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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
10/6/2013 4:16:26 PM
I am sure many folks feel the same way. This is such road to ruin leadership it is almost comical.

He's lucky I don't know what beach he's swimmin in. I'd love to hook my seadoo up to him and take him for the ride he's taking our country on. Just sayin.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
10/6/2013 9:57:24 PM

Shutdown meltdown: Elderly residents kicked out of private Lake Mead homes; 60 families affected

Nail on the head.

Thanks to President Stompy Foot, elderly residents have been forced out of their private homes on Lake Mead because they happen to be located on federal land.

It’s shutdown theater gone wild.

As the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports, some 60 families were given notice:

Bob Hitchcock is in his “least favorite place” these days — inside his landlocked Las Vegas home instead of at his cabin on the North Shore of Lake Mead, tooling around with old engines in his garage.

He’s one of an estimated 60 families with vacation homes along the lake who were given notice by the National Park Service earlier this week to gather their stuff and leave, according to Christie Vanover, a spokeswoman for the Lake Mead Recreational Area.

The homes — from Stewart’s Point on the north to Katherine’s Landing and Temple Bar on the south — sit on federal land.

As a result, the federal government shutdown left Hitchcock just 24 hours to evacuate his two-bedroom, two bath cabin in Stewart’s Point, about 70 miles northeast of Las Vegas.

…“I wouldn’t call it a government shutdown,” said Hitchcock, 71, a retired zone manager for 7-Eleven. “I’d call it a government meltdown. If my kids ever acted like these politicians are acting — it’s probably not politically correct to say this anymore — but I’d beat the crap out of them, then send them to their rooms.”

KNTV has the story of another elderly couple affected by Obama’s shutdown evacuation notices.

The government shutdown is being felt close to home for some locals. They say they’re being forced out of private homes on Lake Mead because they sit on federal land.

Joyce Spencer is 77-years-old and her husband Ralph is 80. They’ve been spending most of their time in the family ice cream store since going home isn’t an option.

The Spencers never expected to be forced out of their Lake Mead home, which they’ve owned since the 70s, but on Thursday, a park ranger said they had 24 hours to get out.

“I had to go to town today and buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants,” Joyce Spencer told Action News.

The Stewart’s Point home sits on federal land, so even though the Spencers own their cabin outright, they’re not allowed in until the government reopens.

Attention, GOP.


Turnabout is fair play.

Remember: You can’t fix craven fecklessness, but you can vote it out.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
10/7/2013 2:53:51 AM

Really a good read folks,


Breitbart News Interview: Mark Levin and The Liberty Amendments</em>

  • Written by Breitbart Feed
Breitbart News: You have a vision of liberty that may no longer be shared by many Americans. Are we so far gone, as the American people, that we have lost the virtue necessary to be self-governing?

Levin:We're going to find out. But there's no reason to accept the most negative portrayal of Americans. A good number of our fellow citizens have surrendered to, or been conquered by, the federal government--ether through subsidies and entitlements, or by coercion through taxation and penalties. It is always easier to go along to get along. And there are also the utopian ideologues, who insist on destroying our society and redesigning it; and we, the people. This has been going on for some time, and has intensified in recent years. We must resist it or it will devour us.

The statists' goal has always been to reshape man and his nature in pursuit of the ever elusive paradise. No matter how they try, as they have throughout history, they fail. But the misery is horrific. They demand that the individual surrender his free will--and some of us, I think millions of us, aren't prepared to do it. One thing that I use on my radio show to give people hope is some historical perspective. During the Revolutionary War, about one-third of the colonists supported the Revolution, and about one-third supported the Crown. The other third was relatively indifferent. If you look all over the world, at the various revolutions and uprisings and so forth, typically it's not 51% of the people rising up--it's the activists that are crucial. And so much of the what is done by the federal government is without input from, or in defiance of, the people. Most of us have no idea what laws and regulations are being promulgated in our name. By the time their real effects are felt, it is too late.

I am not willing to say: it's all over, we're doomed, there is nothing we can do. I would rather say: let's fight. Let us do everything we can do to preserve this society right now, before it really is too late. Whether by Abraham Lincoln, or Joseph Story, or Ronald Reagan, we've been warned time and again that if America is to be destroyed, it will be destroyed from within.

The purpose of The Liberty Amendments is not only to give people hope but guidance. Here's hoping it helps breath life into a vigorous effort to reclaim our Constitution and restore the Republic.

Click here to view the full article

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
10/8/2013 10:11:54 PM
This is too funny. An early picture of the guy ACA (Obamacare) is named for, with his picture of Idi Amin on the wall.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
10/9/2013 12:52:03 AM

Pentagon Warns of “Radical Changes” Coming to the U.S. In the Next Fortnight


A frighteningly serious “urgent bulletin” issued earlier today by certain sects within European government branches states that information has been received from main intelligence sources warning to expect a “radical change” in the government of the United States, possibly within the next fortnight, based on information they have received from “highly placed” sources within the the U.S. Department of Defense.

According to the bulletin, intelligence assets were notified by their Pentagon counterparts this past week that U.S. President Barack Obama is preparing to invoke the powers given to him under 50 USC Chapter 13 to hold that various American States are now in a “state of insurrection.” This will allow him to invoke the National Emergencies Act under 50 USC § 1621 and in turn invoke the highly controversial “continuity of government” plan for the United States allowing him, to rule with supreme powers.

What is the “continuity of government” plan? In essence, it was an emergency plan created by top government and corporate officials, Former U.S. Defense Secretaries Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Chaney being two of them (Chaney also served as vice-president under U.S. President George W. Bush) in which a “shadow government” takes control should any natural or man-made catastrophe afflict the U.S. The plan was created shortly after the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan.

One of the most alarming aspects of the plan, is that Congress is not re-activated or acknowledged even if it is still in existence. Creators of the plan used the excuse that “it might take too long to find the members of congress” after a catastrophe, so all power is simply given to the President, who becomes supreme leader.

The reason President Obama is considering declaring a National State of Emergency, according to the bulletin, was outlined yesterday by Obama’s US Treasury Department, which released a report warning of potentially “catastrophic” damage should Congress fail to raise the debt ceiling and prevent the government from defaulting on its debt.

Many people believe that China is flexing its military muscles right now, in preparation for a U.S. invasion should the Obama regime default on payment. If the U.S. defaults, it would be the first time in the nation’s history. Read more here: Obama to Cause U.S. to Default on Credit For First Time In Nation’s History Spiraling Milk to $100 a Gallon

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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