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Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/7/2008 11:50:04 AM

Israel’s existance remains the Arab obsession

The Arab Reaction to Obama

 By Alan Caruba  Friday, November 7, 2008

On November 5, Amr Moussa the head of the Arab League called upon President-elect Barack Obama to act swiftly to try to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

According to an Associated Press report, Moussa welcomed the result of the U.S. election and said it marked a watershed for the United States and for efforts to bring peace to the Middle East. Moussa said Obama’s call for change is needed in the Middle East to ease tensions between Arabs and Israelis, and to resolve the nuclear standoff with Iran.

What this primarily reveals is that Israel’s existance remains the Arab obsession, second only to their belief that non-Arab Iran plans to take over the Middle East by using a nuclear threat and the Palestinians as their proxy army. Apparently Arabs think that America, not the Arab league, is expected to solve the problem. Americans who believe this are deluding themselves.

Americans might expect that the initial response from the Arab world of the Middle East would be to greet the election of Barack Obama with enthusiasm, but that is because most Americans haven’t a clue as to how Arabs perceive the world and how wedded they are to their victimization and belief that (a) America exists only to rule them and (b) America’s foreign and other policies are determined by “Zionists” and, of course, “capitalists.”

The think tank that specializes in review and analysis of the media in the Middle East, MEMRI, provides a look into their very strange and illogical world.

I begin, however, by taking notice that the very first announcement out of Iraq after the election was one by its foreign minister who expressed the hope that American troops would not be leaving too soon. It’s one thing to hate the occupier and it’s quite another to fear one’s neighbors and domestic insurgents. This is and has been the rule in the Middle East since the days when camel power was the only way to get around. In other words, “America, please don’t go!”

The response by Hamas, one of the Palestinian factions, was to lob 35 rockets into Israel the day after the election. If one is seeking peace in the Middle East, he is likely to wander in the desert much longer than the Jews and they at least had Moses to lead them.

So, one need hardly be surprised that Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawl issued a fatwa to the effect that “Whoever thinks that the Democrats are less hostile to [the Arabs] than the Republicans should know that the number of Iraqis killed during the siege [of Iraq] by the Democrat Bill Clinton is twice as high as the number of [Iraqis] killed by the Republican [George] Bush.” The problem with this, as with most such fatwa nonsense, is that Bill Clinton did not engage the U.S. in any military action against Iraq. Clinton did manage to get a bunch of our boys killed in Somalia, however, before beating a hasty retreat.

According to Al-Qaeradhawl, “The Democrats kill you slowly without you noticing it—and therein lies the danger. They are like a snake whose touch is not felt until its poison enters your body.” Tell me about it!

An Iranian daily, Jomhouri-ye Eslami, opined that, “The most that black man can do in the White House is to replace some of the staff and change some ceremonial procedures. He will never manage to change the structure of the American regime, which was established by capitalists, Zionists, and racists.” Since Iranian newspapers publish only what their government deems acceptable, one can extrapolate that Obama will not receive any warmer welcome than previous presidents going back to Jimmy Carter.

In Syria, currently deploying troops around Lebanon, the Syrian daily, Al-Watan, was far more gracious. Indeed, they hastened to declare Obama the winner before the final results were in. “We wanted to declare Obama president…as a show of solidarity with millions of Americans, Arabs, and colleagues in the world media who [all] yearn for ‘change’ in U.S. foreign policy.” So much for optimism and good will, but it was quickly followed by the view that, “Some claim that if Obama wins he will be no better than Bush, if not worse…They may be right, since it is well known that no American president has ever stood on the side of the Arabs—rather they have all stood on the side of Israel.”

It takes a special brand of crazy to both welcome the President-elect and then declare that he is a crypto-Zionist. How can anyone say that a man named Barack Hussein Obama does not feel just a little connection to Arabs?

