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9/14/2013 4:25:12 PM


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Can You Hear me now?
9/15/2013 2:07:42 PM
Too funny
Can You Hear Me Now?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Letter-from-Jim-DeMint-to-President-Vladimir-Putin-on-American-Exceptionalism
9/17/2013 11:23:48 PM
Is this a course of action that should be pursued?.........


April 30, 2011 at 3:39pm

There are continued calls for impeachment now and it is vital that Americans realize there is more than one way to rid ourselves of the illegal usurper in the White House. Besides INDICTMENT, there is still the 26th Amendment, which rules POTUS is MENTALLY or physically unable to govern. Given his actions in the last 5 years, I believe the MENTAL INSTABILITY clause could be made to stick, I am publishing this again so that people will realize the difference between IMPEACHMENT (of a fraud) and INDICTMENT (of a criminal.)

This was first written in 2011. It is time for a repost since there is growing talk of Impeachment. Do not believe it when someone says the only way to remove a sitting president is Impeachment. Spiro T. Agnew, Richard Nixon's Vice President, was arrested and charged with criminal behavior while in office and was NOT impeached. The egregious behavior of POTUS and the civil, criminal and Consitutional acts he has committed render him open to indictment by a Federal Grand Jury, arrest, trial and then JAIL! All this can be done without Impeachment and it will bring his fraudulent reign to an end and NULLIFY any actions he has taken or laws he has signed and appointments he has made. INDICT NOT IMPEACH!

DO NOT IMPEACH! IMPEACHMENT renders OBAMA a LAWFUL PRESIDENT and all his nefarious laws, edicts, Presidential Directives, Judicial Appointments, and thefts from the Treasury and bribes and kickbacks from Unions, Corporations, other country's Dictators, Defense Contractors, Union Construction and UAW, AFl-CIO officials will STAND!

He must be INDICTED for the FRAUD that he is, as everything he did, was ILLEGAL, WIRE FRAUD, RICO (interstate racketeering and a federal offense that is almost impossible to has to prove one did NOT do whatever one is accused of, the government does not have to prove that one actually committed the crime(s)); Mail Fraud, Theft, Malfeasance in Office, Contempt of Congress, Contempt of a Federal Judge-two counts,Complicit and Duplicit in the Destruction of the Gulf of Mexico and it's inhabitants and lifestyle and income for generations resulting in the profit of millions of dollars to himself.

There are too many laws this usurper has broken to continue; JUST REMEMBER: INDICT NOT IMPEACH!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Letter-from-Jim-DeMint-to-President-Vladimir-Putin-on-American-Exceptionalism
9/18/2013 3:56:16 PM

Russia to provide UNSC with data for chemical weapons' use by Syrian rebels – Lavrov

Published time: September 18, 2013 14:11
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (RIA Novosti / Mikhail Voskresenskiy)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (RIA Novosti / Mikhail Voskresenskiy)

Russia will provide the UN Security Council with data proving that the chemical weapons near Damascus were used by the opposition, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said. The materials were handed to Russia by the Syrian government of Bashar Assad.

We have plenty of reports on chemical weapons use, which indicate that the opposition regularly resorts to provocations in order to trigger strikes and intervention against Syria,” Lavrov said. “There’s a lot of data. It’s widely available on the Internet. This data is presented in the report, which our experts put together in association with the use of chemical weapons in Aleppo in March this year. There’s also plenty of data on the incidents that occurred in August in Ghouta, near Damascus.

All of this will be considered in the Security Council, together with a report, which was submitted by UN experts, confirming that chemical weapons were used,” he added.

The minister stressed that “it’s yet to be established,” which side in the Syrian conflict – opposition or government – is responsible for the use of chemical weapons.

The Russian FM said that the Syrian authorities handed the data to Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergey Ryabkov, who is currently on a visit in Damascus.

I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m sure that the experts are going to work with it and, of course, we’ll provide it to the security council,” he added.

The US and its allies blame Assad forces for using sarin gas against civilians in a chemical attack near the Syrian capital, Damascus, on August 21.

