To destroy utterly; to cut off; to extirpate; to annihilate; to root out; as, to exterminate a colony, a tribe, or a nation; to exterminate error or vice.
Hello Joe. my comment is pretty short. Please don't lump ME in with anyone else. I'm an individual and I don't communicate with anyone here about what to say about candidates.
I don't HATE any candidate.
You'll find as much HATE against Senator Obama, as you will about Senator McCain. There are probably 5 people on Adland pro who have "pro" Senator McCain forums and they are all posting material that they wish.
I don't use the word EXTERMINATE when talking about another human being. No one can accuse me of "hate" or other serious accusations, because I haven't said this.
Borrowing Sharon's phrase......
You and others have really beefed up Adland with a vile hatred for Bush and Repulbicans in general and all of the conspiracy theories, but no one goes and accuses ya'll of "hate" or other serious accusations like this one.