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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
7/30/2013 1:04:17 PM

Pure EVIL or just modernization? I suggest a precursor to GENOCIDE

IBM – HOLOCAUST – and The Human Michrochipping Agenda

The We the People will not be Chipped - No Verichip Inside Movement, is based on the irrefutable fact, that mankind has inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted. Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under you skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip that

We The People Will Not Be Chipped!

IBM and the Holocaust tells the story of the involvement of this major US corporation in the establishment of Hitler’s Third Reich and the destruction of European Jewry. IBM helped the Nazis carry through their policy of genocide. Without this assistance, Hitler’s regime would not have been able to carry through its extermination plan with such efficiency. IBM’s machines were used at all stages of the persecution of the Jews. They collected the necessary information to identify the Nazis’ victims, first to enforce the bar on Jews working in certain academic, professional and government jobs and later to carry out mass evictions from their homes and into the ghettoes.

IBM technology was used to organise the railways, so that millions of Nazi’ victims could be transported to the concentration camps, where they were immediately led into the gas chambers. There were Hollerith departments at nearly every concentration camp, which registered the arrival of inmates, organised the allocation of slave labourers, and even kept tallies on the deaths of prisoners.

IBM was involved in virtually every aspect of the Third Reich’s operations. IBM leased, serviced and upgraded more than 2,000 IBM multi-machine sets throughout Germany, and thousands more throughout Nazi occupied Europe. IBM developed custom-designed cards used by the Nazis; with as many as 1.5 billion punch cards being produced in Germany annually.

The IBM punch card and card sorting system--a precursor to the computer. IBM, primarily through its German subsidiary, made Hitler's program of Jewish destruction a technologic mission the company pursued with chilling success. IBM Germany, using its own staff and equipment, designed, executed, and supplied the indispensable technologic assistance Hitler's Third Reich needed to accomplish what had never been done before--the automation of human destruction. More than 2,000 such multi-machine sets were dispatched throughout Germany, and thousands more throughout German-dominated Europe. Card sorting operations were established in every major concentration camp. People were moved from place to place, systematically worked to death, and their remains cataloged with icy automation.

Hundreds of thousands of concentration camp prisoners across Europe were registered with standard pre-printed paper Inmate Cards, called Haftlingskartei, approved by IBM to be compatible for its punch card process. IBM control markings are shown.

IBM Germany, known in those days as Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft, or Dehomag, did not simply sell the Reich machines and then walk away. IBM's subsidiary, with the knowledge of its New York headquarters, enthusiastically custom-designed the complex devices and specialized applications as an official corporate undertaking. Dehomag's top management was comprised of openly rabid Nazis who were arrested after the war for their Party affiliation. IBM NY always understood--from the outset in 1933--that it was courting and doing business with the upper echelon of the Nazi Party. The company leveraged its Nazi Party connections to continuously enhance its business relationship with Hitler's Reich, in Germany and throughout Nazi-dominated Europe.

Dehomag and other IBM subsidiaries custom-designed the applications. Its technicians sent mock-ups of punch cards back and forth to Reich offices until the data columns were acceptable, much as any software designer would today. Punch cards could only be designed, printed, and purchased from one source: IBM. The machines were not sold, they were leased, and regularly maintained and upgraded by only one source: IBM. IBM subsidiaries trained the Nazi officers and their surrogates throughout Europe, set up branch offices and local dealerships throughout Nazi Europe staffed by a revolving door of IBM employees, and scoured paper mills to produce as many as 1.5 billion punch cards a year in Germany alone. Moreover, the fragile machines were serviced on site about once per month, even when that site was in or near a concentration camp. IBM Germany's headquarters in Berlin maintained duplicates of many code books, much as any IBM service bureau today would maintain data backups for computers.

