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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/6/2008 8:38:15 AM

Hello Folks,

I was just wondering why the Hammer and Sickle is being displayed in celebrations, by the unified at a celebration near the White House? 

Obama Supporters Wave Communist Flag at White House Rally

((youtube id="LCMcv1VF4uQ"))((/youtube))

I am not trying to spoil any one's ;celebration.  President Elect Barack Obama, has brought unity to America.  He ran an impeccable campaign.  But, you have to ask yourself "What do I really know about this man?"  What does he believe in, other than change?  What is his message?  Yes We Can?

Consider this - he spent nearly a Billion Dollars to secure a $400,000.00 a year job.  4x 4 you wind up with 1.6 million dollars in compensation.  If he serves a second term then it is 3.2 million dollars of gross income.  Does this sound rational?

Exactly what hope does a poor, poverty stricken ghetto child, truly have of duplicating this achievement?

Look friends, and I know many of you may not believe you are my friends.  But you know who I am, where I stand, have a good sense of my moral character and most of you know me as a straight talker, right or wrong and some know me as a humble and sincere person.  There is no question where I stand on a subject.  I sincerely hope I am wrong about what I believe to be true about this man and if wrong you know I will apologize and for your forgiveness.

If what I believe is true, we have made a grave mistake and by talking about it the way I do, I am placing myself and my family in grave danger.  However, someone has to try and open eyes and help us prepare for the possibility, that this man is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Once again I pray I am wrong.  But there is a preponderance of evidence, unanswered questions and a air of cover up, complacency and complicity on many of our so called leaders within this nation.

I ask that you watch the video, follow the related videos.  Look at the many forum posts, blog posts and all the power you now have at your finger tips to find out all you can about this man.  Before he takes the oath of office.

Now some information has already been hidden.  The vaulted copy of his birth certificate has been ordered locked up.  Even though it is incumbent for every candidate to the office of President is required to produce.  He has gone to great lengths to make sure we never see it, along with his college transcripts and other various records.

He has know terrorists as friends that helped launch his political career.  Sat in a church for 20 years where the preacher GD's America, has received the blessings of many known sworn enemies of America. 

Up until the DNC I would have voted as I have in the past four elections, for the democratic nominee.  I have no love for GWB, I respect the office just as I respect the office today, therefore BHO has that respect.  However the respect I have for the office does not mean I have to respect the person or blindly follow to the detriment of this great nation or the world.

There is much work to do over the next two years, if the good lord is willing, to rectify this mistake and put in place the checks and balances that have gone off kilter in this election and the past 8 years under GWB.  I have heard the slips of tongue he has made regarding his Muslim, oops Christian faith.  Unlike many, I don't believe it was a slip of the tongue I believe he became too comfortable and gave us a look into the real man.

Please do your research, we shall see if he can keep his promises.  I am eagerly awaiting for the wealth spreading.  I have my eyes on one of John McCain's houses, myself.  One of those places in a remote part of the US, with a source of water and enough ground to raise a garden and a few head of livestock.  Far away from the urban sprawl.

Monica, it ain't time to be burying your head in your bible waiting on the last days.  You have children to defend and provide them the knowledge and resources to survive in this world.  We are a strong and proud people, filled with the spirit of life, liberty and justice for all.

Now take a few days, sort yourself out and then let's roll up our sleeves and provide a real future for our children and get to work on Real Change.  This nation was led the wrong way for 8 years, but going back 232 years to a tyrranical society with one religion and all others be damned is not the legacy, I will leave for my children, grandchildren ans generations to come.

Sincerely Respectful,

Jim Allen III - Proud Free American

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/6/2008 2:21:27 PM

What the election vote REALLY shows is that the American people have not necessarily shifted to the left

Post-Election thoughts for Obama opponents on how to cope with the Obama election tragedy

 By Aaron I. Reichel, Esq.  Thursday, November 6, 2008

imageAn American hero has fallen like a ripe old acorn in part because of a tainted ACORN and its many trainers (including Obama) and trainees. How can anyone find comfort in the wake of such a tragedy? The truths of their values and agendas have been disclosed but not widely and effectively enough to reach enough of the American electorate. In a universe where cream inevitably rises to the top, and dirt inevitably sinks to the bottom, the time is sure to come when the truth about Obama will seep in to the consciousness of the majority of the American people, and the people who lied to the American people and who misled them will inevitably be thrown out of office.

