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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
8/12/2013 6:28:59 PM
Some thought he was a Constitutional Lawyer, yet he doesn't know the reason congress is set up the way it is so he cannot just decide for all of us what is right and wrong. Then he has the audacity to blame his law breaking on Republicans in congress. What an idiot remark for a Constitutional Law President to say. 0bama the law professor.

Obama: I Had To Violate The Constitution Because Republicans Are Such Partisan Hacks (Or Something)

Barack Obama

During his press conference today, President Obama was asked by Fox News Channel’s Ed Henry about ObamaCare. The President answered the question by saying that it’s the Republicans’ fault that he had to violate the Constitution.

Here is Ed Henry’s very sensible question: “October 1st, you’re going to implement your signature health care law. You recently decided on your own to delay a key part of that. And I wonder, if you pick and choose what parts of the law to implement, couldn’t your successor down the road pick and choose whether they’ll implement your law and keep it in place?”

Mr. Henry also asked about Benghazi, but we’ll leave that for another article. We’ll focus on the President’s answer to the above question here.

Here’s how President Obama started the ObamaCare answer: “I didn’t simply choose to delay this on my own. This was in consultation with businesses all across the country, many of whom are supportive of the Affordable Care Act, but — and who — many of whom, by the way, are already providing health insurance to their employees but were concerned about the operational details of changing their HR operations if they’ve got a lot of employees, which could be costly for them, and them suggesting that there may be easier ways to do this.”

In other words, President Obama consulted with business leaders before he decided to violate the Constitution. He violated the Constitution, of course, by changing the law on his own. He’s not allowed to do that. Congress passed a law that said that the employer mandate will begin on January 1, 2014. President Obama pushed it back one full year without any approval from Congress.

However, the President’s excuse for violating the Constitution gets even better. He blamed Republicans. Here is what he said: “Now what’s true, Ed, is that in a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the speaker and say, you know what? This is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law. It has to do with, for example, are we able to simplify the attestation of employers as to whether they’re already providing health insurance or not. It looks like there may be some better ways to do this. Let’s make a technical change of the law. That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do, but we’re not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to, quote- unquote, Obamacare.”

So it’s the “political environment” that enabled President Obama to change a law by executive fiat? We must have forgot about that provision in the U.S. Constitution that enables a president to change laws on his own because the “political environment” isn’t favorable to his wishes.

On this point, President Obama concludes: “We did have the executive authority to do so, and we did so. But this doesn’t go to the core of implementation.”

No, he didn’t have the authority to change the law by executive authority. The fact that he even discussed changing it by the normal legislative process if the “political environment” was more favorable demonstrates that even he believed that Congressional involvement was necessary to change the law.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
8/12/2013 10:03:34 PM

MSM Blackout? Egyptians Enraged by U.S. Outreach to Muslim Brotherhood

They detest John McCain’s behavior, though you wouldn’t know that via U.S. media.



Speaking on behalf of the Obama administration, U.S. Sens.John McCain and Lindsey Graham have apparently angered many Egyptians by seemingly taking the side of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed overthrown President Mohamed Morsi.
graham mccain

Photo Credit: Pat Dollard

MSM Blackout? Egyptians Enraged by U.S. Outreach to Muslim Brotherhood

They detest John McCain’s behavior, though you wouldn’t know that via U.S. media.

In the eyes of tens of millions of Egyptians, Senators John McCain’s and Lindsey Graham’s recent words and deeds in Egypt — which have the “blessing” of President Obama — have unequivocally proven that U.S. leadership is aligning with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egyptian media is awash with stories of the growing anger regarding this policy.

A top advisor to Egypt’s Interim President Adly Mansour formally accused McCain of distorting facts to the benefit of the Brotherhood. He dismissed McCain’s recent remarks as “irrational” and “moronic.” Ahmed al-Zind, head of the Egyptian Judge Club, has called for the arrest and trial of McCain for “trying to destroy Egypt.” The leader of the youth movement Tamarod (meaning “Rebellion,” against the Brotherhood), which played a major role in mobilizing the June 30 revolution, said: “We reject John McCain and call on the international community to let the [Egyptian] people decide their own fate.”