In Saudi Arabia, they were equally pessimistic. The Saudi daily, Al-Watan, said in an editorial that “There is no difference between Obama and McCain. They disagree only on the means to achieve America’s chief goal, which is to rule for another hundred years.”

The Middle East will continue to believe that Jews in general and Israelis in particular determine U.S. foreign policy. Despite, for example, Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, they think the U.S. had no interest, nor reason to repulse that U.N. sanctioned war against a Gulf state ally. Despite having taken U.S. diplomats hostage in 1979, the Iranians see no reason for U.S. hostility. And, despite having been defeated repeatedly in their efforts to destroy Israel, Arab nations still resent and deplore its right to exist.

Expecting this state of delusion and dementia to see things “our way” is a fool’s game. What they understand, in between recovering from their latest defeat, is the determined application of power to repulse or deter their next misstep. They never learn. Never.

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Alan has a daily blog called Warning Signs. His latest book is Right Answers: Separating Fact from Fantasy.

Alan can be reached at
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Geketa Holman

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/7/2008 5:05:12 PM

From the Desk of Michael Reagan

Friday, Nov. 7

Dear Conservative Friend,

It's official: America has its first truly Socialist president... and it's the Republican Party's fault.

No, scratch that -- it's the so-called "leaders" of the GOP who are at fault for this humiliating defeat -- and I say it's time to name names and make heads roll in our party. Because, my fellow conservatives, we have been BETRAYED by the very people who promised that, if we would just elect them, they would get into office and vote OUR conservative values.


But we CAN resurrect it -- IF we start TODAY to take action, by both booting out our failed fake-conservative "leadership" AND vowing to FIGHT tooth and nail against the coming tidal wave of destructive, anti-American legislation that's now heading our way... thanks to Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

We CAN fight back -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

As I sit here looking at yesterday's election results -- maps, vote tallies, exit polls, state and national results, and much more -- I have to say that, like many of you, I'm in a state of shock.

Not because I'm surprised, mind you -- I warned you that this would happen if the Republican Party nominated John McCain for president.

Yes, I was right... but believe me, that doesn't make me happy. What it makes me... is angry.

  • Angry at the Democrats, of course. Once again, they ran a campaign full of lies and hate-filled attacks, from Obama's claims that he had "never heard" his racist pastor's anti-American rhetoric over a 20-year period of time, to his claims that his terrorist friend Bill Ayers was "just a guy in the neighborhood," to outright slanderous speech against Governor Sarah Palin... but hey, I expect the Democrats to act that way. It's their nature.
  • Angry at the "moderate" (meaning liberal) Rockefeller-wing of the Republican Party, who tried to kill the idea of grassroots involvement of hardworking, patriotic, conservative Americans in our party. There's NO grassroots activism when the Rockefeller wing's philosophy prevails; that wing of the party consists of "kingmakers" operating from behind the throne, while the Reagan wing of the party has always lived and thrived at the grassroots, where the real Americans live. When the Rockefeller-wing philosophy prevails, the GOP loses. When the Reagan wing is in control, we win.
  • Angry with President Bush because he was unwilling to stop Republican Congressional leaders from overspending and because his administration failed to lay the blame for the financial crisis at the feet of Rep. Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd that protected Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from reform.
  • Angry at the so-called "leaders" of our party, who promised us that if we'd just vote for who they put up for election, we'd finally get what we wanted: smaller government, lower taxes, dramatically lower spending, pro-life laws, pro-marriage constitutional amendments, pro-American economics... well, YOU AND I put them in power, and they gave us nothing but BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG DEFICITS, and LIBERAL COMPROMISES.

I say, NO MORE! Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

As bad as yesterday's election results were, I believe there IS "light at the end of the tunnel" -- I believe we now have the opportunity to finally turn out these fake "leaders" that have betrayed conservatism and given us Barack Obama. We have the opportunity to bring back the Reagan wing of the Republican Party, to slow down the socialist legislation from Pelosi and Reid, and to restore this great Republic to its original ideals of basic self-evident truths: our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This is our chance, friend. It may be our ONLY chance to save our Party -- and it may be our LAST chance to save our country.