The fact that the election was so close in terms of the popular vote (3% above 50% for Obama and 4% below for McCain)  means there has not really been a significant shift in the views of most Americans. The fact that the map remains more red than blue illustrates that the tragedy can’t compare to the opposite dominance of Reagan in his reelection, when he won virtually every state in the union. The fact that the Democrats failed to put together a filibuster-proof super-majority may also give some solace to those who saw through the lies and misrepresentations of the Democrats 
What the election vote REALLY shows is that the American people have not necessarily shifted to the left, considering that the vote reflected
1) the economic crisis,
2) the Iraq War,
3) the fact that McCain was outspent by so much;
4) the fact that McCain did not even mention most of the most powerful arguments in his favor (which are summarized in this author’s article that can be Googled under “What the Republicans SHOULD Be Saying,” and the Canada Free Press, Oct. 5, 2008); and
5) the fact that the vote was based on so many fundamental misrepresentations by Obama.

Media coverups and Palin put-downs

The many cover-ups of Obama’s misrepresentations and unfair put-downs of Palin by the press will inevitably be exposed in full daylight. One doesn’t need the Freedom of Information Act on the federal level, or Freedom of Information Laws on the local level, to ascertain or evaluate the lies that were covered up by the mainstream press. So on what basis can seekers of the truth be optimistic that the press will change after Obama comes to power? Even Obama claims to have advocated change, and a change in the agenda of the press will inevitably bite Obama to the core. The press gave Obama a “free pass” because its agenda was to help him get into office at any cost, and at the expense of the truth and the American people. But now that Obama has been elected, the free press will consider itself free to expose the outright lies and misrepresentations on which his phenomenally effective and unprecedented campaign was based. Historically, the press normally seeks out scandals, and one wonders whether one of the reasons for the press’ former agenda to support Obama was that members of the press knew in their hearts that Obama would provide fodder for exposes of scandal for years to come. Just as the press had originally supported McCain and the Clintons, and then turned on them, history is likely to repeat itself in the case of Obama. McCain had been cleared of guilt in the case of the Keating Five, but the scandals in Obama’s closets have failed to be mined or disclosed in the mainstream press.
The mainstream press managed to con the American people into thinking that the campaign of McCain was guilty of focusing on negativity, whereas if anything the opposite is true, and backed by far more money whose sources are far more questionable.

The biggest question of all is how the press let Obama get away with violating his commitment to accept governmental finite funds in lieu of infinite fund raising, thereby double-crossing McCain into a corner, the same McCain who had fought long and hard for this reform to level the playing field.

Readers of the mainstream press missed the point about Ayers

The terrorist past of William Ayers should have been and will be shown to have been the least of the objections of Obama’s associations with him. What should concern most Americans more is that Obama ridiculed the devastatingly true allegations about his associations with Ayers as an activist adult and lied, at first, in falsely indicating that his only association with Ayers was as a neighbor after being 8 years old when the terrorist acts were committed – and never repudiated. In fact, Obama and Ayers shared leadership positions and radical ideas together as adults, in ways that have been documented elsewhere (Stanley Kurtz, Wall Street Journal, Sept. 23, 2008) but not yet brought to the attention of the mainstream public. The cover-up won’t be allowed to persist.

The real “first black president.”

Imprecise Republicans claimed that Obama’s political campaign was launched in Ayers’ living room, giving the Clintonian Obama an opening through which to point out that the official launching of his political career took place elsewhere, without denying that one of his early “meet and greet” fund raisers was indeed held in the Ayers’ living room. Clinton may have indeed claimed the figurative title of “the first Black president,” but Obama has earned the ironic title of the second Clintonian president. So in terms of governing style, an argument can be made that, in a second irony, nothing has in fact changed!