Hitler (far left) meets with Thomas J Watson (2nd from left)

IBM Germany's census operations and similar advanced people counting and registration technologies. IBM was founded in 1898 by German inventor Herman Hollerith as a census tabulating company. Census was its business. But when IBM Germany formed its philosophical and technologic alliance with Nazi Germany, census and registration took on a new mission. IBM Germany invented the racial census--listing not just religious affiliation, but bloodline going back generations. This was the Nazi data lust. Not just to count the Jews--but to identify them. Hollerith established a near-world wide monopoly, leasing rather than selling his machines, but sold up in 1911 and the company was merged into the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company. Under the stewardship of ex-sewing machine salesman Thomas Watson, CTR was transformed in the International Business Machines Corporation. Watson, a ruthless businessman, established a paternalistic hierarchy in the company. Watson spoke of the “IBM family” that included not only his workers, but also their wives and children, who would also be trained in the “IBM spirit” and would be well looked after and integrated into his empire.
In 1922, with hyperinflation in Germany leading to the collapse of the currency, Watson took over Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft) that had used the punch card technology under licence. This German subsidiary would later play a crucial role in IBM’s business alliance with the Third Reich. By 1933, when Hitler came to power, Watson had transformed the formerly ailing German company into IBM’s flag ship—producing more than three times above its quota.

How much did IBM know? Some of it IBM knew on a daily basis throughout the 12-year Reich. The worst of it IBM preferred not to know--"don't ask, don't tell" was the order of the day. Yet IBM NY officials, and frequently Watson's personal representatives, Harrison Chauncey and Werner Lier, were almost constantly in Berlin or Geneva, monitoring activities, ensuring that the parent company in New York was not cut out of any of the profits or business opportunities Nazism presented. When U.S. law made such direct contact illegal, IBM's Swiss office became the nexus, providing the New York office continuous information and credible deniabilitWhether it was in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Scandinavia, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands or France the Nazi war machine relied upon IBM technology. It helped to organise the allocation of military equipment and personnel just as efficiently as it assisted in identifying Jews and facilitated their transportation to the death camps by train. Although it is true that even without the collaboration of IBM, Hitler fascism would still have carried through its policy of genocide, it is equally true that without it, the Nazis could not have proceeded with such ruthless efficiency.

After the war, IBM was able to retrieve its German assets, machines and profits alike with astonishing ease. At the end of 1946, Dehomag was valued at more than 56.6 million Reich Marks ($230m today) with a gross profit of 7.5 million Reich Marks ($30m). Its machines had been salvaged, its profits preserved and its corporate value protected.

Firstly, Dehomag’s interests were well looked after by the Nazi policy of custodianship of enemy property. That meant that a custodian was designated by the Reich Economics Ministry to run foreign businesses, so as to keep the companies profitable and productive. Since it was forbidden to transfer money out the country, Dehomag’s profits were kept in the company bank accounts, where they remained frozen during wartime but were easily collected thereafter.
Secondly, the Hollerith technology continued to be used by the Nazis, even after their military fortunes began to change. Since the cards could provide damning evidence of the Nazis’ atrocities, when the Allies advanced and German positions in the occupied territories, the Nazis would destroy them. But they transported the machines out of reach of the advancing armies.
Thirdly, the Allied powers also had an interest in keeping the machines intact. Already in December 1943, the United States government concluded that strategically it should save Hitler’s Hollerith machines because they held the keys to a smooth military occupation of Germany. To this end, all the Allied powers used Dehomag to conduct economic surveys, collect industrial statistics and carry out censuses.

Dehomag emerged from the Hitler years with relatively little damage and virtually ready to assume business as usual. Hence, when the war ended, IBM New York was able to recapture its problematic but valuable subsidiary, recover its machines, and assimilate all the profits”. In 1949, Dehomag’s name was changed to IBM Germany.

Did IBM help out Nazi's in WWII ? We will pry out the truth in this article.

