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11/16/2008 12:16:49 AM


It's the media's fault ? Spare me the details. Blaming the media is a bit passive-aggressive on the part of the global population... excuse me very much... and do not lump me into that pile of combustible hot heads from MSNBC, ABC, NBC or CBS, who would not know news if it jumped up and bit them on their buttocks. All they do is report on each other and would not dare touch what Fox News offered; a spectacular job of presenting truth; it was just and honorable on all accounts.

That's my homily and I'm sticking to it.

 Joe Buccheri ;)

>>>>> on ward to the Eternal Now....

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11/16/2008 1:51:55 AM

Hi Joe,

I just had to comment here. No one lumped you into the media but you yourself said that the only Fox News reported the news fairly, honorably, truthfully and truthfully. All the rest as you so rightly said didn't.

So with 1 honorable Network and all the rest biased it not really hard to say the media is to blame.

Sodom would have been saved with only one honorable person in it but at the moment nothing can save the veracity of the media in the eyes of many people even though there is still one honorable Network out there.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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11/16/2008 7:03:58 AM
Hi All,

The blame game continues. The news have been bought and paid for by the liberals. That is a fact. If you want the news you either have to read between the lines or go to FOX.

 Thankfully we still have some laws left here in America that we all pray will bring an end to Obama's questionable citizenship issues. OBama is not going to take his set as head of the US without  patriots doing what they have always done." FIGHT BACk."

This is what we have done.

Presidential candidate Alan Keyes, AIP leaders sue in CA court to obtain Obama citizenship proof, stop Secretary of State from certifying Electors

Fenton, MINovember 14, 2008


Presidential candidate Alan Keyes, vice-presidential candidate Wiley S. Drake, and the Chairman of the American Independent Party, Markham Robinson, have filed suit in California Superior Court in Sacramento seeking to bar Secretary of State Debra Bowen from certifying to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger the names of Electors, and from transmitting to each presidential Elector a Certificate of Election, until documentary proof is produced and verified showing that Senator Obama is a “natural born” citizen of the United States, and does not hold citizenship of Indonesia, Kenya or Great Britain. 


In addition, they have asked that the court issue a peremptory writ barring Senator Obama’s California Electors from signing the Certificate of Vote until such documentary proof is produced and verified.


In response to questions about why the suit was being filed, Ambassador Alan Keyes commented, “I and others are concerned that this issue be properly investigated and decided before Senator Obama takes office.  Otherwise there will be a serious doubt as to the legitimacy of his tenure.  This doubt would also affect the respect people have for the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. I hope the issue can be quickly clarified so that the new President can take office under no shadow of doubt.  This will be good for him and for the nation.”


Former Reagan administration official Ambassador Alan Keyes and Wiley S. Drake were the 2008 presidential and vice-presidential nominees of the American Independent Party, which is the California affiliate of the new national America’s Independent Party.


Mission Viejo, California attorney Dr. Orly Taitz and United States Justice Foundation Executive Director Gary Kreep are representing the plaintiffs in this case.


Copies of the court filing, along with further information concerning developments in this case, will be made available at, or can be obtained by contacting AIP national chairman Tom Hoefling.

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
11/16/2008 10:14:16 AM

Greetings All

   It is no coincidence that President Bush's approval rating nearly matches the Fox News honesty rating. Both are below 30 % and still falling. If you search under the headings of most dishonest cable news or most biased cable news, Fox dominates.