Secular political commentator Ahmed Musa asserted:

These two men have made more shameless demands than the Brotherhood themselves would dare.

[McCain] is not a man elected by the American people to speak on their behalf; today, he speaks on behalf of an armed terrorist organization — the Muslim Brotherhood. … We had expected [better] from these two men who came to speak with the tongue of the Brotherhood’s leadership, as if they had been recruited as two new leaders of the Brotherhood, which killed, destroyed, and burned in al-Muqattam, and now in Rab‘a al-Adawiya [the main Brotherhood militant camp]. The only thing missing is to see them in Rab‘a, surrounded by armed groups, and in their midst Muhammad Badie [supreme leader of the Brotherhood] and [U.S. Ambassador] Anne Patterson. That’s all that’s missing! Here comes Brother McCain today saying that we must “release the [Brotherhood] prisoners”.

Are you not aware that these people are accused of murder? Are you not aware that hundreds of Egyptians have been killed at the hands of the Brotherhood, Morsi, Shatter, Qatatni, Badie, Baltagi — have you forgotten? Did you not read the report on what happened? Or did you just blindly accept your ambassador’s words that it was a coup, that 33 million people did not go out?

What did McCain do and say in Egypt to earn the ire of millions of Egyptians?

Most offensive to Egyptians — and helpful to the Brotherhood’s cause — is McCain’s insistence on calling the June 30 revolution a “military coup.” In reality, the revolution consisted of perhaps thirty million Egyptians taking to the streets to oust the Brotherhood. McCain is either deliberately misconstruing the event, or believes the story as told by Al Jazeera and Ambassador Anne Patterson. In this narrative, at least an equal amount of Egyptians did support Morsi, and the military simply overthrew him against popular will. Al Jazeera has actually broadcast images of the millions of anti-Morsi protesters and identified them as pro-Morsi protesters, disinformation which was quickly adopted by Western media.

Several Al Jazeera correspondents have resigned due to Al Jazeera acting as the Brotherhood’s international mouthpiece.

Fortunately, some American officials have formally rejected the narrative. A new congressional resolution states:

Whereas in recent weeks, an estimated 30,000,000 Egyptians in a majority of Egypt’s 27 provinces gathered to protest the widespread failures of former President Mohamed Morsi and the Government of Egypt and its violations of the most basic rights of all Egyptian citizens, including Egyptian women, minorities, and those publicly dissenting from its views and policies; Whereas the participants in the June 30, 2013, popular protests far outnumbered those involved in the protests and demonstrations of January and February 2011 …

Even the Obama administration has been sensible enough not to call the June 30 revolution a “military coup.” Nevertheless, McCain rejected John Kerry’s statement that “the [Egyptian] military did not take over.”

McCain’s designation raises other questions as well. If he considers the ouster of the Brotherhood government to be a military coup, why didn’t he extend that distinction at the fall of Mubarak’s more moderate government, which was also removed by the military in response to popular protests? If McCain’s argument is that Morsi was democratically elected and Mubarak was not, then why was the U.S. giving Egypt billions in aid for decades? Did not this aid legitimize Mubarak’s government no less than Morsi’s?

Further angering Egyptians is McCain’s insistence that all arrested Brotherhood members and other Islamists be released from prison. As Musa said, McCain’s stance does not address that Brotherhood leadership is awaiting trial on serious charges: inciting terrorism, causing the murder of Egyptians, and grand treason by conspiring with foreign powers against Egypt’s interests.

McCain claims he is simply interested in the human rights of the incarcerated Brotherhood members, a statement that is additionally curious. If human rights are at issue, why has McCain and the U.S. administration been ambivalent regarding the fate of Hosni Mubarak? Morsi faces perhaps more serious charges than Mubarak does, yet McCain calls for his release.

McCain’s call to release Brotherhood leadership validates the widespread belief in Egypt that America is a fellow conspirator with the Brotherhood. Egyptians believe the U.S. fears that Morsi and others, if tried, would reveal the nature of their cozy relationship with the U.S. government. This is believed to mean any number of ugly revelations — treasonous ties and conspiracies, the exchange of billions of dollars, and Sinai issues. Hence, McCain wants them freed. This belief seems all the more reasonable to Egyptians considering that in 2011, McCain said of the Muslim Brotherhood:

I think they are a radical group that first of all supports Sharia law; that in itself is anti-democratic — at least as far as women are concerned. They have been involved with other terrorist organizations and I believe that they should be specifically excluded from any transition government.