If you take a look at the IBM patent number of Identification and tracking of a person using RFID- tagged items
the patent number is '20020165758' the total is 36 but if you split up the 36 it becomes 3 "6.6.6"
Has anyone notices how the number of the beast is always involved with the Satanic occult? Lets take a look further into the truth of what really happened.
RFID (Radio Frequency ID) chips are a growing phenomenon, from a $2.7bn industry in 2006 IDTechEx reckon it will be 10 times that in 2016. Perhaps the most common use of RFID technology today is retail security and inventory management. All US and many UK passports now issued have RFID chips containing biometric identification data. Your plastic payment card has one. Your pet may have one. Even your clothes may have them - Merloni has designed a washing machine that can read care instructions sent by an RFID chip sewn into garments and then adjust the washing process accordingly. The smallest of these chips is just 0.05mm by 0.05mm, and virtually flat - though the smallest working antenna (which they require) is 80 times bigger.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
7/31/2013 3:25:11 PM

Ask Obama a tough question, you’re a birther

BY TIMOTHY P. CARNEY | JULY 30, 2013 AT 11:55 AM

President Obama in 2010 signed a law requiring large employers to offer health insurance to their employees. Earlier this Summer, President Obama announced his administration wasn’t going to require large employers to offer health insurance to their employees.

Perhaps there is some explanation why it’s okay for Obama to do this. But if you ask Obama for that explanation, he gets pretty pissed at you. Here’s what Obama said when a New York Times reporter asked:

If Congress thinks that what I’ve done is inappropriate or wrong in some fashion, they’re free to make that case. But there’s not an action that I take that you don’t have some folks in Congress who say that I’m usurping my authority. Some of those folks think I usurp my authority by having the gall to win the presidency.

Got that? Question his legal authority to ignore a law, get called a birther. It’s charming. Dave Weigel at Slate points out that Jay Carney also dodged. As Weigel aptly put it, “None of these were answers. They were expressions of contempt.”

And it’s not insane to think the President would overreach his executive authority. For instance, his IRS tried to unilaterally impose regulationson tax preparers, while lacking the statutory authority. He entered into a war in Libya without congressional authorization. He appointed a handful of lobbyists to policymaking jobs in apparent violation of his own executive order. Et cetera, et cetera….

So, why does Obama respond so derisively to these questions? Does he honestly believe it’s out of line to ask for the legal justification of the President’s unilateral actions? Or does he just see an advantage in maximizing the costs of asking him?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
8/2/2013 7:30:33 PM
So its been almost a year the FBI has yet to do proper ground works and these guy's families are devastated that their loved ones deaths are being called PHONY scandals dreamed up by the right and the TeaParty. What dumb, ignorant and uncaring thing to hear from the POTU 0bama. That is why I always spell his name with a zero 0 and not O.

Is BenghaziGate Finally Being Thrown Wide Open?

August 2, 2013 at 11:31 am / by
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Obama-Admin-Twice-Refused-Request-To-Send-Military-Backup-In-Benghazi-MassacreIt is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide;

but to climb back again ,to retrace one’s steps to the upper air,

there lies the problem, the difficult task. ~Virgil

CNN is reporting that they have uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA and how the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret after it became known that dozens of CIA operatives were on the ground in Benghazi the night of the attacks which resulted in the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty.

According to the report, some of the CIA operatives involved, have been “subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations” and the goal of the questioning “is to find out if anyone is talking to the media or Congress”, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings.

Last October, less than a month after the attacks, FOX News reported that CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack. An urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Mission and the attack a few hours later on the annex was denied by the CIA chain of command who, according to FOX News, “also told the CIA operators twice to ‘stand down’ rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.”

Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. mission where Ambassador Stevens and his team came under attack. When Woods and others heard the shots fired, they requested permission to go to the consulate to help out but were to “stand down.” The stand down orders were repeated, but Woods and at least two others ignored the orders and went to the consulate which was then on fire. The rescue team from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the Stevens at the time, so they returned to the CIA annex at about midnight.

