I can appreciate what you are saying, Georgios, but lets be clear about something. First, the next US president will not be able to fix what is wrong with the world economy.
The damage has already been done and there is no stopping it now. Also, there is no difference between Obama/Mcain. They are two sides of the same coin. These men were hand selected by the "jewish lobby" so that no matter who wins...we lose.
Both parties are pushing for a bigger, more centralized, global government while taking away our liberties at the same time. Maybe this is what you would like to see, but I do not. As far as I am concerned, the US president should rule (as per the constitution...executive branch only) the USA only and stop taking on the role of global "policeman".
Both political parties are pushing for the same agenda and either one will lead us into more wars, most likely with Iran or even China.
Like I said, they are two sides of the same coin. What the USA really needs is a new coin. For real "change", we need a new coin.
Obama has already been elected by the press and tomorrow he will probably win in a landslide. At least I think that my vote counted for something. My candidate speaking here:
In any case, I pray that our leaders make the right choices across the Globe, not only in the United States.
God Bless,