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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
10/12/2013 12:29:34 AM
They have moved the bar so far left that Tea Party folks are right wing radicals. Which is so far from the truth it is hilarious, even libertarians see the hypocrisy of the Progressive liberals in both parties. The establishment Republicans are losing power and rightfully so because so many of them have proven to be RINOs covertly placed into the ranks to destroy the party from within, pretty much what they did with the democratic party only it didn't take as long once they had a proven model to work with. True Americans are seen as Right Wing Radicals and Tea Party members. Nothing wrong with being in a good crowd is all I have to say. When it is all said and done instead of saying I told ya so, we will be saying thank GOD its over. We are coming to a dangerous crossroads for the country and possibly the world. IMHO And none of the paths forward are pretty.
Jim thanks for posting this article!! I read the headlines on FB yesterday but evidently FB was blocking access to the site because I could never bring it up. I tried doing a google search but had no luck. Jim we are living in scary times and nothing this administration does surprises me any more. There are just too many dead bodies that we know of so far and no telling how many we don't know about.
This especially caught my attention in this article.......

A little too real, as it turns out. Dr. Garrow said the reason no autopsy was performed for the first 5 days is that it ‘takes that long for the chemicals he was poisoned with to work their way out of his body’.

Lastly, he revealed that Obama’s administration was made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Dr. Garrow said that it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals This is why, Garrow said, that all of Obama’s education recordshave been permanently sealed.

Garrow paints a bleak picture of a compromised America that is collapsing under internal attack from foreign forces.



BOMBSHELL! Jim Garrow Reveals Career As Covert CIA Operative, Says Breitbart And Tom Clancy Murdered By Obama Administration

Monday, October 7, 2013 0:40jim-garrow-litmus-test-cia-covert-operative-obama-valerie-jarrett

Listen to original 10.06.13 interview with Dr. Jim Garrow: How Obamacare Will Be Used To Destroy The US Constitution

On tonight’s The Wise Shall Understand Radio Broadcast, our guest was Dr. Jim Garrow whom you may remember shocked the world by saying this back on January 21, 2013:

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed,” – source.

As a long-time friend and guest on NTEB Radio, we know Dr. Garrow to be a previous Nobel Peace Prize nominee and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda Girls school and rescue outreach in China. But on our show tonight, Dr. Garrow made the amazing revelation that he had, in fact, right up until this past Wednesday night at midnight, spent 45 years as a covert CIA operative.Garrow said that as a result of his “litmus test” statement in January, he was outed from the agency by Obama, and forced to accept early retirement.

But the revelations didn’t stop there.

In addition to revealing that Andrew Breitbart had been killed under orders from Obama administration officials, he also said that spy thriller novelist Tom Clancy had also be killed in much the same way, and for the same reasons. Garrow said that Clancy had been spoon fed inside information for years from covert operatives for his novels, and he knew too much. Interestingly, when asked about where he got his ideas for his novels, Clancy had said this before he died:

““I hang my hat on getting as many things right as I can,” Mr. Clancy once said in an interview. “I’ve made up stuff that’s turned out to be real — that’s the spooky part.” NY Times

A little too real, as it turns out. Dr. Garrow said the reason no autopsy was performed for the first 5 days is that it ‘takes that long for the chemicals he was poisoned with to work their way out of his body’.

Lastly, he revealed that Obama’s administration was made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Dr. Garrow said that it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals This is why, Garrow said, that all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed.

Garrow paints a bleak picture of a compromised America that is collapsing under internal attack from foreign forces.

The post BOMBSHELL! Jim Garrow Reveals Career As Covert CIA Operative, Says Breitbart And Tom Clancy Murdered By Obama Administration appeared first on Now The End Begins.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
10/23/2013 1:44:46 PM

The ObamaCare Con Job

What happens to the old, sick and high-risk if the young don't show up and subsidize their health care?

Oct. 22, 2013 7:07 p.m. ET
The panic of the liberals is not unfounded.

President Obama talks up his health-care law in the Rose Garden, Oct. 21. jason reed/Reuters

The young and healthy will not persevere through a balky ObamaCare website to buy overpriced insurance policies. Older and sicker shoppers have the biggest incentive to try 63 times (as one journalist did) to register. President Obama is right. For these customers, ObamaCare is a very good deal: hundreds or thousands of dollars a month in health care for as little as $0 a month in premiums after direct subsidies.

Voilà, the insurance death spiral.

Three lessons jump to mind. ObamaCare's disastrous launch is not just a programmer's bad hair day but deeply implicated in the central con of ObamaCare.

Secondly, ObamaCare did not need to be founded on misdirection and hidden taxes on the young. It actually would have been a better program and cheaper for the country if it hadn't been.