At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house but the request was denied. At least one of the team members was on the roof of the annex shooting back at attackers when mortars were fired. The target who was firing had a laser on him, and requests for back-up support from a Spectre gunship were repeatedly made and denied. CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood claimed, “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. In fact, it is important to remember how many lives were saved by courageous Americans who put their own safety at risk that night-and that some of those selfless Americans gave their lives in the effort to rescue their comrades.”

All of this was reported less than a month after the attack, so it’s not news that CIA operatives were on the ground at the time of the attack. In fact, even earlier than the FOX piece, the New York Times reported on September 23, that the attack in Libya “Was Major Blow to C.I.A. Efforts”.

According to the Times, more than a dozen CIA operatives and contractors were among those who were evacuated from Benghazi after the attack and an American official who had served in Libya and spoke on the condition of anonymity because the ongoing investigation by the F.B.I. stated, “It’s a catastrophic intelligence loss… We got our eyes poked out.”

It was reported that the CIA’s surveillance targets in Benghazi and eastern Libya included Ansar al-Sharia, as well as suspected members of Al Qaeda’s affiliate in North Africa, known as Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Spokesmen for the CIA, the State Department and the White House refused to comment.

The C.I.A. began building a covert presence in Benghazi in February of 2011, during the first months of the start of the Libyan uprising, in which the rebels were working to over throw Qaddafi.
After Qaddifi’s death and a temporary interim government was in place, the agency had been cooperating with them. The deputy Prime Minister, Mustafa Abushagour, was quoted in The Wall Street Journal that he had learned about some of the delicate American operations in Benghazi only after the attack on the mission, in large part because a surprisingly large number of Americans showed up at the Benghazi airport to be evacuated.

More could have been reported but the Times agreed to withhold locations and details of the CIA operations at the request of Obama administration officials, who said that disclosing such information could jeopardize future sensitive government activities and put at risk American personnel working in dangerous settings.

In October of last year, it was reported that news agencies held back on reporting about the CIA operations and involvement at the CIA’s request. The Huffington Post reported that the Benghazi compound had been described as a consulate or diplomatic mission yet it had also been reported that just seven of the more than 30 people evacuated from the city were working for the State Department.

Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy told The Huffington Post that the paper “did get this request from the CIA and honored it because of the safety concerns they raised…Doing so did not impact our ability to tell the broader story about how the CIA’s operations were severely impacted by this attack.”

Washington Post National Editor Kevin Merida also confirmed getting a request saying, “We learned shortly after the Sept. 11 incident that two of the dead were CIA employees and that the agency maintained a base in Benghazi… We agreed to withhold this information because the government argued that publication could endanger American lives and facilities. When intelligence officials yesterday identified Woods and Doherty, we made the decision to identify the annex as the agency base and informed the agency that we would do so.”

On October 26, a little over one month after the attacks, the UK Mail Online claimed there was full communication between the CIA annex in Benghazi and the U.S. military, casting further doubts on the Obama administration’s assertion that there wasn’t enough information to deploy forces, deepening the crisis over their handling of the attack on September 11th and its aftermath. They then went on to quote the FOX news article about the night of the attack.

Many rumors, allegations and speculations have come out in the past 11 months since the attack. Many sources have indicated that weapons were being sent from the cache in Libya to Syria, via Turkey. Gunrunning to arm the Syrian rebels who are fighting against the Assad regime would explain Christopher Stevens’ presence in Benghazi. WorldNet Daily reported in March of this year that Sen. Lindsey Graham had said that Stevens was in Benghazi to keep weapons caches from falling into the hands of terrorists. Graham also stated that Stevens was in Benghazi “because that’s where the action was regarding the rising Islamic extremists who were trying to get their hands on weapons that are flowing freely in Libya… We were desperately trying to control the anti-aircraft missiles, the man pads that were all over Libya, that are now all over the Mideast.”

Then in April WND also reported about Rand Paul R-KY, who questioned then Sec. of State Hillary Clinton about the possibility of gunrunning, and the New York Times piece a few months before about how the CIA had been helping Arab governments and Turkey obtain and ship weapons to the Syrian rebels. Clinton denied knowing about it yet The Times described Clinton as “one of the driving forces advocating for arming the Syrian rebels via Turkish and Arab cut outs.”

