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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama - They are KILLING Children!
9/11/2013 11:22:39 PM

Obama's Best Speech Since Oslo

Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 10:41 PM

By Christopher Ruddy

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Christopher Ruddy’s Perspective: President Obama's speech to the nation reminded me of the other best speech he gave, that one was in Oslo, Norway.

Back in 2009, accepting the Nobel Prize, the new president offered some surprising remarks. While acknowledging the virtues of nonviolence as preached by the likes of Ghandi and Martin Luther King, he reaffirmed that the powerful cannot sit by idly in the face of evil. Evil doers, as Obama noted then, must be confronted, even with the use of military force. He cited World War II and the necessity of force to stop and defeat Hitler.

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His comments then were sensible. As Americans we prefer not to use force, but we do so, to paraphrase the great statesman Edmund Burke, because we know that evil triumphs when good people sit back and do nothing.

Tonight the president offered a justified response to evil.

He reiterated some of the key points I made in my recent column on Newsmax.

First, the U.S. must lead the world in setting a zero tolerance policy for the use of weapons of mass destruction. Nations and terror groups around the world are racing to acquire, develop, and yes, potentially detonate, such biological, chemical and nuclear weapons.

The president is so right when he says a failure to respond swiftly and decisively now poses a danger to Americans — and everyone else — in the future. We cannot be callous to what happened in Syria today.

Second, Iran wins if we do not respond. Iran has been the Assad regime's most significant backer. Iran is also on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons. Their leaders have also vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, and to destroy the "Great Satan."

Iran knows that if the world becomes desensitized to WMDs in Syria, they move ever closer to their goal of developing thermonuclear weapons.

It is not surprising then that Israel has supported an American action against Syria.

The president's plan, as he outlined tonight, is straight-forward -- no use of American ground troops and limited strikes on military targets only during a short duration.

Even without ordering strikes, Obama's position on Syria has forced the world to pay attention to the use of WMDs and to consider the consequences. Russia is moving to press Syria to compromise. I also saw a very worried look on Bashar Assad's face during his interview with Charlie Rose.

A UN deal may be agreed to soon. Success may be achieved here without ever firing a shot.
The more resolve we show as a nation in supporting a response to Syria's atrocity, the more likelihood war will be avoided. Wasn't that the lesson of the 1930s?

I realize the president's position, and the public's response to him, wasn't created in a vacuum. Great political baggage surrounds the president, which he alluded to in his speech when referring to the right and left.

The right doesn't trust Obama, so they don't want him to act militarily. The left detested the war on terror, and see this as an extension of that war.

I thought president Obama would mention Sept. 11, especially since he was giving his speech on the anniversary of that day of infamy. Obviously his staff must have discussed the reference and decided not to use it — probably because the left believes president Bush used it as a pretext for unnecessary wars.

In my view, both the left and right are being prejudiced by the past and not thinking with a clear head about today and the future.

During the 1930s, bad memories about World War I prevented the great democracies from acting early and in concert to stop fascism at an early stage.

On the right, one can still oppose Obama on many issues — as I do — but support the president on a military strike in this case. On the left, one can still hold strong to their opposition to the war in Iraq, but support a limited action to punish the Assad regime for their particularly heinous act.

I realize I may not persuade one person with this column, so strongly held are views here.
But one thing I do admire about Obama today is that he is sticking to his guns and, despite overwhelming opposition from the public and even the world community, is making a stand for what he believes is right.

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Christopher Ruddy is CEO and editor of Newsmax Media Inc. Read more Christopher Ruddy Insider articles — Click Here Now.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama - They are KILLING Children!
9/11/2013 11:25:16 PM
Unicorns and puppy breath and liberals!

Oh Look! Obamacare's Sucking Again.

Written by

Aaaaaaaand, Obamacare claims yet another casualty.

OK. A few more.

First up, Trader Joe's. "Trader Joe's has told workers who log fewer than 30 hours a week that they will need to find insurance on the Obamacare exchanges next year, according to a confidential memo from the grocer's chief executive."

In the memo to staff dated Aug. 30, Trader Joe's CEO Dan Bane said the company will cut part-timers a check for $500 in January and help guide them toward finding a new plan under the Affordable Care Act. The company will continue to offer health coverage to workers who carry 30 hours or more on average. …

A current Trader Joe's worker described the coverage she'll likely lose as "one of the best parts about the job." (The employee requested anonymity since she isn't authorized to speak to the media.) She said she pays only $35 per paycheck, or $70 per month, for a plan that generally covers 80 percent of her medical costs, carries a reasonable $500 deductible and includes prescription drug coverage.