How Can We Achieve Peace When Terrorists Control The White House - Updated Asia Times: Attack Iran and you attack Russia - Is Washington Listening

Are Fox News and Right-Wing Pundits Illegally Supporting Blatant Lies and Propaganda - Updated

October 24th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Does freedom of speech allow Fox News and their hate mongering right-wing pundits to pollute America’s airwaves with propaganda disguised as news? I have serious doubts that propaganda is legal in any form, however, the government may use it disguised as a ploy to promote “National Security” – but a lie cannot be disguised as truth without committing fraud, and we as a nation should demand truth. However, as it pertains to Fox News and their daily dose of hatred, they cannot claim to be a government entity, and promoting lies and political spin that borders on fraud should be illegal, and in this writer’s opinion, it is detrimental to the public and helps to promote hate and fascism, the obvious goal(s) of the Bush administration and Rupert Murdoch.
or the second
We are now faced with the real danger of another war, and heading the charge in attempting to sway public opinion to support another illegal and immoral war is Fox News – and I believe it’s illegal and should be challenged in Federal Court.
RAW Story ran this article, and it’s apparent that the march towards war is gaining momentum, and we as Americans must do something to stop the lies and propaganda, demand truth and facts, and allow us to make up our own minds without the incessant opinions of right-wing pundits that border on the absurd:

Sincerely, Billdaddy

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
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11/16/2008 11:34:26 AM

Hello Bill,

Your links return a 404 Error page.  The last link went to a left-wing radical blogger that has no real credence in a free world but helped make the following happen.

Obama's campaign promises will never happen the way many of lambs being lead to slaughter will happy to see as they are rounded up and placed in their holding pens across the world. 

The hypnotism and brain washing is near complete and we have a few chances left that Our United States Constitution will be recognized, though quite doubtful. 

History was written this weekend in Washington, D.C.  and most of slept through and when we wake up, it will be too late. 

One World Governance is not the panacea any of us want or expected.  We have signed the fate of our children for generations to come. 

President Elect Obama was not present, so he can say he had no hand in this outcome.  Sound Familliar?  Sure it does if you read in your Bible about the crucification Christ and the farce of a trial he had you will understand my meaning here. 

But, I suspect you will not see this for sometime.  Unfortunately this puppet's hands are probably among the dirtiest of all.

As for your info on FOX News, I respectfully disagree, if not for their reporting in a Fair and Balanced way all of us would have fell for this charade. 

Yes they have opinionest and I can see why you state your belief but editorials and News Reporting are quite different. 

I believe you didn't like the opinions of O'Reily and Hannity, but you also had a voice there with Wallace and Coombs so they were FAIR and Balanced in their reporting. 

Unlike the rest of the Liberal Media that only had onesided views for the lambs to see and be lead to slaughter.

Your candidate did not make the big ticket but many still cast their vote for him.  Once again there were spoilers in the election designed to take votes away from one or the other candidates.  Thereby conceding to Obamanation.  They served as a Nader, whose only reason for being on the ballot sheets was to dilute the vote to ensure that the ONE would be elected.

Let's enjoy our Free Speech and ability to have these conversations while we still can.  I urge those that feel the need to ban opposing opinions to open those channels again as you are now practicing censorship of that Free Speech, without even realizing it, I sincerely hope you are not that blind and pious.


Jim Allen III

Big Brother Government as dictated by a One World Government, administered by the United Nations

Welcome to the new Sunday `World of the Global Citizen’

 By Judi McLeod  Sunday, November 16, 2008

imageAll is quiet on the Western Front today, even though world governments taking virtual control of world economies is now complete.

It went down without a peep, with only The Washington Times asking “What if they held a protest and hardly anybody came?”

“The far-left ANSWER coalition—a group that has drawn thousands of anti-war protesters to Washington in the past—mustered about 10 demonstrators Saturday outside the National Building Museum, site of the G-20 economic summit.

“Other G-20 protests drew larger crowds, but ironically, the largest protests Saturday weren’t about ending global capitalism at all.” (The Washington Times, Nov. 16, 2008).

It would seem that the Global Economy is now in the hands of Big Government, including Canada, whose Prime Minister Stephen Harper says Ottawa is ready to boost spending.

A single sign carried by an activist, “Capitalism: Let it Die” said it all.

That there was little if any coverage by Internet giants like the Drudge Report so far today doesn’t make One World Government any less a fait accompli.