Readers of the mainstream press missed the point about Wright

The cover-up of the Wright connection is significant not so much for the fact that Obama sat in Wright’s church for so long; many people don’t pay attention to their pastors’ sermons, whether pasteurized or not, and should not be held accountable for what their pastors say, although exceptions might be made for pastors as anti-American and as hateful as Wright.. What most people do not realize is the extent of the closeness between the pastor and the politician. As Nixon discovered upon threat of impeachment, lying about what happened can sometimes be more damaging than simply admitting what happened. Then, in Obama’s case, denying that he knew what his pastor was saying for 20 years calls into question his ability to react promptly to simple intellectual stimuli. How can we trust a person to put his finger on the nuclear trigger if he is so slow as to take 20 years to notice what his pastor stood for, and who could not make up his mind but voted “aye” over 100 times as a legislator.

The comparisons to Palin

The comparisons to Palin will inevitably be exposed, as well. Obama was made out by the press to be the smooth talking intellectual, while Palin was impaled  unfairly by Saturday Night Live and other mainstream sources. Actually, although Obama proved he could memorize the same campaign speech over and over again and read from teleprompters very fluently, he routinely hesitated and paused repeatedly and most dysfluently through interviews. Only after Palin’s high-pressured inaugural speech at the Republican convention did people find out that the teleprompter was not synchronized because of the huge applause she received, so she had to improvise on her own. I recall noting at the time that she glanced at her notes rather than at the teleprompter, demonstrating amazing presence during the most intense pressure imaginable. Similarly, although shortly after she entered the national spotlight, she was criticized for her response about the “Bush Doctrine,” post interview pundits argued about at least 4 different definitions for it, and concluded that even Bush himself never used the term. Palin, incidentally, was as smooth and cool as a cucumber during her interviews.

Negative Campaigning

In terms of negative campaigning, the mean-spirited Obama campaign repeatedly focused on McCain’s age and torture-induced disabilities (incurred while he was defending Obama’s right to say whatever he feels like saying), rather than his time-tested values, and McCain proved through and including Election Day that he remains more energetic than many if not most people half his age; Obama blamed the current economic crisis on “eight years of Bush’s failed policies,” whereas the Republicans’ actual failure was their failure to point out that the stock market was going up for most of the first six years of the Bush presidency, but the economy came close to collapse only after the Democrats captured control of Congress for the last two years. The Republicans generally failed to drive home the fact that the underlying cause for the economic collapse was the formation by Democrats of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and the pressure by Democrats and entities like Obama’s ACORN to force banks to make loans to people who could not be expected to be able to pay them back in the event of an inevitable downturn in the economy.  The Republicans failed to drive home the fact that Obama had fueled the fire, and that McCain had tried to put it out.


On Iraq, Obama and his cohorts blamed McCain for the Bush Administration’s failure to win the peace in Iraq promptly after America won both wars. What the Republicans failed to drive home was that experts in the intelligence community that had been appointed by Democrats as well as leaders throughout the world believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, so that at worse Bush erred as did everyone else, but did not consciously lie, any more than did the African-American hero Colin Powell who made the case on behalf of the Bush Administration. Even had there been no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq at the end of the Second Gulf War (which remains a matter o f contention), it is now clear that Saddam’s plan was to rebuild his arsenal of WMD after the weapons inspectors would leave, and if he was capable of invading Kuwait with limited WMD, he was surely capable of invading the dominant powers of the Middle East upon rebuilding his arsenal to a more potent degree than previously. Had Obama’s plea for the immediate withdrawal of America from Iraq been adhered to, America would have lost the war in disgrace, emboldening future tyrants like Hussein; the surge that McCain advocated has enabled the United States to essentially complete the job and win the war so that the Americans can gradually continue to return to their country with honor, and Hussein-like tyrants will have to consider American reactions to acts that endanger the future of the free world, if not while Barack is in power, at least after he will be defeated the next time around.