It was also reported in the Jerusalem Post that former CIA operative Claire Lopez claimed Benghazi was about gunrunning. When asked if she believed that this administration was smuggling weapons to Al-Qaeda, she replied, “The short answer is yes. They were working with the very same Al-Qaeda linked relationships in Libya to gather up and buy back and collect weapons from Gaddafi’s stock pile that were missing from the revolution in Libya last year and what it looks like is that they were shipping them onwards to Syria.”

I reported early last month that the attack may have been a failed kidnapping attempt on Ambassador Stevens so the Muslim Brotherhood could then demand the release of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, AKA The Blind Sheikh.

Now with CNN’s explosive story about the CIA involvement, earlier tonight, Trey Gowdy R-SC appeared on Greta Van Susteren’s show to talk briefly about it. He remarked, “Stop and think what things are most calculated to get at the truth? Talk to people with first-hand knowledge. What creates the appearance and perhaps the reality of a cover-up? Not letting us talk with people who have the most amount of information, dispersing them around the country and changing their names.”

We must demand that a Select Committee be allowed to hold more hearings, and also be given subpoena power. Rep. Frank Wolf introduced on January 18 of this year House Resolution 36, to establish a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya. It has yet to be passed, and John Boehner has denied the resolution in the past. More Congress members are signing however, realizing that this is the only way to get to the full truth of everything that happened that night on September 11, 2012.

Heavy CIA involvement in Benghazi would certainly explain why orders for help never came, why so much was covered up, and why so few witnesses have come forward before now to testify at previous hearings. If Frank Wolf’s resolution could pass, especially with subpoena powers, witnesses would be able to testify knowing that they really have no choice but to be open and honest. Higher ups such as Hillary Clinton would have to tell the truth or face heavy consequences.

With the exception of independent Internet news and commentary sites, the only TV outlets that have continuously covered Benghazi are FOX News, and CNN’s Jake Tapper. Most of the alphabet stations have had very few stories about Benghazi other than just after 9/11/13, when they were pushing the “blame the video” story.

Be sure to watch Jake Tapper’s special investigation “The Truth About Benghazi” Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET. And this coming week, before and after watching the report, contact your representatives and demand that they sign on HR 36. And then we must flood John Boehner’s office demanding he begin proceedings immediately to get this passed. The Stevens’, Smith, Woods’ and Doherty families all deserve the truth once and for all. They have waited long enough.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
8/7/2013 12:40:47 AM
Have you seen where they moved the country of Kenya, too?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
8/7/2013 11:17:43 PM
I am sure there is more or less to this story. I found it an interesting pairing. Powell and J.C.? Really? I was never a J.C. fan but if he is awake then Welcome to our side Mr. President and Powell, has actually crawled a little bit up from the cesspool he helped create wit the Iraq war drum beat.

I will be seeking further verification on this story but hey, there is always HOPE for a Change, isn't there?

President Carter, General Powell Plead For Russian Aid To Overthrow Obama

A stunning Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) reportcirculating in the Kremlin today states that two of the United States highest ranking military generals delivered a “personal plea” to President Putin from retired four-stargeneral and former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the 65th United States Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, and former President Jimmy Carter for “specific military telecommunications assistance” intended to aid them in overthrowing the Obama regime that these Americans claim is “run by blackmail” and is destroying their nation.

According to this report, yesterday morning, 5 August, General Vincent K. Brooks, the US Army Pacific’s commanding general, and Major General Michael H. Shields, US Army Alaska’s commanding general, departed from their tour of their Alaskan military bases and requested immediate permission to enter Russian airspace and land their C-130 aircraft Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport located in Kamchatka Krai.

Upon these American generals landing at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport, this report says, they were met by high-ranking Russian defense leaders currently based in the Far East and who had been overseeing the largest military drills taking place in the Motherland since Soviet times.