"There are several folks I work with who are there for the insurance as much as anything, mostly folks with young families," she said. "I can say that when I opened and read the letter yesterday my reaction was pure panic, followed quickly by anger."

But wait! There's more!

Indiana University - our (very liberal, by the way) university here in Bloomington, Indiana - has cut workers because of Obamacare, too.

And let's not forget Kalamazoo, Michigan based Stryker, which has laid off more than a thousand people, because of Obamacare's awesomeness:

“There are also new taxes affecting West Michigan industry, in particular, that took effect this year,” says a local reporter. “There’s a new 2.3 percent excise tax on medical device manufacturers. According to some reports, Kalamazoo based Stryker has laid off more than a thousand people because of it–and owes the federal government upwards of $100 million dollars this year alone. Late last week a Stryker spokesperson told me that Obamacare will cost the company fully 20 percent of its total research and development investments.

“And although it’s no secret that drug makers like Pfizer stand to profit billions because of the increased numbers of insured Americans and the corresponding increased need for medications–they’re being hit with an excise tax as well – on brand name drugs–running in to the tens of billions of dollars.”

But just remember how FREEEEEEEEEE it is, y'all. And how everyone is going to be insured. And how no one is going to be affected by this. And how not a dime will be added to our deficit. And how FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it is.

Unicorns and puppy breath and liberals!


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama - They are KILLING Children!
9/11/2013 11:35:45 PM



Posted by Austin Petersen on 11 Sep 2013 / 0Comments


The Jerusalem Post is reporting on a story from the Guardian that reveal a top secret document provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden shows that the NSA shares “raw intelligence data” with Israel. That means that it does not remove private information about US citizens before handing it over.

From the JP:

The document that Snowden reportedly provided is a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the NSA and its Israeli counterpart the Israeli Sigint National Unit (ISNU) “pertaining to the protection of US persons.” The MOU discloses that Israel receives raw signal intelligence (“raw Sigint”) from the US which includes unevaluated and unminimized transcripts, gists, facsimiles, and voice and Digital Network Intelligence metadata and content. ’Minimization’ is the process that an intelligence agency carries out to safeguard the privacy of its citizens prior to sharing information with a foreign agency, according to the report. Israel receives such “unminimized raw signet” according to the MOU and is required by it to handle the information according to US law but according to The Guardian the document does not back up these rules by any legal obligations on Israel.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama - They are KILLING Children!
9/12/2013 1:18:14 AM

Ann Coulter made an appearance on Hannity last night to talk about Syria. She told Sean that she thinks that Putin might be using the situation in the Middle East to embarrass the Obama Administration.

Hannity started off by stating flatly that the Obama Administration, in his eyes, appears “wimpy” and wondered if he was the only one who saw things that way. “It’s definitely not just you,” Coulter replied. “Look at how the vote in Congress is going to go.”

Coulter was referring to the fact that it looks like Congress will not authorize strikes in Syria. Although the Senate might support Syrian intervention, it is unlikely that the House will support it.

“Not looking good for Obama,” Coulter continued. “He’s desperately looking for an exit strategy. No, these Democrats think being President is a Hollywood movie and if they just come out and say it’s in America’s national security interests, Americans will all swoon, you know like they do in The West Wing when Aaron Sorkin is writing it.”

Coulter was referring to the left-wing television program The West Wing. It was a fictitious portrayal of a Democratic administration that promoted many liberal talking points as facts.

“But it’s not that way in real life,” Coulter said. “Americans do have a vague grasp of what our national security is which is why they supported the war in Iraq and they do not support this nonsense.”

Coulter went on to say that she just tweeted out a link to an article suggesting that the entire Syrian conflict was set up by Russian President Vladimir Putin “to make Obama look like a monkey.” She said that Putin controls Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and that Assad is Putin’s “puppet”, so it would not be difficult for the Russian President to orchestrate the use of chemical weapons.

Have a look at the video below.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama - They are KILLING Children!
9/12/2013 1:32:49 AM
Obama Destroyed on Fox News about Syria - MUST WATCH

Obama Destroyed on Fox News about Syria - MUST WATCH


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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