The Youth Vote

The youth vote will quickly become disillusioned when they discover the first time the impossibility of Obama’s being able to keep many if not most of his campaign promises, especially during the present recession. Even if he will be able to technically keep income taxes down for the middle class, at first, he will inevitably raise all kinds of other taxes; rich Americans will find loopholes, will pass off taxes in higher prices for goods and services, and/or will take their assets and their businesses out of the country if taxed too highly, resulting in a smaller base of rich taxpayers and working middle class American citizens. So the young people who voted for Obama are sure to be disillusioned long before Congress will come up for re-election.

If Obama will really give African-Americans preferential treatment, as many of them have been led to expect, the middle class will presumably come to its senses, and if Obama won’t give African-Americans preferential treatment, then many if not most of the African-Americans who voted for him will accuse him of representing Uncle Tom rather than Uncle Sam.

The bottom line: There is every reason to expect that the lines Obama has given to the American people will be exposed as rapidly as his rise from obscurity, and that the lines at the polls the next time around will reflect the disillusionment that should begin on Inauguration Day. (If, however, Obama will leave his rhetoric behind and actually change himself into a centrist, and not the country into a sickly socialist entity, I will be happy to cast this article into oblivion, but in that case he will probably lose his base and perhaps be sent into oblivion himself!)

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Aaron I. Reichel, Esq., a member of the Federal and State Bars in New York and New Jersey, is the author of Fahrenheit 9-12 – Rebuttal to Fahrenheit 9/11, a moderate and reasoned response to critics of some significant policies of the prior Republican ticket.

Aaron can be reached at

Aaron I. Reichel, Esq. most recent columns
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/6/2008 2:23:19 PM

China air show, debut of the J-10

Chinese Show and Tell

 By Online  Thursday, November 6, 2008

The most advanced Chinese fighter plane to date made its public debut at the biennial China Air Show here this week, and it was an impressive sight. The pilot wowed onlookers with a series of maneuvers reminiscent of “Top Gun,” including sharp turns, a near-vertical climb and a 360-degree rotation. The plane, dubbed the J-10, is the centerpiece of Beijing’s military aerospace program. The message is clear: China’s military is arriving, and fast.

The biennial air show in this southern city is unique because it’s the closest glimpse most people can get of China’s secretive aerospace aspirations. Even then, it’s an imperfect window. Some of the models displayed might be more aspirational than practical, and there’s a strong likelihood the military holds back especially interesting material. U.S.-based defense analyst Richard D. Fisher likens the Zhuhai event to a “clear view through a key hole.”

Still, it’s instructive. More technology is on display this year than ever before. The J-10—China’s answer to the F-16—is the star. The Pentagon notes the J-10’s utility in “anti-access/area-denial,” or keeping the enemy out of a particular patch of land, sea or air. Its body is modeled on Israel’s Lavi fighter program of the 1980s (the similarities are obvious, though both sides deny it) and it has, for now at least, a Russian engine. The Chinese are developing their own Taihang turbofan engine for the J-10, and after more than a decade of trials, a model of the Taihang is also on display in Zhuhai this week.

One thing is clear: At the broadest level, China is intent on rivaling the U.S. as a military superpower. In part Beijing will achieve this by catching up to the U.S. in terms of China's own capabilities (see, for example, the J-10 program, the space mission, or those unmanned vehicles).

Taiwan appears to be one focus of military planning. The J-10 is a Chinese answer to the F-16, 150 of which America sold to Taiwan in 1992 and more of which Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou would like to buy. The antiship C-602 and C-705 missiles, with a range up to 280 kilometers, could be used to deter U.S. naval intervention in any cross-Strait conflict.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/6/2008 3:42:14 PM

Wake UP Sheeple

((youtube id="GSKM7nXwln8"))((/youtube))

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/7/2008 10:29:54 AM

Obama: Most extreme leftist in U.S. political history

We’re ALL Democrats Now! With New Rules of Engagement

 By JB Williams  Friday, November 7, 2008

The 2008 election is over and a new American era is on the way. The representative republic is on life support and we are operating, as Thomas Jefferson put it, as a democracy, “nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”

The 63 million Americans, who voted for Barack Hussein Obama, believe it is “their time” to “make history” and “change America” from the land of the free and home of the brave it has been for 232 years, to something that has failed repeatedly all over the globe.