Finally liberals hate to be told their hardball policy aim is to make more Americans dependent on government. But in a year or two thousands or millions of older, sicker ObamaCare customers may find their premiums soaring when the young and healthy didn't show up to subsidize their care. Then what?

Bad hair day: One reason for the snafu-laden rollout is that the administration apparently delayed in setting key rules and specs so no discussion drafts would be floating around before the 2012 election. Why? Because the media would then inevitably dig into the question of who wins and loses under ObamaCare's thicket of explicit and implicit subsidies.

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President Obama talks up his health-care law in the Rose Garden, Oct. 21. jason reed/Reuters

A second reason for the pestilential rollout is complexity created by the requirement that users enter and confirm their personal information before they begin shopping. Some speculate the administration's goal was simply to ensure those customers who are entitled to big discounts aren't scared off by seeing only unsubsidized prices. But success depends on signing up enough unsubsidized customers. A likelier motive was to make the healthy and affluent, once they enrolled, fearful of unwanted IRS attention if they didn't follow through on their mandated duty to buy overpriced insurance to keep the scheme afloat.

With enough time and unlimited resources, the government can invent the atom bomb or deliver men to the moon with 1960s technology. Fixing the exchange websites, though, won't fix the fact that ObamaCare depends on noneconomic enthusiasm to drive enlistment of people for whom ObamaCare is an objectively bad deal—the "marks" in grifter terminology.

The mandate is too weak. The penalties are too light to give ObamaCare's juiciest marks a rational incentive to buy. Yet with enough tweets from celebrities; with enough cloying talk urging 20- and 30-somethings to "have Obama's back;" with enough blather about "young invincibles," as if a young person's reluctance to overpay for health insurance is somehow a blind spot, the hope is that enough young, healthy, low-risk applicants could be gulled into paying through the nose in order to subsidize the high-risk.

This is what's actuarially known as wishful thinking.

ObamaCare did not need to be a con job. Insurers could have been allowed to offer the young and low-risk the sensible, affordable policies that insurers already sell them in voluntary transactions. The older and sicker customers whom ObamaCare wishes to subsidize could have been subsidized directly with tax dollars.

Yes, the visible budgetary cost would have been higher, but only because the program would have to be funded with honest, visible taxes rather than a surreptitious tax on young people. And the actual cost would have been lower for two reasons. A lot more low-risk people would have signed up. Secondly, under ObamaCare as now designed, any low-risk customer who signs up has an incentive to overconsume health care to recoup his mandated investment in overpriced health insurance.

We come now to the last redoubt of the defenders—the claim that, yes, the young and low-risk are being asked to pay up now, but they will benefit from the generational cross subsidy as they get older.

This is a lie. Politicians are in no position to deliver generational equity. Think about Social Security and Medicare. In response to the incentives that actually guide their behavior, politicians have repeatedly jacked up the taxes paid by today's working Americans to supply benefits to those already retired, on terms that absolutely guarantee that similarly generous benefits won't be available to today's workers when they retire.

Democrats like Harry Reid, who favors a single payer system, and Republicans like Ted Cruz, who favors something or other, have one important thing in common. Both have figured out that ObamaCare can't fix our health-care system and that new fights over "reform" lie in our not-distant future.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
10/29/2013 8:35:21 PM
    Barack Hussein ObamaThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.Washington, DC 20500

    Mr. President,I was born at Centennial Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. My mother would later take a job delivering babies in that same operating room only a couple years later. My parents got a divorce when I was young. There were many times during the summer when she would be forced to take my sister and me to work with her. I vividly remember the child version of myself walking the halls of the same floor I was born on in fascination as the years passed. The anesthesiologists used to bring us candy and watch movies with us. When the holidays came, a nurse by the name of Patty Vaughn (we called her Granny),would have bags of presents for my sister and me. Donna Smith, a surgical first assistant who came to America from Canada to work in a free-market healthcare system, use to babysit us.

    Donna’s two-story town-home became a 3rd home (2nd was the hospital). We spent countless nights at her house.Patty passed away when I was ten. I still remember the last box of moon pies she gave me for Halloween that year. To this day every time I see a moon pie I think of her. Donna helped me through my undergrad at Belmont University. With tuition at $30k/year money was tight. Donna never let me go without a meal.You see Mr. President, the smell of sterile operating rooms, horrible coffee, crisp white coats, and cold metal was my destiny. The first time someone ever asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I responded, “Anesthesiologist”. I had no idea what they even did, but it was the first big word I learned to pronounce as a 6-year-old. The hospital is my family. It’s all I’ve ever known.

