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One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/5/2008 3:03:11 PM

Taxing the rich, taxing polluters, giving homeless mortgages

Canadians to Americans: Don’t call us socialists!

 By Arthur Weinreb  Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We as Canadians are used to being called socialists, commies or worse by our neighbours to the south. Even those of us in Canada who are on the right of the political spectrum, as few as there may be, use those appellations to describe the country in which the highest form of treason is a medical doctor who would want to charge a patient for the most minor of medical procedures. But that was then; and this is now.

Canada is a left leaning country while the United States, at least until last night was regarded as leaning to the right. We even have a legitimate real socialist party; a true third party that consistently wins seats in Parliament while obtaining percentage votes in the mid to high teens.  Although the New Democratic Party (NDP) has been successful in gaining power in some provinces, the party has never come close to governing the country. Despite the image that is portrayed of Canada, we have never been governed by a real socialist in the mold of President-elect Barack Hussein Obama.

While Canada is now governed by the Conservative Party of Canada that has won two minority governments and has been in power since January 2006, the country is usually governed by the Liberal Party of Canada, aka the Natural Governing Party. Even when the Liberals are headed by someone from the left of that party, where current leader Stéphane Dion emerged from, we have never been led by someone who is as far to the left as Barack Obama.

The Liberals and the NDP are big government tax and spend parties. During the past few federal elections, the Liberal Party has vowed to make poverty history by (fill in the date). Their way to end poverty is to give money to those who are below the poverty line and the only way to get this money is through taxes. Since the poor don’t have any money to confiscate, these taxes are aimed at those whom these parties refer to as the “rich” including corporations. Notwithstanding this, Commie Canada has never had a leader or a party that was in power speak in terms of spreading the wealth around because somehow those damn rich people just have too much money. Nor have we ever had a reporter quote Karl Marx to a major candidate and ask how Marx differs from their policies. It was never necessary.

During last month’s election, the Liberals lost in large part because of leader Dion’s “Green Shift” plan that would see polluters (ie successful industries) heavily taxed while promising tax refunds to ordinary Canadians. What the populace saw through was that as good as it sounds, polluters never really pay. They fork over more money to the government and then pass this additional cost over to the end consumer. The Green Shift still would have had a devastating effect on those industries that would be subject to these higher taxes if for no other reason than it would make these companies less competitive. Had the Liberals won, some companies in certain industries may have gone bankrupt but that would have simply been an unintended consequence that often results when small “l” liberals enact their policies. Canada has never had a leader who flippantly remarked that companies and industries would go bankrupt as a stated result of their intended policies like the President-elect told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle would happen to the coal industry under an Obama presidency.

While Canadian governments have taxed heavily in order to spend on their pet projects, they have never taken money away from corporations and the rich just because they think it is wrong for them to have it. That is true socialism and if it exists anywhere in North America it is in the United States of America. As an aside, no homeless or low income person in Canada has ever been granted a mortgage just because they wanted one without having to demonstrate the ability to pay it back.  Like most true socialist countries, there will be a lot of unhappy campers if this money isn’t fully redistributed a few days after President Obama is sworn in as president.

While candidates of all major parties that are out of power campaign on some notion of change, we have never had a leader (except for the Quebec separatist party whose possibility of power is mathematically impossible) who have campaigned on the notion of “fundamental” change, ie that the country is so bad that it must be completely changed. The fundamental change that Obama has spoken about can only be tearing down the capitalistic structure of the United States and becoming a socialist paradise like all the similar paradises that exist around the world.

So if Americans insist on still referring to Canada as a socialist country, well, we’ll just have a good chuckle.

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Arthur Weinreb is an author, columnist and Associate Editor of Canada Free Press. His work has appeared on, Men’s News Daily, Drudge Report,, Glenn Beck.

Arthur can be reached at:

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/5/2008 4:20:17 PM

The days of massive oppression have just begun

USA:  On Becoming a Marxist-run Nation

 By Sher Zieve  Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Despite the gratuitous rhetoric that the American people and the world were subject to—during the 2008 US presidential election—opposition to now President Elect Barack Hussein Obama had little to nothing to do with race.  But, it had everything to do with ideology.  We who opposed and still oppose this man for president of the United States of America oppose him because he is a Marxist.

Although Socialism (more appropriately Communism) has been pushed into our country’s governmental systems by Democrats for years, it is now official.  With the results of last night’s elections, the people of the USA have called for the end to our republic, freedom and liberty and are demanding the beginning of tyrannical rule and the rise of the self-avowed Marxist soon to be Dictator Barack Hussein Obama.  Too late they will discover that who and what they voted into the presidency of the United States was an illusion of their own making.  Too late they will discover that what they thought they voted into office is actually just the opposite.  And too late they will realize that what they thought was truth was and is the biggest lie ever perpetrated and perpetuated on any people who have ever existed.  If you are one of these, may the Lord help you when you finally realize what you’ve done.