Recently, McCain personally visited Khairat al-Shater, the multi-millionaire deputy chief of the Brotherhood who is currently incarcerated on charges of treason and terrorism. Interestingly, Shatter was not even a member of Morsi’s government. Why is McCain visiting a civilian? Shater’s status as a major figure in the largest Islamist organization in the world is leading Egyptians to connect the dots. Even Shater himself, perhaps understanding the awful visuals, asked to visit “the legitimate president” Morsi as well.

U.S. media has said little aboutthe administration’s ties to al-Shater, however these ties are well-known among Egyptians: ambassador Anne Patterson was frequently seen going to Shater’s residence.

Egyptian media has also pointed out that McCain repeatedly dodged critical questions by Egyptian journalists at a press conference. When asked about the fact that the Brotherhood in Rab‘a was armed to the teeth, and — with the aid of al-Qaeda — was killing and terrorizing innocent Egyptians, McCain ignored the question. (Similarly, McCain has not answered as to why he is supports the jihadist rebellion in Syria, which has seen the slaughter and displacement of thousands of Christians, beheadings, and “legitimized rapes” by foreign jihadis. McCain is in favor of arming them.)

Many Egyptians are also wondering why McCain — as well as the Obama administration — is pushing for elections as soon as possible. Such a rush contributed to the empowerment of the Brotherhood in the first place: once the long-entrenched Mubarak was removed from power, the only party that was organized and ready to campaign was the Brotherhood. Secular Egyptian parties wanted to postpone the 2012 elections in order to mobilize their campaigns, but the U.S. was adamant that Egypt hold elections immediately. When the military wished to perform a recount, citing irregularities in the elections — including widespread allegations of voter fraud by the Brotherhood — Hillary Clinton chastised them and called for a winner to be declared as soon as possible. This turned out to be Morsi, by a tiny margin — if that.

McCain’s remarks and actions in Egypt have further confirmed the popular narrative — as memorably displayed by countless anti-Brotherhood and anti-Obama placards raised during the June 30 revolution — that U.S. leadership is aligned with the Brotherhood, and thus ultimately a supporter of terrorism. Americans can no longer afford to ignore this serious accusation with broad implications.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
8/12/2013 11:53:24 PM
Darryl B Petitt
pres. obama and negative numbers.

when he's giving speeches about employment and the economy going up, nobody's asking him, "going up from where?" if i grew a beard and my wife doesn't like it, trimming it down and saying it's gone is a lie. just like buying a used car, obama is shaving negative numbers. "how much is that car there?" well, today is your lucky day friend. that car is on sale for $35,000. you're saving $15,000 off the sticker.

truth is, they raised it to $50,000 because they knew they'd be having a sale. the car was never worth more than $35,000. pres. obama was elected because of emotional hype. first black or first anything doesn't mean good, better or best. it meant to liberals and the liberal media, "hey frriend, look...we're catering to you. we want you to be happy. mexicans, you just wait. we'll get to you next time. women, you'll have your turn too. see, we're the party of catering to folks."

catering to folks?? what you've served the folks is high unemployment, higher prices on everything like food, gas, cigarette's, medical supplies, medicine, heating fuel, electricity and just about everything else because you didn't tell them about your agenda. they don't know that your agenda was to sell them a lemon all along. to liberal progressives (the new democrat party), negative numbers are a good thing because if you don't have a job, you don't drive and screw up the environment.

if you have the government in charge of your have a better chance of dying if you're already sick or too old to be useful to society and are not paying "your fair share" of taxes anymore. if the economy and everything else is "down" and negative, you will run to the liberal government, not just for healthcare, but everything. they want to control everything and then tell you that peeing on you is rain. "nothing negative here folks, move along...we're just relieving ourselves. move along now." democrats, rain isn't yellow. it's clear.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
8/14/2013 1:16:16 PM
The Teleprompter President he can't even speak to 2nd graders without a teleprompter

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
8/14/2013 11:37:12 PM

Ever wonder how it happened? You're living it right now.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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