Here's what I'm doing to help make that happen: Today, I'm officially launching a new website, This is no wimpy little website with some news articles and a bunch of editorial writers griping about how bad things are. The time for "just talking" is OVER -- now is the time for ACTION!

Every day, we'll give the members of this site -- our own "Reagan Activists" -- the information they need in order to take real grassroots action to counter the greatest political threat we've ever faced within our own government. It won't take a lot of time -- usually only a few minutes a day -- but the political payout will be HUGE!

Here are some of the things that YOU AND I will be able to do at

  • STOP LIBERAL BILLS -- We can expect an immediate onslaught of extreme liberal bills to be "fast-tracked" through Congress and signed by Obama. We will constantly be on the watch for these bills -- and every time they get introduced, we'll alert our Activists to literally FLOOD Capitol Hill with millions of phone calls, faxes, emails and even hand-delivered letters and petitions, DEMANDING that our elected legislators do what WE say, or else face our wrath at the next election!
  • FIGHT LIBERAL EXECUTIVE ORDERS -- You can be sure that President Obama (oh, how that phrase terrifies me!) will get right to work on Day One, issuing Executive Orders that will make your skin crawl: repealing pro-life presidential directives, ordering agencies to fund far-left groups like ACORN and the ACLU, signing over American sovereignty to the United Nations and the European Union... he's got a long list! But for every liberal (and usually unconstitutional) Executive Order that Barack Obama issues, we'll alert our Activists to BARRAGE the White House with even MORE phone calls, faxes, emails and even hand-delivered letters and petitions, DEMANDING that he "reverse course" on those Orders or face a Republican Congress in 2010!
  • EXPOSE LIBERAL CORRUPTION -- With the Democrats back in power in both Congress and the White House, you KNOW that they'll be falling right back into their habits of taking lobbyists' money under the table, trading votes for campaign contributions, spying on and sabotaging Republican legislative plans, covering up their leaders' sexual "flings," and spending taxpayer money on personal expenses like never before. But this time, YOU AND I will be there every step of the way, making sure that no stone is left unturned, every dark corner is filled with light, and every illegal act is paid for with censure, impeachment, recalls, investigations, and jail time for every criminal we expose in Washington, D.C.
  • COUNTER THE LIBERAL MEDIA -- Whenever any of these things take place, we'll be directing our "Reagan Activists" to constantly fill the news media with letters to the editor, guest editorials, and news articles detailing the socialistic and corrupt policies of the new liberal regime, and offering America a better way -- the way of freedom... the CONSERVATIVE way.

Together, we CAN save America from the new liberal regime! Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

And don't forget -- I'll also be spreading the word the same way I do already: by writing nationally-syndicated columns each week, and by speaking to over five million listeners each and every weekday on my nationwide radio show!

We MUST do this. Really -- what choice do we have, except to fight back and WIN? As my father, President Ronald Reagan, once said, "We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow."

My father wasn't afraid to call evil what it was -- and neither am I. He defeated the "Evil Empire" called the Soviet Union -- but now we face a new "Evil Empire." It's called Socialism, and it's taken over our once-free nation through the victories of Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

We do NOT have to give up. We do NOT have to slink into some dark corner and lick our wounds. This is OUR MOMENT TO SHINE -- and that's why I'm launching!

Like I said before, when the Reagan wing is in control, we win. We don't need kingmakers; we need workers, and until we get them we'll stay the minority party. We don't need to keep the toady liberals who call themselves the "leaders" of the Republican Party; we need conservatives to TAKE BACK the Republican Party, and GET RID OF those losers!

WILL YOU JOIN ME, and hundreds of thousands of your fellow conservative activists nationwide? Let's show these liberals what real REAGAN Republicans can do, when WE'RE in charge of the GOP!

Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

With Hope in the Future,
Michael Reagan

P.S.  Already, the new radical regime in Washington, D.C. is planning their first legislative attacks on America:

  • Huge increases in payroll and income taxes;
  • Redistributionist "share the wealth" policies;
  • Repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act;
  • Forcing faith-based groups to hire gays;
  • Repeal all state regulations on abortion through FOCA;
  • Require taxpayer funding of abortion through Medicaid;
  • Block all efforts to "Drill Here, Drill Now" in America;
  • Impose universal health care through job-killing employer mandates;
  • Appoint activists liberal Supreme Court judges;
  • Kill conservative talk radio by re-instituting the "Fairness Doctrine";
  • Require comprehensive sex education from the earliest grades in public schools;
  • Enforce bilingual education in the public schools;
  • Allow convicted felons to vote;
  • Take secret ballot voting away from workers deciding on whether to unionize...

The list goes on and on and on...

And it's up to YOU AND I to stop them! Don't let the door slam shut on this opportunity to make a difference...

Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!

Thank you!

Policy Issues Institute
30011 Ivy Glen Dr. #223
Dept Code 1872
Laguna Niguel, CA 92577

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/8/2008 9:58:21 AM

Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal  ((youtube id="_MGT_cSi7Rs"))((/youtube))

New Obama Chief of Staff, Others on Board, Missed "Red Flags" of Alleged Fraud Scheme


Freddie Mac agreed to pay a $50 million penalty in 2007 to settle the SEC complaint and four top executives of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation were charged with negligent conduct and, like the company, agreed to settle the case without admitting or denying the allegations.

The actions by Freddie Mac are cited by some economists as the beginning of the country's economic meltdown.

The federal government this year was forced to take over Freddie Mac and a sister federal mortgage agency, Fannie Mae, pledging at least $200 billion in public funds.

Freddie Mac records have been subpoenaed by the Justice Department as part of its investigation of the suspect accounting procedures.

Emanuel was named to the Freddie Mac board by President Bill Clinton in 2000 and resigned his position when he ran for Congress in May, 2001.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/9/2008 11:37:29 PM

Is Barack Obama a brilliant orator, captivating millions through his eloquence? Or is he deliberately using the techniques of neurolinguisti...all »

Is Barack Obama a brilliant orator, captivating millions through his eloquence? Or is he deliberately using the techniques of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), a covert form of hypnosis developed by Milton Erickson, M.D.? A fundamental tool of "conversational hypnosis" is pacing and leading - a way for the hypnotist to bypass the listener’s critical faculty by associating repeated statements that are unquestionably accurate with the message he wants to convey.

In his Denver acceptance speech, Obama used the phrases "that’s why I stand here tonight," "now is the time," and "this moment" 14 times. Paces are connected to the lead by words such as "and," "as," "because," or "that is why." For example, "we need change" (who could disagree?)"and that is why I will be your next President." Techniques of trance induction include extra slow speech, rhythm, tonalities, vagueness, visual imagery, metaphor, and raising of emotion.

Hypnotists often have patients count. In a speech after the primaries closed, Obama said: "Sixteen months have passed (paused) "Thousands" (pause) "of miles" (pause) "Millions of voices".

Hypnotists call this a distraction technique: sending the dominant hemisphere on an assignment involving linguistic processes, thus opening the nondominant hemisphere to suggestion.

Barack Obama Hypnosis NLP candidate news Islam Khalid elections news analysis grassroots Muslim religion web series Gotcha! Hannity US USA politics Almansour media Khalid Al Mansour Live birth Kenya fraud Dunham Ann Dunham Hawaii Mind Control Sharia Obama Christian Hussein voting president presidential foreign McCain Biden Mansourian Manchurian Palin candidate citizen constitution lawsuit DNC Odinga Raila Odinga Certificate Barack Hussein Obama«

((youtube id="RV_pPd4fMrY"))((/youtube))

The Malcolm X connection Is it Possible?