    Twenty-one years after my birth, in the same hospital, I listened to a fetal heart beat through my very own stethoscope as a student. You know, it’s quite magical. As the cool, metallic bell lies upon the tightskin of a young mother’s stomach anxiety, fear and joy are all present in her face.A week before my birthday I stood at the side of the laboring mother. There’s no other way to explain childbirth than witnessing the face of God. The emotion is enveloping. You can only try (unsuccessfully) to hold the tears back. I knew at that moment what a gift God had given me. To be allowed the involvement of such a beautiful, pure moment was not to be unappreciated. When I started college I knew where I was going.

    You had just won the election. I remember the cameras focusing in on Oprah Winfrey’s face. Tears streamed down. At the time, I knew nothing about politics. My biggest concern was a girl in my Anatomy & Physiology class I had a crush on. I paid little attention to Washington DC.

    I worked hard. Multiple all-nighters, falling asleep behind the wheel of my car countless times,thousands of shots of espresso (I actually took a job at Starbucks to support the habit) and 15k note-cards later I had graduated in the top 5% of the country. However, during those last few yearssomething changed.We studied medical legislation for an entire semester. It’s no secret that the federal government has
    over-burdened the healthcare market, which has manifested astronomical costs to consumers.

    However, in 2010, democrats forced through the partisan Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act(Obamacare), which was later funded by both democrats and republicans.Since the passage of Obamacare everything has changed. When I started college I never intended to work for the government. I never thought I’d have a government bureaucrat dictate what I was worth to the market, and I certainly never imagined those same bureaucrats (who have absolutely no medical training) telling me how to treat my patients.I remember the day Obamacare became law. I was sitting in the hospital working in the anesthesia department part-time to cover the costs of tuition. Dr. Alfery, a mentor of mine, looked over at me and said, “Run–
    It’s not too late to change majors.”

    Your legislation has caused countless doctors to go into retirement early, opt for cash-only practices,and has discouraged bright, young minds from entering the field.With student loans reaching $300k, incalculable opportunity costs and 8 years lost to school, students seeking medical degrees give their lives to the practice. Starting our careers at 30 while dictating to us how much money we can make is nothing short of destroying all incentive to enter the field.

    Since that day I’ve yet to find a doctor who recommends the field. People respond to my complaints,“It’s still going to be a good job”. I don’t want a “good job”. I have not fought for a government entitlement of a “good job”. I want an incredible career. That’s what I have fought tirelessly for.

    I have been on a path to enter the Air Force and continue my education in medicine. I have been dreaming of specializing in pediatric neurosurgery for half a decade. After quite literally losing my hair from the internal conflict, considering the sunk costs and evaluating different avenues I have decided. I have decided that I believe in the principles of a truly free-market, and I trust the free-market. Because of this deep, internal value system I cannot, with clear conscience, continue on this path. My life has value. Such value cannot be calculated by Washington bureaucrats. I won’t allow it. Only a true free-market can accurately assess the value I am capable of.

    Mr President, I’m leaving the medical field. I’m hanging up the white coat. However, let me be clear. You have not won. Unless something “changes”, you’ve lost and will continue to lose. You will fail because you lack principle. Meanwhile, we will succeed because we are born of principle.

    Michael Gordon Lotfi

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
11/11/2013 1:52:28 AM
Welcome to The Affordable Care Act better known as 0bamacare.

Cancer patient chooses death after Obamacare causes his premium to increase by 833%

Bill ElliottHere’s another victim of President Lucifer’s Obamacare.

Bill Elliott has cancer. He had a healthcare plan that had paid for “just about everything” of his cancer treatment, including pharmaceuticals and medical devices like MRI. He had doctors whom he “loved” and his premium was $180 a month.

But Elliott, like hundreds of thousands of Americans, got a cancellation notice from his medical insurance BECAUSE OF OBAMACARE.

So Elliott tried to find a new health plan that would take him. But his insurance premium will be $1,500 a month — an increase of 833% from his old premium. An MRI under the new healthcare plan will cost $3,000 out of pocket.

And so, Elliott has decided he will just pay the $95 Obamacare penalty by NOT getting medical insurance because “I won’t put a burden on my family.” He will “let nature take its course.”

In other words, he is choosing death.

One more thing.

Bill Elliott had voted for the very man whose unAffordable Care Act is consigning him to an early death. Elliott has discovered, too late, that he’s one of President Lucifer’s useful idiots.

An interesting comment by Jean on Patriot Action Network:

Obama said this in an interview in 2004: “One of the qualities I think I do bring to this race is as an African-American, my entire politics is based on a desire to fight for people who are disadvantaged. And that is not just a cause of this campaign. It’s been the cause of my life.”

Read the whole article, it shows where he is going with every policy he implements.…

And Obama does not mean a middle class American who has cancer as one of the disadvantaged people he is fighting for. Read closely and his goal was and is single payer and collectivism. He believes it is your place in life to give it up for the poor. Did any of you really believe he was going to hit only the uber rich? To a person on welfare, you the middle class are too rich and need to share the wealth and be brought down. And Obama is accomplishing this by making you pay more and more for insurance until you beg for the government to take over and lower the costs.