Becoming a Marxist nation will change—destroy—the very fabric of the country, our lives and our very ability to exist.  Unfortunately, those who voted for Mr. Obama—legally or illegally—either don’t perceive those important truths or simply don’t care.  And the RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) are almost as culpable as the far left lunatics which now comprise virtually all of the Democrat Party.  These are the faux Republicans who told us we had to be “compassionate” and “all inclusive” in order to attract “diversity to the Party.” Balderdash! 

When the Republican Party really was all inclusive, it attracted a very culturally diverse base of voters.  We won elections.  This happened under President Ronald Reagan.  And the reason we won elections is because we were—and hope to again be—a conservative party.  The reason we now keep losing elections is that the Republican Party has become liberal and “Democrat-lite.” Contrary to popular lies, conservatives do not discriminate against gender, race or religion.  We believe in and support meritocracies—those systems that reward excellence, regardless of one’s background.  But, we DO discriminate against ideologies that are bent upon the destruction of the American Republic.  That is why we oppose Barack Obama and the leftists who now run Congress.  Conservatives do not like Marxists.  In fact, as Marxists are anti-humanity, most of us detest them.

My prediction is that we are now going to experience some of the darkest days—if not the darkest—that have ever befallen this country.  Marxism—as professed by Barack Obama—will destroy both this once-great country and its people.  Harbor no doubts, my friends. The days of massive oppression have just begun.  With no one—or groups—willing to oppose him and his minions, this will be the end of the American experiment.  May the Lord God bless us all.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/5/2008 7:18:46 PM

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/5/2008 7:21:53 PM

November 05, 2008

The Shameful Treatment of the President

Clarice Feldman
In a truly magnificent op-ed in the Wall Street  Journal , Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, who at one point interned with Senator Kerry, details the shameful treatment of President Bush and its consequences:

The treatment President Bush has received from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks launched against him have been cruel and slanderous, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have. The president is not to blame for all these problems. He never lost faith in America or her people, and has tried his hardest to continue leading our nation during a very difficult time.

Our failure to stand by the one person who continued to stand by us has not gone unnoticed by our enemies. It has shown to the world how disloyal we can be when our president needed loyalty -- a shameful display of arrogance and weakness that will haunt this nation long after Mr. Bush has left the White House.


My thoughts exactly. He is an honorable, decent man who courageously acted to save this nation.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Re: One final report before we begin the progress of regrouping, organizing and setting priorities a lot can happen in 2 years... Note to all It Ain't Over
11/5/2008 8:32:05 PM

November 05, 2008
The American Eagle Needs Two Wings to Soar
By Jay Rooney
More than a week before Election Day, a prominent MSNBC commentator was clearly irritated that McCain was continuing to campaign strongly and, at least in her view, with extreme negative attacks.  She surmised that the only purpose behind this campaign push must be to undermine (her word) the upcoming Obama presidency. 

It was the unity talking point straight from the Obama campaign playbook.  Along with hope and change, it makes a great campaign platform for middle school class president but mocks the values of the greatest economic and military power in the history of the planet.  People shouldn't need to be reminded that our nation's highest value is liberty.  Remember "pay any price, bear any burden . . . to assure the survival and the success of liberty" in Kennedy's inaugural speech?  In contrast, Obama whines about the costs of the war to liberate the Iraqi people and how he could better spend those funds on ever-expanding day care and early childhood education.

Now that he's won, letting The Great Unifier rule without opposition would be risky and inimical to the American political tradition.  Obama is peddling the tired notion that America is weary of the divisiveness of partisan politics but his own record shows no evidence of unifying ability.  It's obvious that people are frustrated by Congress' inability to make even the most minor progress on the great issues of our day, but partisan bickering is only a symptom of a general lack of leadership in both houses and both parties - and not something the election came close to solving.  Aside from being great entertainment, aggressively partisan debates are just a standard part of making laws, and they're real debates, not the sanitized snoozers put on by a debate commission.

The energy and enthusiastic support behind the newly-elected Obama will be used by the media to claim a mandate and intimidate or discourage opposition.  Here are five reasons to ignore that story line and gear up for a long fight:

Slow him down

It's critically important to slow the we-are-the-change-we-need momentum - the worst ensues when politicians act with haste.  Much of Obama's support isn't serious, and derives from his cult celebrity status, making it unsustainable for more than a few more months.  The O-logo on t-shirts and baseball caps (has a President ever had his own logo before?), the chanting youth, and the Che Guevara-like images of Obama staring off in the distance, as if at a Jumbotron image of himself, are downright creepy.  Americans are notoriously fickle when it comes to celebrity and are likely to move on quickly after the inauguration - like the Super Bowl or Academy Awards, his victory will soon be yesterday's news.  How do we know this?  Several media outlets interviewed adoring and vocal Obama supporters regarding his policy platform and most knew almost nothing about it.  The outrageous Howard Stern took it a step further and presented McCain's policies to Harlem voters as Obama's policies - they wholeheartedly supported those policies.  Perhaps Obama can keep the celebrity attention by offering Barbra Streisand a cabinet post.