Despite the Syrian government denying the accusations and no proof of its guilt being presented by Washington, Obama announced that there would be “limited military” action against Assad because the use of chemical weapons can’t be tolerated.

But the US strikes were put on hold after a Russian proposal to hand the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal to international inspectors for destruction, a plan that received the full backing of Assad’s government.

The civil war, in which the Syrian government is fighting what it calls Western-backed Islamist militants, has been raging in the Arab country since March 2011, and has claimed over 100,000 lives, according to UN estimates.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Letter-from-Jim-DeMint-to-President-Vladimir-Putin-on-American-Exceptionalism
9/18/2013 9:20:42 PM

Everyone with a light switch, TV, or any other use for electricity will also be a victim of these new regulations...

Obama’s Secret Mission Is Bankrupting Americans

Obamas War On Fossil Fuels SC Obamas Secret Mission is Bankrupting Americans

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is hopping mad at Obama. Why? Well, McConnell is from Kentucky, one of the coal-producing states that’s about to take it in the chops from new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.

McConnell explained the reason for his anger, saying, “The Obama administration has been waging a war on coal and Kentucky jobs ever since the president was elected. If these reports are accurate, his latest proposal is not only an open war on coal jobs, but on all the residents, jobs, and businesses across the commonwealth that rely on this vital industry.”

And guess what? McConnell is right. These regulations will sock it to Kentucky. The mines and coal-producing companies will likely have to lay off more employees. But what McConnell and the rest of the D.C. insiders have failed to mention is that everyone with a light switch, TV, or any other use for electricity will also be a victim of these new regulations.

You see, coal is a cheap way of generating electricity, both in the United States and around the world. And coal plants have been the price leader because the resource is so plentiful. It’s not an exaggeration to call the United States the Saudi Arabia of coal. We have vast stores of it in the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains regions. In fact, it’s the fuel that made America an industrial power house.

But environmentalists don’t like coal because of its carbon footprint. You see, power generation creates almost 40% of the greenhouse gases emitted in the United States, and coal is a prime offender. But natural gas, on the other hand, emits about half as much carbon dioxide as coal. By moving toward natural gas, Obama will please the environmentalist lobby, a core constituency of his.

Natural Gas Takes the Lead

As a result of the hydraulic fracking boom, America has been swimming in cheap natural gas. Prices dropped from about $12 per million BTU in 2008 to about $2 in 2012…but the trend in 2013 is in the other direction. As gas prices rise past $4 per million BTU, it’ll once again become less expensive for utilities to burn coal.

But with these new regulations, coal’s share of the market will shrink rapidly, from 51% in 2003 to 42% in 2011 to a projected 35% in 2040, says the Energy Information Agency (EIA).

According to the EIA projections, the U.S. will build only gas-fired plants from here forward. Coal technology just can’t achieve the carbon reduction Obama’s EPA is demanding. And the bottom line for you, the consumer or businessman, is higher electricity bills. America traditionally has paid some of the lowest electricity bills in the world. The cost for electricity ranges normally from $0.08 to $0.20 per kilowatt hour in the United States… and coal and hydroelectric power are the reasons why our prices remain so low.

Now, though, we need to get ready for this to change. The states that were leading the regulatory charge against coal, California and New York, already pay the highest power bills in the country. And D.C. is plotting to make the rest of our power bills higher too. Obama wants us all to pay more, and his EPA is poised to pass these coal regulations to make it happen.

A Hidden Silver Lining

The permanent class is lining up in D.C. to make money off this energy trend. They know how to follow the policies straight to the profits.

Luckily, we do too. We recently added a firm to the National Treasure Portfolio, part of Constitutional Wealth, that’s poised to make a bundle on higher electricity prices. In any community that has power bills above 15 kWh, this firm will mint money.

If you haven’t checked out Constitutional Wealth yet, your potential returns from this single stock will more than pay the risk-free subscription.

This article originally appeared at and is reprinted here with permission.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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