Here in Florida the press is celebrating an African American woman with breast cancer who was paying COBRA $500 a month and now only has to pay $30 a month. She isn’t working if she has COBRA and is rewarded with practically free health insurance while the rest of us including Bill work to pay for insurance or die because we care more about our family’s finances than our own lives.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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11/19/2013 10:00:44 PM


In the course of answering a question from Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) about how the disastrous web system might be improved to help insurance companies get people enrolled, the Deputy Chief Information Officer of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, dropped an unbelievable bombshell: the ObamaCare website is only about 60 percent complete. (Or he might have been saying 60 to 70 percent remains to be built! It’s difficult to parse his answer, and he’s clearly just taking an educated guess anyway, which is alarming in and of itself.)

The front end is a poorly-coded bug-ridden disaster that failed every test, but was launched anyway. Much of the back end simply does not exist yet.

Asked which parts of the system are missing, Chao gave an example: “We still have to build the payment systems to make payments to issuers in January.” Does he mean the part that sends taxpayer subsidies from America’s new middle-class welfare program to insurance companies, or is he talking about the system that refers premium payments from the insured? There have been anecdotal accounts of staffers claiming they are experiencing unspecified “technical difficulties” with the consumer payment system, and suggesting the customer make direct payments to insurance companies instead. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius claimed just a few days ago that she couldn’t produce an accurate total of consumer payments into the system.

Either way, there’s going to be mass chaos in January, not to mention considerable financial disruption for insurance companies that are already looking at an adverse selection death spiral, because the desirable young, healthy customers they needed to squeeze for revenue aren’t signing up. It won’t make corporate accounting teams any happier to learn that their taxpayer subsidy checks have been delayed. How long would it take to get the subsidy payments worked out, if the system hasn’t been processing them? Is it even possible to unscramble an egg like that, given that ObamaCare’s computer system is so crude and unreliable that officials routinely claim they cannot obtain simple data, such as the total number of enrollees?

And if the premium payment system isn’t working, the actual number of fully completed ObamaCare enrollments – under the legal standards set forth by the Affordable Care Act – might be very nearly zero, with just a few weeks remaining until the December 15 deadline for payments to be processed in time for valid coverage on January 1.

When Gardner asked how the 30 or 40 percent of the system still being hastily cobbled together would be tested, Chao ominously replied, “In the same exact manner we tested everything else.” Given that failed all these rushed, half-hearted tests, but was launched anyway – with Chao claiming he was kept in the dark by his own subordinates the whole time – that’s pretty scary.

And then you’ve got a group of security experts testifying before the House of Representatives that “ has security flaws that put user data at risk despite government assurances,” as reported by Reuters:

“There are actual, live vulnerabilities on the site now,” David Kennedy, head of computer security consulting firm TrustedSec LLC, said in remarks before testifying on the topic “Is My Data on Secure?”

In a rapid “yes” or “no” question and answer session, Republican Representative Chris Collins of New York asked the experts about the security of the site:

“Do any of you think today that the site is secure?”

The answer was a unanimous “no.”

“Would you recommend today that this site be shut down until it is?”

Kennedy, Morgan Wright, CEO of Crowd Sourced Investigations and Fred Chang, cybersecurity chair at Southern Methodist University said “yes.”

But they’re not going to shut the site down. They’re going to leave it running while they’re still using the computer equivalent of duct tape and chewing gum to patch in vital systems that did not exist on launch day. Security is going to be far, far down the list of concerns during this process, because security testing is extremely time-consuming, and the sand has just about run out of ObamaCare’s hourglass.

Chao is bizarrely insistent that the front end of the website can continue chugging along, servicing the (admittedly small) user base of ObamaCare customers, while the back end is completely disconnected from it, patched together, and tested. Anyone familiar with computer system architecture will fall out of his seat laughing at that assertion. We already know the front end of the system has been displaying incorrect data – false price quotes, incorrect subsidy eligibility, and more – because the back end isn’t working, not to mention all the corrupt and useless data insurance providers have reported receiving from the system.

The lawsuits from credit-card theft victims who were compelled by law to use a system the government knew was insecure should be interesting. How can this insanity possibly be allowed to continue? Will the President give another embarrassing press conference where he claims nobody told him the system was only about half finished when it launched? White House press secretary Jay Carney was exceptionally peevish and sarcastic today, sounding like a bratty high-school student when he snapped “Newsflash – the website has issues” to shut down questions from reporters. He sounds almost as unhappy as the people who believed Obama’s lies about keeping their health plan, and now find themselves legally obliged to use a computer system that’s only half finished.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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