We watched the mob party in Chicago, Kenya, and the Gaza Strip. The new 51% aim to take away the rights of the other 49% as soon as possible and even known international terrorists are dancing in the streets with the news of president-elect Barack Hussein Obama.

Martin Luther King’s dream of a time when black people would be judged on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin has been set back decades, maybe forever.

Obama was elected on the basis of his “history making” skin color. 63 million Americans gave Obama a complete pass on character and voted for what they think is a black man. As Obama is only 1/8th African, they couldn’t even get that right. As they will soon learn the hard way, they elected an Arab-Muslim, not a black Christian.

But the American people have spoken. They wanted “change” and change they shall have…

Obamanation – The First 100 Days

  • Tax cuts for 95% of Americans, which includes me according to Obama (the other 5% can go to hell)
  • The Fair Indoctrination Plan, (aka Fairness Doctrine) will silence all opposition to Obama’s Marxist Plan
  • No more fighting terror abroad - Let them come to us for a change… or should I say, again.
  • The coming terror war at home will require a national police force, aka Black Panther Power
  • No more private gun ownership is needed - every home will get a brown-shirt to stand guard
  • The unbridled right to kill our young any way, any time we like, even after birth
  • Free Health Care for the poor – more expensive and less accessible health care for all others
  • Record breaking Washington corruption and tyrannical national governance
  • Corporate corruption will work inside the administration now
  • Twelve million new Democrat Party registrants, as all illegals are given full citizenship including voting rights
  • Reduced carbon emissions, since few will be able to afford to drive anymore
  • New jobs for defunct auto manufacturing workers, building wind mills and solar panels on the federal payroll
  • A return to the gold standard, since a dollar won’t be worth a dime
  • The financial markets will continue to collapse as investors continue to flee America in search of safe havens for their assets before Obama can be sworn into office
    This is just some of what I believe we can look forward to in the first 100 days. It will take a few years for the 63 million Americans who wanted “change” to figure out what the rest of the world already knows, - socialism doesn’t work. The 5% Obama promises to rob on behalf of his constituents have already changed investment strategies to protect their earned assets. By the time Obama arrives on their doorstep, the cupboard will be empty.

    63 million Americans voted for a “black man” and got an Arab. They voted for a “Christian” and got a Muslim. They voted for a “leader” and got a man who has never led anything in his life. They voted for a “moderate” and got the most extreme leftist in U.S. political history. They voted to rob their “rich” neighbor, but the neighbor is leaving town before they can. They’re on a roll…

    Our New Rules of Engagement

    But fear not… We have a few “changes” of our own.

    The days of appeasement and bi-partisan compromise are over. Republican members of congress will wake up every morning with one thought in their mind, filibuster. You can’t pass bills you can’t bring to a vote. Democrats taught us that. Republicans have relegated themselves to full time professional obstructionists. Their sole function for the next two years is to blockade the full-scale assault on personal freedom and individual liberty which will define the Obama era.

    Live by mob rule, die by mob rule. Those are our new rules of engagement and we can already see some early results.

    California citizens passed Proposition 8 banning all same-sex marriages by way of state constitutional amendment. They are the 28th state to do so and the mob has spoken… Mob rule works for Democrats, it can work for us too. If 51% of Americans can decide to take away the rights and property of the other 49%, surely 52% can decide what the definition of marriage is…

    Under democratic rules of engagement, we must demand a national referendum on everything, including the right to life versus the right to kill.

