACTION!
Every day, we'll give the members
of this site -- our own "Reagan Activists" -- the information they need in order
to take real grassroots action to counter the greatest
political threat we've ever faced within our own government. It
won't take a lot of time -- usually only a few minutes a day -- but the
political payout will be HUGE!
Here are some of the things that
YOU AND I will be able to do at
BILLS -- We can expect an immediate onslaught of extreme
liberal bills to be "fast-tracked" through Congress and signed by Obama. We will
constantly be on the watch for these bills -- and every time they get
introduced, we'll alert our Activists to literally FLOOD Capitol Hill
with millions of phone calls, faxes, emails and even hand-delivered
letters and petitions, DEMANDING that our elected legislators do what WE
say, or else face our wrath at the next election!
ORDERS -- You can be sure that President Obama (oh, how that phrase
terrifies me!) will get right to work on Day One, issuing Executive Orders that
will make your skin crawl: repealing pro-life presidential directives, ordering
agencies to fund far-left groups like ACORN and the ACLU, signing over American
sovereignty to the United Nations and the European Union... he's got a long
list! But for every liberal (and usually unconstitutional) Executive Order
that Barack Obama issues, we'll alert our Activists to BARRAGE the White
House with even MORE phone calls, faxes, emails and even hand-delivered
letters and petitions, DEMANDING that he "reverse course" on those Orders
or face a Republican Congress in 2010!
CORRUPTION -- With the Democrats back in power in both Congress and
the White House, you KNOW that they'll be falling right back into their habits
of taking lobbyists' money under the table, trading votes for campaign
contributions, spying on and sabotaging Republican legislative plans, covering
up their leaders' sexual "flings," and spending taxpayer money on personal
expenses like never before. But this time, YOU AND I will be there every
step of the way, making sure that no stone is left unturned, every dark corner
is filled with light, and every illegal act is paid for with censure,
impeachment, recalls, investigations, and jail time for every criminal we
expose in Washington, D.C.
MEDIA -- Whenever any of these things take place, we'll be
directing our "Reagan Activists" to constantly fill the news media with letters
to the editor, guest editorials, and news articles detailing the socialistic
and corrupt policies of the new liberal regime, and offering America a
better way -- the way of freedom... the CONSERVATIVE
Together, we CAN save
America from the new liberal regime! Join me now in the NEW Reagan
Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!
And don't forget -- I'll also be
spreading the word the same way I do already: by writing nationally-syndicated
columns each week, and by speaking to over five million listeners each
and every weekday on my nationwide radio show!
We MUST do this. Really --
what choice do we have, except to fight back and WIN? As my
father, President Ronald Reagan, once said, "We must act today in
order to preserve tomorrow."
My father wasn't afraid to call
evil what it was -- and neither am I. He defeated the "Evil Empire"
called the Soviet Union -- but now we face a new "Evil Empire." It's called
Socialism, and it's taken over our once-free nation through the victories
of Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
We do NOT have to give up. We do
NOT have to slink into some dark corner and lick our wounds. This is OUR
MOMENT TO SHINE -- and that's why I'm launching!
Like I said before, when the Reagan
wing is in control, we win. We don't need kingmakers; we need workers, and until
we get them we'll stay the minority party. We don't need to keep the
toady liberals who call themselves the "leaders" of the Republican Party; we
need conservatives to TAKE BACK the Republican Party, and GET RID
OF those losers!
and hundreds of thousands of your fellow conservative activists
nationwide? Let's show these liberals what real REAGAN Republicans can
do, when WE'RE in charge of the GOP!
Join me
now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism
With Hope in the Future,
Michael Reagan Chairman
P.S. Already, the new radical
regime in Washington, D.C. is planning their first legislative attacks on
- Huge increases in payroll and income taxes;
- Redistributionist "share the wealth" policies;
- Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act;
- Forcing faith-based groups to hire gays;
- Repeal all state regulations on abortion through FOCA;
- Require taxpayer funding of abortion through Medicaid;
- Block all efforts to "Drill Here, Drill Now" in America;
- Impose universal health care through job-killing employer mandates;
- Appoint activists liberal Supreme Court judges;
- Kill conservative talk radio by re-instituting the "Fairness Doctrine";
- Require comprehensive sex education from the earliest grades in public
- Enforce bilingual education in the public schools;
- Allow convicted felons to vote;
- Take secret ballot voting away from workers deciding on whether to
The list goes on and on and
And it's up to YOU AND I to stop
them! Don't let the door slam shut on this opportunity to make a
Join me
now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism
Thank you!
Policy Issues
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#223 Dept Code 1872
Laguna Niguel, CA
92577 |