The spirit of G20 brings together industrialized nations such as Canada and the United States with the newly developed economies like China and India.

With no fanfare they reached an agreement Saturday to work together in hopes of combating the gathering global recession.

There were no explanations for the chattering classes about how global recession and the death of capitalism coincided overnight—in the case of the USA just weeks before the presidential election.  No explanations of how it came to be that the world population fell as one under the utter control of Big Brother Government.

Make that the control of Big Brother Government as dictated by a One World Government, administered by the United Nations.

“Economic momentum is slowing substantially in major economies and the global outlook has weakened,” was the parting shot from the G-20 leaders who made a joint statement in the close of the two-day conference hosted by U.S. President George W. Bush.

For so-called conspiracy theorists who always suspected collusion between the Republicans and Democrats, in wrapping up and declaring the summit a success, Bush cheerfully handed over the reins to the incoming administration of Barack Obama—right at the gathering.

Obama was back in Chicago but had dispatched to Bush’s last hosted summit, two observers in former secretary of state Madeleine Albright and former Republican House banking chairman Jim Leach.  Besides being there to observe, Albright and Leach were on hand to meet with foreign leaders.

Even as the G-20 was meeting, Obama, who will host the next meeting early in his presidency, addressed the nation by radio, stressing the need for the U.S. to act globally (italics CFP’s) and to get its house in order.

But in historic reality, the blueprint for what happened in Washington this weekend was laid without interruption a long time ago.

…”A new World Information Order” was prerequisite to a new world economic order.” (The Rise of Global Governance, Henry Lamb, Sovereignty International Inc.).
“The philosophy of omnipotent government permeates virtually all of the documents that have flowed from the U.N. since its inception.

“On May Day, 1974, a proposal was submitted to the U.N. General Assembly calling for a New International Economic Order (NIEO); it was adopted as a Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States on Dec. 12, 1974.  It called for the redistribution of wealth and political power, and the promotion of international justice based on the `duties’ of developed countries and the `rights’ of developing countries.”

For anyone who was paying attention, there was always a message about who he is in Obama’s omnipresent Rising Sun Election ‘08 logo.  The logo for the UN’s own publishing company, Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer’s Trust, founded by Theophist Alice Bailey, also features the Rising Sun.

“The Society’s 6,000 members include Robert McNamara, Donald Regan, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, George Schultz and the names that also appear on the membership roster of the Council on Foreign Relations.” (The Rise of Global Governance).

(You can learn how the free world fell under the control of the United Nations on the two-DVD set “The Rise of Global Governance”.  Five 20-minute segments are formatted as conference PowerPoint presentations.  It was written and is narrated by Henry Lamb and provides a comprehensive overview of the people, organizations and events that are creating global governance.  The DVD set is available at

Meanwhile, despite the cult of Rock Star status now being celebrated worldwide, Barack Hussein Obama is not a candidate, who catapulted out of nowhere running with questionable documents still under seal.  When the hype is stripped away, Obama’s nothing but the latest cog in a big wheel. 

The U.S. did not go under the control of Barack Hussein Obama on November 4, 2008.  It went under the control of the United Nations.

Russia and EU attempt to outflank US on G20 global finance revolution

Russia and the EU agreed today to pile pressure on President Bush to accept far-reaching changes to the global financial system at the G-20 summit in Washington.

Dmitri Medvedev, the Russian President, said that Russia’s ideas were almost identical to those put forward by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French President, on behalf of the EU.

Both men have talked of the need for fundamental changes to post-war institutions such as the International Monetary Fund to take better account of the developing economic powers of the world, while President Bush has appeared reluctant to make major alterations.


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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at:

Older articles by Judi McLeod

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  1. Hope when it’s needed most
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  3. Lessons for Canada’s Conservatives – Building a Lasting Base
  4. Welcome to the new Sunday `World of the Global Citizen’
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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