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/10/2008 5:03:22 PM

Without serving a day as President, Obama has reached sainthood among the global brotherhood.

The Real Obama according to his masters

 By Judi McLeod  Monday, November 10, 2008

image Well it didn’t take long.  Less than one week after the U.S. election, here comes One World Government right on cue.

Exit stage left.  Make that for the entire world, not just the elusive unproven rookie who will transform the United States of America from a democracy into Socialism.

The international financial crisis has given world leaders a unique opportunity to create a truly global economy, Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Grown will say in a keynote foreign policy speech on Monday.

“In his annual speech at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet, Brown—who has spearheaded calls for the reform of international financial institutions—will say Britain, the United States and Europe are key to forging a new world order.” (Reuters, Nov. 9, 2008).

Do any find it too much of a coincidence that international financial institutions—the world over—collapsed at the same time orchestrating the total crash of Capitalism?

At the same time, former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has advised that the Obama administration in the United States needs far-reaching `perestroika’ reforms to overcome the financial crisis and restore balance in the world.

Make that the same Gorby who had his American capitalist pig friends arrange millions of dollars for him before he even bailed out of a failing Soviet Union.

The former Soviet leader was handed the keys of a house overlooking the Golden Bridge at the Presidio and has been fomenting for revolution ever since.

A confrere of One World Order lusting, New Ager Maurice Strong, this deadly duo had the arrogance to rewrite the Ten Commandments of Moses.

If that wasn’t enough change in less than a week since the victory of President-elect Barack Hussein Obama, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan has openly named Obama the “New Beginning”.

“President-elect Obama has energized all segments of the depressed, downtrodden, rejected and despised,” he said in a 90-minute speech at Mosque Maryam on Chicago’s infamous south side.  “Now it is up to us to take the new energy that he has given us and channel that energy into making ourselves better,”

What a load of hooey!

Obama has yet to keep a single promise made to the depressed, downtrodden, rejected and despised.  He was elected in one of the most voter fraud challenged elections to date, and there are those who dare argue that he only used the downtrodden to get himself elected as U.S. president.

Notice how the global elitists seem to be speaking with one voice about dramatic changes to the world, as we know it through Obama. 

But now we know for sure what Obama meant by change.

It’s the change the big Pooh-Bahs are demanding, the end of democracy in America, the dawn of the New World Order coming at us within days of the election of their `Agent for Change’.

“…If we learn from our experience of turning unity of purpose of action, we can together seize this moment of change in our world to create a truly global society,” Brown will say in tomorrow’s address.

That’s Brown’s stampede to the New World Order.

Imagine Gorbachev, who lived comfortably in the US all these years now turning around to bite the hand that feeds him.

Gorbachev told Italy’s La Stampa that after transforming his country in the late 1980s, he had told the Americans that it was their turn to act, but that Washington, celebrating its Cold War victory, was not interested in “a new model of a society where politics, economics and morals went hand in hand”.

Why should Americans listen to a leader collecting American contributions on American soil from a man who has never denounced Communism?

He told La Stampa that “the world is waiting for Obama to act”, and that the White House needs to restore trust in cooperation with the United States among the Russians.

“This is a man of our times, he is capable of restarting dialogue, all the more since the circumstances will allow him to get out of a dead-end situation.  Barack Obama has not had a very long career, but it is hard to find faults, and he has led an election campaign winning over the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton herself.  We can judge from this that this person is capable of engaging in dialogue and understanding current realities.”

Glad that Gorbachev knows the real Obama, very few others do.

And just to think we were worried about Obama’s ties to Saul Alinsky!

Without serving a day as President, Obama has reached sainthood among the global brotherhood.

For the millions who were waiting, change came slinking out of the closet this weekend.

Problem is it is a change that will break human spirit as it takes the masses back to serfdom.

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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at:

Older articles by Judi McLeod

To reprint article, permission of the writer is required. Please email us at

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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