    Democrats demand that we retreat from the war on terror because a majority of Americans want it. Well, guess what else a majority of Americans want? An even larger majority want an end to abortion on demand. Most Americans want a smaller, less expensive and less intrusive federal government. As Obama said, his victory was a victory for all Americans who thought they had lost their voice in Washington. So, all tax issues must be decided by the people by way of referendum now. This is “democracy.” The mob rules…

    Obama promises a transparent administration whereby the people would know what Washington was up to and that the people would decide what’s right for America, not corrupt Washington politicians and lobbyists. So, no more late-night, backroom deals or hidden piggyback pork-barrel bribes, at the expense of the American taxpayer. Obama needs to take every initiative to the people for approval before hand. It’s the only democratic thing to do and the only way he can hope to keep his campaign promise for the most transparent administration in history. It’s also the only way he can work with the support of the American people.

    If Obama does what he promised in this regard, maybe he really can unite the nation??? The people want a say in what Washington is doing. If Obama really gives the people that voice, he could be a real hero.

    We can do this on every issue under the sun. Obama says he is returning the power to the American people. I say, lets join in and make sure he knows what the people really want! And if by chance he was not serious about any of those campaign promises, well then…

    Thomas Jefferson told us exactly what to do in this situation

    “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Clearly, we have been silent way too long! Tyranny gained more than a foothold in the 2008 election. It’s time for all men and women of good conscience to be silent no more.

    Jefferson said – “A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.”

    I don’t have to tell you, but this is NOT the kind of government Barack Obama described in his campaign. He’s been very clear about this, if nothing else.

    Jefferson - “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” American leftists have been “wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them” for decades now and Obama promised a vast acceleration of that process. But it’s not what most people (the mob) want.

    “An enemy generally says and believes what he wishes.” And that’s exactly what Barack Obama and his adoring press did. They sold socialism under the guise of “progressive” governance; - they lied their way past 63 million unsuspecting Americans. But in doing it, they made promises they had no intention of keeping. Now it’s up to the people to make them keep those promises…

    Too often in the past, “our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also.” I must say, I really like how Jefferson thinks!

    Obama has voted for a ban on all hand guns and assault rifles. He raised taxes on ammunition 500% in Chicago. He opposes a right to carry firearms for purpose of self-defense even though over 2 million violent crimes are stopped each year by legal gun owners. He has even voted to take away the peoples right to keep arms as a means of self-defense within their own homes.

    Once again, Jefferson provides the solution, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” More than a few red state good-ole-boys will be happy to explain this one when Obama comes for those guns he fears so much…

    Jefferson stated that “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Yet this is the centerpiece of the Obama-Biden administration. To use the weight and power of the federal government to “force” men to “subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors;”

    We have simply been way too tolerant for far too long. Out of complete ignorance, 63 million Americans elected a man they know literally nothing about. Through patient incremental subversive infestation of our founding American principles and values, the anti-American left has reached the stage of critical masse whereby the new 51% think they can take away the rights of the other 49%. This is the “change” they have in mind.

    But I say “live free or die!”

    And when all else fails, Jefferson told us what to do...

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    For those who believe the basic right to life is “alienable” by men, no rights are “unalienable.” Men, who have no respect for human life itself, have no respect for anything or anyone. The people who elected Barack Hussein Obama have no respect for your earned assets, your freedom to prosper, your right to self-determination of any kind or even your right to life itself. So, it is likely to get very ugly before it gets better. The people behind Obama are not average Americans. They are average anti-Americans… and they are coming for the rest of us soon.

    We don’t wait until 2010 or 2012 to fight. We stand here, now, today. Push has officially come to shove. Conservatives must stop whining, unite and fight. As bad as it is… it can get worse, and it will if conservatives let it.

    Barack Obama ran on a centrist message. It was all a lie, but that no longer matters. The people bought it. Now it is up to the people to make him keep those centrist and even some conservative campaign promises. He had no intention of keeping any of those promises. But he made those promises and the people have a right and an obligation to make him keep those promises.

    If Obama retreats to his true nature after the election, as an anti-American anti-white hard left Arab appeaser, the American people, those who voted for him in particular, and even those who didn’t, have a right and an obligation to hold his feet to the fire.

    63 million voters set the stage and the rules of engagement. These 63 million Americans now have an obligation to make Obama keep his word. Let the games begin!

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    JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. JB Williams’ website is

    JB Williams can be reached at:

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