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Kathy Hamilton

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8/28/2005 10:32:11 AM
Hello Brady, Thank you for that poem,Everyone should have that kind of Father,I wish I had, had a father like that or even better I wish my kids had a father like that,Soon Ill have a father like that for my kids.The world sure has changed when they have made fathers.Kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Christine Gleeson

49 Posts
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8/29/2005 12:55:20 AM
Hello Kathy, Your post is very timely as it will be Father's Day in Australia on Sunday 4th September 2005. Is the U.S. Commemoration of Father's Day on the same day as in Australia? I received a strict upbringing by my father, but I now find that I am better person now. My father died 25 years ago as a result of clogged arteries. He was susposed to be going to the specialist that day but he died at home before he could keep that appointment. I do miss him and I think of him every Father's Day ever since. God Bless all Fathers. Sincerely, Christine Gleeson