As to the mission of these American generals, this report continues, was to obtain permission from Putin, and Russian defense authorities, for those forces loyal to Powell and Carter, the ability to utilize the highly secure encrypted military and intelligence radio channels currently available on Russia’s Meridian 2 communication satellite and which use encryption technology that has not been broken by the United States National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS).

The purpose of this Powell-Clinton coup-plotting faction using secure Meridian 2 communication networks, these American generals told their Russian counterparts, was to enable them to safely communicate among each other as all of America’s normal means of communication (US Postal Service/Email/Phone and Cellular Calls/Internet, etc.) have been “totally compromised”

These American generals further confirmed that this Powell-Clinton coup-plotting faction is, indeed, behind the numerous Western spies leaking top-secret Obama regime and British intelligence documents to the worlds public, and as we had reported on in our previous report Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia.

Fears that these American generals expressed of the Obama regime being “run by blackmail,” GRU analysts in this report say, were recently verified by Russ Tice, a former intelligence analyst whistleblower for the NSA-CSS, who during a televised interviewwith Russia Today (RT) [see video HERE] cited specific targets that he saw NSA-CSS spying orders for, including former senators Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, Colin Powell and high ranking military leaders, mostly 3 star generals and admirals.

And during a televised interview with the American Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) [see video HERE], Tice further noted that NSA-CSS spying orders were issued for US Supreme Court Justices and top US business leaders and that the “word to word” cell, telephone and email communications of all Americans were being recorded and saved too.

Important to note about Tice’s claims of the unprecedented NSA/CSS spying now taking place in the US, is that in 2008, the popular American actor Shia LaBeouf, while being interviewed on a television programme called theTonight Show [see video HERE] told of his experience having a high level FBI agent play back for him phoneconversations he, LaBeouf, had made a few years earlier as a demonstration about how much the American government knew about the private lives of their citizens.

To how the NSA-CSS have used the stolen communications of their nations top political, business, news media, military and other such peoples, this report says, has been to establish the most “convoluted blackmail scheme” the world has ever seen, where at one moment political enemies become political allies (left wing Obama and right wing Congressman Michelle Bachman on same side against NSA/CSS whistleblower Edward Snowden) and where news media giants refuse to investigate any story they’re forbidden to comment on.

Curious to note is that even we here at WhatDoesItMean.Com have been caught up in this NSA/CSS “convoluted blackmail scheme” after being attacked by the famous right wing media giant Glenn Beck, whose main websiteThe, in their 5 August article titled Blaze Debunk: Obama ‘Regime’ Rumored to Shoot Down F-16s Sent to White House in Retaliation for Emails Exposing Colin Powell’s Alleged Affair, written by their technology and science editor Liz Klimas, and extensively commented on by their editor in chief Scott Baker [see videoHERE], refuses to acknowledge the Obama regimes actions in shooting down two of their own military planes, while at the same (extremely contradictory) time saying the Obama regime is covering up the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Even worse, in their attack on our previous report, the minions of Glenn Beck failed at even the most rudimentary level to explain to either their readers or listeners (said to be in the millions) even the most basic truths of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal, our mission, or even our purpose for being.

To how the United States can survive such hypocrisy coming from such influential media figures like Glenn Beck, and from too many left-leaning other such media types to even mention, is readily apparent in the appeal made by these two American generals pleading for Russian help to overthrow their present regime.

Should the Powell-Carter coup-plotters be successful in their overthrowing of the Obama regime, however, it remains to be seen. But, and perhaps, even more important is that should they fail, their efforts will be kept from the American people (especially by the Glenn Beck types) like was done in 1933 when the Business Plot Coupnearly overthrew the Franklin Roosevelt regime, but which to this day no American school child or college student is allowed to know about.

The same, however, cannot be said of President Carter, who just last month declared to his fellow citizens that “democracy was dead” in America… and now by being backed by General Powell, anything is possible…and much sooner than many can even know.


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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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