Prevent damaging no-growth economic policies

Obama pushed economic policies throughout his campaign that are little more than fuzzy concepts and obviously unaffordable.  Most of the details provided by the campaign, like his soak-the-rich tax plan, are little more than recycled Democrat policy platforms from the 70s.  Obama's silly available-by-phone response to the financial crisis, and his subsequent support of a pork-laden bailout package, shows a disturbing unfamiliarity with basic economic policy.  He was outwardly hostile to the notion of a federal spending freeze in the face of a sputtering economy and $10 trillion in national debt. The economy is fundamentally strong - a John McCain statement that was ridiculed by the Obama campaign.  Then Obama adviser Warren Buffett wrote the same thing on The New York Times op-ed page several weeks later!  Obama can't be allowed to squander this strength by moving America toward the high-tax European social model at a time when those countries have decided they can't abandon that model fast enough and want to move closer to the American model. 

Avoid weakness in foreign policy

Obama supporters like to paint him as a cerebral policy wonk except that he isn't, at least not in the Clinton (Bill and Hillary both) model.  Obama has no foreign policy background at all and almost no exposure to ideas outside the left-liberal echo chamber where he has lived his entire adult life.  There's almost no paper trail of original thoughts and ideas.  Bill Clinton at least recognized that an Arkansas governor needs brushing up on foreign policy but Obama clearly doesn't know what he doesn't know and hasn't shown the intellectual curiosity of a Clinton.

Of great concern are: Obama's neutral response to Russia's invasion of Georgia (hint to Obama: Russia was the aggressor), his Berlin speech, the all-but-planned meeting with Ahmadinejad, his statement endorsing the rights of oppressed Palestinians, his dithering support for Israel, and his public disagreement with Gen. Petraeus and the Iraq President over the war strategy.  Joe Biden is correct (once in a great while) that Obama is likely to be tested by America's enemies and his response will affect America's standing in the world.  His foreign policy naiveté has drawn sharp criticism from Australia and Europe, including the French president.  What could be more embarrassing than French accusations of weakness?

Capitalize on his inexperienced leadership and poor judgment

It's very possible some bad policies will gain traction in the Democrat-controlled Congress and Obama will be their chief salesperson.  The only option will be to assail his leadership.  Despite the oratory, it isn't clear Obama has natural leadership abilities - it especially shows when he's off script.  Despite the press treatment of his manufactured calm and cool persona, Obama tends to take himself too seriously and react with adolescent frustration.  Those moments are easily ridiculed and parodied.  He is likely to stumble early by forgetting the campaign is over.  Obama won't have Bush or McCain to bash and will try to blame his early difficulties on the previous administration or on recalcitrant Republicans in Congress but that won't work for long.  He may try to employ Clinton-style attack dogs to try to destroy the opposition but he doesn't have the natural political instincts and shamelessness that Clinton used to defend himself. 

The nation can ill-afford Jimmy Carter-like decisions on the domestic and international issues Obama is likely to face.  His overconfidence in his own judgment amounts to hubris and his dissembling responses to questions about his past associations suggest he's learned little.  Questions about Obama's judgment won't fade away as fast as his celebrity.  The reform façade hides a political opportunist with neither strong convictions nor a steady moral compass.  Taken together, Obama's campaign conduct and choice of friends show a consistent and disturbing pattern of poor judgment.

Counteract the Biden Effect

Vice President Joe Biden claims loudly that he's a key policy adviser to Obama, which seems somewhat doubtful, but is reason enough to worry.  Here's a man a heartbeat away from the Presidency who actually ran for President and was rejected as unfit by the voters more than once, never receiving more than 1% of the vote.  Biden received fewer votes for President nationally than Obama received running unopposed in his Illinois state senate race.

It's hard to caricature the already two-dimensional, gaffe-prone Biden.  He could be inserted without coaching into a Hollywood film role that calls for a clueless and vain politician.  His bluster and buffoonery would be humorous if it didn't have such dire consequences - he's been consistently wrong on almost every major foreign policy initiative for 30 years.  Pray for Barack Obama's health and safety, and that he doesn't listen too closely.

A spirit of generosity in opposition will be important -- the key is to be happy warriors, as William F. Buckley was fond of pointing out.  Loyal opposition is critical to make American politics work the way it should.  Critics should be prepared at the outset to be labeled racists by angry Obama supporters.  The stronger and more valid the criticism, the more likely the racist label will be applied.  They should have a reasonably good-natured response with a dose of humor and not otherwise back down.  If the Obama administration is forced to play that card early and often it will quickly lose its power.

Voters across this center-right nation ultimately decided Tuesday that if Republicans were going to act like Democrats, they may as well go ahead and elect Democrats.  That's hardly a ringing endorsement of the Obama agenda.  Democrats took over Congress two years ago and it has lower approval ratings than President Bush (17% to Bush's 25% at this writing), something the media almost always fail to mention.  Obama will gain support when he deserves it and when his ideas make sense (e.g., Clinton with NAFTA and welfare reform).  It will be apparent in the support these initiatives receive in the House of Representatives.  The country will benefit from conservatives waging the good fight with an unwavering return to low tax, small government principles - if conducted with discipline, honor, and conviction, the outcome should be pleasing in the 2010 elections.

Jay Rooney is a pen name .
65 Comments on "The American Eagle Needs Two Wings to Soar"

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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